Let's HELP each other - Prayers and Energy HEALING - Requests

Post your request for HEALING - or any other matter in which you orf a beloved one need assistance - here in this group and we will send you LOVE, LIGHT and energy for healing and transmutation.

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  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Healing coming your way.

  • lu

    Hello to all,

    I have not been able to keep in contact for a while as i was looking after a sick uncle.But a week ago i was taken to hospital an have had to have an complete hystrectomy i was home the next day but have had a bad week i have an infection now in my bladder and not doing so good.i have asked my family to help a lttle but they are not like me so have made up all sorts of excuses not to come help,and one even said if i could pay for her time off work and petrol she will pop in....I forgive freely and know some are givers others cant just yet..but i ask you DEAR ones to send healing please or add me to your prayers as tonight im very low and i dont want to add MINDS little games to this GOD bless you all and thank you xxx

  • Carol

    Hi Nicola, i would be happy to send distant healing to you, in fact i was just going to sit now for 15 mins so if you see this, your welcome just to relax as much as you can, suggestion, ask for help or pray,  that can create a deeper openness to allow light in,( but distant healing works as you have asked for help already so no worries if you dont see this right now.

    love and light


    i will sit now and send healing 

  • Myriel RAouine

    Dearest Nicola,

    I see you surrounded by a ring of fire  ... may the ANGELS guide and guard you and the FIRE of Eternal Health and Bounty touch your Being!

    You are LOVED!

    Let your emotions FLOW .... there are no good and bad ones - ALL are required so HEALING can take place ...

    Surrounding you with the LIGHT of the Central Sun NOW,

    Sonja Myriel Aouine

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Nicola, We are sending Healing to you right now. See the Violet Flame in front of you.

    Love White Eagle and Bev

  • ayana

    Dear Nicola,
    You are not alone ~ we are with you. Sending you healing and love ~

    Blessings to you Love ~
  • Arleem

  • Myriel RAouine

    LOVE LIGHT BLESSINGS from ALL of us, dearest Nicola!

    This time is difficult for many of us as we are undergoing BASIC changes now ... I can feel these changes taking place in my emotional body today ... a ROSE has come to aid me this afternoon ;-)


    Sonja Myriel

  • lu

    How can I explain,its too beautiful..If you could feel just a drop of what I felt,such Love strong yet gentle, peaceful flowing through me. my mind light and rested in peace,my body full of flowing golden,yellow and pink healing Love.

    Sent by loving children of GOD...YOU...and on these special days when the planet of LOVE passes our Earth closer then ever known.

    I can never thank you all enough .such vessels of the Divine ..you hepled me and sent me the energy needed and to continue this current of LOVE I have asked the Healing Love be sent on to others in need and make its way back to the ONE that IS....THANK YOU ALL FOR KIND WORDS ,HEALING lOVE,TIME AND THOUGHTS....GOD BLESS YOU ALL...NICOLA 

  • Myriel RAouine

    So HAPPY to hear / read this, dear Nicola :-)


    Sonja Myriel

  • lu

    Hello All lovers of GOD...Im not doing so good recovering and have been put on 4 types of antibiotics I know its only a month but theses headaches are to much for me they lay me flat on my back.May I request Healing Please,Im always lifted when I read this site and am quite amazed how wonderful you all are.You never give up and always speak in words of Love.May GOD keep blessing you all.

    With love  Nicola


  • lu

    Thank you GLO ...IM a veggie and dont eat eggs Iwas wondering if this slowed down recovery after the opals Iwas rushed to hospital because i lost a lot of blood and kept passing blood clots the size of baseballs.Im on HRT aswell so headaches might be that.They feel lke an axe in my head..

    Still Ilooking forward and trying hard to be as balanced as poss.

