St. Germain asked us to SYNCHRONIZE our effort to consolidate the light grid. Find your partners and agree on daily meditations at a fixed time to increase the mighty POWER of the VIOLET FLAME in the 3rd dimension anchored through YOU!
i am grateful that the violet blue light is consistently present while i meditate. this light urges me to allow the flow of this energy throughout our universe. i have not attached myself to this light, it is a presence that i feel comes with the guidance of our source and has a mission to create the highest presence in our human experience. i choose to be a part of this change of humanity and allow this violet light to be all that it is here to create. with humble gratitude and unconditional love we are one. your channeling has given me some 'words' to focus on during meditation, and i am joyful to repeat these words because they are beautiful and hold within them the truth. the will of our divine source is in action through our humble human consciousness. blessings to each of us, we are one.
Thank you, Judy, for having corrected my mistakes so quickly!
Would you add your picture, name and location in the group Members of the Lightgrid, so I can add them to the list? I'm looking forward to sending the Violet Ray your Way, too, next time,
I have not had very much time to devote to this study, but I thank you for the opportunity to continue my own journey & explore life anew! With a purple flame of love. I can commit to meditating twice a day, that is no problem and I will check back more often and read everything you suggested.
The purple flame of LOVE intertwined with the blue flame of COURAGE and the golden yellow flame of WISDOM - these three dwell in our heart ... they help us on our journey - and the VIOLET RAY of TRANSMUTATION helps us to eliminate each and every obstacle on our way. Have you found out already what time 11:00 am and 24:00 correspond to in your time zone? You find this information right here - at the beginning of the text. Please read the information and the two channellings which you find in the introduction above - and let me know if anything is missing, ok? I'm ready to answer any questions and even to rewrite the above text if necessary for a better understanding :-)),
"In the life of the Indian there was only one inevitable duty, the duty of prayer, the daily recognition of the Unseen and Eternal. His daily devotions were more necessary to him than daily food."
--Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), SANTEE SIOUX
The most important habit one can develop is the daily act of prayer. Prayer is our eyes, our ears, our feelings, our success, our guidance, our life, our duty, our goal. There really is only prayer and meditation. We can only help others through prayer. We can only help ourselves through prayer. You can never become an Elder unless you pray. You can never stay an Elder unless you pray. You never get wisdom unless you pray. You never understand unless you pray.
On July 25 the Great Council of the Grandmothers will teach us how to interact with and amplify the power of the Net of Light that is holding the earth steady. As the energies on our planet shift, the Grandmothers are calling us to be part of a great broadcast and broadcasting of light. If this request speaks to you, please join us. The Grandmothers say, "There is work for you now. Together you form a web, a Net of Light. This is a network, a loving net and all are family in this Net. The Net of Light will comfort, steady and hold everything. It will place a floor underneath the suffering in the Gulf, in Nigeria, in the Middle East, and around the globe. It will uphold the earth itself and cradle all creatures (including human beings) while the energies on earth shift. This is practical work that will enable you to give assistance at this critical time. Do not pass up this opportunity to be of service to Mother Earth and one another. We bless you. " BROADCASTING THE NET OF LIGHT will be moderated by Reverend Rhonda on BlogTalk radio at The gathering/seminar will be led by Sharon McErlane, founder, Grandmothers Speak Click on and tune in. No registration required. You will also be able to text or phone in questions to Sharon. This event is free and will be archived on and on For more information on texting and phoning questions in to BROADCASTING THE NET OF LIGHT, go to or to Interactive text chat and questions for Sharon will be held in the "friends" room at
"I am the Violet Flame, Flame of the 7th Ray, Flame of Alchemy and Change, Zadkiel to you I pray … cleanse, neutralize, contain, cleanse, neutralize, contain, cleanse, neutralize, contain."
I lift up my partner AJ & all our relationship issues (any activities that are not of integrity) into the the violet fire and all that is effecting me and him during this time of purifying in our lives into perfect divine order/alignment/harmony.
