Let's HELP each other - Prayers and Energy HEALING - Requests

Post your request for HEALING - or any other matter in which you orf a beloved one need assistance - here in this group and we will send you LOVE, LIGHT and energy for healing and transmutation.

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  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear Diana,

    May your decision to dwell among the humans on Earth be BLESSED as it brings great blessings to all.

    Re-UNION is where we are heading towards.

    The process of awakening shall not be stopped anymore!

    Soon, we shall all meet again - some sooner than others, admittedly ;-)

    The RING is no more!

    Troll baby LOVE and BLESSINGS,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Lori Wythe-Riddell

    please could you pray for my husband, frank.  he has cancer on his face and is going to the doctors to have it looked at and tested.  thank you in advance

  • Myriel RAouine

    Oh Lori, my mom had something we all thought was cancerous on her face too - alas, it was not, although it was growing!

    All my LOVE, protection and HEALING from high on for your husband Frank - NOW,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Michele Cheevers

    Lori, I am sorry to hear about your husband's cancer.  It is so heartbreaking to see what cancer has done to so many people and their loved ones.   Please stay strong and positive in his recovery.   I will include you both in my prayers for wellness in both body and mind for you both during these trying times.  Knowledge is power so please do research in all treatments possible on your own and don't be hesitate to seek a second opinion as to what your doctor tells you.  I believe that a good holistic doctor and a good medical doctor are a good idea to have a well rounded treatment plan.   My mother has done very well after her lymphoma cancer scare almost two years ago and we used both methods in her treatment.  She wanted to try all she could to help instead of just going by what the mainstream medical community advised her to do.   She felt it was her responsibility to check all avenues available to her and we count our blessings every day that she did.    We are now finding out that our illnesses and diseases are not only part of our physical body but also our emotions and mental well being factor into it all.   I wish you continued strength in your support of your husband during this time and I hope for the very best care he can receive to bring him to his natural state of  good health.   Please  let us know how you both are doing when you can.    

               Be well in peace and love,   Michele 

  • Lori Wythe-Riddell

    thank you every one for your help.  the baking soda hint sounds real good and didn't know about the ph.  i know that shark cartilage is suppose to help too but it costs too much money to get if you can get it.  i am trying to keep a positive outlook and saying to myself that he does not have cancer.  these days he is just craggy

  • Myriel RAouine

    So BE it, Lori!

    And so it IS ...

  • Lori Wythe-Riddell

    thank you very much Diana.  i don't have any ingredients at hand but lavender oil

  • Lori Wythe-Riddell

    really!  i didn't know about the germs.  i will check the health food store while we are in edmonton.  we have to go there,  as my grandson is going for another operation.  from now on he has to go for an operation yearly.

  • Michele Cheevers

    sending loving prayers to Gislene in Canada, her loved ones and her health care workers so that her suffering is minimal and her recovery is quick.   Bless her heart!


  • Angel~a

    Sending LOVE and seeing Gislene happy, healed and laughing!

    Blessed Be!


  • Myriel RAouine

    May her recovery be quick!

  • Myriel RAouine

    Tathastu - So BE it - and so it IS!

  • Patrizia

    Please, may someone send me some healing, please? My heart is beating very fast, and i'm completely sweat, i don't want ambulance or hospital, can please someone help me?

    In Gratitude and Love

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Dearest Patrizia,
    I send you calming Love and angels to help with healing.
    Do not hesitate to call an ambulance though if you need one.
    Much Love,
  • Patrizia

    Thanks dear Ishema,

    after vomiting, i feel better, thanking your energies, Angels and Fairies, i'm almost ok, maybe my menopause if more fierce than how i thought...

    Love and Gratitude


  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Try to get some sleep now, and don't forget to drink water.
  • Patrizia

    Dear Carol, after a bad night i'm here, better than yesterday, not in perfect health, but here, my heart is calm, i'll rest as soon as possible.Thanks for your Love and care.

    With much Love and Gratitude


  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Still holding you in heart space, sending a calm ing energy and asking the healing angels to be with you.

  • Patrizia

    Thanks dear Ishema, really THANKS!

    Love, Patrizia <3 <3 <3

  • Myriel RAouine

    Oh my siSTARS, your connexion and conversation warms my heart so much!

    Patrizia, are you feeling better?

    Pure white light is all around you now - let it IN!

    May AA Raphael help you HEAL through insight into what you need  - and what you need to know now.

    AA Chamuel is WITH YOU!

    And the legions of LOVE surround your beingness ...

