Wow, thank you so much, dear Monica!!! I LOVE the Aquamarine Ray and Colour but a lot f the information has been new to me - I didn't even know Aquariel up to now! It's such a beautful name / sound / vibration :-)
I will call upon him tonight and thank you for introducing me to him!
Love. Light and BRIGHTEST Aquamarine Blessings, dear sister,
The peacock is known as the bird with one hundred eyes. The eye-like patterns in its tail cause it to represent the stars, the universe, the sun, the moon, and the vault of heaven. To Christians this bird's many eyes are symbols of omniscience, the all-seeing God, and the all-seeing Church. Christ is portrayed as a Lamb with seven eyes "which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth" (Rev 5:6). The peacock's "eyes" also symbolize the beatific vision (i.e. the direct perception and knowledge of God as He truly is, enjoyed by angels, Christ, and the saints in heaven).
Greeks and Romans considered this bird sacred to Hera (a.k.a. Juno) and kept peacocks in her temple. According to their mythologies, Hera created the peacock from the eyes of her one hundred-eyed guard, Argus. There are two versions of this myth. In one, the jealous Hera sets Argus to guard Zeus's secret lover, Io, whom he has disguised as a heifer in a vain attempt to protect her from his wife's wrath. Eventually, Zeus has Argus killed and Hera rewards the faithful guard by turning him into a peacock. In another version of this story, Argos falls asleep on the job and Hera plucks out every one of his eyes and sets them in the peacock's tail. Needless to say, Hera was quite the zealous protectress of marriage and the home.
Peacocks may still be found in Indian temples. Many Hindu gods such as Lakshmi, Brahma, and Kama are portrayed riding upon peacocks. In China and Japan, the peacock is sacred to the goddesses of mercy, Kwan-yin and Kwannon. The peacock is a symbol of such compassion and empathy that it is thought to die of grief at the passing of its mate. However, one Moslem legend states that the peacock was the gatekeeper of Paradise until the day he swallowed the Devil and snuck him in.
(This shows evidence that in pre-Christian times the peacock was a most SACRED BEING!!! Yet, when the power of the Church and the belief in SIN were growing stronger and stronger to keep the peoples ensalved, this holy symbol of the purity of the soul was turned into its counterpart: the sin of pride! - Sonja Myriel)
In modern times the peacock's strutting and feather displaying has become a symbol of pride, arrogance, and vanity. During the Baroque period, the peacock often appeared at the Tenth Station of the Cross where Jesus was stripped to expiate our sins of vanity.
According to Sufi legend the original Spirit was created in the shape of a peacock. When it saw itself in the mirror of the Divine Essence it was so overwhelmed by the beauty it saw therein that great drops of sweat flew from its body. It was taught that from these drops all other living creatures were formed.
Both Hindus and Early Christians believed that the proud peacock was offended by its ugly feet. So much so, that he would stop in his vain strutting and shriek angrily whenever he caught a glimpse of this blemish in his otherwise beautiful and dignified appearance. The lesson learned from the peacock in early bestiaries was that Christians ought also to lament and hate their own spiritual imperfections. According to Hindu tradition, the peacock's voice was like that of the devil; his walk like that of a thief, and his feathers like those of an angel. The cherubim are believed to have peacock feathers in their wings.
Like many solar symbols, the peacock is an emblem of resurrection, immortality, and the incorruptible soul. These symbolic associations were strengthened by the belief that peacock flesh was not subject to spoilage and that when peacocks molted, their old feathers were replaced by ever more beautiful ones. Peacocks, their fans, and feathers are seen in heraldry, on tombs, and in Christian and pagan art as symbols of the actual process of glorification (the exchanging of the earthly body for the incorruptible one) and apotheosis (the deification of a person).
Peacocks often play the role of the mythical phoenix in religious art. They are sometimes seen drinking from Eucharistic chalices or near the Tree of Life. Because of their association with the Tree of Life, peacock thrones were popular in ancient Babylon and Persia. Because Heliopolis is the city where the phoenix was said to build its rejuvenating funeral pyre, the peacock has become a substitutional emblem of that city. St. Barbara has a peacock feather as one of her attributes because she was born in Heliopolis.
The peacock's restless activity at the approach of a storm has caused it to become a symbol of rain. At one time peacocks were sacrificed to bring on rain and to make people, animals, and the land fertile. The Chinese believed the peacock's glance could impregnate a woman.
