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Your Glorious Christ Heart - Part 1 - Circles of Light - Yael & Doug Powell

In the realms of Love, in the great and glorious expressions of the living light, yourChristed hearts are magnificent beyond all imagining. They are an explosion of light like a living star, a pattern woven of gold and white, pulsing from the center outward in harmony with My heartbeat, the heartbeat of God. With every pulse you are aligned with the glorious expression of Love that I Am. As it flows through you, it streams forth along the matrices of light that are your magnificent Christ heart.


And yet, when one of you becomes this heart on Earth, these patterns of light in yourChristed heart become even more glorious and vibrant and more expressive of the fullness of My Love, because of what you have lived and given here on Earth. So every moment that you give yourself in surrender to Me and you lift yourself and will yourself into the higher Will of Love – each such moment creates a scintillating bridge of new patterns in your great Christ heart.


So for this moment I ask you to allow Me to show you the magnificent vibrant luminous and glorious pattern of your own Christ heart. To do this each day, I ask you to take timeto surrender your will once again, not only into your higher Christ Will, but to surrender ittotally to Me. In this surrender, let it be so deep, so complete, and so powerful that it liftsyou into the silence that is the bridge to your Christed heart.


Then as you feel all around you this great silence and it holds you like the ocean of Love,as you spread out your consciousness and you reach with your heart for Me and for theMoment of Creation, in the silence you will begin to feel and hear the pulse of your ownChrist heart. As you do this, you will begin to feel this pulse come alive in all of your beingfrom the great Moment of Creation, the clearest and magnificent light – all the way into your embodiment as the living Christ on Earth.


As you feel this pulse and this connection, if you follow it and listen to its music, then you will begin to experience the feeling of your own great heart and the feeling shall lift youinto ecstasy – into the euphoria of the awareness of who you truly are, and I shall begin to show you the living pattern of your Christed heart – first, as it exists in the Real – the goldand white matrix of living pulsing Love, and then, its reflection on Earth, shining through your own beautiful heart


As you begin each day to connect with this, first, with the silence, then with the pulse,then with the feeling of your own great Christ heart, then each time you will begin toexperience more clearly the glorious expression of vibration, the song, the images, the patterns of light that are your Christ vibration. Each day this vibration and this pattern oflight will become more clear to you, as I lift you beyond all limitation and show you who you really are.


The gold and white light that is the great star of your own Christ heart is aligned specifically for you. The light streams that create the star and join each beam of lighttogether are specific only to you, and they sing as they vibrate with the pulse of Creation.They sing out your unique song of life. As you become one with the truth of your heart asit exists at the highest realms of light, you will understand that your heart – this great matrix of light – is created to accept the pulse of My living Love as it comes forth eachNow Moment. With the great beams of living light that are your glorious Christ heart, you send forth this Love throughout all of Creation.


So I ask you, beloved ones, to begin to feel the rays of light that are your living heart and to feel the Love streaming forth through them and out to All That Is. As you feel this moreclearly each day, you will begin to experience this vibration touching your life on Earth, as well as lifting you into the Real. As you do, you will discover the great radiation of Lovethat moves forth before you to create perfection on Earth as it is in the realms of Love.


As you feel your great and glorious heart, the great patterns of light that it is and you hold to this vibration, this experience, it will automatically become present here on Earth asyou. But as you walk forth as Jesus did, those who come before you, when they step into your radiance, will know themselves as Love. The purity, the innocence, the reclaiming ofyour truth, your life now shall be made manifest on Earth as it is in Heaven in the living realms of light, in the glorious truth of Love.


As you do this each day, as you connect first to the silence, then to the pulse and then to the experience of your own great Christ heart, your life on Earth shall change into theexpression of the perfection of Love that IS your Twin Flame heart as well. Because eachChrist heart in the gold and the white is the expression of the two forces of Creation. Sothere is no such thing as a Christed heart that is not a Twin Flame Love. This too you shall begin to experience through every atom of your being.


As you breathe into this great pulsing star of light that is your own unique and individualChrist heart, you will begin to hear and feel the living song of your being – the vibrationthat makes you so beautifully unique. As you do so, for the first time since you became focused here as a life on Earth, you will find that you truly understand and feel theglorious truth and the living Love that is who you truly are, and the concept of loving yourself will be transformed in you and for you, until you understand that loving yourselfis simply allowing the expression of the Love that you are


As you do this, you need nothing else because Love becomes your universe, your identity,your every breath. As you walk forth into this world, you are the reflection of your greatChrist heart and all barriers have fallen, as you listen to the song of Love that you are, and accept the song as the truth of you and your own glorious heart


This attunement is your essential nature, and as you reclaim it and you feel it each day, it becomes ever more Real to you, and as it does, the illusion fades, the illusion that is life onEarth, and the light of your heart shall illuminate all things that come before you on Earth.Suddenly every life is revealed to you in its truth as the magnificent and glorious being ofLove that it truly is. Each and every moment is a celebration of pure Love, and as you feel this, you also feel our communion – the awareness that we are one and yet, we haverelationship because of the gift of your magnificent heart


I ask you, as you begin to reach for this experience, to deeply make the commitment to allow it – to allow it into your consciousness, into your being, to let it become thevibration of your each and every breath that the patterns of light of your own great hearts become fully expressed in you and that your heart sings the great song of our communion– of your great Love for Me and My Love for you, and the expression of this magnificentLove that is who you truly are.


Once you feel this pattern of your magnificent heart in the Real, I ask you again to accept your Christedness into every atom of your being. I ask you to say “Yes” that each atomand every electron hears your commitment to Love and in this acceptance will come the moment that you have been waiting for when you truly feel the connection with yourChrist heart here on Earth. The song of your Love as the heart of God shall be forever clear to you – no longer something that you long for, but something that is a part of you


These patterns of light that are expressed through you that are the statement of livinglight as your heart will become strong enough in your consciousness here for you to do asJesus did – to see clearly the truth of Love behind the illusion of life on Earth and to claimthis by the power vested in you by Me – refusing the illusion before you and claiming thetruth of Love. In this claiming will come the acceptance of the patterns of Love, the patterns of light that make up every life expressing here on Earth


Soon you will look through every symbol of a life form before you and you will see the magnificent song. You will feel it. The patterns of light, you will see them, and you cannotbe fooled any more into believing in separation but instead you shall reach forth your heart and connect with the Love being expressed in every precious life on Earth. In yourheart you shall affirm for them the truth of their being, and in your eyes each person shall see their true nature.


But it is the expression of the great rays of your heart that shall release for them the illusion of separation and grant them the experience of their own great heart and thetruth that only Love is Real.

To Read Part 2 of Your Glorious Christ Heart - Click on this link:

Video Link: Archangel Muriel On Integrating Love - Melanie Beckler


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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