Let's HELP each other - Prayers and Energy HEALING - Requests

Post your request for HEALING - or any other matter in which you orf a beloved one need assistance - here in this group and we will send you LOVE, LIGHT and energy for healing and transmutation.

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  • Tammy S. Mears

    Thank you Sonja, I did make a huge mistake and you are right about everything that you said.  Thank you, Love Tammy

  • Tammy S. Mears

    Dear Shenna, Thankfully I am getting a lot better.  I had to reach out to all of you because I was truly worried at what might happen to myself if I didn't search for answers and guidance.  I have prayed for several days and things are getting better.  He is telling me that he has met someone else and that he never wants to speak to me again and then he text messages me that if I get my life together, "things will probably be different" .   So that gives me some hope that maybe things will work out for us someday.  You know in life it is so hard to find someone that is so special, someone that when you kiss them you elevated your consciousness into some kind of bliss complete with pink and blue intertwining swirls.  It is hard to forget.  I am 50 and have had many boyfriends and this has never happened with any of them before.  Thank you to everyone.  

    Love,  Tammy

  • Tammy S. Mears

    Good Morning Sarah Tamara!

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Michele Cheevers

    Tammy,  I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling.  I admire you for reaching out for help as this brings the pain out of the darkness where it hurts the most and puts it into the light to be healed.  In this we can all join together and help lift your spirits and encourage you and remind you what a lovely person you are and that it will get better with time.  Together we can be stronger against any pain or suffering.  You are in my prayers.

  • Tammy S. Mears

    1. Oh Sarah you are so awesome!!!!!  Thank god for the internet that we can meet people here that is sometimes hard to meet in person.  Luckily I do have a few wonderful friends that I have come across and I am with them now on the border of the national forest on a crystal mine.  I was so fortunate to run into this website a year or two ago and I have always loved it. Thank you also Michele and Sonja and Shenna.  There are wonderful loving people as a part of this group.  I love you all
  • Tammy S. Mears

    Sarah, we could have been talking astraly.   I slept so deeply last night i don't remember a thing.  You probably related to me in some manner, I mean you are a precious gift to our planet. Life is amazing, I understand so little of why things happen.  I made an impression on your caring psyche and if you astrally travel you may have been assisting and doing work while asleep also.  Love you.  I am still missing him. 

  • Tammy S. Mears

    and yes, those dark deposits were there, I think they are gone now.  Standing Deer did his best to remove them.  I removed them myself the day michael jackson and farrah fawcet died.  I felt them there and was able to remove them psychically at that time which I have not been able to do since.   I feel pretty clean now so hopefully I will not get around things that will put that back in me.

  • Myriel RAouine

    Purified and Cleansed :-)

    THANK YOU all so much for bringing your loving essence to SHINE into the lives of all of us!

    Lightgrid BLESSINGS,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine

     PEACE to Gaia and ALL Beings who live on her!

  • Galina

    Sending Love and prayers for Sunspiritsmiles and Tamara.Blessing of Light be with you,dear ones...

    Flirty Images

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Sending prayers and angels  to Sunsprite and Tamara for comfort and peace.

    Much love, Ishema

  • geetha

    sending prayers to dear Sunspiritsmiles and family...

  • Jewel White

    To a dear soul and Friend Sunspiritsmiles, I LOVE you sooo much and thank you from my heart for all the special spiritual blessings we have shared over the years here on Lightgrid. You will be deeply missed but so welcomed at your re-birth. Your angels surround you with love and light assisting you at this time of transition. Be blessed dear heart in the love and peace of all your beloved friends around you now pouring great love to LIGHT your way. You are a very special beautiful being who put the |Sun, Spirit and Smiles across the miles.  We are so grateful to have received such a blessing.  God be with you dear heart on your onward journey.  Holding your beloved daughter in the Christ Light.


  • Beverly Karakochuk

    I will tell Sunspiritsmiles of all the prayers. She thanks you. Jewel Thank you.

  • Param Gian ~ Kathryn

    Loving You and All You Love Dearest and Ever Shining SunSpiritSmiles!  Your Beauty Love and Light Shine On through all Life and everywhere you touch and in any dimension you express ~ there will be the Love you are ~~~ we are so so so Blessed to be part of Your Love touch and Feeling such a SunSpiritSmile!  Blessed Be your BeLoved daughter ~ may she Ever Be in the Love Embrace Your Shining Beingness Knows and Gives so truly.  I Love You so so much Dear Sister ~~~~ Thank You for All you are ~~~ Thank You Dear Tamara for Being in the Love you are and most Blessed "part" of a Great Love You both Know ~~~ such a Love is Exponential for all of us ~~~ this Heart is with you ~~~~ in All Love in All ways,  kathryn param gian

  • Patrizia

    To a beautiful soul like yours Sunspiritsmile, and your Tamara too, i send Healing Love, calling forth all Angels to touch your heads...

    Love in Christ Light


  • Angel~a


    You've been a sister, Light and beautiful friend. You were one of the first people on Light Grid that reached out to me-I was blessed. We will see each other again. You are in my prayers along with your family. Thank You and I love you!