    Thank you for your time and Healing


  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear Nicola,

    I assume you do already drink plenty of water - please BLESS the water before drinking. Hold it in your hands and as Source to inform the water with what your body, mind and soul NEED to be pain free and recover quickly. Drink the water like medicine - and as much as you can. It will help you to detox ... I feel that the platinum light would be very beneficial - and will send it now your way. Open up to RECEIVE what SOURCE provides ... Soothing Blue Light coming your way, too, ... mixed with green ... turning turquoise ... RUSHING through your high heart .... and filling your entire system ...

    love light blessings, 

    Sonja Myriel

  • CrystaLin Joy

    Beloved Nicola,

    I AM Also Vegan - Being Vegan does NOT slow down recovery as long as You are getting enough protein from legumes & nuts & seeds.  Be sure your Omega 3's are optimal (I take a Pure Vegan Source from Colorado- Whole Health.com).  Vitamen C fights infections and boosts immune system. 

    GLO & Sonja are Right ON with the Protiotics, Cleansing, Oregano Oil & Lots of Blessed Water. I would add SLEEP a lot - I know it's hard with headaches (could be from anesthetic hangover).  I will  Remove  the Anesthetic from your Field & Body to ease those Headaches.  

    BE Well Dear One, We Are With YOU.

    With Infinite LoveLight & Compassion,

    CrystaLin Joy

  • william abbott

    I have posted 2 new blogs that will help everyone suffering from illness please feel free to copy the information and save it on your computer for use at a later date.

    They are quite long but as you will see they contain much of the answers to so many of your questions.


  • william abbott

    I notice a few mentions on water .

    When water comes out of a metal tap the polarity is change  this is why the body does not accept it fully.

    As mentioned if you place both hands around the cup but do not touch the glass think LOVE   this will generate a large EMF electric magnetic field and re polarize the water in a manner that resonates with your bodies natural electro magnetic field.

    Test it out I don't suggest drinking any soft drinks but should you have one poor a glass it will be fizzy then perform the technique 80% of the fizz will vanish.

    Its very effective. Don't drink water from a tap if you can avoid it as it is full of fluoride Fluoride is a mind inhibitor and specifically targets the PITUITARY GLAND   we all no why this was done don't we.

    Any way avoid it if you can.

  • Patrizia

    Dear William, i like everything you write, i feel a powerful energy that includes all the Creation! Thanks a lot! Please could you tell me the title of  the blogs?

    Love and Pure Light


  • Steve Hutchinson

    I thought that everyone might want to know that I just uplloaded on YouTube the 6th video in the "Transformational Meditation" series of 8 videos, "Expanding Your Intuition While Merging With Universal Mind" http://youtu.be/4Ho3LviWmmw  Plus I created a new public playlist with 6 of the 8 videos, http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2E672BF5C32364B0. (I'm uploading & posting one a week, so there are 2 more left in the series to look forward to). And when you see that there are 9 videos on the playlist, I should mention that the last 3 videos on the above playlist are not in the same series, but are definitely powerful guided meditations that help you in your ascension & spiritual growth from my earlier work.

  • lu

    A healing group is sending Healing to our dear brother and sisters in the USA.

    May I request Healing for a lady with a drug problem who has also foud 4 lumps that are worring her ,the lady has been through a mined field of a life an I ask that she be added to your prayers and Healing requests.

    Great Love to you all



  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear Nicola, is she from the US? What's her name? 4 lumps that are worrying her? I don't understand. Is she afraid of cancer?

    I will send healing love and energy your way, nicola - with the intention to reach this woman.


    Sonja Myriel

  • Galina

    Sending Healing for Judith and Melissa...Blessed be!.Virtual candles have been lit for their healing

    Flirty Images

  • ayana

    to any and all suffering, of any kind,
    at this time ~

  • Angel~a

    Love and Light sent to the families of the 20 children who were killed in a school shooting today in the US along with the shooters mother and girlfriend. Also for the shooter as well.



  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear Angela,

    Healing sent to the children who are affected ...Love & Blessings are also with  them all....


  • Myriel RAouine


  • CrystaLin Joy

    Sending the Dear Young Ones who Volunteered Before they were born into this World, to Sacrifice their Lives, Infinite Healing LOVELight, & Our Deepest Gratitude for Opening Many New Hearts to the NEW Consciousness of Compassion.

