lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

The Native Americans were illegally forbidden to practice their traditional rituals and ceremonies. You may wonder what Native Americans have to do with the Pleiadians, but the stories are in their legends, much of which has been encoded, kept secret or hidden. In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that their people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago. They claim to have come to this world as Starseeds to bring Light and knowledge. If the stories are true, then modern dayCherokee, as well as other Native Americans, and many of us with Native American bloodcontain Pleiadian genes!

Certain Pleiadians are highly evolved, more so than most of the human species. The
Pleiadian Realm is the next step or level in our human evolution. It is for this reason that
certain knowledge is being given to us by specially enlightened Pleiadian beings. There are
those that want to help us toward our higher spiritual destiny. These Special Pleiadian Forces
reside at a very high frequency that is lighter than what we know. And thus, the term Light is
often applied. The higher and lighter the frequency, the closer to the God source one
Eventually, all will become Pure Light at the center of creation, which is God or Spirit or
whatever name you choose to call it. As we evolve, gaining wisdom and true understanding
about our real essence, we begin to open up more to Love, and to feel our connection with one
another and the universe. In the Earth realm, Love is only experienced and known at a low
level compared to all that truly exists. The God/Spirit frequency is beyond anything we know. It
is Pure Love - It is is Pure Light. As we strive and come closer to that center of creation, we
will know Love completely and be totally In the Light.
Although in physical time, the Pleiadians are 541 light years away, they have learned to
navigate other worlds, although not always in space ships. They understand our fear of the
unknown, and so they come to help in ways that are non-threatening. They are coming now,
sometimes in physical form where they can blend in, but most often through human
consciousness. Their intent is not to harm but to help us evolve and develop.
The Pleiadian Message and action is not always one that you might comprehend at first.
Thinking with a purely human mind, you might imagine that they will fly in on some sort of
spacecraft. It is often difficult or impossible for the human mind to grasp the scope of what is
not familiar. Tuning into higher wisdom does not always mean greeting an alien or a
Try thinking about time concepts if you will. Suppose that the past, present and future all exist
at the same time right now. That certainly is not an impossibility if you consider time travel.
Suspend that thought for a moment....time travel. Time travel is possible through
consciousness. So often, this is how wisdom and higher information is passed to us. Without
crossing the barriers of time, the human race would get stuck and stay right where it's at.
It is through the Crossing of Time, that the Higher Pleiadian Forces of Light bring us
information. This information is vital in our spiritual development. Certain Pleiadians have
chosen as their work, a very noble and serious purpose. They strive to work through the layers
of human consciousness to bring higher wisdom from the place they dwell at. They are not God, yet they bring wisdom, as many have brought wisdom throughout the ages from higher
Their purpose is not to save your soul, but to enlighten you more to the power and beauty of
who you are, and to the divine creation of which we all are a part. People or so called
Channelers that bring in certain information are in no way divine or special. They are simply
willing to tune into another place, another time and receive information. Many humans have
always had the capacity to do that. There will be some that will actually take that chance and
put it out there for others to partake of.

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EUREKA! I have finally truly connected to my starry family.
I have always been told that I look like I have Indian descent in me. My heart has always been with both the my home land Native Indians (USA) and the Pleiadians. Always feeling like an outsider, never fiting in. I have ALWAYS been on this earth but not of it. For many years I have search the heavens to feel where I came from and connect to the energies of the people here on earth that had the same flow of Spirit running through their hearts.
I would like to share with you some of the information that I have gathered on my quest.