The peacock is a destroyer of snakes and was believed to swallow their venom. It then used the poisons it swallowed to create its colorful plumage. It was therefore a symbol of transmutation. Its blood was believed to chase away evil sprits. Its feathers and meat were thought to cure snakebite and sickness. The Hindu god, Skanda, was depicted riding a snake-killing peacock. Skanda used poisons to create a magical elixir of immortality. The snakes his peacock killed symbolized earthly attachments.
The peacock is a symbol of beauty, prosperity, royalty, love, compassion, the soul, and peace. It was sacred in China and India. It symbolized the Buddhist Wheel of Life and the Ming dynasty. In Europe, its cry and its feathers were considered bad omens
Message From Sananda, October 10,
Through Rev. Michelle
“A Message For The
Beloved Ones,
As you move into the coming times, we
ask you to be aware of and work more closely with your chakras and the twelve
Rays, as you release all that no longer serves you. All that you have lived is
within your energetic signature. It is the light which you radiate out to all
others. It is the love of your Sacred Heart; it is the very essence of who you
are as you express your Divinity. Your energetic signature may be light and
bright or it may be filled with darkness and blemishes. As you release each
day, you will lighten your density and you will become the light of your Divine
I Am Presence. Assist yourselves in this transition, and use the twelve Rays as
you bring in the personality of God, your I Am Presence. The twelve Rays will
help you cleanse and clear and bring forth the balance and the harmony which
you desire. The twelve Rays will assist you in bringing balance and harmony
within your charka system and they will assist you in bringing forth and
anchoring your light body into the physical.
The five higher Rays have been brought
forth to give you even greater assistance, as you integrate the love of your
Sacred Heart. Beloved ones, call on the Eight Ray, this sea foam green with
violet Ray, to clear and cleanse your four bodies. Clear and cleanse your
physical, emotional, and mental, and spiritual bodies, through the calling in
of this Ray. As you release in layers, each day, call upon this
Call upon the Ninth Ray for the love and
the joy to assist you to stay within your passion for life, your great desire
to become and be your light body, your Divine I Am Presence. The Ninth Ray of
luminescent light green and blue, and the light of God, will help you to
further cleanse and release layers which no longer serve you. This Ray will
assist you in attracting your light body.
It is the Tenth Ray of pearlescent
luminosity and God light, which will code your light body into the physical.
Cleanse and clear, beloved ones, cleanse and clear, so you may make way for
your light body to fill the very essence of you, to fill your physical body and
every aspect of you with the unconditional love, will, power, and wisdom of the
Cosmos. Intentionally draw in your Divine I Am Presence, and freely call on the
Tenth Ray to assist you. This Ray is of most great importance to you at this
The Eleventh Ray, of peach luminosity
and God light, is the bridge to the New Age. It will further help you clear
remaining patterns which no longer serve you; it will help you bring into
balance the remainder of the masculine and feminine polarities, as you
integrate your Divine I Am Presence.
The Twelfth Ray is the glorious,
luminous, white gold, God light. It is the light of the Cosmos, the Cosmic Fire
of all Creation. It is the Heartbeat of God. It is the Wisdom of God. Draw it
in, beloved ones, draw it in, incorporate it, ask for ease and grace in all
that you do, and ask for ease and grace as you work with these Rays. Call upon
the amount of each Ray that is perfect for you in the Now Moment so that you
will move forward in the love of your Sacred Heart, with full ease and
Your beloved Michael and I, and all
those of the higher realms, are most willing to assist you in every endeavor,
but you, dear ones, must do the work. Call on us, you are loved and supported
by all of the higher realms. I am here with you, in the love of your Sacred
I am Sananda.
You may copy and share, with Love and
Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Sananda
through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:
Visit Michelle’s website at:
Michelle’s Cosmic Blog:
All my Love and Many
Hello Dear Ones,
Archangel Michael and Sananda have
guided me to share with you, a practical application for drawing in and
integrating your Divine I Am Presence, and the Mahatma.
Each morning, go into meditation. A
morning meditation sets the tone for your day. You want to recenter yourself in
the physical body, from your night time activities. Between soul travel,
classes on the inner plane, and our dreams, we are very busy while we sleep!
Breathe deeply, and bring yourself into your Sacred Heart.
Now, just as you get dressed physically
each day, you want to get dressed spiritually.