Please Mother/Father God, Jeshua, Archangels, asended masters and especially St. Germain to pls powerfully ignite that loving violet flame into our lives now and forever, ever increasing opening us up to true loving functional healthy activities that promote life & wellbeing and prosperity in our families and this New Earth. Please bring back our celebration of each other as man & wife were sacredly designed.
Thank you, I love all my heavenly family , thank you for your support on healing this very serious problem that has occured in our lives.
May the Violet Flame transmute what is no longer needed into pure golden light, connecting us ever more with our Divine Essence and mighty I AM Presence!
May the Threefold Flame of LOVE, POWER and WISDOM bring BALANCE it our lives,
I just found the following text about May and was guided to post it here - for everyone who may need this reminder right now:
From the May Message of Akashic Records:
"This month will require courage because it takes courage to get bigger. Whether you are getting bigger in a positive way or a negative way, whether you are facing big challenges or stepping into a better life, it takes courage either way. This month requires courage from all of you. Remember this year is the year of preparation. You are facing all of the systems that will no longer work in the new world. As the systems that will not work are crumbling, it is so important that you keep your mind and attention on what you do want, on what you hope for on the best parts of the world and the best parts of yourselves. This month, that is more important than ever because the energy is getting so much bigger.
This month, you will find that it is difficult to avoid things. Anything that needs to be dealt with is going to come up in your face. It will show up right away. That can be challenging but, the lucky part of the fortunate thing about that is that a solution will also appear, a solution will also be right in your face. Often this month, the best solutions for your challenges are going to be the ones that are most obvious, most simple, and most available for you. You do not need to dig really deep this month. Instead, you need to roll up your sleeves and get working. There is so much that needs to be rebuilt in your personal lives and in the collective in order for you to really prepare the way you need to this year. May is the month that might have the strongest energy of things needing to get done..."
"Beloved presence dwelling within this moment. We give gratitude, for it is by thy calling, by thy decree that this prayer come forth. Awaken every heart, touch every heart, call forth the fullness of every heart, that all dreams that come from this moment be dreams from the heart.
Consume all my fears, all my doubts, I offer them to you now. Fill me with courage; courage to surrender to the callings of my heart. Speak loudly through me - this embodiment - this dream world.
Wake me from the dream of separation, show me the way each moment, that as I move through this dream, all that I see, all that I touch, all that I do, be an act of love and sweetness. Anchor my awareness into this moment, calm my agitation. Bring me into the awareness. Oh Light. Oh Beauty. Bring me to truth. This moment, I offer all that I am to the Love, to the Source within me, that that consume everything in expression in my reality. Use me. In gratitude. In love.
It is with this prayer that I decree in this moment to be an instrument of Love, of Light.
It is in this moment that I decree that I AM an instrument of Love and Light, through mental, through physical, through emotional, through spirit. In this moment I decree as an expression of the one Source that which I AM.
From this moment forth I pledge allegiance to the love within me, I pledge allegiance to my heart, I pledge allegiance to the beauty that I am, and in each moment I pledge allegiance to shine forth this beauty. For that which is Grace takes form this moment. That which is Love, Ease and Flow takes form this moment, for I AM that.
There is a picture from Marek on the 3rd September, well Sonja the rings of light flowing are just like the ones I saw coming through as a healing response, although what I saw was rings, and waves of Light I think 7 ? I have just noticed the pic lol
Hi recently I am seeing a lot of people, I see any way but these are a man with a very strong moustache like huge auburn not dark and yesterday as I made the connextion time just before sunset, I felt a continual vibration like pouring through me, and a massive doorway/portal opened up to my left as if a place and there was a woman standing there opening this doorway. Very clear and precise a lot happening and as I came to mother earth heart centre i felt a wash of energy flow through my aura and body as if a wave of light go through me.
Would this be up-grading each time your body feels this is it raising your light or is it just feeling the waves of energy coming to earth.
I also had an amazing power visit from AA Michael while I was doing a reading for a client, he comes sometimes in orb form which he did but to my left more occured it appeared like a wave of excitment rushing through me i became so like a child filled with elation and excitement all this I felt for my client and what transpired was like blue portal opened and unfolded like a univere within another, and another it kept opening and then he stood beside me. I must have sounded really very humourous. As I normally say Michael's here, as most people who come do not see. But there are many that do and it is becoming more as time is moving forward.