Because of the many wars on Lyra, many peaceful Lyrans left on their spacecrafts and traveled for many years till they came upon the seven cluster stars in Pleiades. They landed on a planet now called Erra, which is located around the Pleiades Star called Taygeta. Here is where they started their new civilization in the year 228,000 B.C. The Pleiadians are a very ancient race of humanoids. They have kept a record of the complete history of Earth's human evolution from the very beginning to our present time. Pleiadians claim our Earth is 626 billion years old.
Around 225,000 B.C., the Pleiadians discovered a small sun system with a planet called Earth on one of their scouting missions away from the Pleiades. They discovered on Earth, three groups of uncivilized people living there. The larger of these groups were light skinned and were of Lyran descent. The Lyrans had landed on Earth earlier and were forced to stay on Earth and enter into a incarnational cycle, because of their ill treatment of the original brown skinned natives. This became their karma. At this time, the Pleiadians decided to stay and create societies on Earth. The Galactic Federation allowed the Pleiadians to enter into a incarnational cycle with humans on Earth. The places designated for them to do this was Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India. Civilizations came and went on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and natural disasters, between 196,000 B.C. and 10 A.D. The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. trying to help develop various civilizations such as Lemuria, Maya, Inca and a civilization at Machu Picchu. They also were trying to guide humans toward a more spiritual path.
At about 10 A.D.; the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good, because Pleiadians finally achieved peace back home in the Pleiades. They felt it was time for humans to evolve on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Emmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Emmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent. Earth continued to evolve on its own without direct Pleiadian leadership till our present time.
the Pleiadians are going to help bring all humans on Earth into the light. The following is a brief description of Pleiadian Culture on the home planet of Erra. Erra is located around the star called Taygeta. Erra is 10% smaller than Earth. The Pleiadians are a Goddess Society (which worships family, children, and women). They are on a fifth dimensional frequency, which is one of love and creativity. About 400,000 people live on Erra, which the Pleiadians feel is the ideal amount for the welfare of their planet. The people of Erra are telepathic and therefore have no need for telephones. There means of travel around the planet is done by a tube system. The Pleiadians are primarily vegetarians, but on occasion eat some meat. They have no medical problems for they control their health by using their own mental powers. The average age of a Pleiadian is 700 years. Their skin is whiter and smoother than ours. The Pleiadians do not have blood; their memory matrix is in light.
The Pleiadians have no currency as we know it; they share the resources of their planet with all the people. All material goods are given to the people freely, based on their contribution to their society. When children are born into the Pleiadian society, they are taught for the first ten years to understand the purpose of their lives. The children then spend the next sixty to seventy years being educated in various occupations.

Pleiadians travel in spacecrafts called a Beamship. They have different sizes for different useage. They are approximately 21 feet in diameter, can carry several people and have interplantary capabilities. Beamships can travel billions of miles in a part of a second by traveling in hyperspace. Because of this ability, the trip from Erra in Pleiades to Earth takes only seven hours.
The Pleiadians will land along with other benevolent extraterrestrials after the major changes have occurred on Earth. The Pleiadians will bring in Mother Ships to help the survivors of Earth with food and temporary shelter. They have the technology to grow food immediately on their Mother Ships by using special soil and seeds. The plants grow immediately to full maturity. So people of earth, do not despair, help will be there when you need it. All you have to do for now is keep your body frequency to one of Love, so you can ascend to the fifth dimension.
You will then become part of the new civilization of light on a planet of light. See you all at the Cosmic Party in the year 2012!

I have tears in my eyes as I share this with all of you for my heart is so touched by the knowing that the time is very near that we will be in our Light Bodies and we will be able to connect on a higher level than using the internet.
thank you so much...reading this gave me chills.....and i too am so excited that the time is so near.
much love your way kathleen. :)
Too cool Kathleen! I know exactly how you feel! This is a beautiful discussion!
Love and Light,
Thank you so much, Kathleen for sharing this with us! I found the following information on Lyra and guess it might interest you all ;-) Let's get started and make our DNA sing ... !

Pleiadian Renegades through Amanda R. Ryan

“Memory is encoded into the crystalline structure of DNA and reverberates throughout the substance of time.“

Grab a seat and sit back for a little maddeningly overdue, fact-filled, entertainingly candid banter about Dad and Mom. You’ve been wondering if we were ever going to get around to revealing the neat, mentally sanitized history of your race’s creation and dispersion from a cosmic perspective. You probably didn’t think we would give it to you from a comic perspective, though, did you? Since we are Pleiadian, we don’t like to handle such dry material too roughly, and find that a comic perspective has a much more real, loving degree of accuracy than a more patronizingly edited telling. So we begin.

The Lyran race began as an expression of consciousness experiencing love as a happy, joyful condition. Lyrans feared nothing, but created experiences in which to test their divine identity and progress on their way to sampling light at the most beneficial frequency for all creation to be love at. Love created Nemesis, who donned her dark cape and did Love’s job of setting into motion themes and events engineered to serve the Lyrans in their quest for understanding all there was to understand about love. Along came a ship. Followed war. Finally catastrophe, escape, destruction and rebirth. The seeds for humanity’s quest for love were sown far and wide across the galaxy. Generations of humans populated the star systems of Pleiades, Sirius, Procyon, Rigel and others. Algebraic equations can track the progress of the human race in their progress from material beings living to survive another day to roamers of the stars learning the ways of light to becoming light, going back and forth through time and space to nodes of destruction and mayhem, bringing divine light, understanding and the fearlessness of knowing Nemesis as love. A simple x + y = z will do the trick. Humans (x) encounter Nemesis (y) and love (z) results. Of course, you could plug in all sorts of variables and come up with something that looks like alphabet soup, but any equation you create boils down to this simple, elegant truth. You know love when you know Nemesis as yourself. This is the legacy of Lyra.

