lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Go on a voyage of discovery that leads from the oldest known temple in the world to a prehistoric cave map, to a common belief shared by key ancient cultures, all of which were aware of the star system Cygnus' unique place in the cosmos - and it's significance as the spirit path to heaven. Most surprising is the fact that the Ancient Advanced cultures of the past were aware of cosmic rays emanating from Cygnus, and for their being the spark which ignited evolution - the same spark which continues to alter our DNA right through to the present day. 

NOW ON DVD: The Cygnus Mystery, Cat# U679, Go to

Constellations - Cygnus

Cygnus is situated in the Milky Way. Its brightest stars mark the Northern Cross. Cygnus, with the bright star Deneb in the swan's tail, appears high in the summer sky. The three bright stars Deneb, Vega (in the constellation of Lyra), and Altair (in the constellation of Aquila) mark the Summer Triangle. Altair is about 40 degrees from Deneb and Vega.The constellation Cygnus

Albireo, the bright star at the head of the Cygnus, is an excellent example of a telescopic double star. Even with binoculars, you can see that it consists of two stars of different colours, one is very orange the other bluish white. You must take a look at them.

As Cygnus lies in the Milky Way it is full of variable stars (stars who's brightness varies over a period of time) and the have been several novae in the boundaries of this constellation - the last was seen in 1976.

The North American Nebula lies within Cygnus, it's very dim but is reported to be easy to photograph. The nebula needs a telescope with aperture larger than 6" to see it.

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WOW! Thank YOU, Dear SiStar Sonja ~ What a wonderful informative video on Cygnus and Humanity's evolution.  

I Am Reminded, of my Childhood Dreams of Crystal Valley... A Heaven on Earth entered through a Portal where there was a tall waterfall on steep, golden cliffs that cascaded into a crystalline, effervescent turquoise lake.  I loved swimming underwater in the lake as I could breathe in the water! My Friends in Crystal Valley included a maternal, Black Panther; a paternal White Pegasus; a White Swan; A Black Swan; and a Dolphin.  All were telepathic and had deep, eternal turquoise eyes.  We had many wonderful conversations and I ventured on incredible Journeys with these Amazing Friends!

 I can see that there is probably a connection with the legends of Cygnus, the Puma, and my roots in Sirius. I will ask my Guides & Angels what the significance is. . .

Many Blessings & Great Appreciation for

All YOU Are & All You Do!

With Infinite LoveLight,

CrystaLin Joy

Thank you so much for your loving support, dear CrystaLin Joy :-)

Daneb reminds me so much of DANUBE ... and of course my Swanco!

Is Daneb the orientation point for souls after death? Well, it seems plausible to me ... 

Cygnus X3 ... what a story, right? Rays of this binary star system that can be perceived in pitch dark caves ... WOW! Has Cygnus X3 altered our genetics - and does it do so still???

Summer Triangle

See Delphinus near Cygnus? This reminds me of your dolphin and swans :-)))

Do you think I can go to your childhood dreams of Crystal Valley and visit you? Well - I guess I can try, lol!

So maybe we see each other tonight, ok? 

Thank you and BLESSINGS, dear sister :-)

Sonja Myriel

Etymology of DANUBE: It is one of a number of river names derived from a Proto-Indo-European language word *dānu, apparently a term for "river", but possibly also of a primeval cosmic river, and of a Vedic river goddess (see Danu (Asura)), perhaps from a root *dā "to flow/swift, rapid, violent, undisciplined."


Saturday, June 4, 2011

NASA ??? Cygnus and Osiris Connection, the Egyptian Pyramids, Tomb ...

What Does NASA Know?

Submitted by Kevin Smith on Sat, 05/28/2011 - 23:01 

by Kevin Smith

Collin Andrews made a rather astounding discovery back in 2008. It was astounding for the establishment Egyptologists and for the alternative community as well. What did he discover? He discovered that a long cherished belief held by both groups was dead wrong.

It has long been believed by Egyptologists and alternative thinkers that the layout of the Giza Plateau matched the three big stars of Orion's belt. Documentaries have been produced that key on this fact, books have been written about it, and Ph.D. degrees have been earned based on dealing with this fact. Oooops! It wasn't really a fact. after all.

The layout of the three pyramids on Giza Plateau does resemble the belt of Orion, but Collin Andrews discovered that it doesn't match exactly. In fact, when a star map of Orion is overlain on an aerial photo of the three pyramids, a rather disturbing discrepancy becomes very visible. Two of those stars rest directly on the tops of two pyramids, but the third star misses the third pyramid. It doesn't land on the pyramid at all. 

