Invocation to The Violet Flame ~ 💜As an example, "In the name of the I AM of my being, in the name of God, I now call forth the action of the Violet Flame of transmutation,…
Weave The Net Of Light For World Peace, Healing, & Celebrations of Love By Sonja MyrielMy dear Lightgrid family,I wish you all a most blessed FULL MOON in preparation of…
Embracing Inner Stillness With Archangel Zadkiel ThroughLinda Robinson Greetings Beloved Ones,WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we…
Invoke The Violet Flame of Divine Freedom & UnityConsciousness Now !The violet flame is an invisible spiritual energy. It revitalizes and invigorates our bodies and…
Archangel Michael: Angel Warrior Group 9/22/2021  I am Archangel Michael, with a message for the Earth Angels in the Angelic Warrior Group.  Again, we of the Light are asking…
The TIME of REUNION has COME!Meditation:…
Convergence A historic message for Shaumbra  “This is it. It’s why you’re here. This is the time of the greatest change that you will ever experience on this planet.” – Adamus Saint-GermainThis special message for Shaumbra, from Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe and Adamus Saint-Germain, brings together…
Dearly beloved lightgrid family and gridwork team Giving directions is only useful as far as it is met by the will to act accordingly. As we live on a planet of free will par excellence, we all must make our own decisions. Questions can help us to look deeper into our SELF. So let’s see where all…
Victory is ... the Fire of one's God Presence manifesting in the outside world!"This is the Victory! This is the Joy, and I AM Mighty Victory in the…
Source ; unknown  12:12 *STARGATE INFUSION* ~ December 12, 2018**On Wednesday, December 12th the SACRED DAY of 12:12 provides a rare opportunity to receive a continual stream of CRYSTALLINE PHOTON LIGHT into your energy field…transferring DIVINE INTELLIGENCE into your BRAIN, into the…
St. Germain asked us to SYNCHRONIZE our effort to consolidate the light grid. Find your partners and agree on daily meditations at a fixed time to increase the mighty POWER of the VIOLET FLAME in the 3rd dimension anchored through YOU!