Post your request for HEALING - or any other matter in which you orf a beloved one need assistance - here in this group and we will send you LOVE, LIGHT and energy for healing and transmutation.
My dear dear star born sister of the light, Stasha, if you do not feel well, CARE for your body - not the well being of others - first ... This is a lesson each of us has to learn, that we can only give when we HAVE something to give, lol!
I have still a candle burning from yesterday's White Buffalo Woman Ceremony in which I laid out the initiation stones once more, so they were blessed by White Buffalo Woman, Mary Magdalene and Kwan Yin. I will light a candle from this one now just for YOU, my dear precious soul sister.
Take a REST and DRINK MUCH WATER. Bless the water and take it like medicine. Take some DEEP breaths ... and RELAX ... totally RELAX your whole body ... relax ... breathe ... drink ... if necessary, take a shower with some COLD water, too ... or put your feet in warm and then in cold water ... and RELAX again ... maybe sleep ..
I see you vibrant with HEALTH and totally comfortable again, cleansed, upgraded .. and hold the vision for you until you tell me you are through.
I have a request please. I have a friend who has cancer of the brain, one is at the base on left hand side and several on the top of skull, maybe in the lungs, and maybe in the lymph nods. All the prayers would be very grateful.
I do highly recommend you contact Trishula Bearer, who created the group, and is truly an enlightened soul, here to serve especially thos who suffer from cancer!
I am sending you ALL my loving energy - a hug and a kiss - in gratitude for the flourishing love and light you are all so freely and abundantly sharing,
I'm asking for healing for my mother [she's 84] who needs an operation yet her heart may not be strong enough to survive it. I am asking for her to listen to her Soul to know if it is time to let go or stay longer. My Sister who is in the Light, tells me she is very calm and peaceful but in physical pain.
I am driving 8 hours to be with her physically tomorrow and can feel her with me now.
My Dearest kali I am on my Way with Our light and love Healing Energies for you and your Beautiful mum Particia! ! God Bless Your Adorable mum!Dearest StarMichelle and Beverly I am with God and You both and family now maintaining lasting and soulful healing Prayers. We Bring Green Healing Water! and it works Magic for everything! It Has deep healing energies therein! Dear Sonja, I thank you very much and Pray for You Too Divine One in Your Hours when You too also Require Our Prayers and love! We are all One and Can Feel each others Feeling if we so dare to go There and do so! I do . Free hugs Love and healing Energies. Sending Deep Green waves of Healing energies via scottish nessie for All of OUR Beautiful Needing Souls! With Divine Love, river being iain XXXXXXX
Thank You All For All of Your Healing Prayers for me last week! They All have worked Gods Miracles for me! I feel totally cured and NEW ( ? :)) Thank You All Beautiful Brothers and Sisters! Peace 2012 Total Love river being
Dearest Jewel White, I have Devine love and prayers for you, You are now in our Healing Ward. We have Excellent Results here and You will begin to feel a Lot better in your life soon! You are in The Best of Hands! please make sure Jewel, beautiful name! that the medicines that you are perscribed are Necessary and essential for you first! thank you! Love light Life Forwver river being XXXXXXX
Jewel White, I would feel because now you are asking for help & healing this will create a portal to receive all that is being sent your way and i send my light and prayers your way too.
Your physical suffering i am also drawn ...... as we become finer in vibrations it may be you need a finer food diet , of course i dont anything about you, but i recommend organic juices, eg Carrot apple (small, beetroot) daily, for a while, lots of greens, fruits, may give your cells help to mend and align with your quicker vibrations, that is happening to us all right now
Dear Jewel White,Grate one large onion and mix it with honey.The honey amount should be by taste,as much as you want to be able to eat this paste - not very pleasant thing,honestly...:)).Take this paste 1 tbsp every two hours.This is a very powerful remedy for severe bronchitis with cough.At the same time,I would put Salonpas patches,or similar stuff on the back for several hours to warm up muscles and increase circulation. Sending you Love and healing.Blessings!
