lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light



Transforming Reversed Energies Effortlessly

Beloved ones, as you reclaim your hearts as the focus of your energies and your perception, then you reclaim a whole new language that is the language of flow and feeling, that speaks to you directly of the communion of all life. It gives you feedback and guidance holographically with continual awareness of this astounding, incandescent energy field, ever in continual movement and deepest all-encompassing communion with Me, this field of life and communion of Love that you are.

Your heart is the source of this experience and brings to you an awareness that is more than omni-dimensional. It is beyond the comprehension of the mind in every way but it is so alive in this place where we meet and where we are one. That place is your heart, your center. It is the matrix of your life energetically.

While words can never describe these experiences, the perceptions of your heart make it effortless. So as you come into this time of transformation, expect miracles and wonder. The heart makes it easy. Through the heart you are freedom en-conscious-ed and through the heart you are the ecstasy of Love. In your heart you are ever and always exchanging the pure energy of Creation with Me in an ever increasing dynamic that is ever circular but ever increasing. It is that which feeds and supports you, that which brings you life that is unending and gives to you your ability to be the co-creative heart of God I Am.

So as you shift into your heart, you begin to feel the feedback of the entire hologram that knows itself within you and every atom that feeds life forth to you in each electron and that brings to you the full communication with astounding clarity with every increment of the movement of the energies of life.

This is the language you are feeling now. Your heart becomes ever more receptive as it opens into the field of this dancing life and the beauty of the endless Love with which it entwines. It is the language with which you feel the truth of who you are and with which you comprehend your relationship with life. This deepens now and sings to you of movement impeccably.

You already understand that duality is that which contains the reversal of the energies of Love. This life I Am that is meant to be ever flowing, moving outwards through the Twin Flame heart of God you are, becomes turned backward in upon itself, seeking to get instead of give and damping down the freedom and the endless flow of life, consciousness and Love that is the field of life in which we co-create.

When you wait upon your heart and let it speak to you in this language of movement and feeling, you will perfectly accord when there is something in you that is a backwards flowing vortex, an area where the energies of God have been reversed. In this new arena of heart perception, as you hold this vortex in your heart’s field and in our ever-deepening communion, embrace it with Love as a part of you and thus a part of Me that is ready to once again know itself as the pure energies of Creation… As you feel this heart communion, dear ones, you will feel those energies release, energies of Love that had been held, reversed right here, hesitation, despair…and any other part of the reversal, of the truth of Love that is meant to be the world.

Because your heart acknowledges every energy change and plays for you ever shift in resonance, you will feel the energy that is released when that which has been held apart from Love, from Me, is restored. That rush of life, of Light and joy will lift you ever closer to the pinnacle and give to you excitement and more life, the energy to free more of the reversal and to hold impeccably the vibration of the heart of God. Never once being pulled back in to the vibrational field of the world of duality.

In other words, the shift to the heart now brings to you the ability to transform every stream of life, every increment of energy and every wave of misplaced Love without needing to fuel the separation from Me by placing focus on the illusion. It rather gives you access through the heart to the transformation that is possible in every moment effortlessly.

You will feel instantly the shift as the backwards swirling energies in whatever areas of life in the world that you’ve made your own with everyone that you reclaim and return to Me, your resonance climbs higher. Your energy field becomes more limitless and you become more sensitive to the waves of Love and to your mission of reclaiming all for Me.

So much of the language of the Real of Love is movement. It is the flow of energy and the language of vibration that is spoken in shifts in the dance of Light and Love so intricate and yet so omni-dimensional that it is completely beyond the ability of the mind, the ego. The personality self that creates the world is completely beyond the ability of that apparatus to even bring it into focus at all, let alone to comprehend it.

So as you leap, beloved ones, into My arms and allow Me to open your heart’s beliefs, the first thing that you will see is this universal language of vibration that will be so clear to you that it is as if you are an instrument in My hands, perfectly tuned, that I may play for you the vibrational song of ever-increasing Love and sing for you the song of gratitude sung by truly countless voices in the whole of Love.

As we step beyond the boundaries of language, trust your heart, dear ones, to guide you and let your heart be aware that you are ready to be alive in this communion with your Creator. That means being alive to every nuance of life everywhere, that when you come into contact within yourself with these vortexes of energies still flowing with the old world, you instantly are the heart of God embracing with Love that which had been held separate, but now is welcomed home.

Thus does the story, the parable that Jeshua told of the prodigal son or prodigal daughter not only apply to that which you perceive as people. It also applies to every bit of energy alive in the living whole. Especially those energies that have held themselves as separate but are ready now at last to be welcomed home. You are the heart of God I Am standing forth as My welcoming committee and each one comes into your heart to find its blessing, its absolution from believing itself separate even for a moment from the flow of life and the giving of Love.

Instantly it is embraced and welcomed home to the living whole that is the All of God and thus you realize, as you become holographically conscious, that that which is brought home in you comes home in everyone and comes home in My heart at last to the full acceptance of life as only Light and Love.

Let it start simply, beloved ones. Let it be for you deeply personal because as I just said, it is all One and every molecule is present everywhere and perfectly known by the living wholeness. Therefore, let your heart accord the energies as you live your life and let it show you by the shift in your feelings, by that little crunch in the solar plexus which is what registers the backward flowing energies which you can notice whenever you feel that feeling. You can almost feel the energies of life turning in upon themselves.

When you are in your heart, you feel the great expansiveness and feel connected with the River of Life and Love as it rushes through the heart, the center and touches all of life in honor. So your heart will attune you to the moment when you feel those energies within the energy field that your heart entrains, that you may instantly bring those energies home at last, just like that prodigal son or daughter that they may be celebrated, recognized and recognize themselves as endless, free and limitless, as the beloved of God.

As they do, the energy held within that backward vortex of the reversal of Love is freed, often in an ecstatic burst that makes you realize how much you had invested in keeping the old world in place. With every vortex of the reversal of Love, the reversal of life, with each one that you bring home and is acknowledged, you become ever more able to be and live as the unlimited heart, as the co-creator with Me.

Naturally you stand in the flow of perfect life. You are available as Love’s clear and open conduit that in the world in all the forms of its symbolic language, you shall rejoice and receive all of it. All My gifts of life come to you and thus shall the life you express in the world in service be a life of stunning beauty and endless gratitude, made manifest as perfect joy as well as health, as the flow of Light in all that you shall name it – you need only reach out your hand and attune your heart and it is there for you as the heart’s expression of the limitless flow of life.

The limitless flow of life through the open heart, without reversal or misperception is to live life as the shining field of Light and Love that becomes the symbol of a pure God life -- beings of sparkling luminous beauty beyond the limited life which is named as human. You may live in a world that is a paradise and it is yours to choose, to step right into as you shift to your heart.

Do you feel this powerful vibration of limitless Light, of joy and only Love knocking on the door of your heart and waiting for your heart to fully open? Will you say “Yes” and become the conduit of a life of Love and a world of endless beauty and magnificent abundance for all?

Listen to your heart and you will know its truth, and every old expression of reversed energy that you grant freedom will bring to you more and more of this ability to be the open heart of God unimpeded through which the symbols of life in the world are made manifest and then given the “Yes” by the Love we are together.

You are alive in a time of such excitement. Let it sweep you up and bring you easily into the realms of such new possibilities that only the heart can show them to you and only the heart can express the joy and gratitude.

Video: "Ascension Meditation Of Crystalline Light" By Melanie Beckler

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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