I can honestly say a change has occured and even outside I was waiting in a car-park and as I looked across the way I saw lots of spheres, just in mid air.
Now can any one say wether this is just angelic orbs or just high-lighting a change in visuals
First of all thank you for this website, for gathering and spreading so much light in one place. I am very grateful to be allowed to join.
Normally I can feel the Violet Flame to a certain degree, and since joining only 3 days ago it has become stronger. However, during this nights linking, I could feel absolutely nothing, and again when I was affirming this morning, there was nothing. While this might simply be to check on my Faith, as I know the Flame IS and Transmutes, I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
beloved ones, I see daily around my house and in the sky arcturian energy ships.
they are mostly blue colored with a yellow outside and full of dots of light in the inner circle. since a few weeks, I see also scout ships, smaller but completely with the same outlook. now, I start to see them here just above earth in all many different colors when they light themselves up. I have seen, blue, orange/yellow, red and white ships. also the merging of 2 ships (a blue with a yellow one). Once they don't lighten up you still see their form, but they are transparant. Is there any possibility to make connection with them consciously? they always are out there visible from sunset until early morning. probably during the day also, but until now I didn't see them during the day. much blessings and love . I am a Belgian who lives in Bulgaria. can I please receive an answer, for 1 or other reason do I have a very close connection. also when I go into the field they are giving some light flashes like they say hello. it seems to me that no other people is seeing them.can some one help me???
I personally do not have this kind of experiences, but here is a link to Mr. Bluestar's page - I'm quite positive that he can help you, as he experiences the lightships, too, and is able to call them and communicate:
Hello my beloved friends, it is a while since I have been with you! Today you showed up and I was so happy to be with you. I am rekindling with all of you and continuing getting inspired in the security of your love and wisdom. Love you all!
judith annoni
Oct 7, 2009
Myriel RAouine
Oct 7, 2009
Myriel RAouine
Thank you, Judy, for having corrected my mistakes so quickly!
Would you add your picture, name and location in the group Members of the Lightgrid, so I can add them to the list? I'm looking forward to sending the Violet Ray your Way, too, next time,
Sonja Myriel
Oct 7, 2009
SACRED space
Feb 21, 2010
Myriel RAouine
Sending the VIOLET RAY your way,
Sonja Myriel
Feb 21, 2010
Myriel RAouine
"In the life of the Indian there was only one inevitable duty, the duty of prayer, the daily recognition of the Unseen and Eternal. His daily devotions were more necessary to him than daily food."
--Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), SANTEE SIOUX
The most important habit one can develop is the daily act of prayer. Prayer is our eyes, our ears, our feelings, our success, our guidance, our life, our duty, our goal. There really is only prayer and meditation. We can only help others through prayer. We can only help ourselves through prayer. You can never become an Elder unless you pray. You can never stay an Elder unless you pray. You never get wisdom unless you pray. You never understand unless you pray.
Great Spirit, today, teach me to pray
Mar 9, 2010
Marek Andrzej Żarecki
Sep 3, 2010
Myriel RAouine
And thank you for the excellent video, dear Monica!
Sep 5, 2010
Glenda Suzanne Brockel
I'm starting tomorrow
Love and Light
Sep 12, 2010
Myriel RAouine
Sep 22, 2010
Myriel RAouine
Dec 31, 2010
Myriel RAouine
"I am the Violet Flame, Flame of the 7th Ray,
cleanse, neutralize, contain,
Mar 23, 2011
Myriel RAouine
"I am the Violet Flame, Flame of the 7th Ray, Flame of Alchemy and
Change, Zadkiel to you I pray … cleanse, neutralize, contain,
cleanse, neutralize, contain, cleanse, neutralize, contain."
Mar 23, 2011
HeavenlyButterfly aka Heidi
I lift up my partner AJ & all our relationship issues (any activities that are not of integrity) into the the violet fire and all that is effecting me and him during this time of purifying in our lives into perfect divine order/alignment/harmony.