Dearest light Sister Shenna Lee, My heart feels your heavieness and pain, so sad for billy Jo and your sis Jo and poor you absorbing all this family torment. You must look Now for that spark inside of you, and let it grow, I will Pray and send positive thoughts your way to help comfort you during this tough time. Together we can become a huge pillar of light to help heal this Problem. It Will pass as you know Life is always changing. People places and things always life changing. Withyour faith and within Gods Will a better life will manifest itself for you and your loved Ones! I believe in our Source and a positive faithful belief iand love in All things Good can move mountains, and all bad obstacles. that is what I believe and it Does work Miracles for me and many More others as well. Sending you healing energies and thoughts Shenna Lee Happy day you can make it happen!Love Light Life iain
Good day Jewel How have you been doing today? I pray for some happieness in your life! something special to make you feel groovy inside. Do you have any special music that you like listening to that can strum that special string in you? That sometimes works for me, sometimes not always :) do you dance alone in your house? I am a lousey dancer, I have a donald duck style with a cat in the hat attire, not promicing if I was hoping for a date but when I am all alone I can make all the moves to even impress Minnie Mouse! :) No Kidding and it really feels good to release all that built up energy itcing to get out! Well its an idea! do you have any for me? i know it is difficult to move when in severe pain but believe it or nor slow casual movement which allows the blood to make a circuit does wonders and reduces the pain immensely. Happy Day for Jewel Please! Love iain OOO :)
Sendind all my healing Light and love and peace river being iain
thank you, Sheena, Zoolithe. Iain, Arleem, Gloria, Beverly for the healing and kind words sent our way, miracles are happening and thanks to all who connect here as the LOVE goes out to our beloved Gaia and everyone needing it.
Blessings and Prayers to you and your loved ones
P.S. I am doing well in all of the family pain, healing my own.
Hello lovely ones, I am a new member here and I am in desperate need for healing in every way to try and rebuild my life. I contacted Sonja and she suggested that I write here for help and so here I am. I need physical, mental and emotional healing. I tried to end my life not too long ago and since then I have been struggling to pick up the pieces. I feel like a lost soul and every day I am battling my demons and a very strong urge to just give up- I feel like I have messed up my life and now there is no point in carrying on, that I had my chance and then blew it. The only thing that keeps me going is a small spark of hope that I can get all better and once again be able to enjoy my life rather than just battle through each day. I feel like I need to be reborn and ressurected. Please help!!!Thanks sooo very much, Love Anna.
Dear Anna, know that you're Loved Unconditionally by Godsoul, by all beeings of Light, by the Universe, often it takes us a while to Love ourserveles and/or self forgive, but i sense much Light in you and hope, the fact that you reached out to us here and opened up is your hope (light) shinning through! You are not alone and know that this WILL pass, dear one. I've been there and i actually almost managed to leave Earth and i cant tell you how grateful i am that i did not now! The challenges we go through in life, wether we label them good or bad, we assigned to ourselves before reeincarnating, in others words, we wouldnt assign to anything we couldnt cope with :) You're a brave soul and Know this will pass, all of us and the universe can send you healing but you must be willing to be receptive to it and also willing to heal yourself, from my experience we, selves, are our greatest healers with self Love!
I will connect to the grid of light in about 20 minutes, when it is midnight here and time for our lightgrid connections. Get ready for the transmission!
Hi, please help with healing energy and white light for my stomach problem! I have an acute bowel obstruction (maybe multiple...) in the small instestine, that may need surgery. I am going to hospital tomorrow for more tests. Whatever you can do will be a big help. My girlfriend sent me 3 Archangels already this week, so they are coming with me! Thanks, and I was glad to find this group.
I have not been able to keep in contact for a while as i was looking after a sick uncle.But a week ago i was taken to hospital an have had to have an complete hystrectomy i was home the next day but have had a bad week i have an infection now in my bladder and not doing so good.i have asked my family to help a lttle but they are not like me so have made up all sorts of excuses not to come help,and one even said if i could pay for her time off work and petrol she will pop in....I forgive freely and know some are givers others cant just yet..but i ask you DEAR ones to send healing please or add me to your prayers as tonight im very low and i dont want to add MINDS little games to this GOD bless you all and thank you xxx
Hi Nicola, i would be happy to send distant healing to you, in fact i was just going to sit now for 15 mins so if you see this, your welcome just to relax as much as you can, suggestion, ask for help or pray, that can create a deeper openness to allow light in,( but distant healing works as you have asked for help already so no worries if you dont see this right now.