With the tremendous precision (unmatched in most modern construction) that these three pyramids were built, with which the Giza Plateau was laid out, it seemed to Mr. Andrews to be inconceivable that the builders could have missed the accurate placement of that third pyramid. So, he wondered if there was any other constellation that matched the layout of the pyramids with precision. He didn't have to wonder long. He discovered that the constellation Cygnus matches the Giza Plateau's layout precisely.

In the above photo, the stars of Orion are shown as green circles. The stars of Cygnus are shown as red circles. You can see dlearly that the Orion star pattern does not precisely match the pyramids while the Cygnus star pattern does.

Furthermore, Andrews noted that at every place where there was a star of Cygnus in the overlay, there was some type of major structure. That is, except for the star named Deneb. Where Deneb strikes the Giza Plateau in the overlay, there was nothing. No pyramid, no temple, now building of any kind. So, he conjectured that there had to be something major underground at that spot.

In 2010, Dr. Zahi Hawass, Minister of Antiquites in Egypt, announced that he had discovered the tomb of Osiris. Osiris was a major god of ancient Egypt right up until Christianity began to take over in Egypt. He was the god of the underworld, and the god of resurrection and new life. 

It has long been a point of debate among scholars, this thing about mythology. Some assume that all mythology is fiction. Others assume there is a kernel of truth wraped up in the mythology. In other words, some scholars would hold that while there is much fiction to the myths about Osiris, it is likely that a person named Osiris actually existed. Did he?

Hawass uncovered the tomb of Osiris, and found a 9 ft. long sarcophagus inside. Interestingly, there are photos that show the workers lifting the sarchophagus from the lower pit in which it rested to the level where the workers were standing. There are photos that show them preparing to lift the lid of the sarchophagus. But apparently, not a single photo has been released that shows the inside of that sarchophagus at the moment the lid was removed. There is a photo that shows the inside of the sarchophagus later, but not at that instant when the lid was removed. Why?

Dr. Hawass said later that the sarchophagus was empty when the lid came off. But was it? This is not to imply that Hawass was lying, but it does seem more than odd that there are photos of all the work leading up to taking the lid off the sarchophagus, but no concurrent photo of what was seen inside the instant the lid came off.

That, of course, leaves open the possibility that the mummy of Osiris (the first known mummy) was inside. Since the ancients who first wrote of Osiris claimed he was of divine birth and not from this planet, the possibility is open that the mummy of Osiris might prove to be the mummy of an extraterrestrial. Of course, it just would not do for that kind of information to get out. So, according to this theory, the public was kept from seeing the photos of the inside of the sarchophagus at the instant the lid was removed, and the story was put out that the sarchophagus was empty.

This would be just fanciful theorizing if there were not some supporting evidence. Is there? Well, maybe. The evidence is very circumstantial, but also very suggestive.

On March 7, 2009, NASA launched the Kepler Space Telescope into an orbit just behind the Earth. It follows the Earth in its orbit around the sun. The cost of its 3.5 year mission is estimated to be around $600 million. It's mission is to search for earth-like planets and identify any that appear to be habitable. 

Since it's mission is to look for other Earths, you would assume it would be looking all around space for them. After all, the more sky you cover, the better your chances of success--right? Well, it would seem to be a correct idea--unless you already know where there are a bunch of these planets. If you already know where you are likely to have success, you would aim the telescope at that spot in space and keep it there.

Guess what? That is precisely what the mission controllers of Kepler have done. They aimed it like a laser on the constellation Cygnus! Why?

The official explanation is that by aiming at Cygnus, they don't have to worry about our sun obscurring the telescope with its immense light and energy. But, the Kepler craft is movable and could be repositioned to take care of any problems with the sun. So, it really could be used to look all around space for other Earths. It isn't. It is focused on Cygnus and only on Cygnus. 

The Kepler mission hit the jackpot!

In its first 6 months of operation, Kepler found an additional 1,235 extra-solar planets. We already knew about some 500 extra-solar planets, but Kepler upped the number by an additional 1,235. Of that number, 408 are in multi-planet solar systems like ours. In fact, Kepler has located 170 such multi-planet solar systems in Cygnus. Of the 408 planets in these multi-planet solar systems, Kepler has found some 50 that are habitable!