Place your golden sphere of protection
(a gift from Archangel Michael) around you. Once you have done this, you only
need to reinforce it each morning, and before you go to sleep at night. You may
also place a pillar of divine light around you, the white light of God, tinged
with gold.
Put on your spiritual, white robe of
love, wisdom, and power.
Put on your blue flame spiritual armor,
a gift from Archangel Michael.
Take up your Sword of Michael, and claim
your personal power, today and every day, in service to the
Call on the Mahatma. It is as simple as
saying “I Am The Mahatma”. You may say the affirmation often, during the day,
as you draw in, and feel this expansive light.
Call in your Divine I Am Presence.
Breathe deeply, and ask your divine spiritual light body, your I Am Presence,
to take dominion in every aspect and facet of you. Ask your I Am Presence to
think through you, feel through you, speak through you, and act through you,
today and every day, in every Now Moment. Feel this presence within
Visualize, and see your light body. How
does it feel, what does it look like? What do you want to look like? You are
drawing in eternal youth. Visualize yourself as you desire to be, and visualize
yourself in perfect, vibrant, health.
Call upon the Twelve Rays. Use your
inner wisdom to determine which Ray or Rays to call in. In regards to the five
higher Rays, spoken of in Sananda’s message, you could call in the Eighth Ray
for a cleansing of your four bodies. You might call in the Ninth Ray for an
infusion of joy, to begin your day. Freely call on the Tenth Ray to assist you
in coding in, and anchoring your light body into your physical body, or the
Eleventh Ray to further assist you in integration and cleansing. Call on the
Twelfth Ray, for an infusion of the glorious God light. Always ask for ease and
grace, and ask for an infusion of a Ray, that is just perfect for you in the
Now Moment. Remember, more is not necessarily better, so use your discernment
and inner wisdom as you call upon the Rays, so that you may experience ease and
You may recenter yourself within your
Sacred Heart and reinforce your light body, and the Mahatma energy, as guided,
during the day.
Finally, express gratitude and
appreciation for all the blessings in your life. Do this throughout your day.
See, and focus on what is good in your world, and on the earth, and see the God
Self in all others.
Once again, ask for ease and grace in
every aspect and facet of you, and all that you do, each day.
With great love and
I remember years ago I was driving back to Santa Fe, New Mexico after teaching a workshop in Denver, Colorado. I was alone and had hours to reflect and receive information as I went along the winding back roads.
I found myself contemplating the various rays and how several of my friends said they came in on this ray or that ray. No single ray felt correct to me. I finally just said, "Did I come in on any particular ray, or am I working more with the Master Mahachohan and all the color rays?"
When I looked in my rear view mirror, I saw a complete rainbow ~ and I had my answer.
I was asking myself the same question you did some years ago until I gave up - then I encountered another approach to study the Rays. It is not about finding out on which Ray we came in, but which Ray we are to use for what purpose!
At first I only concentrated on the 7 Rays. There is sooo much to learn, it was impüosible for me to handle it all at once. Now that I have gained a pretty good overview of the 7 Rays through practical work I am adding others - especially the Seafoam Green Ray which is connected to the Thymus chakra, the Platinum Ray which brings in the Power of the FEMININE and the Diamond Ray.
The GOLDEN Ray is very, very special for me - but it feels as if it were part of ALL the Rays, somehow ... like the Platinum Ray as well - I can use them in combination with all the other rays and they enhance their quality ... the golden light helps me to unite and find access to Unity Consciousness in whatever I do. The Platinum Ray is PURIFYING and according to what has to be transmuted it helps enormously in the process - but it is a very powerful ray and has to be handled with great care and responsibility.
I'm sending you a Violet Golden embrace, dear Debbie, feeling the connection between you and me like a golden thread which connects us - and connects us to everything around us as well,
Love the embrace. My son works with gold and violet together. Interesting!
I spend much of my time working with the higher rays. I often work with the Divine feminine embrace of Magenta. The Opalescent ray is everywhere for me. I wear a beautiful opal ring / bracelet combination of Navajo design. Practically everywhere I go someone asks to see it.
As already discussed, I LOVE the seafoam energy. It is so soothing and calming for me. I love the color itself and water of that same hue. Its almost as if water any other color just isn't quite right.
The golden white Christic ray is one I work with often. Practically every private long distance energy session I do involves that ray in one way or another.