LOVE LIGHT BLESSINGS from ALL of us, dearest Nicola!
This time is difficult for many of us as we are undergoing BASIC changes now ... I can feel these changes taking place in my emotional body today ... a ROSE has come to aid me this afternoon ;-)
How can I explain,its too beautiful..If you could feel just a drop of what I felt,such Love strong yet gentle, peaceful flowing through me. my mind light and rested in peace,my body full of flowing golden,yellow and pink healing Love.
Sent by loving children of GOD...YOU...and on these special days when the planet of LOVE passes our Earth closer then ever known.
I can never thank you all enough .such vessels of the Divine hepled me and sent me the energy needed and to continue this current of LOVE I have asked the Healing Love be sent on to others in need and make its way back to the ONE that IS....THANK YOU ALL FOR KIND WORDS ,HEALING lOVE,TIME AND THOUGHTS....GOD BLESS YOU ALL...NICOLA
Hello All lovers of GOD...Im not doing so good recovering and have been put on 4 types of antibiotics I know its only a month but theses headaches are to much for me they lay me flat on my back.May I request Healing Please,Im always lifted when I read this site and am quite amazed how wonderful you all are.You never give up and always speak in words of Love.May GOD keep blessing you all.
Thank you GLO ...IM a veggie and dont eat eggs Iwas wondering if this slowed down recovery after the opals Iwas rushed to hospital because i lost a lot of blood and kept passing blood clots the size of baseballs.Im on HRT aswell so headaches might be that.They feel lke an axe in my head..
Still Ilooking forward and trying hard to be as balanced as poss.
I assume you do already drink plenty of water - please BLESS the water before drinking. Hold it in your hands and as Source to inform the water with what your body, mind and soul NEED to be pain free and recover quickly. Drink the water like medicine - and as much as you can. It will help you to detox ... I feel that the platinum light would be very beneficial - and will send it now your way. Open up to RECEIVE what SOURCE provides ... Soothing Blue Light coming your way, too, ... mixed with green ... turning turquoise ... RUSHING through your high heart .... and filling your entire system ...
I AM Also Vegan - Being Vegan does NOT slow down recovery as long as You are getting enough protein from legumes & nuts & seeds. Be sure your Omega 3's are optimal (I take a Pure Vegan Source from Colorado- Whole Vitamen C fights infections and boosts immune system.
GLO & Sonja are Right ON with the Protiotics, Cleansing, Oregano Oil & Lots of Blessed Water. I would add SLEEP a lot - I know it's hard with headaches (could be from anesthetic hangover). I will Remove the Anesthetic from your Field & Body to ease those Headaches.
I have posted 2 new blogs that will help everyone suffering from illness please feel free to copy the information and save it on your computer for use at a later date.
They are quite long but as you will see they contain much of the answers to so many of your questions.
When water comes out of a metal tap the polarity is change this is why the body does not accept it fully.
As mentioned if you place both hands around the cup but do not touch the glass think LOVE this will generate a large EMF electric magnetic field and re polarize the water in a manner that resonates with your bodies natural electro magnetic field.
Test it out I don't suggest drinking any soft drinks but should you have one poor a glass it will be fizzy then perform the technique 80% of the fizz will vanish.
Its very effective. Don't drink water from a tap if you can avoid it as it is full of fluoride Fluoride is a mind inhibitor and specifically targets the PITUITARY GLAND we all no why this was done don't we.
Dear William, i like everything you write, i feel a powerful energy that includes all the Creation! Thanks a lot! Please could you tell me the title of the blogs?
I thought that everyone might want to know that I just uplloaded on YouTube the 6th video in the "Transformational Meditation" series of 8 videos, "Expanding Your Intuition While Merging With Universal Mind" Plus I created a new public playlist with 6 of the 8 videos, (I'm uploading & posting one a week, so there are 2 more left in the series to look forward to). And when you see that there are 9 videos on the playlist, I should mention that the last 3 videos on the above playlist are not in the same series, but are definitely powerful guided meditations that help you in your ascension & spiritual growth from my earlier work.
Feb 27, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Feb 27, 2012
Oh guys. This Moon's energy has me running 1,000 miles a minute and my neck and back are in so much pain.