Density notwithstanding, love dominates every equation. It is not something that can be added to. It cannot be discounted, either. Humanity creates that which is of the appearance of not-love yet God allows it to live. Ample energy infused into a thought creates ugliness as well as beauty. A reality gets its shape from you. Where did you get your shape from? Tell you a story of your lineage shall we now. Just an overview, you understand. To get into all the nitty-gritty would require more bandwidth than we have apparently chosen for this site — it would take a book. Now, we have begun our tale already in the star system called Lyra and followed it to several locales. Let us look a little bit more closely at the one we like to call home, what you call the Pleiades. For now, we will say it is a constellation, but it is more than that, really. Within this “constellation” are many, many stars, planets and emergent energies. It is teeming with life. You have mapped many of the stars yet have no idea about the planets that orbit them. Dribbles of speculation abound while the truth remains buried. Lyran refugees found a home, like Pleiadian refugees did who landed on Earth. It was not so long ago in your history; although some fried during the landing, most survived, generally safe from outside interference. You, reading this, in resonance with the general page-turning intensity of the telling of the story, may remember. Memory is encoded into the crystalline structure of DNA and reverberates throughout the substance of time.

Have you made less of your lineage than you should? Perhaps. Go deep into the crystalline memory banks you carry within your embodiment and maybe you can help yourself by greeting your ancestry as star-borne rather than as slime that crawled out of the ocean by accident. Zero in on the vibration of the madness of your species, on the catatonia that has infected your people of peace. Go deep into the mind of the sage that awaits discovery within the mass-media-inflicted neurosis that sweeps through your collective consciousness, into the depths of the beingness of a people dreaming yet left without a dad or mom to tell them it’s time to wake up. We are here and we say to you, “Awaken!” You imagine you are alone in the universe but for tales of gods returning to deliver who knows what kind of treasure to you — your inheritance or your ruin? Go deep within and allow the crystalline structure of your DNA to sing. This is what it is for. This is your connection to your family across time. It is your connection to Pleiades and to Lyra.

As your DNA sings, lost members of your family begin to appear. You recognize them instantly and feel an undeniable attraction to them, an overwhelming sense of love. This is not your imagination and it is not just a wish for escape from the dead weight of a dying world, and although it may be a bit of a surprise, it is meant to be that you find each other in the strangest and most delightful of ways. Is this not true of your experience, more so than ever lately? We hover nearby, yet your embodiments find each other first. We are beside ourselves with joy at each reunion! Do you sense this? Trust your selves. Even more than you are flesh and blood, you are crystalline beings of certain more or less stellar origin. Know that the home you yearn for, the home you remember in your dreams, is ever closer, as are we. Magic is real and dreams are substance. It is the madness around you that is manufactured illusion. Let your DNA sing. Watch the illusion shatter. Be without fear and focus on the crystalline nature of your embodiment. The truth will show itself soon enough. When what has been comes to a crashing halt, you must be ready to see with eyes that are bright with love the morning light breaking through the night of madness and longing. Home is Heaven on Earth and you are the ones who will allow darkness to overshadow itself and come to light and show itself as love unmasked.

A drama is playing itself out, finally, on your plane of existence. Above your planet are ships and emanations and people. On your planet are wars and blood and mayhem. Making your DNA sing now is a matter of dancing on the edge of sanity and seeing that on the one side is insanity and on the other side is dreams of finding your way home come true. Making your DNA sing is no longer kept a secret but is one of the best-kept secrets unveiled. Making your DNA sing is announcing to your body that you wish to know its crystalline nature, that you wish to reverberate with the truth of who you are and be in harmony with others of like vibration. It is allowing your body to hone its awareness to the point of pure clarity and memory regained, of shattering all the demonstrations of darkness you have housed within, and to create a vibration that leaves illusion in the dust. You will see plenty of dust in the days ahead; keep your focus within.
Pleiadian Renegades through Amanda R. Ryan

“Memory is encoded into the crystalline structure of DNA and reverberates throughout the substance of time.“

Grab a seat and sit back for a little maddeningly overdue, fact-filled, entertainingly candid banter about Dad and Mom. You’ve been wondering if we were ever going to get around to revealing the neat, mentally sanitized history of your race’s creation and dispersion from a cosmic perspective. You probably didn’t think we would give it to you from a comic perspective, though, did you? Since we are Pleiadian, we don’t like to handle such dry material too roughly, and find that a comic perspective has a much more real, loving degree of accuracy than a more patronizingly edited telling. So we begin.