    LOVE is the HEALER

    LOVE is the answer


    Sonja Myriel RAouine

  • Patrizia

    Beloved Sonja,

    thanks for your kind and loving words and thoughts, i'm better now, not perfect, but better. i somatize everything on my stomach, but when i'm very nervous/ stressed (menopause) everything inside me rebels...

    Thanks again to you ,  Agels and Archangels!

    Yes dear, LOVE is always the answer.

    In Gratitude and Love


  • Myriel RAouine

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Dearest Patrizia

    I am sending you healing now.xxx

  • Patrizia

    Beloved Beverly and Diana Elfso,

    THANKS from the bottom of my heart....yes, i'm doing well now, even though i feel not in perfect health, and feel that BIG CHANGES are coming my way,and need to be ready to welcome and allow them...

    A wonderful LOVE WAVE your way, beloved sisters, i truly LOVE YOU!


  • Patrizia

    Dear Lady Elfso, glad you have been knighted!

    Thanks for your Love and Presence

    Light hugs


  • Myriel RAouine

  • Arleem

    my Beloved  siSTARS, 

    Patrizia, are you feeling better?

    I send you AA Raphael (green and golden light)..Mahatma healing energy 

  • Patrizia

    Beloved Creatures  Lady Elfso, Arleem and Sonja, your Love touches deeply my heart! Thanks, i'm ok, hope to be better next weeks, when autumn  comes, now it's still hot, but i a right way, today there are 28 degrees, blue sky and hot sun, but with north wind, so is not too much hot, and i feel better!

    THANKS again from the bottom of my heart, what a beautiful and strong sensation is to feel that WE ARE ALL   ONE, and that each of us is READY to help, support and give 'web-cuddles' to other...

    This means a lot to me, thanks

    Love and Gratitude


  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear Patrizia,

    I do not know about the problem but sending you Blessings and Love....

  • Patrizia

    Dearest SohiniBen, 

    Thanks for your Love thoughts, as always, they are really appreciated and precious to me! I'm ok now, even though i'm so much nervous and very stressed, life is not easy. I think my Mission on Earth is not finished, so we'll meet again and again :-) :-) :-)

    Thanks again dear. Love and Gratitude your way


  • Myriel RAouine

    OH Patrizia, I know this anxiousness, too! It is much better now than it was before, for me, but exactly NOW this inner pressure is rising again, too - most probably due to the coming Eclipses, which bring hightened potential for CHANGE. The physical body reacts with FEAR to the unknown - but I have learnt by now that this kind of fear is NOT meant for me to stop doing anything I do, but on the contrary, lol!

    I tried several methods - but connecting to lightgrid and then to the Ctystalline CREATRIX is one which helped me a lot ... and then feel INNER EARHT SUN connect to your Solar Plexus - and then connet upwards to the Sun and Central Sun - and let ALL which is not in perfect alignment with the Divine Plane GO ... feel it go down into Mother Earth who takes this energy gratefully for transformance, as it is PURE ENERGY!

    May we all celebrate the Eclipses TOGETHER AS ONE - and may we all be freed from fear as humanity ascends,

    Myriel RAouine

  • Jane Grost

    I would like to ask for prayers please for my beautiful friend Maria (also known as Betelguese) who lives in Denmark, she has known  such heart ache this year, first of all her wonderful Great Nephew was diagnosed with a brain tumor, he was only 7 years old (he transitioned last month).  Maria herself has been suffering with what is known as "broken heart syndrome"  and a part of her heart pretty much stopped working, now apart from suffering with grief for her great nephew she has bronchitis and apart from having to go to work is under strict instructions to spend the rest of the time in bed resting.    Maria does so much for others, some times too much so any prayers offered will help.  Thank you <3

  • Jane Grost

    I send prayers love and healing energy to all who need it

  • Patrizia

    Could you all my sisters and brothers, send Healing to my dad ATTILIO, who is urinating blood, he has a papilloma that  may have turned in prostate or bladder cancer, he's 86 and a surgery is not advisable.

    Thanks to each of you from the bottom of my heart

    Love and Gratitude


  • Galina

    Dearest sister,sending Love,Light and Healing energy to your father,and hugs to you,sunshine!

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Sending Healing Energy and Love to you and  your father, Attilio!

    Love and Peace to you!


  • Arleem

    My Beloved Sister Patriza...I send my love and prayers to your dad ATTILIO ...

  • Patrizia

    THANKS beloved Arleem and Carol for your precious support and Love...

    He's a little bit better today, 

    Love and Gratitude,


    p. thanks to you as well, Galina, sometimes you pop up.

  • Myriel RAouine

    LOVE and HEALING Blessings to you and your father, beloved!

    Sonja Myriel

  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear Patrizia,

    Sending Love, Light & Healing along with Prayers for your Father...