I could ask that everyone send me healing blessings, please~
tiger balm, sage, sea salt, overload, baths.... nothing is helping!
also, my dogs energy is sucking me dry!
she can feel all the extra energy i have and is feeding off of it, im already an empath so i cant avoid it, but this is times ten!
trying to stay out of myhead and body, but this is intense pain.
throbbing and knots all around my neck, right where the neck and head meet. and my back feels like im holding up 1,000 lb wings :(
please send me healing energy ladies!
much appreciation
Feb 27, 2012
Myriel RAouine
My dear dear star born sister of the light, Stasha, if you do not feel well, CARE for your body - not the well being of others - first ... This is a lesson each of us has to learn, that we can only give when we HAVE something to give, lol!
I have still a candle burning from yesterday's White Buffalo Woman Ceremony in which I laid out the initiation stones once more, so they were blessed by White Buffalo Woman, Mary Magdalene and Kwan Yin. I will light a candle from this one now just for YOU, my dear precious soul sister.
Take a REST and DRINK MUCH WATER. Bless the water and take it like medicine. Take some DEEP breaths ... and RELAX ... totally RELAX your whole body ... relax ... breathe ... drink ... if necessary, take a shower with some COLD water, too ... or put your feet in warm and then in cold water ... and RELAX again ... maybe sleep ..
I see you vibrant with HEALTH and totally comfortable again, cleansed, upgraded .. and hold the vision for you until you tell me you are through.
Sonja Myriel
Feb 27, 2012
Michele Cheevers
Mar 8, 2012
the healing prayers have helped tremendously
thank you all!
here is a card reading i did for tonights full moon!
Mar 8, 2012
Mar 8, 2012
Beverly Karakochuk
I have a request please. I have a friend who has cancer of the brain, one is at the base on left hand side and several on the top of skull, maybe in the lungs, and maybe in the lymph nods. All the prayers would be very grateful.
Love Bev
Mar 8, 2012
Beverly Karakochuk
Her name is Sue Boyd
Mar 8, 2012
Myriel RAouine
What beauiful energies are aflowing between us all! THANK YOU!
Beverly, your friend Sue is from now on in my heart and prayers. Maybe you would also like to visit our Project Cancer Fighter group for further support:
I do highly recommend you contact Trishula Bearer, who created the group, and is truly an enlightened soul, here to serve especially thos who suffer from cancer!
I am sending you ALL my loving energy - a hug and a kiss - in gratitude for the flourishing love and light you are all so freely and abundantly sharing,
Sonja Myriel
Mar 9, 2012
Beverly Karakochuk
Thank you all for your prayers and healing, I am humbled by all your giving
Mar 9, 2012
Beverly Karakochuk
Dearest StarMichelle, you are in my prayers, I will light a candle for you. God is with you, accept that He is with you always.
In love and Light Bev
Mar 18, 2012
Kali Daniel
I'm asking for healing for my mother [she's 84] who needs an operation yet her heart may not be strong enough to survive it. I am asking for her to listen to her Soul to know if it is time to let go or stay longer. My Sister who is in the Light, tells me she is very calm and peaceful but in physical pain.
I am driving 8 hours to be with her physically tomorrow and can feel her with me now.
Thank you dear friends.
Love Kali
Mar 28, 2012
Kali Daniel
My Mum's name is Patricia.
Mar 28, 2012
Beverly Karakochuk
Dear Kali
God is with both of you.
Mar 28, 2012
Dea Kali,
I send angels , reiki energy..Love you xxxx
Mar 28, 2012
Iain Mitchell
My Dearest kali I am on my Way with Our light and love Healing Energies for you and your Beautiful mum Particia! ! God Bless Your Adorable mum!Dearest StarMichelle and Beverly I am with God and You both and family now maintaining lasting and soulful healing Prayers. We Bring Green Healing Water! and it works Magic for everything! It Has deep healing energies therein! Dear Sonja, I thank you very much and Pray for You Too Divine One in Your Hours when You too also Require Our Prayers and love! We are all One and Can Feel each others Feeling if we so dare to go There and do so! I do . Free hugs Love and healing Energies. Sending Deep Green waves of Healing energies via scottish nessie for All of OUR Beautiful Needing Souls! With Divine Love, river being iain XXXXXXX
Mar 28, 2012
Iain Mitchell
Thank You All For All of Your Healing Prayers for me last week! They All have worked Gods Miracles for me! I feel totally cured and NEW ( ? :)) Thank You All Beautiful Brothers and Sisters! Peace 2012
Total Love river being
Mar 28, 2012
Iain Mitchell
Dearest Jewel White, I have Devine love and prayers for you, You are now in our Healing Ward. We have Excellent Results here and You will begin to feel a Lot better in your life soon! You are in The Best of Hands! please make sure Jewel, beautiful name! that the medicines that you are perscribed are Necessary and essential for you first!