    Our Deepest Sympathy & Infinite Healing LOVELight to the Survivors of this Tragedy, May they come to understand that this seemingly senseless LOSS was Not in vain - It is part of the Birthing of the New Consciousness of Love & Compassion on a Global Level.

    To the Troubled Young Man that committed this atrocity, I send Healing LoveLight to Purify and Cleanse His Soul & Heart of the Karma of taking the Role of the Dark Side to Bring about the New Understanding of Love & Compassion. 

    Thank YOU ALL, for Our Evolution into the Ever Brightening LoveLight of Oneness.  We Are ALL ONE.

    With Infinite LoveLight,

    CrystaLin Joy

  • Myriel RAouine

    My dear CrystaLin JOY, 

    Thank you so much for your words of Divine Love and Understanding!

    For all who are still looking for an explanation - I would like to share a link here with you 

    KRYON ~ The Tragedy Unfolding in Front of Us.

    Lee Carroll channeled this message 2 years ago - but it is still relevant and helps to see the light behind drama.

    The angels are with all who have lost a beloved one - and they are taking care of all who went to the other side,

    Sonja Myriel RAouine

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Beautiful Star Michelle,  Healing has been sent to you in it's purest form. xxx

  • Myriel RAouine


    I ask the legions of LIGHT to stand beside you and guard and protect you. RISE, RISE, RISE, beloved siSTAR - RISE, RISE, RISE!

    The world may seem to be falling apart - but we are COMING TOGETHER!


    Sonja Myriel

  • Tammy S. Mears

    Hello to all and prayers to everyone that has lost a loved one.  I have a request for a healing prayer, praying for forgiveness and understanding for my family that has broken up.  We lost our home to fire and now everyone is breaking apart.  Please help if you can, thank you!  I love everyone here.  It has been a tough time for everyone lately.  

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    I would also like to ask for prayers for my Daughter, she is run down and sick, dosn't seem to have a goal in her life right now just dealing with work and baby.  I'm afraid for her health. she had a  check up and they found abnormal cells in her cervec. she had a massive infection in that area after the baby was born. She has developed a large vein in her leg and it is connected to the groin, that's what the results said after the scan.  I am very worried for her. Thank you for all your prayers.

  • Tammy S. Mears

    Dear Shenna, thank you so much for your wisdom and advice.  I will keep reading your words so that I can make it through this.  He is truly a wonderful person.  He is a pianist virtuoso from a child and is a divine being that got off track and so he is kind of off kilter right now.  I do also need to pray for his peace as well because he must be very frustrated with the situation.  Thank you very much again.  Love, Tammy

  • Tammy S. Mears

    dear Sarah Tamara, thank you for looking for my healing and prayer request.  My situation is that a man that I love very much and have lived with for two years asked me if I cheated on him while I was in my addiction of all horrible things and I said yes, not wanting to lie to him because I love him and now he refuses to speak to me and he told me to stop calling him and to never call him again!  We have almost never fought in 2 years. I thought we were soul mates or twin flames because when we kissed i kept seeing these swirling pink and blue auras mingling and it was love at first sight with him.  I am totally broken hearted and I have been crying and praying for the last 48 hours because I can't believe he is gone and won't speak to me.  I want to hold him so badly.  The last thing he told my friend is he loved me and now he won't speak to me!  What should I do?

  • Arleem

    Dearest Beverly I send angels ans healing xxx

  • Arleem

    My Beloved sister Sarah..beautiful  crystal grid xxx

  • Arleem

    Message from the Goddess for Tuesday, February 19, 2013

    As you allow these energies to move through I’m working with your consciousness and moving through you to an even deeper level. As you feel the time is right have a sense of turning back around and in one hundred percent of everybody here, as you look back to those previous realities they are at dramatically different levels of vibration.

    It is as if you are now standing in a space that feels great to you, that feels real to you, that feels exactly like what you are seeking. And when you look at what you were seeking to manifest before they were in two totally different vibrations that are not in alignment with who you are and where you are. So this is an opportunity to have that sense of the differences in alignment and perception.