Through the dolphin connection, I work with the platinum ray all the time. All of my essences are infused with it. I often bathe people in it energetically ~ especially people who channel information or energies. They tend to fry from the inside out because of the friction between their own frequency and the frequencies they are bringing in. The seafoam ray cools that down. The platinum ray heals it and almost acts like a lubricant for the nerves ~ allowing the energy to flow through their body and mind without resistance.
Gold and Violet are like transmutation in Unity Consciousness :-)
Interesting that you mention the magenta ray here - as it was so clearly with me yesterday in my work with Japan!
If you have more information on the Opalescent Ray I would very much welcome your teachings! Maybe you would like to post a discussion in our group on the Higher Rays of Consciousness?
I have also started to work with the golden white Ray a lot in the past few weeks ... it started out some two or three months ago that I was taught more about its HEALING qualities and since then I started to experiment ... it feels absolutely gorgeous to bathe in this light - so much JOY and LOVE!
Your explanation about the platinum ray and the seafoam green energies in connection to channeling are most interesting! I will use this information to help a friend of mine some more ... he had to stop channeling now as the energies were not clear but brought much damage to him ... I know he can need some cooling - and I will use the glden white Christ energies ... thank you for this vivid exchange of experiences, dear soul sister!
I asked my guides if I should post some of my automatic writing from Joshua from 1989 I heard yes they need to know,
12th dimension is a wonderous place and you Marcy come from there. You do not realize the limitations of this planet. You come now to help the healing of the emerald planet. The 12 dimension is all light of yellow and white glow. Energy man cannot concieve as existing. The same power that you heal with. You are a great healer from the temple of mor ou a energy planet 12 light years away.
Myriel RAouine
May 27, 2010
Ana Antaka
May 27, 2010
May 28, 2010
Myriel RAouine
I will call upon him tonight and thank you for introducing me to him!
Love. Light and BRIGHTEST Aquamarine Blessings, dear sister,
Sonja Myriel
May 28, 2010
Myriel RAouine
May 28, 2010
Myriel RAouine
May 28, 2010
Myriel RAouine
The peacock is known as the bird with one hundred eyes. The eye-like patterns in its tail cause it to represent the stars, the universe, the sun, the moon, and the vault of heaven. To Christians this bird's many eyes are symbols of omniscience, the all-seeing God, and the all-seeing Church. Christ is portrayed as a Lamb with seven eyes "which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth" (Rev 5:6). The peacock's "eyes" also symbolize the beatific vision (i.e. the direct perception and knowledge of God as He truly is, enjoyed by angels, Christ, and the saints in heaven).
Greeks and Romans considered this bird sacred to Hera (a.k.a. Juno) and kept peacocks in her temple. According to their mythologies, Hera created the peacock from the eyes of her one hundred-eyed guard, Argus. There are two versions of this myth. In one, the jealous Hera sets Argus to guard Zeus's secret lover, Io, whom he has disguised as a heifer in a vain attempt to protect her from his wife's wrath. Eventually, Zeus has Argus killed and Hera rewards the faithful guard by turning him into a peacock. In another version of this story, Argos falls asleep on the job and Hera plucks out every one of his eyes and sets them in the peacock's tail. Needless to say, Hera was quite the zealous protectress of marriage and the home.
Peacocks may still be found in Indian temples. Many Hindu gods such as Lakshmi, Brahma, and Kama are portrayed riding upon peacocks. In China and Japan, the peacock is sacred to the goddesses of mercy, Kwan-yin and Kwannon. The peacock is a symbol of such compassion and empathy that it is thought to die of grief at the passing of its mate. However, one Moslem legend states that the peacock was the gatekeeper of Paradise until the day he swallowed the Devil and snuck him in.
(This shows evidence that in pre-Christian times the peacock was a most SACRED BEING!!! Yet, when the power of the Church and the belief in SIN were growing stronger and stronger to keep the peoples ensalved, this holy symbol of the purity of the soul was turned into its counterpart: the sin of pride! - Sonja Myriel)
In modern times the peacock's strutting and feather displaying has become a symbol of pride, arrogance, and vanity. During the Baroque period, the peacock often appeared at the Tenth Station of the Cross where Jesus was stripped to expiate our sins of vanity.