Officially, these discoveries are called planet candidates. That term is used by naysayers to deflect the importance of these discoveries. Planet candidates means they are actual discoveries, but need to be verified by other scientists as well. They still are actual discoveries. So, the finding of some 50 habitable planets has happened. The data will be reviewed by other scientists for verification, but the discoveries have happened.

The ancient Egyptians wrote about their ancestors (even more anceint than they, of course) and said they were cannibals, barbaric, uncivilized, and unlearned. They were ruled by a god named Ra at the time. Ra built mighty structures, but did nothing to improve these savages. When Ra became old, he left Earth and returned to the heavens. Osiris (whose parents were not human) ascended to the kingship of the land. Osiris, the green skinned god, was greatly distrubed by the complete lack of civilization and learning of these humans, and set about establishing civilization. 

Osiris taught the people what to eat (not each other), and taught them agriculture, writing, how to worship the gods, and established law. In a fairly short time, he had established the first Egyptian civilization, and the people prospered.

Now, if Osiris was from among these savages, one must wonder how it is that this one person from among savage cannibals would have come by such knowledge. How did he come by knowledge of agriculture, writing, and law? It would seem sociologically impossible. But remember, the ancient Egyptians who told of Osiris were setting him and his clan apart from the humans. They recognized him as being other than the humans.

It is at least interesting that the tomb of Osiris was located directly under where the star Deneb (of the Cygnus constellation) strikes the Giza Plateau. It is interesting because it rather indicates that the fact that the Giza Plateau and the constellation Cygnus match is not an accident. Not only does the constellation Cygnus match the layout of the pyramids, but it marks the precise spot where Osiris' tomb lay deep under the ground.

What if the ancient Egyptians were correct in what they wrote about Osiris' origins? What if he was not from here, but from the heavens? What if NASA knew for quite some time that the Giza Plateau matched Cygnus and not Orion? What if NASA knew for quite some time that the stories about Osiris' origin were true

It would indicate that NASA made the reasonable assumption that since Osiris was not from Earth, but lived on Earth, he must have come from an earth-like planet somewhere out there in space. It would also indicate they reasoned that if there was Osiris (and his wife Isis, and Thoth, and Set) from out there, then there were likely still others of their kind out there. But where was out there? The answer to that question was laid out on the Giza Plateau in the form of a star map of their home worlds. Cygnus.

Indeed, this is a theory making a far stretch, but not an unreasonable one. NASA aimed Kepler with laser precision at Cygnus and plan for it to stay that way for 3.5 years. Why? What is it that made them make that decision? Their story about avoiding interference from our sun just does not hold up when one realizes the Kepler telescope can be repositioned at any time they desire to do so. The Kepler mission was aimed at Cygnus from before the first bolt was milled. Why? The Giza Plateau seems to provide an interesting and possible answer.

What does NASA know?


Fermi Telescope Peers Deep into Microquasar

artist concept of Cygnus X-3 with gamma-raysIn Cygnus X-3, an accretion disk surrounding a black hole or neutron star orbits close to a hot, massive star. Gamma rays (purple, in this illustration) likely arise when fast-moving electrons above and below the disk collide with the star's ultraviolet light. Fermi sees more of this emission when the disk is on the far side of its orbit. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
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Fermi view of gamma-ray concentrations near Cygnus X-3Brighter colors indicate greater numbers of gamma rays detected in this Fermi LAT view of a region centered on the position of Cygnus X-3 (circled). The brightest sources are pulsars. Credit:NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration
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Fermi all-sky map showing Cygnus X-3 locationThis image locates the view around Cygnus X-3 within Fermi's all-sky map.Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration
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NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has made the first unambiguous detection of high-energy gamma-rays from an enigmatic binary system known as Cygnus X-3. The system pairs a hot, massive star with a compact object -- either a neutron star or a black hole -- that blasts twin radio-emitting jets of matter into space at more than half the speed of light.

Astronomers call these systems microquasars. Their properties -- strong emission across a broad range of wavelengths, rapid brightness changes, and radio jets -- resemble miniature versions of distant galaxies (called quasars and blazars) whose emissions are thought to be powered by enormous black holes. 

"Cygnus X-3 is a genuine microquasar and it's the first for which we can prove high-energy gamma-ray emission," said Stéphane Corbel at Paris Diderot University in France. 

The system, first detected in 1966 as among the sky's strongest X-ray sources, was also one of the earliest claimed gamma-ray sources. Efforts to confirm those observations helped spur the development of improved gamma-ray detectors, a legacy culminating in the Large Area Telescope (LAT) aboard Fermi.