The Lyran race began as an expression of consciousness experiencing love as a happy, joyful condition. Lyrans feared nothing, but created experiences in which to test their divine identity and progress on their way to sampling light at the most beneficial frequency for all creation to be love at. Love created Nemesis, who donned her dark cape and did Love’s job of setting into motion themes and events engineered to serve the Lyrans in their quest for understanding all there was to understand about love. Along came a ship. Followed war. Finally catastrophe, escape, destruction and rebirth. The seeds for humanity’s quest for love were sown far and wide across the galaxy. Generations of humans populated the star systems of Pleiades, Sirius, Procyon, Rigel and others. Algebraic equations can track the progress of the human race in their progress from material beings living to survive another day to roamers of the stars learning the ways of light to becoming light, going back and forth through time and space to nodes of destruction and mayhem, bringing divine light, understanding and the fearlessness of knowing Nemesis as love. A simple x + y = z will do the trick. Humans (x) encounter Nemesis (y) and love (z) results. Of course, you could plug in all sorts of variables and come up with something that looks like alphabet soup, but any equation you create boils down to this simple, elegant truth. You know love when you know Nemesis as yourself. This is the legacy of Lyra.

Density notwithstanding, love dominates every equation. It is not something that can be added to. It cannot be discounted, either. Humanity creates that which is of the appearance of not-love yet God allows it to live. Ample energy infused into a thought creates ugliness as well as beauty. A reality gets its shape from you. Where did you get your shape from? Tell you a story of your lineage shall we now. Just an overview, you understand. To get into all the nitty-gritty would require more bandwidth than we have apparently chosen for this site — it would take a book. Now, we have begun our tale already in the star system called Lyra and followed it to several locales. Let us look a little bit more closely at the one we like to call home, what you call the Pleiades. For now, we will say it is a constellation, but it is more than that, really. Within this “constellation” are many, many stars, planets and emergent energies. It is teeming with life. You have mapped many of the stars yet have no idea about the planets that orbit them. Dribbles of speculation abound while the truth remains buried. Lyran refugees found a home, like Pleiadian refugees did who landed on Earth. It was not so long ago in your history; although some fried during the landing, most survived, generally safe from outside interference. You, reading this, in resonance with the general page-turning intensity of the telling of the story, may remember. Memory is encoded into the crystalline structure of DNA and reverberates throughout the substance of time.

Have you made less of your lineage than you should? Perhaps. Go deep into the crystalline memory banks you carry within your embodiment and maybe you can help yourself by greeting your ancestry as star-borne rather than as slime that crawled out of the ocean by accident. Zero in on the vibration of the madness of your species, on the catatonia that has infected your people of peace. Go deep into the mind of the sage that awaits discovery within the mass-media-inflicted neurosis that sweeps through your collective consciousness, into the depths of the beingness of a people dreaming yet left without a dad or mom to tell them it’s time to wake up. We are here and we say to you, “Awaken!” You imagine you are alone in the universe but for tales of gods returning to deliver who knows what kind of treasure to you — your inheritance or your ruin? Go deep within and allow the crystalline structure of your DNA to sing. This is what it is for. This is your connection to your family across time. It is your connection to Pleiades and to Lyra.

As your DNA sings, lost members of your family begin to appear. You recognize them instantly and feel an undeniable attraction to them, an overwhelming sense of love. This is not your imagination and it is not just a wish for escape from the dead weight of a dying world, and although it may be a bit of a surprise, it is meant to be that you find each other in the strangest and most delightful of ways. Is this not true of your experience, more so than ever lately? We hover nearby, yet your embodiments find each other first. We are beside ourselves with joy at each reunion! Do you sense this? Trust your selves. Even more than you are flesh and blood, you are crystalline beings of certain more or less stellar origin. Know that the home you yearn for, the home you remember in your dreams, is ever closer, as are we. Magic is real and dreams are substance. It is the madness around you that is manufactured illusion. Let your DNA sing. Watch the illusion shatter. Be without fear and focus on the crystalline nature of your embodiment. The truth will show itself soon enough. When what has been comes to a crashing halt, you must be ready to see with eyes that are bright with love the morning light breaking through the night of madness and longing. Home is Heaven on Earth and you are the ones who will allow darkness to overshadow itself and come to light and show itself as love unmasked.