thank you! Love light Life Forwver river being XXXXXXX
Mar 31, 2012
Sending Love and Healing
to Kali's mother
Cute Graphics
Mar 31, 2012
Jewel White, I would feel because now you are asking for help & healing this will create a portal to receive all that is being sent your way and i send my light and prayers your way too.
Your physical suffering i am also drawn ...... as we become finer in vibrations it may be you need a finer food diet , of course i dont anything about you, but i recommend organic juices, eg Carrot apple (small, beetroot) daily, for a while, lots of greens, fruits, may give your cells help to mend and align with your quicker vibrations, that is happening to us all right now
love and light Carol
Mar 31, 2012
Dear Jewel White,Grate one large onion and mix it with honey.The honey amount should be by taste,as much as you want to be able to eat this paste - not very pleasant thing,honestly...:)).Take this paste 1 tbsp every two hours.This is a very powerful remedy for severe bronchitis with cough.At the same time,I would put Salonpas patches,or similar stuff on the back for several hours to warm up muscles and increase circulation.
Sending you Love and healing.Blessings!
Cute Graphics
Mar 31, 2012
Iain Mitchell
Dearest light Sister Shenna Lee, My heart feels your heavieness and pain, so sad for billy Jo and your sis Jo and poor you absorbing all this family torment. You must look Now for that spark inside of you, and let it grow, I will Pray and send positive thoughts your way to help comfort you during this tough time. Together we can become a huge pillar of light to help heal this Problem. It Will pass as you know Life is always changing. People places and things always life changing. Withyour faith and within Gods Will a better life will manifest itself for you and your loved Ones! I believe in our Source and a positive faithful belief iand love in All things Good can move mountains, and all bad obstacles. that is what I believe and it Does work Miracles for me and many More others as well. Sending you healing energies and thoughts Shenna Lee Happy day you can make it happen!Love Light Life iain
Apr 1, 2012
Beverly Karakochuk
Dear Shenna Lee, my prayes and Love are with you always.
Apr 1, 2012
Iain Mitchell
Good day Jewel How have you been doing today? I pray for some happieness in your life! something special to make you feel groovy inside. Do you have any special music that you like listening to that can strum that special string in you? That sometimes works for me, sometimes not always :) do you dance alone in your house? I am a lousey dancer, I have a donald duck style with a cat in the hat attire, not promicing if I was hoping for a date but when I am all alone I can make all the moves to even impress Minnie Mouse! :) No Kidding and it really feels good to release all that built up energy itcing to get out! Well its an idea!
do you have any for me? i know it is difficult to move when in severe pain but believe it or nor slow casual movement which allows the blood to make a circuit does wonders and reduces the pain immensely. Happy Day for Jewel Please! Love iain OOO :)
Sendind all my healing Light and love and peace river being iain
Apr 1, 2012
Kali Daniel
thank you, Sheena, Zoolithe. Iain, Arleem, Gloria, Beverly for the healing and kind words sent our way, miracles are happening and thanks to all who connect here as the LOVE goes out to our beloved Gaia and everyone needing it.
Blessings and Prayers to you and your loved ones
P.S. I am doing well in all of the family pain, healing my own.
Apr 1, 2012
Jewel White
Dearly Beloved Friends,
Our dear sister Stasha is in severe trouble. Her neck and back are locked and she cannot move.
I have just seen her distress.
All our help is needed for her URGENTLY
Thanks and love,
Apr 19, 2012
Anna J
Hello lovely ones, I am a new member here and I am in desperate need for healing in every way to try and rebuild my life. I contacted Sonja and she suggested that I write here for help and so here I am. I need physical, mental and emotional healing. I tried to end my life not too long ago and since then I have been struggling to pick up the pieces. I feel like a lost soul and every day I am battling my demons and a very strong urge to just give up- I feel like I have messed up my life and now there is no point in carrying on, that I had my chance and then blew it. The only thing that keeps me going is a small spark of hope that I can get all better and once again be able to enjoy my life rather than just battle through each day. I feel like I need to be reborn and ressurected. Please help!!!Thanks sooo very much, Love Anna.