According to Sufi legend the original Spirit was created in the shape of a peacock. When it saw itself in the mirror of the Divine Essence it was so overwhelmed by the beauty it saw therein that great drops of sweat flew from its body. It was taught that from these drops all other living creatures were formed.
Both Hindus and Early Christians believed that the proud peacock was offended by its ugly feet. So much so, that he would stop in his vain strutting and shriek angrily whenever he caught a glimpse of this blemish in his otherwise beautiful and dignified appearance. The lesson learned from the peacock in early bestiaries was that Christians ought also to lament and hate their own spiritual imperfections. According to Hindu tradition, the peacock's voice was like that of the devil; his walk like that of a thief, and his feathers like those of an angel. The cherubim are believed to have peacock feathers in their wings.
Like many solar symbols, the peacock is an emblem of resurrection, immortality, and the incorruptible soul. These symbolic associations were strengthened by the belief that peacock flesh was not subject to spoilage and that when peacocks molted, their old feathers were replaced by ever more beautiful ones. Peacocks, their fans, and feathers are seen in heraldry, on tombs, and in Christian and pagan art as symbols of the actual process of glorification (the exchanging of the earthly body for the incorruptible one) and apotheosis (the deification of a person).
Peacocks often play the role of the mythical phoenix in religious art. They are sometimes seen drinking from Eucharistic chalices or near the Tree of Life. Because of their association with the Tree of Life, peacock thrones were popular in ancient Babylon and Persia. Because Heliopolis is the city where the phoenix was said to build its rejuvenating funeral pyre, the peacock has become a substitutional emblem of that city. St. Barbara has a peacock feather as one of her attributes because she was born in Heliopolis.
The peacock's restless activity at the approach of a storm has caused it to become a symbol of rain. At one time peacocks were sacrificed to bring on rain and to make people, animals, and the land fertile. The Chinese believed the peacock's glance could impregnate a woman.
The peacock is a destroyer of snakes and was believed to swallow their venom. It then used the poisons it swallowed to create its colorful plumage. It was therefore a symbol of transmutation. Its blood was believed to chase away evil sprits. Its feathers and meat were thought to cure snakebite and sickness. The Hindu god, Skanda, was depicted riding a snake-killing peacock. Skanda used poisons to create a magical elixir of immortality. The snakes his peacock killed symbolized earthly attachments.
The peacock is a symbol of beauty, prosperity, royalty, love, compassion, the soul, and peace. It was sacred in China and India. It symbolized the Buddhist Wheel of Life and the Ming dynasty. In Europe, its cry and its feathers were considered bad omens
May 28, 2010
Myriel RAouine
May 28, 2010
Myriel RAouine
Be BLESSED and have a beautiful night, dear Monica :-)
Sonja Myriel
May 28, 2010
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Aug 9, 2010
Myriel RAouine
Aug 12, 2010
Myriel RAouine
Through Rev. Michelle
“A Message For The
Beloved Ones,
As you move into the coming times, we
ask you to be aware of and work more closely with your chakras and the twelve
Rays, as you release all that no longer serves you. All that you have lived is
within your energetic signature. It is the light which you radiate out to all
others. It is the love of your Sacred Heart; it is the very essence of who you
are as you express your Divinity. Your energetic signature may be light and
bright or it may be filled with darkness and blemishes. As you release each
day, you will lighten your density and you will become the light of your Divine
I Am Presence. Assist yourselves in this transition, and use the twelve Rays as
you bring in the personality of God, your I Am Presence. The twelve Rays will
help you cleanse and clear and bring forth the balance and the harmony which
you desire. The twelve Rays will assist you in bringing balance and harmony
within your charka system and they will assist you in bringing forth and
anchoring your light body into the physical.
The five higher Rays have been brought
forth to give you even greater assistance, as you integrate the love of your
Sacred Heart. Beloved ones, call on the Eight Ray, this sea foam green with
violet Ray, to clear and cleanse your four bodies. Clear and cleanse your
physical, emotional, and mental, and spiritual bodies, through the calling in
of this Ray. As you release in layers, each day, call upon this
Call upon the Ninth Ray for the love and
the joy to assist you to stay within your passion for life, your great desire
to become and be your light body, your Divine I Am Presence. The Ninth Ray of
luminescent light green and blue, and the light of God, will help you to
further cleanse and release layers which no longer serve you. This Ray will
assist you in attracting your light body.
It is the Tenth Ray of pearlescent
luminosity and God light, which will code your light body into the physical.