    --- The Goddess of Creation

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Thank you all for your prayers.

  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear Tammy, your request reminds me of Edgar's recent request to send HEALING Love and Light his way.

    I now send out VIOLET RAY BLESSINGS to ALL who have seemingly lost their beloved ones - I say "seemingly" because there is no separation beyond this third dimensional illusion.

    Sarah, your words and deeds and pictures are sooo beautiful!!!

    THANK YOU for all the LOVE which has begun to flow now in this group!

    BLESSED BE, ALLOW the separation to BE and then go on ... follow your path! There is meaning and sense in everything - maybe it's time to walk part of your path ALONE for a while to fully become conscious of the enormous POWER you carry - CREATIVE power ...

    Sonja MYriel

  • Myriel RAouine

    Beverly, my HEART reaches out to your daughter, her child and all your family!

    May she find MEANING and JOY, LOVE and BLESSINGS in her life!

    MAY grief and sorrow of the past - past lives included - be finally transmuted back into pure Divine Potential!

    May she find her way and encounter her mission!

    May the call become HEARD!

    She is WELL!


    Sonja MYriel

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    I thank you all so much for all your prayers. I love you all so much.

    Sarah, I think you have made a true friend. xxxx

  • Myriel RAouine

    I LOVE you Sarah :-)))

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    Yes indeed. I Love you Sarah

    I Love you Sonja

    It feels good to say these words from my heart.

  • Tammy S. Mears

    Hi Sarah Tamara, beautiful advice, thank you for the time for helping me.  I am so thankful.  Have a wonderful day.  I am focusing on the violet flame and love of my friends.  I know change does come.  If he does truly have a forgiving heart as I do then he will be able to forgive me. Love you and great blessings,  Tammy

  • Tammy S. Mears

    My dear friends, I pray for all and for ay anns family and giocandas passing. I pray for spiritual enliftment for all of our brothers and sisters.  Love, Tammy

  • Tammy S. Mears

    Sarah Tamara, I am so thankful, you are such and incredible person it makes me cry tears of joy that you would be so caring.  You are one awesome person and I thank you for the bottom of my heart.  Please stay in touch.  Love always, tammy

  • Tammy S. Mears

    I pray today for Mark Cox and his family in Memphis Tennessee.  There has been so many broken hearts in that family and illness.  The children had an abusive mother and never got over it.  I pray for their happiness and understanding and total healing and that they find the way to the true light!  They have angels everywhere in their home.  Mark is a pianist from a very early age, that is why I know he is a gifted spirit.  I pray for him and his change of heart, for this heart to mend and open up to forgiveness and understanding and total healing of his family!!!!  Love and Blessings to all.....

  • Myriel RAouine


    I LOVE you, too, Beverly :-)

    Sonja Myriel

  • Tammy S. Mears

    Hello, I just can't believe how someone can tell you they love you and now he still won't speak to me. His son is threatening to call cps on me and do all kind of things to get even with me if I call them back again.  Mark is 52, they say he is dating a 34 year old girl.  This hurts me so much.  This is like a lost cause I can't get over it, we used to be very best friends and lived and worked together for 2 years, he told me he loved me many times a day and now he won't even talk to me.  Please help!

  • Tammy S. Mears

    Thank you to everyone for your prayers.  I am still so upset about losing the love of my life through a breakup.  He told everyone he loved me and now he refuses to speak to me.  He used to tell me he loved me every single day, many times.  We were very close.  There was infidelity on my part that I regret but I am so sad and he is what held my life together and I miss him so much.  How could he instantly stop loving me?  If anyone has an answer please let me know.  

    thank you in advance


  • Myriel RAouine

    Tammy, infidelity HURTS!!!

    No one just stops loving another from one day to the next - but it hurst awfully to be let down and FORGIVENESS can not be forced.

    It must grow from understanding ... 

    Indeed, as Shenna says, It's time to be still and re-connect ... re-connect to you inner guidance and the Light within!

    Looking for appreciation in the outside does not help ... it's time to gather your energy within.

    BLESSINGS, my dear,

    Sonja MYRIEL