A Channeled Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner November 3, 2016
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council working full time with the Earth Council.
We are busy with a wide range of projects that are important to the earth’s progress with ascension. Some of you might be aware that we monitor all that is going on with the planet including the elections and the array of events that could be potentially out of line. We are a group of experts on ascension and have legions of talented Galactics who are assisting us with the process. You would be amazed at the focus and importance of this hour.
This is a detailed process with every eventuality being considered. We know what you are thinking and feeling. We understand your weariness and frustration with the awakening planet. With increasing learning and awareness it seems that some of you are motivated for change. You had to come to this point in your evolution in order to make new choices and to clearly opt out of the old. The soul of most of humanity is ready for change even though they dislike it consciously. You have been preparing for this for a long time. Some of humanity is aligned with the fourth dimension and others still want to remain in the third dimension.
Right now you are in the chaotic position that shakes things to its roots. Everyday life on earth is being re-created and so are you. If you revisit 2015 you could feel like an entirely different person and this is true. Since 2016 you have been re-shaping yourselves into galactic beings. Your choice in food, clothes, friends, work, creativity, free time, entertainment, and your spiritual work are different. This is in part due to your changing consciousness and the expansion of your crystalline structure. Your hearts are opening and you are becoming lighter, brighter expressions of love.
As you accelerate your consciousness some of you want to spend time in solitude. You pray and meditate and are conscious with your thoughts, words and actions. You are also gaining new gifts while remembering other aptitudes and abilities. The report card isn’t in but we will tell you that you are doing an exemplary job.
Of course, we recommend joy and laughter as an antidote to the slippery, election-focused slope. Remember you are rising up while the old is falling apart. Coming together as ground crew is also vital. Sharing what you know, your gifts and talents, is unifying and empowering. Use your imagination to create the new Earth. We know you can do it.
The pace of life is picking up. Moments can seem long or short no matter what you do. Chasing the clock or letting it chase you is inconsequential, for when the day is over you are closer to your desired goal of living in the higher dimensions. Keep focused on the positive and know that that will assist the most with the creation of the new.
You exist on the Earth with the loving permission of the Earth. We will tell you that she is getting ready for change so that she can move in to higher dimensions. She has been patient and tolerant of humanity for eons, much to her detriment. Please be sure to include the Earth in your meditations and prayers. She feels it and is grateful to the ground crew. You help bring her back into balance and will do a stellar job of this after the shift.
Get ready to roll up your sleeves as life on the planet takes a swift turn into the higher realms.
I am Mira sending you love and blessings from the Pleiadian High Council.