  • Mazie Miles

    May the Light of God Surround You,

    May the Love of God Enfold You,

    And May the Angels sing and dance with you all the way home.................

  • Myriel RAouine

    I am in awe.

    THANK YOU so much, Beverly, fo sending out this invitation to stand by Kathleen NOW!

    I have felt her in our connexion today - and have seen us all blessing her and her family - and being being blessed in return! From on high - were our HOMe truly IS!

    The journey onwards is the journey HOME!!!

    We should never forget this - and the veil is thinning - we are UNITED in the LIGHT that we ARE - now and ALWAYS - no matter in which dimension we are - even in the third dimension we are ONE as soon as we remember out essence - our LIGHT!

    Dearest SunSpiritSmiles, if you happen to come across these lines and all these well wishes - WE LOVE YOU!!!

    I would never have thought this possible - but our openness at sites like this allows us to truly SEE each other and remember our eternal frienships - and thus ascend together!

    You are a wayshower - have always been! - and if your soul has chosen to move on, so BE it. You are ASCENDING - whether you keep your body or not. 

    I know that EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE

    I know that we are connected.

    And we will continue to be so.

    I AM SENDING HEALING LOVE YOUR WAY - and to your precious daughter, family and friends!

    Letting go - letting go all preconceived ideas ... Healing ... Ascending ... Embodying LOVE!

    Follow the wisdom of your infinite SOUL 

    Surrender to LOVE

    and you shall LIVE eternally!

    Wayshower BLESSINGS,

    Sonja Myriel

  • jan marie price

    You know there is an old saying that when someone is ready to rise, then those who are healing and wishing well, it is not for us to demand what we want, it is the Souls journey, and when like a flower has gained all its mastery for this side of life, it is time to Ascend to the Lands of light, meet with all your loved ones, peace in mind, body and Soul. Be at one and not fear, Where there is pain fill this with love, light and lots of laughter.

    Rejoice, rejoice celebrate union

    Bev you sound distressed, 

  • ayana




    ayanna k

  • Patrizia

    Please send Healing to a friend of mine, Elisabetta, she has pleura cancer.

    Thanks for your loving thoughts to her


  • Beverly Karakochuk

    God hears your prayers and will answer. Have Faith. What ever is best for her it will be done.

  • Patrizia

    Thanks dear sisters...i'm sure she can feel this Wave of LOVE!



  • ayana

    Sending loving light healing energy to Elisabetta ~

    Thank you for sharing this Patrizia.

    Love ~ Many Blessings
    ayanna k
  • Patrizia

    Dear star Michelle, here is Tonto rotated. I understand you, my 2 dogs are 16 and 14 and not in good health...

    My Love to you and Tonto as well



  • Patrizia

    Dear Star Michelle,

    happy to know this update about Tonto...yes, it's hard to see our beloved pets that cannot tell us how do they feel, and  symptons, we can help them with medicines and, above all, LOVE...

    Healing Love to both of you,



  • jan marie price

    Can I just say I do not wish to sound that I am bigging up Reiki, but I had a lady came to see me about her cat, who had been hit by a car and could not walk any more, now she had been to a vet, and had treatments etc, and the last options was he offered her to put the cat to sleep. She gave her self one last option so I went to her as I felt the cat might get stressed. Did a treatment on him on my lap, as he could not walk or lean on leg.

    Well glad to home in that he was running around shortly after so always give this a good try, as it is very superior in healing.  The other have you violet flamed the cat, dog or pet, visulize the effected areas, well a cat you could blast Royal purple/violet/emerald flames through. That it just a quicky sorry, I hope this helps

  • jan marie price

    Can I ask for healing for myself, I am in great need of healing with physical in alot of pain. 

  • Galina

    Sending Love and Healing Energy to Jan Marie...

  • Myriel RAouine

    LOVE LIGHT HEALING to you, dear Jan MARIE!

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    I have a request please, my brother Wayne has cancer, lymphatic cancer, it started on his penis and has now spread, please find it in your hearts to send him love and healing. Thank you.  xxx

  • Michele Cheevers

    Hello Beverly, so sorry to hear about your brother.  You both are in my prayers.  Please  check on the following websites for good information on what  can be done for people with cancer and other health issues - Killing Cancer Cells; another very good website for research and help with health issues and quality natural solutions  is    Dr. Sam Mugzzi, Empowering Better Health.  Dr. Mugzzi is very credible and has a wealth of information to share with us on healing our bodies the natural way.  She is available for personal consultations and advisement on treatment options  using herbs, essential oils and other homeopathic methods.  I have followed her weekly radio program for several years now and have always found her to be honest and caring about people and their physical and emotional health.  These are just a couple of options that may be of help to you and your brother.  It is good to research the health issue as much as possible to be well informed  as to all the treatments possible.  I will pray  for and visualize your brothers good health and  quick recovery.  I also send you love and understanding as it is hard to see someone you care about go through these types of health issues. Stay strong and positive for you both.  Peach and Love,   Michele 

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Thank you Michele, I will send this to my brother as he is in Canada

  • Myriel RAouine

    Dearest Beverly,

    I would love to ask for more help - wouldn't you like to set up a separate discussion which I can share?