Cleanse and clear, beloved ones, cleanse and clear, so you may make way for
your light body to fill the very essence of you, to fill your physical body and
every aspect of you with the unconditional love, will, power, and wisdom of the
Cosmos. Intentionally draw in your Divine I Am Presence, and freely call on the
Tenth Ray to assist you. This Ray is of most great importance to you at this
The Eleventh Ray, of peach luminosity
and God light, is the bridge to the New Age. It will further help you clear
remaining patterns which no longer serve you; it will help you bring into
balance the remainder of the masculine and feminine polarities, as you
integrate your Divine I Am Presence.
The Twelfth Ray is the glorious,
luminous, white gold, God light. It is the light of the Cosmos, the Cosmic Fire
of all Creation. It is the Heartbeat of God. It is the Wisdom of God. Draw it
in, beloved ones, draw it in, incorporate it, ask for ease and grace in all
that you do, and ask for ease and grace as you work with these Rays. Call upon
the amount of each Ray that is perfect for you in the Now Moment so that you
will move forward in the love of your Sacred Heart, with full ease and
Your beloved Michael and I, and all
those of the higher realms, are most willing to assist you in every endeavor,
but you, dear ones, must do the work. Call on us, you are loved and supported
by all of the higher realms. I am here with you, in the love of your Sacred
I am Sananda.
You may copy and share, with Love and
Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Sananda
through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:
Visit Michelle’s website at:
Michelle’s Cosmic Blog:
All my Love and Many
Hello Dear Ones,
Archangel Michael and Sananda have
guided me to share with you, a practical application for drawing in and
integrating your Divine I Am Presence, and the Mahatma.
Each morning, go into meditation. A
morning meditation sets the tone for your day. You want to recenter yourself in
the physical body, from your night time activities. Between soul travel,
classes on the inner plane, and our dreams, we are very busy while we sleep!
Breathe deeply, and bring yourself into your Sacred Heart.
Now, just as you get dressed physically
each day, you want to get dressed spiritually.
Place your golden sphere of protection
(a gift from Archangel Michael) around you. Once you have done this, you only
need to reinforce it each morning, and before you go to sleep at night. You may
also place a pillar of divine light around you, the white light of God, tinged
with gold.
Put on your spiritual, white robe of
love, wisdom, and power.
Put on your blue flame spiritual armor,
a gift from Archangel Michael.
Take up your Sword of Michael, and claim
your personal power, today and every day, in service to the
Call on the Mahatma. It is as simple as
saying “I Am The Mahatma”. You may say the affirmation often, during the day,
as you draw in, and feel this expansive light.
Call in your Divine I Am Presence.
Breathe deeply, and ask your divine spiritual light body, your I Am Presence,
to take dominion in every aspect and facet of you. Ask your I Am Presence to
think through you, feel through you, speak through you, and act through you,
today and every day, in every Now Moment. Feel this presence within
Visualize, and see your light body. How
does it feel, what does it look like? What do you want to look like? You are
drawing in eternal youth. Visualize yourself as you desire to be, and visualize
yourself in perfect, vibrant, health.
Call upon the Twelve Rays. Use your
inner wisdom to determine which Ray or Rays to call in. In regards to the five
higher Rays, spoken of in Sananda’s message, you could call in the Eighth Ray
for a cleansing of your four bodies. You might call in the Ninth Ray for an
infusion of joy, to begin your day. Freely call on the Tenth Ray to assist you
in coding in, and anchoring your light body into your physical body, or the
Eleventh Ray to further assist you in integration and cleansing. Call on the
Twelfth Ray, for an infusion of the glorious God light. Always ask for ease and
grace, and ask for an infusion of a Ray, that is just perfect for you in the
Now Moment. Remember, more is not necessarily better, so use your discernment
and inner wisdom as you call upon the Rays, so that you may experience ease and
You may recenter yourself within your
Sacred Heart and reinforce your light body, and the Mahatma energy, as guided,
during the day.
Finally, express gratitude and
appreciation for all the blessings in your life. Do this throughout your day.
See, and focus on what is good in your world, and on the earth, and see the God
Self in all others.
Once again, ask for ease and grace in
every aspect and facet of you, and all that you do, each day.
With great love and
Oct 17, 2010
D. Takara Shelor
It's so deLightful to participate in this group.