May 17, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Dear Star Michelle, if you are ready, open up to the LOVE LIGHT which we setting free - and RECEIVE!
Sonja MYriel
May 17, 2012
Dear Anna, know that you're Loved Unconditionally by Godsoul, by all beeings of Light, by the Universe, often it takes us a while to Love ourserveles and/or self forgive, but i sense much Light in you and hope, the fact that you reached out to us here and opened up is your hope (light) shinning through! You are not alone and know that this WILL pass, dear one. I've been there and i actually almost managed to leave Earth and i cant tell you how grateful i am that i did not now! The challenges we go through in life, wether we label them good or bad, we assigned to ourselves before reeincarnating, in others words, we wouldnt assign to anything we couldnt cope with :) You're a brave soul and Know this will pass, all of us and the universe can send you healing but you must be willing to be receptive to it and also willing to heal yourself, from my experience we, selves, are our greatest healers with self Love!
Love and hugs to you ((((♥))))
May 17, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Beautiful Star Michelle,
and never alone
andwe are ONE!
I will connect to the grid of light in about 20 minutes, when it is midnight here and time for our lightgrid connections. Get ready for the transmission!
Sonja Myriel
May 17, 2012
Zyra Ahkeelah Ra'mon
Hi, please help with healing energy and white light for my stomach problem! I have an acute bowel obstruction (maybe multiple...) in the small instestine, that may need surgery. I am going to hospital tomorrow for more tests. Whatever you can do will be a big help. My girlfriend sent me 3 Archangels already this week, so they are coming with me! Thanks, and I was glad to find this group.
Love & Light, Zyra.
May 24, 2012
Beverly Karakochuk
Healing coming your way.
May 28, 2012
Hello to all,
I have not been able to keep in contact for a while as i was looking after a sick uncle.But a week ago i was taken to hospital an have had to have an complete hystrectomy i was home the next day but have had a bad week i have an infection now in my bladder and not doing so good.i have asked my family to help a lttle but they are not like me so have made up all sorts of excuses not to come help,and one even said if i could pay for her time off work and petrol she will pop in....I forgive freely and know some are givers others cant just yet..but i ask you DEAR ones to send healing please or add me to your prayers as tonight im very low and i dont want to add MINDS little games to this GOD bless you all and thank you xxx
Jun 3, 2012
Hi Nicola, i would be happy to send distant healing to you, in fact i was just going to sit now for 15 mins so if you see this, your welcome just to relax as much as you can, suggestion, ask for help or pray, that can create a deeper openness to allow light in,( but distant healing works as you have asked for help already so no worries if you dont see this right now.
love and light
i will sit now and send healing
Jun 3, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Dearest Nicola,
I see you surrounded by a ring of fire ... may the ANGELS guide and guard you and the FIRE of Eternal Health and Bounty touch your Being!
You are LOVED!
Let your emotions FLOW .... there are no good and bad ones - ALL are required so HEALING can take place ...
Surrounding you with the LIGHT of the Central Sun NOW,
Sonja Myriel Aouine
Jun 3, 2012
Beverly Karakochuk
Nicola, We are sending Healing to you right now. See the Violet Flame in front of you.
Love White Eagle and Bev
Jun 4, 2012
You are not alone ~ we are with you. Sending you healing and love ~
Blessings to you Love ~
Jun 4, 2012
Jun 4, 2012
Myriel RAouine
LOVE LIGHT BLESSINGS from ALL of us, dearest Nicola!
This time is difficult for many of us as we are undergoing BASIC changes now ... I can feel these changes taking place in my emotional body today ... a ROSE has come to aid me this afternoon ;-)
Sonja Myriel
Jun 5, 2012
How can I explain,its too beautiful..If you could feel just a drop of what I felt,such Love strong yet gentle, peaceful flowing through me. my mind light and rested in peace,my body full of flowing golden,yellow and pink healing Love.
Sent by loving children of GOD...YOU...and on these special days when the planet of LOVE passes our Earth closer then ever known.