  • Patrizia

    Thanks Sonja and SohiniBen, he's a bit better.

    Love, Patrizia

  • Laurel Ann Browne

     Light workers, are all in need and at this time in my life I do ask for help and healing. I know because of the work I do and have done throughout my life, I'm being hit hard, as many of us are struggling. I know there are many good things coming to us and this planet. I have been a teacher, writer, healer and mentor but being blocked with 3rd throat chakra (teeth, gums and my voice. I know I can do it again but I need help. I cannot help others if I don't heal myself but this has gone on for far to long and I need to get back to work...as the messenger that I AM. They say the stronger the lightworker the harder they get hit hopefully wanting to stop us. I will not stop and respectfully ask for healing and this help.

    Love & Light, Laurel Ann

  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear Lauren,

    Throat Chakra is the 5th and usually we count it 1st from muladhar...

    One thing I will suggest you that to remain in silence as far as possible will help you along with the lozenges to keep in mouth..

    If necessary you should try some medicines also

    I will send healing that it can heal also...

    Dr. SohiniBen Shukla.

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Dear Lauren,

    You are on my prayer list and I ask the healing angels to be with you. 

    May the Angels administer to all of your healing needs.

    With Love and Healing Blessings,


  • Myriel RAouine

    Dearest Laurel Ann,

    Throat chakra Stands for Self expression and thus the healing of the rip between the worlds. In Deep respect, compassion and gratitude to your beingness I ask the Angels, Ascended Master Healers, Devi, and Nature Beings to help and guide you through this period of Self empowerment and Healing!

    Your Divine Will, Love and Wisdom shine through every word you write. Take care of yourself first, indeed, als these are the lessons you have chosen to be able to assist on ever new Levels thereafter those WHO will be sent to you by SPIRIT!

    I am also undergoing deep reaching cleansing processes steht this time and I shall send HEALING, LOVE & ENERGY your way as long als required so wie may stand in the Light of the Creator RENEWED and in our Full light splendor thereafter!

    The HEALING has BEGUN!

    And it is way more Deep rooted than just throat... Beware, throat chakra reflects sacral chakra / 2nd chakra ... It's the Expression of our LIFE FORCE. ... Any Art Project - Patientinnen, singing, dancing, crystal Grid creation ... Whatever Self expressing method you are drawn to will help you to find Balance again!

    Take your Time, BREATH DEEPLY, and treat your body als a Temple of the DIVINE!

    Love eternal, dearest Laurel,

    Sonja Myriel
  • Laurel Ann Browne

    Thank you for your response...let the healing begin. Love & Light, Laurel Ann

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Laurel, I was having a similar health problem with throat issues,

    The dentist found that two crowns had decays and X-rays were not detecting them. After dental work to correct this, my throat area became much better. Like you, I searched for all the esoteric and physic reasons to correct. It was surprising to find that there was a physical problem that could be corrected to quickly bring improvement. This is something to check into also.

    Sending you Angels and Healing Energy!


  • Myriel RAouine

    Ay! So important not to ignore our BODIES!!! I have found out so much about what my Body really needs and what's not good for it ... I am finally getting a feeling for it, lol! And I'm finding out how to prepare yummy AND healthy food ... detoxing my body is my main focus at the moment.

    Health is so much more than the absence of illness!!!

    Love eternal,

    Sonja Myriel
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Eva

    This week has been especially intense with a several enormous downloads of information and also physical and emotional upgrades in my own body. 

    The main part of this was information about clearing and fully releasing our pain bodies, a storage unit, so to speak of our collective and individual trauma and negative events and most often those of others we live with, lived with or had dealings with in the past, including past lives. I had the pleasure this week to clear out pain body "stuff" from my Great Grandfather, Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Mother and Father as well as my Brother and a few Uncles on top of my own. We 'collect' emotional baggage over lifetimes and then add to it by living our lives in 3D with all its ups and downs and dramas. We as a people are addicted to drama, hence addicted to keep filling up our pain bodies. We then reference all we do from this pain, even if unconscious of it. Ever wonder why things don't shift, why we meet the same person again in a different body, why we seem to have karmic relationships? The Pain Body! We are attached to it in many ways. So, the message this week was clear, clean out and release, for good, the entire list of events, trauma, emotions, memories and all else from the pain body and then release the entire pain body, much like releasing a bunch of balloons. We all want New Earth, at least I do....can't wait...but we have to make room for the incoming light codes and love codes and heart codes. The space that is currently taken up by the pain body on our auric field and physical bodies is meant to house the Love Body, an energy centre from which we can and will create New Earth with all its beautiful possibilities and trimmings.