Phil Taback


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I AM guided lovingly by Metatron and the Ascended Masters
Have you read the information on the main page? If no, please do so after having read the next question ;-)
Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?
Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!
I AM committed to my Ascended, Transformative, Transfigurative, Transmigrative, Supernatural, Evolutionary and Advanced Intelligence Higher Self. I AM receptive to Divine Healing, Divine Wisdom, Light Consciousness, Starseed Reception and Dispensation. I here and now discharge and cast out all negative energies, influences, previous and present lifetime iniquities, traumas, evil outcomes, misconstruances, angry, violent and profane thoughtlives and thoughtforms and thought debreas. I embrace my Highest Buddhic Christed Spiritual Mission focused, motivated and actionable self. I embody my “higher power” and contributing to the “highest good” via the 99 Pillars of Spiritual Illumination, 99 Pillars of Unconditional Love, 99 Petals of Life and the 99-Petaled Flower Of Love. I lovingly and wholeheartedly embrace this access to the Ninth Dimensional Portal of Consciousness. I attune, align, abide by and surrender myself to the spiritual guidance of the Ascended Masters: Saint Germain and the Violet Consuming Flame (VCF), Jesus (Sananda), Gautama Buddha, Ascended Lady Masters Kwan Yin, Mother Mary, Lady Nada, Pallas Athena, Isis, Divine Director, Maha Chohan, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Maitreya, El Morya, Sanat Kumara, Kuthumi, Hilarion, Cyclopea, White Eagle and 150,000 other Ascended Masters including Honored member of The Beatles, John Lennon, Former U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln; Archangels Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, Jophiel, Zadkiel, Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Metatron and the Archangel Universal Healing Collective (AUHC).
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  • Myriel RAouine


    WELCOME to this Sacred Space of Lightgrid



    Thank you for joining and connecting :-)
    Have you already found out when connection time is for you? You find links to the time convertor at the main page and in the group "Lightgrid", where you also find a discussion with explanations on how to connect and an overview of what we are doing during connection times. There are no rules, no right or wrong - just find out the best method for YOU to connect to us all with the help of the Violet Ray :-) This video here was created to facilitate connecting, too - enjoy!


    If you have questions or doubts, please leave a comment here or contact me or one of the administrators.

    In our group onPersonal Meditation and Connection Experiences you may find additional inspiration and if you would like to see what we have been doing lately, go to our group called "Lightgrid Messages".
    Discussions which are posted in groups are usually not shared with all the members of lightgrid, therefore I ask you to have a look at the groups, decide which ones arouse your interest and join them.
    There are several groups where we support each other and I invite you to make friends, exchange experiences and Help our Mother Earth and all Her Beings together with all of us :-)

    Love, Light and Blessings,

    Your LIGHTGRID team