Let's HELP each other - Prayers and Energy HEALING - Requests

Post your request for HEALING - or any other matter in which you orf a beloved one need assistance - here in this group and we will send you LOVE, LIGHT and energy for healing and transmutation.

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  • Eva

    This week has been especially intense with a several enormous downloads of information and also physical and emotional upgrades in my own body. 

    The main part of this was information about clearing and fully releasing our pain bodies, a storage unit, so to speak of our collective and individual trauma and negative events and most often those of others we live with, lived with or had dealings with in the past, including past lives. I had the pleasure this week to clear out pain body "stuff" from my Great Grandfather, Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Mother and Father as well as my Brother and a few Uncles on top of my own. We 'collect' emotional baggage over lifetimes and then add to it by living our lives in 3D with all its ups and downs and dramas. We as a people are addicted to drama, hence addicted to keep filling up our pain bodies. We then reference all we do from this pain, even if unconscious of it. Ever wonder why things don't shift, why we meet the same person again in a different body, why we seem to have karmic relationships? The Pain Body! We are attached to it in many ways. So, the message this week was clear, clean out and release, for good, the entire list of events, trauma, emotions, memories and all else from the pain body and then release the entire pain body, much like releasing a bunch of balloons. We all want New Earth, at least I do....can't wait...but we have to make room for the incoming light codes and love codes and heart codes. The space that is currently taken up by the pain body on our auric field and physical bodies is meant to house the Love Body, an energy centre from which we can and will create New Earth with all its beautiful possibilities and trimmings. 

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson