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Message from Blue Thunder reL 2012

Teton Rainbows - Prophecies Foretold the Time Ahead We Are in Now (2012)

By Bennie”BlueThunder”LeBeau & Many Messengers for Peace

As we all approach the year 2012 the Native American Prophecies point towards a Galactic Alignment within the Planets, Sun, Moon, Stars and Milky Way. So much that needs to be considered and understood what is held in the hands of the Red Nations of the America’s. Earth Wisdom Foundation is helping to sponsor three very important groups visiting the Wind River Indian Reservation, here in Wyoming.

In April 10th to April 20th, 2010: Women and Men, known as sacred messengers for peace will be arriving on the Wind River Indian Reservation, here in Wyoming. These Spiritual Leaders from around the World will ask the Tribes and Cultures in the Wind River Valley of the Reservation to consider many messages for peace. These special messengers will be visiting Riverton, Ethete, Fort Washakie and Jackson, Wyoming in the forth-coming days.

On April 10thto the 13th of 2010, three of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmother Counsel Members will be visiting Fremont County within the Wind River Indian Reservation here in Wyoming. The Grandmothers will speak on behalf of a great wisdom of what is coming ahead: as Women of Wisdom, Women of Knowledge, and Women of Peace, Women of Courage.

“Prophecy foretold the gathering of the Indigenous Grandmothers long before these thirteen wise women-elders from the North, Central and South America, Africa, Tibet and Nepal, and the Arctic Circle were brought together. This is Who they are and this is the time in history of what they have to say at this critical time in the human and planetary history is fascinating,” and very important.

“We can hope and know that they are messengers of a major spiritual shift towards peace, prophesized to occur in 2012 with women taking the lead, as circles of people bringing visible and invisible worlds together.” The Thirteen International Indigenous Grandmothers Counsel is aware of three of the International Indigenous Grandmothers representatives who will be visiting the Wind River Indian Reservation, in Wyoming. Bringing they’re many messages in wake-up calls to humanity for peace, love and harmony to return, protecting Mother Earth.

Also visiting from April 13th to April 20th, with us will be a Tibetan H.E. Chokling Jigmed Palden Rinpoche, the Third Incarnation of the Great Revealer of Treasure Texts, Chogyur Dechen Shigpo Lingpa, from Tibet. He will also send out messages, as stated in the Tibetan and Hopi Prophecies. That one day they would travel from the East to the West and speak to us of the Prophecies that foretell us what’s up ahead of us as we enter into 2012 and beyond. Wisdom and knowledgeable information that one-day they would travel to America to visit with the Native American Tribes. Including all the other cultures at this time in the history of the earth sharing great information for peace, love and harmony also.

Including a relative to the Shoshone Nations from the Mayan Nations will be visiting from April 10th to April 20th, 2010. Mayan Priest Miguel Angel Chiqin Yat will be visiting us from Guatemala, from Central America. He is a Mayan Priest, a spiritual guide from the Ket-Chi, of the Mayan people of Guatemala. Motivated by the intention of the Mayan people to convey their knowledge and messages about the Mayan Calendar in order to dispel the fear of catastrophe’s that are being propagated by others around the world today.

The Mayan Priest Miguel Angel will speak about the steps his community is taking to prepare for the momentous period ahead. He has been sent to us, for us to consider doing something similar on the Wind River Indian Reservation and other homelands across the world. He has been sent by his Elders to bring forth a message to his fellow brothers and sisters of the Eagle Nations of North America. The Mayan’s message from the Condor to the Eagle Nations is about the prophecies in the time we are about to enter into now: Before the end of 2012 and onwards into the future for the Next 5,000 years ahead.

Almost all of humanity is stuck inside a paradigm, a view of life-fostered by organizations and corporations who wish to control humanity for their own purposes. Due to this attitude Mother Nature’s Soils, Winds, Waters, and the Fires have been imprinted with Post Traumatic Stresses for 25, 000 years. Within the historical facts lies the negativity that is promoting the Earth Changes of the environment within earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, droughts, tsunamis and hurricanes.

During the December solstice of 2012 the world mentions the prophecies of all cultures that a great change upon Mother Earth will take place. As Native American’s this is understood that this is due to not following natures laws, know as the original instructions of the Universal Laws of Peace. Most of humanity thinks we are born, we live and we die and wonder about the purpose we are here upon Mother Earth. Along the way we have connected in some form with a religion or belief system of some sort: but in truth these belief systems sense they’re being something more, something greater.

In reality in that truth in those belief systems it does not express the truth of who and what we are and where we are headed. The wisdom and knowledge of the Eagle and the Condor Nations of North and South America has the information societies long for: Now in this time period where the truth would become heard once again.

Many knowing the time is short that we are in and that wisdom can be shared now in where we are heading; Information about how to enter into this special time as we move towards 2012 ahead. Now at this particular time it is prophesized that the Warriors of the Rainbow Prophecy would bring great wisdom where we are all headed towards as all the Indigenous Nations of the world would awaken and remember each other: The Black, White, Yellow and Red Nations alike as one.

Humanity in this moment is like a runaway train that’s about to run into a brick wall head on and that wall is approaching us fast as we move in the rest of 2010, 2011 towards the Winter Solstice in December 2012. Most of Humanity in this moment, almost without exception, has no clue about what awaits us all; and indeed many who think they have some spiritual interest or understanding make fun of the belief of what awaits us all.

Let us be assured we all know there is great change upon our doorstep due to the environments’ shifting due to the disasters’ that are taking place everyday. As the Hopi and Mayan Prophecies state that unless we prepare, many will not survive that experience we have been moving towards for some years now.

These words are not to cause humanity to believe in fear or to develop fear about this message that the world is coming to an end. This is not the purpose; the world is not coming to an end and the purpose is to bring about awareness in the consciousness that there are some things for us all to consider for peace, for hope. That a new world is preparing to develop upon the surface of Mother Earth: Everyday now as we move through the last months and days ahead as we move into 2010, 2011 and into 2012 that there are messages for us to consider in what is coming.

There is no desire to create fear upon Mother Earth as the dogmas of man made interpretations’ of how life is to be ran and understood are doing to humanity at this moment. Because, in truth, they are the ones that have set the agenda upon Mother Earth that does not work with Natures Laws. The knowledge lost along the way lies within the Native Traditions and Cultures knowledge and wisdom’s of how the environments work and shift. The Red Nations traditions’ have worked for hundreds of thousands of years as stewards of Mother Earth. It has been very hard to delete any evidence of the wondrous civilization’s peoples that still exists upon Mother Earth.

Many cultures have worked very hard to foster a view that the scientific method, so called, the questioning left brained process is the way forward in life. And all of this is aimed to isolate you from the truth, for the truth of what awaits us is coming. As we move into the future we have less than three years to get on board: To consider to heal our environments with the Eagle and Condor Nations Traditional Ceremonies, along with other Earth Wisdom Cultures to soften the blow of Nature Shifts, the disasters we have seen in the years past. It has been mentioned in dreams and visions we have not seen anything yet. For what is coming will be so interesting many will not believe it is happening, until it happens before there very eyes.

The warning bell is ringing even louder than ever now. So I just want to bring forth a few considered, strong words, to help begin the awakening processes to the Wind River Indian Reservation and surrounding communities.

Many of us have been working for the people to become conscious of what is happening and to truly understand what is required for us in the New Earth Agreements ahead. And to learn to become educated on what we can do to assist our families, friends and relatives to be able to get into the New World coming as we move towards 2012 and beyond.

One Must - Acknowledge our Creator. The particles that make up your soul is on loan from your Creator and Mother Earth. They belong to the Creator and Mother Earth and all that is being asked is that you consider acknowledging that relationship: In order for peace to prevail upon Mother Earth, we must take care of her and each other.

A second step is to clear all of our negative past with one another: the universal causal law by which good or bad actions determine the future model of an individual’s existence in their actions today. Which has affected and cursed our families in our societies today. These actions represent the moral measurement of the process of changing our belief systems to become a better human being. Theories of salvation speculate that future life situations will be conditioned by ones actions performed during one’s present life—which itself has been conditioned by the accumulated effects of actions performed in our lives from our past, in the present and take the negative or positive life styles into the future.

With in time our circles will be taught by this wisdom and activated to bring this forth so all of humanity that chooses to participate in the awakening process can become conscious of what is taking places around us. And it is very important to know or consider that we have access to this great knowledge and wisdom of the times ahead.

And a third step to consider is to rejuvenate and to purify the physical body. This might sound quite unexpected from where you look at life in this moment. This time is known as the purification time and having a pure clean environment within our bodies is up for clearing to rejuvenate the spiritual mental and physical body. Every being upon our planet that wishes to participate in the Ascension process to get into the Fifth World ahead must consider this message of purity ones self as we move ahead towards 2012 and beyond.

As 2012 is dissolved we move into a new world of existence where purity of our spirit, mind and body; must match that pure energy that is building now and will arrive ever so strong on the December Solstice of 2012. We have been told in our oral stories as Native American’s and other cultures what would happen in the times we are in now. They have been reminded for us to consider now, for many generation in the oral stories that those who do not consider preparing will not survive those energies now and as we move towards the end of 2012. Again, this is not a threat. It’s simply to bring about some understanding, because every being can undertake that preparation when the awareness is there for the consciousness can awaken to the truth.

And so there is a cycle that is coming and ending at the end of 2012 and a new one beginning as we move past 2013. The ending of that cycle really needs to be considered and the beginning of a new cycle as we move past 2012 acknowledged in what this writing is all about. This message is to help bring forth some understanding for all of our families to think about within our families, friends and relatives of all nations. I really pray and hope that this message will help you begin to consider what’s coming and to prepare for the times ahead in 2010, 2011 and for the final shift in 2012 as we move into a new time ahead in 2013 onward in the next 5,000 years.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this information for this very important time we are in now. This is message for peace and health to prevail as we move into the future ahead in the Name of Peace, Sent from my Heart of the Rose to your Hearts, in the name of peace for love and harmony as the Return of the Dove makes its flight, known as peace, which is the flight of the Dove bring true freedom coming as we enter 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and beyond.

Thank you for considering these messages for peace, love and harmony to return to our Mother Earth for All Nations. Oohweehoo….

Bennie “BlueThunder” LeBeau, Eastern Shoshone Nation, Wind River Indian Reservation, Riverton, Wyoming
March 31st, 2010

Wind River Indian Reservation, Fort Washakie, Wyoming

(307) 851-6249 cell - home (307) 857-6856

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you sonja for bringing this to my attention...I would like to extract the main points of this post ....

Let us be assured we all know there is great change upon our doorstep due to the environments’ shifting due to the disasters’ that are taking place everyday. As the Hopi and Mayan Prophecies state that unless we prepare, many will not survive that experience we have been moving towards for some years now.

These words are not to cause humanity to believe in fear or to develop fear about this message that the world is coming to an end. This is not the purpose; the world is not coming to an end and the purpose is to bring about awareness in the consciousness that there are some things for us all to consider for peace, for hope. That a new world is preparing to develop upon the surface of Mother Earth: Everyday now as we move through the last months and days ahead as we move into 2010, 2011 and into 2012 that there are messages for us to consider in what is coming.

There is no desire to create fear upon Mother Earth as the dogmas of man made interpretations’ of how life is to be ran and understood are doing to humanity at this moment. Because, in truth, they are the ones that have set the agenda upon Mother Earth that does not work with Natures Laws. The knowledge lost along the way lies within the Native Traditions and Cultures knowledge and wisdom’s of how the environments work and shift. The Red Nations traditions’ have worked for hundreds of thousands of years as stewards of Mother Earth. It has been very hard to delete any evidence of the wondrous civilization’s peoples that still exists upon Mother Earth.

Many cultures have worked very hard to foster a view that the scientific method, so called, the questioning left brained process is the way forward in life. And all of this is aimed to isolate you from the truth, for the truth of what awaits us is coming. As we move into the future we have less than three years to get on board: To consider to heal our environments with the Eagle and Condor Nations Traditional Ceremonies, along with other Earth Wisdom Cultures to soften the blow of Nature Shifts, the disasters we have seen in the years past. It has been mentioned in dreams and visions we have not seen anything yet. For what is coming will be so interesting many will not believe it is happening, until it happens before there very eyes.
One Must - Acknowledge our Creator. The particles that make up your soul is on loan from your Creator and Mother Earth. They belong to the Creator and Mother Earth and all that is being asked is that you consider acknowledging that relationship: In order for peace to prevail upon Mother Earth, we must take care of her and each other.

A second step is to clear all of our negative past with one another: the universal causal law by which good or bad actions determine the future model of an individual’s existence in their actions today. Which has affected and cursed our families in our societies today. These actions represent the moral measurement of the process of changing our belief systems to become a better human being. Theories of salvation speculate that future life situations will be conditioned by ones actions performed during one’s present life—which itself has been conditioned by the accumulated effects of actions performed in our lives from our past, in the present and take the negative or positive life styles into the future.

With in time our circles will be taught by this wisdom and activated to bring this forth so all of humanity that chooses to participate in the awakening process can become conscious of what is taking places around us. And it is very important to know or consider that we have access to this great knowledge and wisdom of the times ahead.

And a third step to consider is to rejuvenate and to purify the physical body. This might sound quite unexpected from where you look at life in this moment. This time is known as the purification time and having a pure clean environment within our bodies is up for clearing to rejuvenate the spiritual mental and physical body. Every being upon our planet that wishes to participate in the Ascension process to get into the Fifth World ahead must consider this message of purity ones self as we move ahead towards 2012 and beyond. "

as the event has already taken place it is reassuring that so many with so much are projecting such precious light.

and we must keep projecting it within and without !

so many wonderful energizing events taking place all over this earth.....much love and many blessings to all :)
Thank you, joni :-)!

Concerning the Eagle and the Condor meeting in the Center: The latest video of Shift of the Ages is exactly about that!

really...well we must be in flow eh...luv your way sonja!

Sonja Myriel said:
Thank you, joni :-)!

Concerning the Eagle and the Condor meeting in the Center: The latest video of Shift of the Ages is exactly about that!



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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