A drama is playing itself out, finally, on your plane of existence. Above your planet are ships and emanations and people. On your planet are wars and blood and mayhem. Making your DNA sing now is a matter of dancing on the edge of sanity and seeing that on the one side is insanity and on the other side is dreams of finding your way home come true. Making your DNA sing is no longer kept a secret but is one of the best-kept secrets unveiled. Making your DNA sing is announcing to your body that you wish to know its crystalline nature, that you wish to reverberate with the truth of who you are and be in harmony with others of like vibration. It is allowing your body to hone its awareness to the point of pure clarity and memory regained, of shattering all the demonstrations of darkness you have housed within, and to create a vibration that leaves illusion in the dust. You will see plenty of dust in the days ahead; keep your focus within.
Pleiadian Renegades through Amanda R. Ryan

“Memory is encoded into the crystalline structure of DNA and reverberates throughout the substance of time.“

Grab a seat and sit back for a little maddeningly overdue, fact-filled, entertainingly candid banter about Dad and Mom. You’ve been wondering if we were ever going to get around to revealing the neat, mentally sanitized history of your race’s creation and dispersion from a cosmic perspective. You probably didn’t think we would give it to you from a comic perspective, though, did you? Since we are Pleiadian, we don’t like to handle such dry material too roughly, and find that a comic perspective has a much more real, loving degree of accuracy than a more patronizingly edited telling. So we begin.

The Lyran race began as an expression of consciousness experiencing love as a happy, joyful condition. Lyrans feared nothing, but created experiences in which to test their divine identity and progress on their way to sampling light at the most beneficial frequency for all creation to be love at. Love created Nemesis, who donned her dark cape and did Love’s job of setting into motion themes and events engineered to serve the Lyrans in their quest for understanding all there was to understand about love. Along came a ship. Followed war. Finally catastrophe, escape, destruction and rebirth. The seeds for humanity’s quest for love were sown far and wide across the galaxy. Generations of humans populated the star systems of Pleiades, Sirius, Procyon, Rigel and others. Algebraic equations can track the progress of the human race in their progress from material beings living to survive another day to roamers of the stars learning the ways of light to becoming light, going back and forth through time and space to nodes of destruction and mayhem, bringing divine light, understanding and the fearlessness of knowing Nemesis as love. A simple x + y = z will do the trick. Humans (x) encounter Nemesis (y) and love (z) results. Of course, you could plug in all sorts of variables and come up with something that looks like alphabet soup, but any equation you create boils down to this simple, elegant truth. You know love when you know Nemesis as yourself. This is the legacy of Lyra.

Density notwithstanding, love dominates every equation. It is not something that can be added to. It cannot be discounted, either. Humanity creates that which is of the appearance of not-love yet God allows it to live. Ample energy infused into a thought creates ugliness as well as beauty. A reality gets its shape from you. Where did you get your shape from? Tell you a story of your lineage shall we now. Just an overview, you understand. To get into all the nitty-gritty would require more bandwidth than we have apparently chosen for this site — it would take a book. Now, we have begun our tale already in the star system called Lyra and followed it to several locales. Let us look a little bit more closely at the one we like to call home, what you call the Pleiades. For now, we will say it is a constellation, but it is more than that, really. Within this “constellation” are many, many stars, planets and emergent energies. It is teeming with life. You have mapped many of the stars yet have no idea about the planets that orbit them. Dribbles of speculation abound while the truth remains buried. Lyran refugees found a home, like Pleiadian refugees did who landed on Earth. It was not so long ago in your history; although some fried during the landing, most survived, generally safe from outside interference. You, reading this, in resonance with the general page-turning intensity of the telling of the story, may remember. Memory is encoded into the crystalline structure of DNA and reverberates throughout the substance of time.

