I would like to share two links with you so you can witness my latest experiences :-)
This is about yesterday's experiences in nature - and Anrita Melchizedek's First Initiatory Gateway of Light. I sooo feel the Violet Ray Magic and Golden Ray Unity is guiding us forward into 2012 :-)
I will invoke the tube of light tonight - probably before lightgrid connection which is at midnight CET ... we are like Pillars of Light, seeding the White Light into the Auric Field of Gaia which we fill with our Violet Ray Invocations ... and around the globe, connecting us all through the Non-Space of Beingness, we are united through the golden Light of Divine Christ Consciousness ...
Thank you for checking this site out and for joining in! Have you already found out when connection time is for you? You find links to the time convertor at the main page and in the group "Lightgrid" :-)
Discussions which are posted in the groups are usually not shared with all the members of lightgrid, therefore I ask you to have a look at the groups, decide which ones arouse your interest and join them. If you are interested in Channelings, please join our group called Channelings of the day :-) There are also several groups where we support each other and I invite you to make friends, exchange experiences and Help our Mother Earth and all Her Beings
I was checking Sonja's page this morning. That is how I found that you had joined.
It is a wonderful surprise to find you here!
The Lightgrid group was the first group I found after OV. I was looking for a serious St. Germaine group when I found it. It still remains the most serious spiritual group in NING.
I find it hard to keep up, but I keep the two sacred times each day.
I will checo out the mail in a minute ... It is easier to reach me here at lightgrid, lol! The messages which I receive here are easier to oversee - hahaha!
Precious Heart Amoran, honored to be your friend! Your last name resonates A LOT in this time!!! I usually kiss the trees and give to them a hug, and i thanks them for all the fruits they have given during summer, every morning when i go out with my pets, i say good morning to Mother Earth and all her manifestations, like trees, stones, flowers, grass..is a beautiful sensation!
Thank you for sharing your fact story on trees. I have quite a few fully grown trees sowed by me in my week end home. I believe in tree communication but have never had any know how or experience. Please guide me how I could achieve that. Thank you again.
Hey Amoran, thanks for accepting my request brother i come with peace, love and happiness and am truly happy be ur friend and ur family with lots of love...Marlon
Thank you Amoran. Instructions are simple but need depth of working. I shall certainly make a sincere attempt next time I visit to my week end resort. I shall come back to you with what I experience.
Myriel RAouine
What a pleasure it is to WELCOME you, Frank!
I would like to share two links with you so you can witness my latest experiences :-)
This is about yesterday's experiences in nature - and Anrita Melchizedek's First Initiatory Gateway of Light. I sooo feel the Violet Ray Magic and Golden Ray Unity is guiding us forward into 2012 :-)
I will invoke the tube of light tonight - probably before lightgrid connection which is at midnight CET ... we are like Pillars of Light, seeding the White Light into the Auric Field of Gaia which we fill with our Violet Ray Invocations ... and around the globe, connecting us all through the Non-Space of Beingness, we are united through the golden Light of Divine Christ Consciousness ...
I am sending you a Violet Ray embrace, dear brother Amoran,
Sonja Myriel
Jan 4, 2012
Myriel RAouine
WELCOME to this Sacred Space of Lightgrid
Thank you for checking this site out and for joining in!
Have you already found out when connection time is for you? You find links to the time convertor at the main page and in the group "Lightgrid" :-)
If you have any questions or doubts, please contact me or one of the administrators or leave a comment at the discussion "Personal Experiences with the Silver Violet Flame and Ray" in the group "Lightgrid".
Discussions which are posted in the groups are usually not shared with all the members of lightgrid, therefore I ask you to have a look at the groups, decide which ones arouse your interest and join them. If you are interested in Channelings, please join our group called Channelings of the day :-)
There are also several groups where we support each other and I invite you to make friends, exchange experiences and Help our Mother Earth and all Her Beings
Love, Light and Blessings,
Sonja Myriel
Jan 4, 2012
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Welcome Amoran,
It is so good to have you here!
Much love, Ishema
Jan 4, 2012
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Dearest Amoran,
I was checking Sonja's page this morning. That is how I found that you had joined.
It is a wonderful surprise to find you here!
The Lightgrid group was the first group I found after OV. I was looking for a serious St. Germaine group when I found it. It still remains the most serious spiritual group in NING.
I find it hard to keep up, but I keep the two sacred times each day.
I know you will love having this connection,
Much love, Ishema
Jan 4, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Great :-)
I will checo out the mail in a minute ... It is easier to reach me here at lightgrid, lol! The messages which I receive here are easier to oversee - hahaha!
Lighgrid BLESSINGS, Frank,
Sonja Myriel
Jan 4, 2012
Happy to see you too dear Amoran.......
with love and blessings, Amba
Jan 5, 2012
Rick Jordan
Jan 6, 2012
martha nance
Thank you for sharing Dear one
martha :)
Jan 6, 2012
judith annoni
a path i choose to travel is friendship with your gentle heart. blessing us all as one amoran. so glad to be here with you.
Jan 6, 2012
David Doğan Beyo
Jan 6, 2012
Precious Heart Amoran, honored to be your friend! Your last name resonates A LOT in this time!!! I usually kiss the trees and give to them a hug, and i thanks them for all the fruits they have given during summer, every morning when i go out with my pets, i say good morning to Mother Earth and all her manifestations, like trees, stones, flowers, grass..is a beautiful sensation!
Love and Blessings
Patrizia :-)
Jan 7, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Thank you for the gift, dear brother :-)
Jan 7, 2012
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Jan 8, 2012
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Jan 8, 2012
Ramesh M. Shani
Thank you for sharing your fact story on trees. I have quite a few fully grown trees sowed by me in my week end home. I believe in tree communication but have never had any know how or experience. Please guide me how I could achieve that. Thank you again.
Jan 9, 2012
marlon powell
Hey Amoran, thanks for accepting my request brother i come with peace, love and happiness and am truly happy be ur friend and ur family with lots of love...Marlon
Jan 9, 2012
Ramesh M. Shani
Thank you Amoran. Instructions are simple but need depth of working. I shall certainly make a sincere attempt next time I visit to my week end resort. I shall come back to you with what I experience.
Jan 10, 2012
Jan 10, 2012
Jan 10, 2012
torch mills
Jan 11, 2012
torch mills
Jan 11, 2012