At the center of Cygnus X-3 lies a massive Wolf-Rayet star. With a surface temperature of 180,000 degrees F, or about 17 times hotter than the sun, the star is so hot that its mass bleeds into space in the form of a powerful outflow called a stellar wind. "In just 100,000 years, this fast, dense wind removes as much mass from the Wolf-Rayet star as our sun contains," said Robin Corbet at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. 

Every 4.8 hours, a compact companion embedded in a disk of hot gas wheels around the star. "This object is most likely a black hole, but we can't yet rule out a neutron star," Corbet noted. 

Fermi's LAT detects changes in Cygnus X-3's gamma-ray output related to the companion's 4.8-hour orbital motion. The brightest gamma-ray emission occurs when the disk is on the far side of its orbit. "This suggests that the gamma rays arise from interactions between rapidly moving electrons above and below the disk and the star's ultraviolet light," Corbel explained. 

When ultraviolet photons strike particles moving at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light, the photons gain energy and become gamma rays. "The process works best when an energetic electron already heading toward Earth suffers a head-on collision with an ultraviolet photon," added Guillaume Dubus at the Laboratory for Astrophysics in Grenoble, France. "And this occurs most often when the disk is on the far side of its orbit."

Through processes not fully understood, some of the gas falling toward Cygnus X-3's compact object instead rushes outward in a pair of narrow, oppositely directed jets. Radio observations clock gas motion within these jets at more than half the speed of light.

Between Oct. 11 and Dec. 20, 2008, and again between June 8 and Aug. 2, 2009, Cygnus X-3 was unusually active. The team found that outbursts in the system's gamma-ray emission preceded flaring in the radio jet by roughly five days, strongly suggesting a relationship between the two. 

The findings, published today in the electronic edition of Science, will provide new insight into how high-energy particles become accelerated and how they move through the jets. 

Related Links:

&rsaquo Fermi Telescope Caps First Year With Glimpse of Space-Time
› Gamma-Rays from High-Mass X-Ray Binaries


Francis Reddy
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Waiting for Cynus X-3

Artist's concept of extragalactic jets emanating from the center of a large galaxyFebruary 25, 2000 -- Astronomers are increasingly convinced that supermassive black holes lie at the centers of most large galaxies. It's a classic case of truth being stranger than fiction. Gigantic disks of gas -- calledaccretion disks -- swirl around central black holes that weigh in at millions or even billions of solar masses. As gas in the accretion disk falls into the hole it heats up and glows so brightly in x-rays that we can detect them a billion light years away. The cores of these systems, called active galactic nuclei (AGNs), outshine all of the stars in the host galaxy by factors of 10 to 1000. 

About 10% of all AGNs are stranger still. They produce narrow beams of energetic particles and magnetic fields, and eject them outward in opposite directions away from the disk at nearly the speed of light. When one of these beams is pointed toward Earth, it looks especially bright and astronomers call it a blazar. Among all AGNs, blazars can be detected over the widest range of frequencies, from radio waves to gamma rays. 

Many aspects of blazars remain a mystery. What accelerates the material in the jets to relativistic speeds? How are the jets collimated? What are they made of? 

The answers to some of these questions about distant galaxies may lie right here in our own Milky Way, in the binary star system Cygnus X-3. 

"Cygnus X-3 is a black hole or a neutron star that's accreting matter from an companion star," explains Mike McCollough of the NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center. "Because of the deep gravity well, a huge amount of energy can be released in x-rays and gamma-rays. It's also a very bright radio source that undergoes massive flares from time to time." 

During an intense flare in 1997, McCollough and colleagues made a high-resolution radio map of Cygnus X-3 using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), a continent-sized radio interferometer. 

"When we looked at the images, lo and behold, there was definitely a one-sided radio jet, about 50 milliarcseconds long," recalled McCollough. "Two days later it extended to 120 milliarcseconds and then it disappeared. This likely makes Cyg X-3 a galactic blazar -- a jet source where we were looking straight down the jet." 

see captionLeft: An artist's concept of a high-mass x-ray binary system like Cygnus X-3. Gas from a massive star feeds the accretion disk of an orbiting black hole or neutron star. The accreting gas heats up and shines brightly as an X-ray source. 