Please Mother/Father God, Jeshua, Archangels, asended masters and especially St. Germain to pls powerfully ignite that loving violet flame into our lives now and forever, ever increasing opening us up to true loving functional healthy activities that promote life & wellbeing and prosperity in our families and this New Earth. Please bring back our celebration of each other as man & wife were sacredly designed.
Thank you, I love all my heavenly family , thank you for your support on healing this very serious problem that has occured in our lives.
love violet flame love
May 2, 2011
Myriel RAouine
So BE it!
May the Violet Flame transmute what is no longer needed into pure golden light, connecting us ever more with our Divine Essence and mighty I AM Presence!
May the Threefold Flame of LOVE, POWER and WISDOM bring BALANCE it our lives,
Sonja Myriel
May 3, 2011
Myriel RAouine
I just found the following text about May and was guided to post it here - for everyone who may need this reminder right now:
From the May Message of Akashic Records:
"This month will require courage because it takes courage to get bigger. Whether you are getting bigger in a positive way or a negative way, whether you are facing big challenges or stepping into a better life, it takes courage either way. This month requires courage from all of you. Remember this year is the year of preparation. You are facing all of the systems that will no longer work in the new world. As the systems that will not work are crumbling, it is so important that you keep your mind and attention on what you do want, on what you hope for on the best parts of the world and the best parts of yourselves. This month, that is more important than ever because the energy is getting so much bigger.
This month, you will find that it is difficult to avoid things. Anything that needs to be dealt with is going to come up in your face. It will show up right away. That can be challenging but, the lucky part of the fortunate thing about that is that a solution will also appear, a solution will also be right in your face. Often this month, the best solutions for your challenges are going to be the ones that are most obvious, most simple, and most available for you. You do not need to dig really deep this month. Instead, you need to roll up your sleeves and get working. There is so much that needs to be rebuilt in your personal lives and in the collective in order for you to really prepare the way you need to this year. May is the month that might have the strongest energy of things needing to get done..."
BLESSINGS of Light and Love ETERNAL,
Sonja Myriel
May 3, 2011
HeavenlyButterfly aka Heidi
May 4, 2011
Myriel RAouine
Prayer From Saint Germain
"Beloved presence dwelling within this moment. We give gratitude, for it is by thy calling, by thy decree that this prayer come forth. Awaken every heart, touch every heart, call forth the fullness of every heart, that all dreams that come from this moment be dreams from the heart.
Consume all my fears, all my doubts, I offer them to you now. Fill me with courage; courage to surrender to the callings of my heart. Speak loudly through me - this embodiment - this dream world.
Wake me from the dream of separation, show me the way each moment, that as I move through this dream, all that I see, all that I touch, all that I do, be an act of love and sweetness. Anchor my awareness into this moment, calm my agitation. Bring me into the awareness. Oh Light. Oh Beauty. Bring me to truth. This moment, I offer all that I am to the Love, to the Source within me, that that consume everything in expression in my reality. Use me. In gratitude. In love.
It is with this prayer that I decree in this moment to be an instrument of Love, of Light.
It is in this moment that I decree that I AM an instrument of Love and Light, through mental, through physical, through emotional, through spirit. In this moment I decree as an expression of the one Source that which I AM.
From this moment forth I pledge allegiance to the love within me, I pledge allegiance to my heart, I pledge allegiance to the beauty that I am, and in each moment I pledge allegiance to shine forth this beauty. For that which is Grace takes form this moment. That which is Love, Ease and Flow takes form this moment, for I AM that.
I choose this moment with full heart.
So it is. So be it. So mote it be."
Saint Germain
May 10, 2011
Marek Andrzej Żarecki
Jul 20, 2012
Marek Andrzej Żarecki
Jul 20, 2012
Marek Andrzej Żarecki
Jul 20, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Thank you, Marek!