I can never thank you all enough .such vessels of the Divine hepled me and sent me the energy needed and to continue this current of LOVE I have asked the Healing Love be sent on to others in need and make its way back to the ONE that IS....THANK YOU ALL FOR KIND WORDS ,HEALING lOVE,TIME AND THOUGHTS....GOD BLESS YOU ALL...NICOLA
Jun 6, 2012
Myriel RAouine
So HAPPY to hear / read this, dear Nicola :-)
Sonja Myriel
Jun 8, 2012
Hello All lovers of GOD...Im not doing so good recovering and have been put on 4 types of antibiotics I know its only a month but theses headaches are to much for me they lay me flat on my back.May I request Healing Please,Im always lifted when I read this site and am quite amazed how wonderful you all are.You never give up and always speak in words of Love.May GOD keep blessing you all.
With love Nicola
Jun 26, 2012
Thank you GLO ...IM a veggie and dont eat eggs Iwas wondering if this slowed down recovery after the opals Iwas rushed to hospital because i lost a lot of blood and kept passing blood clots the size of baseballs.Im on HRT aswell so headaches might be that.They feel lke an axe in my head..
Still Ilooking forward and trying hard to be as balanced as poss.
Thank you for your time and Healing
Jun 26, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Dear Nicola,
I assume you do already drink plenty of water - please BLESS the water before drinking. Hold it in your hands and as Source to inform the water with what your body, mind and soul NEED to be pain free and recover quickly. Drink the water like medicine - and as much as you can. It will help you to detox ... I feel that the platinum light would be very beneficial - and will send it now your way. Open up to RECEIVE what SOURCE provides ... Soothing Blue Light coming your way, too, ... mixed with green ... turning turquoise ... RUSHING through your high heart .... and filling your entire system ...
love light blessings,
Sonja Myriel
Jun 26, 2012
CrystaLin Joy
Beloved Nicola,
I AM Also Vegan - Being Vegan does NOT slow down recovery as long as You are getting enough protein from legumes & nuts & seeds. Be sure your Omega 3's are optimal (I take a Pure Vegan Source from Colorado- Whole Vitamen C fights infections and boosts immune system.
GLO & Sonja are Right ON with the Protiotics, Cleansing, Oregano Oil & Lots of Blessed Water. I would add SLEEP a lot - I know it's hard with headaches (could be from anesthetic hangover). I will Remove the Anesthetic from your Field & Body to ease those Headaches.
BE Well Dear One, We Are With YOU.
With Infinite LoveLight & Compassion,
CrystaLin Joy
Jun 27, 2012
william abbott
I have posted 2 new blogs that will help everyone suffering from illness please feel free to copy the information and save it on your computer for use at a later date.
They are quite long but as you will see they contain much of the answers to so many of your questions.
Jul 19, 2012
william abbott
I notice a few mentions on water .
When water comes out of a metal tap the polarity is change this is why the body does not accept it fully.
As mentioned if you place both hands around the cup but do not touch the glass think LOVE this will generate a large EMF electric magnetic field and re polarize the water in a manner that resonates with your bodies natural electro magnetic field.
Test it out I don't suggest drinking any soft drinks but should you have one poor a glass it will be fizzy then perform the technique 80% of the fizz will vanish.
Its very effective. Don't drink water from a tap if you can avoid it as it is full of fluoride Fluoride is a mind inhibitor and specifically targets the PITUITARY GLAND we all no why this was done don't we.
Any way avoid it if you can.
Jul 19, 2012
Dear William, i like everything you write, i feel a powerful energy that includes all the Creation! Thanks a lot! Please could you tell me the title of the blogs?
Love and Pure Light
Jul 19, 2012
Steve Hutchinson
I thought that everyone might want to know that I just uplloaded on YouTube the 6th video in the "Transformational Meditation" series of 8 videos, "Expanding Your Intuition While Merging With Universal Mind" Plus I created a new public playlist with 6 of the 8 videos, (I'm uploading & posting one a week, so there are 2 more left in the series to look forward to). And when you see that there are 9 videos on the playlist, I should mention that the last 3 videos on the above playlist are not in the same series, but are definitely powerful guided meditations that help you in your ascension & spiritual growth from my earlier work.
Sep 4, 2012