    Please know that I am sending ANGELS for HEALING!

    I am with you,

    Sonja MYRIEL

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Thank you Sonja, I wasn't thinking. I have done so. Thank you

    Love Bev

  • Karen Read

    I have a strange question but it has bothered me all my life. Are nose bleeds a signal from our higher self to be aware of something or an issue? Ive had them since a young child and continue to do so but only on the left side. I have really be tapping into things lately and just now had a nose bleed which prompted me to ask this question. Maybe its common for crystal children to have them or starseeds etc Thank you

  • katie

    It is a sign and symptom of psychic attack. When I was a child I would have massive nose bleeds all the time. Eventually I grew out of them but never knew why they happened until a few mnths ago. So one day out of the blue a few mnths ago I got a nose bleed that I haven't had since I was a child. The next day I had a migraine but was trying to read through the instructions on an energy attunement about protecting yourself and it clearly said that in the manual. I ended up stoping to try to do the attunement and just had to go to bed b/c of my head but I was  very excited to finally find the answer to my question. The next day I went back to the attunement manual excited to read more about nose bleeds and psychic attack and it was not there, it did not exist in that manual but I believe it was me at a higher level or spirit guide sharing the info

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    I have a request please, my Herbalist has told me that I have colistridium Difficile I have googled it and am not happy.

    Please pray for a healing and if t

    here is anything I can do to help myself please let me know. Does anyone see anything??

  • Myriel RAouine

    Dearest Beverly - I am so sorry that I didn't notice your comment here earlier! ENERGY to support your healing is coming your way! Wouldn't you like to open a discussion here in this group which I can share with all our friends? Or you just tell me to do so and I will - and maybe you could add some of the information you found on the net?

    LOVE is the strongest force!


    You are LOVED - you are LOVE!!!

    You are WHOLE - you are HEALED!!!

    With all my HEART,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Sonja, that's ok not to worry, I will heal, every day I notice something different, like I had a sore throat yesterday and now it's gone and today spasams in my back so i'm hoping that will pass also and my hormones are out as well. I have no idea what is going on, but I get worried.

    Would you please post this for me as i'm not very good at this.

    Thank you

    Love Bev

  • Myriel RAouine

    I will, Beverly!

    I have now googled it, too - and what Sarah says makes all so much sense to me! I, too, use essential oils when confronted with bacteria - tee tree, and lavender among the most prominent - and mhyrre is very expensive but MOST helpful, too! Sandalwood is absolutely GREAT - especially when you say you have a soar throat, too. ROSE oil is exquisite, too! It also helps to raise your SPIRITS again :-)

    Well now - I will post the discussion above :-)

    Ah - and when you use essential oils - diffuse them with HONEY - and if you want to feel like Cleopatra, mix a bit of milk to it - you will LOVE it!!!

    I have one question - which you might want to answer in the discussion which I am about to post in a minute: did you take antibiotics recently? From what I have read this specific bacteria likes to settle in the indestines when the natural environment there is disturbed - which is the case especially after taking antibiotics which affect the indestinal flora.

    HEALING Love and Light,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Myriel RAouine

    Most interesting what you share about nose bleeds katie!

    Yes, Spirit does work in such ways sometimes - to give us the answers we need - and our mind finds a way to explain where we found them, although the explanation is really not there - but given to us directly :-)

    About the nose bleeds I might want to add that there are several possibilities of what they may signify. I suggest that you open up to your inner guidance and LISTEN closely, Karen, what they mean for YOU!

    I am reminded of the cleansing of menstruation when I read about your symptoms ... letting GO something ... But the answer is to be found WITHIN ...

    Love Light Blessings,

    Sonja Myriel

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Dear Sonja, I have not taken Antibiotics for at least 8 or 9 months. Sorry I have not gotten back to you, I go to Sydney every two weeks to mind my granddaughter or the week so am not on the comp during that time or very seldom, I thank you so much for all of this. I have a question the oil of oregano , can you take it orally? I have some that I got in Canada it's not an essential oil, but very potent all the same? It's calledOil of Oregano ( Oreganol) Mediterranean Source Wild Handpicked. North American herb and Spice  put it out.  Sarah Thank you soooo much for all that you do, I will surley get the oils. God Bless you always.

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    The bright light in one of them is the flash. I have taken photos like this before, and asked a friend what this was and he said it is a portal, but I had adjusted the colours but not with these ones.

  • Myriel RAouine

    Can't find any photos?

  • Arleem

    Beverly photo : 

  • Myriel RAouine

    Ah :-) The Pink Ray of LOVE and a Platinum Light Star, lol! Thank you, Arleem!

  • Myriel RAouine

     The Creator is present within everything and so when we look with eyes beyond the Earthly plane, with feeling or with an open mind we are able to notice certain manifestations that are results of the presence of the Creator. These manifestations can be feelings of joy, bliss, love, peace, freedom or contentment, maybe they are visions of coloured or white light, synchronicities that feel like miracles or inspired thoughts
