lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light


The Violet Flame


Is there a way to transmute those thoughts or words once they have been

put out?

Yes. It is easy with Ascended Master St. Germain. Say: I AM the cosmic Law

of Forgiveness, and I AM the Violet Transmuting Flame of every mistake I

have ever made. I AM the Violet Transmuting Flame of all the mistakes of

mankind, in God’s most Holy Name, I AM. “I AM” at the beginning and “I

AM” at the end, with the understanding that all vibration is of God. The

usage of The Violet Flame takes you back to the Source. If you can do that


and go back to the source of who you really are, then you are back in your

soul. It is coming to a degree of understanding where one embodies what

they really are at the Source.

What is the difference between amen and I AM?

Let’s talk about amen first. The ah is the sound of the universe. (The ah is

also part of the sound of the OM. OM is, ah-o-ma. That’s how OM got to

be.) The other sound is mee. So it is, ah-mee. It is the sound of ah, which is

the sound of creation, and a derivation of the ma, which is the sound of

things being created. The mee has the sound of the moving into the

dissipation of the negativity. And then those who had their own way of

thinking put an n at the end as a finishing touch; ah-mee-n. All of it is still a

great amount of derivation from the Sanskrit, and is a vibratory sound that is

altering one’s consciousness as they speak it. I AM is a decree that says, all

is one. It is a more Anglicized version of amen. The I AM is a vibration of the

soul and heart together. Each one now is learning to use the heart meditation

instead of just using the head.

Can you give us a little history on the Violet Flame?

The Violet Flame has always been present in your realm, but as far as

introducing the words so as to be used as an affirmation, it was in 1932. That

is when it was introduced for this particular state of development for

mankind by the Ballards [Guy and Edna Ballard. Also known as Godfre and

Lotus.] Both of the Ballards have always been in service on the Golden Ray

and the Pink Ray. So they are capable, because of illumination and of love, to

magnetize these energies. They have done it for centuries – longer that that.

So they magnetize and bring together the aspects of total creation because of

their love of mankind and totality. The first time on earth for the Violet

Flame was Lemuria. These people were very awake and aware that this

existed, but the wording was not as it is now. The Violet Flame was used as a

mind projection. There were no words then. In Atlantis it was just a natural

part of how it is that the little ones used all of the rays. Of course, there were

those who did not adhere to those beliefs, you know. All the people did not

have the same belief system. But they did use all of the flames and all of the

directions because of the crystal aspect of life at that time. And they were not

called flames, they were called projections. That was the word that was used

then instead of flame, because there was an understanding that it was

something coming from a major source.

What is Ascended Master St. Germain’s connection to the Violet Flame?

For this period of time St. Germain is in charge, so the Violet Ray is very

important. When you pick out the Violet Flame or the violet aura, it is part of

the vibratory rate of the planet of earth that is being enhanced at this time by

the magnetic field that is being opened up by consciousness and the design


and desire to be free. So it is the freedom. That’s what the Violet Ray is

about – freedom. So we see people say, I want to be free of this! I want to be

free of that! Well, along with freedom comes discipline and responsibility,

yes? St. Germain has always been on the Ray of Freedom. He did not just

come into existence and then declare he was on the ray – no, he was the ray.

What the little ones need to understand is that everyone has existed for all

time. Just because they are in the body now as they are does not mean that

they have not been a being of great light. The soul has many projections. It is

like the sun, which has many rays coming off of it. Your soul is like that as



Balancing energy


Do you give out, freeing yourself to receive, or do you fill up and give out

the overflow?

All right. Think about your breath. You need to be empty before you can fill

up. Think about the baby being born. His lungs are empty of air in the

beginning, and the first thing is to pull. So it is important that one learns to

receive, to be full, in order to give. One can give and give and give, but this

is from an ego standpoint and is only from a manifested thoughtform on the

human level. To give of the heart means that one has received, as in

receiving the Christ itself or the love of God, and then it just does overflow.

If you are in the presence of a Great One, it is just overflowing. The answer

to your question also depends on what level of consciousness you are

existing in at the moment. If one exists at a level of consciousness where

there is mostly meditation and contemplation, then for sure it is that they do

not have to run out and carry out a job for the nextdoor neighbor, the

grandfather or the grandmother.

Those that are in meditation are giving in their own way?

Right. It is a higher-vibrational projection. Projection to go give, or go do, is

one level. Projection from the higher level of meditation and holding

everything in light, this is another way of giving.




Could you go through the steps of what is required to manifest a certain

situation into your life?