Have you made less of your lineage than you should? Perhaps. Go deep into the crystalline memory banks you carry within your embodiment and maybe you can help yourself by greeting your ancestry as star-borne rather than as slime that crawled out of the ocean by accident. Zero in on the vibration of the madness of your species, on the catatonia that has infected your people of peace. Go deep into the mind of the sage that awaits discovery within the mass-media-inflicted neurosis that sweeps through your collective consciousness, into the depths of the beingness of a people dreaming yet left without a dad or mom to tell them it’s time to wake up. We are here and we say to you, “Awaken!” You imagine you are alone in the universe but for tales of gods returning to deliver who knows what kind of treasure to you — your inheritance or your ruin? Go deep within and allow the crystalline structure of your DNA to sing. This is what it is for. This is your connection to your family across time. It is your connection to Pleiades and to Lyra.

As your DNA sings, lost members of your family begin to appear. You recognize them instantly and feel an undeniable attraction to them, an overwhelming sense of love. This is not your imagination and it is not just a wish for escape from the dead weight of a dying world, and although it may be a bit of a surprise, it is meant to be that you find each other in the strangest and most delightful of ways. Is this not true of your experience, more so than ever lately? We hover nearby, yet your embodiments find each other first. We are beside ourselves with joy at each reunion! Do you sense this? Trust your selves. Even more than you are flesh and blood, you are crystalline beings of certain more or less stellar origin. Know that the home you yearn for, the home you remember in your dreams, is ever closer, as are we. Magic is real and dreams are substance. It is the madness around you that is manufactured illusion. Let your DNA sing. Watch the illusion shatter. Be without fear and focus on the crystalline nature of your embodiment. The truth will show itself soon enough. When what has been comes to a crashing halt, you must be ready to see with eyes that are bright with love the morning light breaking through the night of madness and longing. Home is Heaven on Earth and you are the ones who will allow darkness to overshadow itself and come to light and show itself as love unmasked.

A drama is playing itself out, finally, on your plane of existence. Above your planet are ships and emanations and people. On your planet are wars and blood and mayhem. Making your DNA sing now is a matter of dancing on the edge of sanity and seeing that on the one side is insanity and on the other side is dreams of finding your way home come true. Making your DNA sing is no longer kept a secret but is one of the best-kept secrets unveiled. Making your DNA sing is announcing to your body that you wish to know its crystalline nature, that you wish to reverberate with the truth of who you are and be in harmony with others of like vibration. It is allowing your body to hone its awareness to the point of pure clarity and memory regained, of shattering all the demonstrations of darkness you have housed within, and to create a vibration that leaves illusion in the dust. You will see plenty of dust in the days ahead; keep your focus within.
PS.: There's a discussion on "Origination from Lyra" as well - for everyone interested ;-)

I have an e-book on Pleiadians........I'll have to post it or maybe we can open a group for all to post there e-books? Sonja-can you give me the link again to Humanity Healing and empaths?

Sonja Myriel said:
PS.: There's a discussion on "Origination from Lyra" as well - for everyone interested ;-)

Dear Angela, I will open a group on Pleiades because this topic is important for so many of us :-)

Concerning a compilation of e-books I would like to have a look around other ning-sites to see how they are handling libraries ... But the e-book would fit perfectly into the group on Pleiades.

Here's the link to empath group at Humanity Healing Network

Have a wonderful day, dear Angela and thank you for BEING :-)

Sonja Myriel
Cool-Thank You Sonja. I will post the e-book shortly!

Sonja Myriel said:
Dear Angela, I will open a group on Pleiades because this topic is important for so many of us :-)

Concerning a compilation of e-books I would like to have a look around other ning-sites to see how they are handling libraries ... But the e-book would fit perfectly into the group on Pleiades.

Here's the link to empath group at Humanity Healing Network

Have a wonderful day, dear Angela and thank you for BEING :-)

Sonja Myriel

Dear Pamela, I don't know the story - could you share it here with us?

Love and LIGHT,

Sonja Myriel

Ah, what a wonderful beginning of a story full of LOVE and CHALLENGES! I can FEEL the challenges waiting for this beautiful soul once it has found the prince and won his heart, lol!

Thank you for the sharing! It made me realize our close connection to the TREES and Plant Kingdom, in general, As Willow ree seems to be the person connected to the mighty Willow Tree ... and my name is Tree Gardener ... and I realized how much I still have to learn, lol!

Sending you a light filled hug and kisses, dear Pamela,

in joyful memory and gratitude,

Sonja Myriel




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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