"Cygnus X-3 may be the first example of a blazar here in our own galaxy," he continued. "It's the only case known of a Wolf-Rayet star with a compact companion. Wolf-Rayet stars are massive stars -- 7 to 50 solar masses -- that have blown away their outer envelope of hydrogen. What's left is mostly helium. These types of stars have a very vigorous stellar wind, and that's probably what's driving things in this source." 

"We can't see Cygnus X-3 optically because it's in the galactic plane where optical extinction by interstellar dust obscures the source. Fortunately, we can see it at infrared (IR) wavelengths and that's how we know it's a Wolf-Rayet star, from the IR spectral lines. Modulation of the IR and the X-ray emission gives us the orbital period of the binary, only 4.8 hours." 

The next opportunity to study Cygnus X-3 during a bright flare may be just around the corner. McCollough and colleagues believe that another eruption is imminent. 

see caption"Just before a major flare, the radio and hard X-ray emission from Cygnus X-3 drops very low and stays there for days or weeks." explained McCollough. "It's as if something is building up before the explosion. This lets us predict major flares. On February 18 the radio emission from Cygnus X-3 dropped to very low levels and it's stayed there since. The hard X-ray (20-100 keV) emission which BATSE [on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, pictured right] usually detects from this source also vanished in late January. We believe this is the precursor of some major activity." 

Right: The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) was the most massive instrument ever launched by a NASA Space Shuttle in 1991. Astronomers using CGRO data continue to make important discoveries, including mysterious gamma-ray bursts that uniquely illuminate the early universe and a whole new class of QSOs. The CGRO will be one of the primary satellites observing Cyg X-3 when that binary system erupts. McCollough also uses the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on CGRO to monitor precursor activity. 

When Cygnus X-3 does erupt, McCollough is ready. He has been granted "Target of Opportunity" time to observe Cyg X-3 with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, and the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. When Cygnus X-3 erupts -- any day now, says McCollough -- all of these spaceborne observatories will turn toward the X-ray source and begin collecting critical data at X-ray and gamma-ray wavelengths. 

Radio astronomers are also on standby. McCollough and colleagues are currently monitoring Cyg X-3 using the Green Bank interferometer in West Virginia, the Ryle telescope in Britain, the RATAN 600 radio telescope in Russia, and the Very Large Array in New Mexico. All of these instruments will spring into action when the flare begins. McCollough and his collaborators have been granted observing time as well on the Very Long Baseline Array, which will monitor Cyg X-3 for three days after the flare to make detailed radio images of the jet. 

see captionLeft: One of the VLBA antennas at Caltech's Owens Valley Radio Observatory. Others are located at sites ranging from Hancock, New Hampshire to Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Together these antennas combine to form a powerful radio interferometer than can make detailed maps of celestial objects like Cygnus X-3. 

"We expect to learn a lot," says McCollough. "If there really is a relativistic jet in Cyg X-3 we might get a glimpse of how it works. Some models predict matter-antimatter production in the jet. The Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory will be able to detect the spectral line at 511 keV that results from electrons and positrons annihilating one another. Jets like these might also entrain matter from the accretion disk or the stellar wind. If that happens we might be able to see that material by means of spectral line emission at x-ray energies. What we proposed to do with Chandra -- and this has just been approved -- is to use one of the high resolution spectrometers to look for spectral lines from entrained gas. If we see anything, the data will provide redshifts and composition. We'll actually measure the speed of the jet and what it's made of!" 

We will also look for GeV emission (high energy gamma-rays) with the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory," concluded McCollough. "Since extragalactic blazars are known produce high-energy gamma rays, so might a galactic one." 

Stay tuned to Science@NASA as the explosive story of Cygnus X-3 unfolds, with reports about the impending flare and updates about what scientists learn from their observations.Web Links

Chandra home page -from Harvard

Chandra News -from NASA

Compton Gamma-ray Observatory -the second of NASA's four Great Observatories.

Burst and Transient Source Detector -on the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory

Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer -The RXTE probes the physics of cosmic X-ray sources by making sensitive measurements of their variability over time scales ranging from milliseconds to years.

The Very Long Baseline Array -A continent-sized radio telescope, operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

Black Holes -a tutorial about black holes and accretion disks

X-Rays - Another Form of Light - the basics of X-rays from the Chandra home page at Harvard

Hey, that's cool! It really looks exactly like the Cygnus constellation'! Most interesting ... THANK YOU, Gloria :-)

Sonja Myriel

One word brilliant!

oxoxox :-)



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We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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