Jul 20, 2012
Marek Andrzej Żarecki
Oct 17, 2012
jan marie price
There is a picture from Marek on the 3rd September, well Sonja the rings of light flowing are just like the ones I saw coming through as a healing response, although what I saw was rings, and waves of Light I think 7 ? I have just noticed the pic lol
Nov 2, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Nov 2, 2012
jan marie price
Hi recently I am seeing a lot of people, I see any way but these are a man with a very strong moustache like huge auburn not dark and yesterday as I made the connextion time just before sunset, I felt a continual vibration like pouring through me, and a massive doorway/portal opened up to my left as if a place and there was a woman standing there opening this doorway. Very clear and precise a lot happening and as I came to mother earth heart centre i felt a wash of energy flow through my aura and body as if a wave of light go through me.
Would this be up-grading each time your body feels this is it raising your light or is it just feeling the waves of energy coming to earth.
I also had an amazing power visit from AA Michael while I was doing a reading for a client, he comes sometimes in orb form which he did but to my left more occured it appeared like a wave of excitment rushing through me i became so like a child filled with elation and excitement all this I felt for my client and what transpired was like blue portal opened and unfolded like a univere within another, and another it kept opening and then he stood beside me. I must have sounded really very humourous. As I normally say Michael's here, as most people who come do not see. But there are many that do and it is becoming more as time is moving forward.
I can honestly say a change has occured and even outside I was waiting in a car-park and as I looked across the way I saw lots of spheres, just in mid air.
Now can any one say wether this is just angelic orbs or just high-lighting a change in visuals
Dec 4, 2012
Britta Christina
First of all thank you for this website, for gathering and spreading so much light in one place. I am very grateful to be allowed to join.
Normally I can feel the Violet Flame to a certain degree, and since joining only 3 days ago it has become stronger. However, during this nights linking, I could feel absolutely nothing, and again when I was affirming this morning, there was nothing. While this might simply be to check on my Faith, as I know the Flame IS and Transmutes, I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Dec 6, 2012
Myriel RAouine
THANKS to Hildafor this video!
Dec 19, 2012
Marek Andrzej Żarecki
Jan 8, 2013
Myriel RAouine
Beautiful pictures, Marek! What a pitty I don't understand Russian, though!
Sonja Myriel
Jan 10, 2013
Myriel RAouine
Hi Janet - and WELCOME :-)
Jan 23, 2013
Marek Andrzej Żarecki
May 21, 2013
Marek Andrzej Żarecki
On my blog shows a lot of interesting information, I invite you to read.
Fashion in the God's standards .
In Love and Light.
Marek Andrzej Żarecki
May 24, 2013
Melvin "Yahweh" M. Lusterio
The Good Force be with you! <3 O:) *
Nov 13, 2013
Luc van Lier
beloved ones, I see daily around my house and in the sky arcturian energy ships.
they are mostly blue colored with a yellow outside and full of dots of light in the inner circle. since a few weeks, I see also scout ships, smaller but completely with the same outlook. now, I start to see them here just above earth in all many different colors when they light themselves up. I have seen, blue, orange/yellow, red and white ships. also the merging of 2 ships (a blue with a yellow one). Once they don't lighten up you still see their form, but they are transparant. Is there any possibility to make connection with them consciously? they always are out there visible from sunset until early morning. probably during the day also, but until now I didn't see them during the day. much blessings and love . I am a Belgian who lives in Bulgaria. can I please receive an answer, for 1 or other reason do I have a very close connection. also when I go into the field they are giving some light flashes like they say hello. it seems to me that no other people is seeing them.can some one help me???
Dec 24, 2013
Myriel RAouine
Dear Luc,
I personally do not have this kind of experiences, but here is a link to Mr. Bluestar's page - I'm quite positive that he can help you, as he experiences the lightships, too, and is able to call them and communicate:
Sorry, that it took me quite some time to reply - but TIME is an interesting phenomenon to observe, lol!
Have a GREAT 2014, Luc,
Sonja Myriel
Jan 4, 2014
Melvin "Yahweh" M. Lusterio
Happy Love Month of February 2014! <3 O:) *
Feb 19, 2014
Estare con ustedes, los quiero!
Mar 20, 2014
Myriel RAouine
Apr 23, 2014
Nancy Mora
Hello my beloved friends, it is a while since I have been with you! Today you showed up and I was so happy to be with you. I am rekindling with all of you and continuing getting inspired in the security of your love and wisdom. Love you all!
Sep 21, 2017