I remember years ago I was driving back to Santa Fe, New Mexico after teaching a workshop in Denver, Colorado. I was alone and had hours to reflect and receive information as I went along the winding back roads.
I found myself contemplating the various rays and how several of my friends said they came in on this ray or that ray. No single ray felt correct to me. I finally just said, "Did I come in on any particular ray, or am I working more with the Master Mahachohan and all the color rays?"
When I looked in my rear view mirror, I saw a complete rainbow ~ and I had my answer.
Have a deLightful day,
Deb (Takara)
Mar 12, 2011
Myriel RAouine
Yes :-) We are here to work with all of them.
I was asking myself the same question you did some years ago until I gave up - then I encountered another approach to study the Rays. It is not about finding out on which Ray we came in, but which Ray we are to use for what purpose!
At first I only concentrated on the 7 Rays. There is sooo much to learn, it was impüosible for me to handle it all at once. Now that I have gained a pretty good overview of the 7 Rays through practical work I am adding others - especially the Seafoam Green Ray which is connected to the Thymus chakra, the Platinum Ray which brings in the Power of the FEMININE and the Diamond Ray.
The GOLDEN Ray is very, very special for me - but it feels as if it were part of ALL the Rays, somehow ... like the Platinum Ray as well - I can use them in combination with all the other rays and they enhance their quality ... the golden light helps me to unite and find access to Unity Consciousness in whatever I do. The Platinum Ray is PURIFYING and according to what has to be transmuted it helps enormously in the process - but it is a very powerful ray and has to be handled with great care and responsibility.
I'm sending you a Violet Golden embrace, dear Debbie, feeling the connection between you and me like a golden thread which connects us - and connects us to everything around us as well,
Sonja Myriel
Mar 12, 2011
D. Takara Shelor
Hello Again Dear One:
Love the embrace. My son works with gold and violet together. Interesting!
I spend much of my time working with the higher rays. I often work with the Divine feminine embrace of Magenta. The Opalescent ray is everywhere for me. I wear a beautiful opal ring / bracelet combination of Navajo design. Practically everywhere I go someone asks to see it.
As already discussed, I LOVE the seafoam energy. It is so soothing and calming for me. I love the color itself and water of that same hue. Its almost as if water any other color just isn't quite right.
The golden white Christic ray is one I work with often. Practically every private long distance energy session I do involves that ray in one way or another.
Through the dolphin connection, I work with the platinum ray all the time. All of my essences are infused with it. I often bathe people in it energetically ~ especially people who channel information or energies. They tend to fry from the inside out because of the friction between their own frequency and the frequencies they are bringing in. The seafoam ray cools that down. The platinum ray heals it and almost acts like a lubricant for the nerves ~ allowing the energy to flow through their body and mind without resistance.
Mmmm wonderful energies,
Deb (Takara)
Mar 12, 2011
Myriel RAouine
Gold and Violet are like transmutation in Unity Consciousness :-)
Interesting that you mention the magenta ray here - as it was so clearly with me yesterday in my work with Japan!
If you have more information on the Opalescent Ray I would very much welcome your teachings! Maybe you would like to post a discussion in our group on the Higher Rays of Consciousness?
I have also started to work with the golden white Ray a lot in the past few weeks ... it started out some two or three months ago that I was taught more about its HEALING qualities and since then I started to experiment ... it feels absolutely gorgeous to bathe in this light - so much JOY and LOVE!
Your explanation about the platinum ray and the seafoam green energies in connection to channeling are most interesting! I will use this information to help a friend of mine some more ... he had to stop channeling now as the energies were not clear but brought much damage to him ... I know he can need some cooling - and I will use the glden white Christ energies ... thank you for this vivid exchange of experiences, dear soul sister!
Sonja Myriel
Mar 13, 2011
I asked my guides if I should post some of my automatic writing from Joshua from 1989 I heard yes they need to know,
12th dimension is a wonderous place and you Marcy come from there. You do not realize the limitations of this planet. You come now to help the healing of the emerald planet. The 12 dimension is all light of yellow and white glow. Energy man cannot concieve as existing. The same power that you heal with. You are a great healer from the temple of mor ou a energy planet 12 light years away.
Jun 12, 2011
Terence Arthur Deighton
Found these on Youtube a while ago. Just sharing-from "The Bridge of Truth". 12 meditation videos for the rainbow colours
May 20, 2014