The first thing is to take into meditation the blockages that you sense might

be there and notice that the blockages are just thoughts. Know that

everything is in the past and is not in existence now. You can do it visually or

auditorily, but you need to take it and smack it [she claps], because you need

to. Then the point of limitation is over and you are watching it being

physically removed. It is a matter of moving it from the energy field until it


no longer applies. Acknowledge that it no longer applies. The next step is

also taking into meditation the desire, and the reasoning behind the desire for

manifesting whatever it is. What is the motivation? Then there is

acknowledgement and gratitude for the chance to manifest this. Gratitude

makes a path that travels out, then comes back in, and you open the door –

here it comes. Without doubt.

What if what shows up at the door is not what we thought it would be?

Hunt around for the very best thing to become the manifestation, otherwise

whatever is next in line will be yours unless you say, No, I don’t want that….

Be very specific about what you want in your life and everything will fall

into a kind of order of higher-level existence. Do not worry about the future.

Eliminate the thoughts about the things that you do not want. Do not think

about them at all. Do not think about the possibility of the negativity. This

Universe is very compliant. It complies on all levels. You talk to yourself in

the negative, you get that back to yourself. You talk to yourself in the

positive, you get that back as well. Keep on focusing on what it is that you

are making happen. You focus, you let go, and then you ask for help.

Requesting help is good, because it brings to your mind what it is you need.

We already know what is needed. It is a matter of how you link into yourself,

open up to yourself, and open up to the understanding of the Universe.

It seems like people are mostly worried about manifesting the money

most of the time.

If they worry, that gives out the vibration that they are not trusting and it

makes a ripple, or a torn effect in the energy. When you breathe and you

have your prana move in, you are just breathing. So that is what we want you

to do, we want you to breathe. We want you to know that the prana of life is

yours for just the effort of breathing and taking it in. And the money is prana.

Stop thinking about it in terms of green cash. You want life energy. Look for

the joy. Because it is not going to hop on your head and say here I am. You

have to look for the joy. Joy and abundance are the same thing; they are

coming from the same core of existence. The abundance is the part that is

always open, always producing the new seeds for the next step. The

abundance is also the supply, bringing you what it is that you can have so

that you can expand and expand. It is just a move in the direction of

happiness. It is a move in faith and grace. Expect the abundance.

Are people understanding that you can’t buy happiness?

There are those people now that are living this life in a way that they are

grabbing on to things that they thought they could never have, and now they

have them. What that does is it throws a mystery factor into life. People

wonder what they are all about and why is it that they wanted all of that,

because it doesn’t mean that much to them, and that’s why we are smiling. It


is as if you lust after something and you want it badly, but it’s not the

answer, because God is the only answer that there is to each and every desire.

Once you are capable of sensing the God within and the God within each

acquisition – ah – then life becomes a stream of consciousness and one is not

more attached to a particular item than they are to a particular person, and

that makes it very different. It makes it as though there is a stream of

consciousness that you are just floating along on and all things are equal.

Then you understand that from the point of power that is yours, that you are

all these things, and therefore you can never, never lose them.


How do you know the difference between a dream that is just a lot of

random images and one where you are having a unique spiritual


You are always out of your body when you dream, so you are having a

spiritual experience at that time – so that’s the answer to that question. The

random dreams that are like spin-offs of the last television program that was

watched, these are ideas and applications of life and livelihood that are

brought together in the moment to conceptualize the life in forms of

metaphors. The whole life can be seen as a metaphor. You know how you

can pick up any kind of runes or tarot cards, or a dictionary, and you pick it

up and you get the message and it makes sense to you? That is the way that

the whole Universe works. There is a lesson in everything. There is a

message in everything; every dream, every person you meet, every

experience that you have. Some of them are more important to the outcome

of certain situations and others are less important. Some are very blatant and

others are very secret, very hidden. And the message from your psyche to

you is not a metaphor, it is your metaphor to try to make sense out of the

reality that you have chosen to put awareness to. Dreams are the parts of self

that are communicating from the soul level, with the soul intent and the

human intent trying to get it together. That’s important.

It seems so hard because you have to try to figure it out to make sense

out of it.

Yes, but that’s a good exercise – like crossword puzzle. It builds your

abilities to really understand your world from another point of view other

than black and white or words and letters. Because putting meaning on it puts

it in a little box, and little ones are experiencing the same meaning over and

over and over again. The dream says wake up and see how it is that you are

living in a dream. Actually, life is more complex than the dream. Dreams

have very simple symbology. It is just a matter of getting the key – to

yourself. Not someone else’s key – your own key to your own dream.


How often does one have a real Divine experience through dreams?

It does happen. High souls, many high saints – they have Jesus come.

Yogananda had these contacts all of the time. Saint Germain while incarnate