“If you call on the Net of Light and sit quietly with us for just a few minutes each day, you will feel our love. And as you allow love to flow back and forth between us, the way it naturally does, this simple act will allow us to take your pain and worries away.

"You are Gold"--Grandmothers February Message
A Grandmothers' Beacon from Georgia wrote, "The Grandmothers never mention all the negativity that dominates life on earth and controls the ways we connect with each other and Mother Earth. They never talk about this stuff," Debbie said; "they just keep it simple and encourage us to work with the Net of Light. They're smart. After all, why waste your time fighting something when you can supplant it with the Net of Light." I admired the way Debbie had put this, but once I read her note, I forgot about it.
That night I woke shortly after midnight and couldn't get back to sleep, so I began to work with the Net of Light. And as I thought of it holding the earth and blessing everyone, I became aware of it inside me. I'd felt the Net of Light in my body before, but this time it felt viscous, like a river of molten gold that was moving through all my systems. I lay there for a while, bathing in it, and then the Grandmothers spoke.
"There is a true way of connecting," they said."Not the way people connect in the world today, but a golden way," and I smiled when I heard the word 'golden'. "Instead of connecting through your hearts, you have been taught to relate in false ways--acting out roles, judging, and evaluating each other. But living like that doesn't feel good to you and it isn't good," they said, shaking their heads sadly. "It's not a true way of connecting," they stated, and now I remembered Debbie's email.
"What you are feeling in your body is true," they said, referring to the river of gold flowing through me. "The real gold is within you. Pathways of gold underlie everything on earth," they explained; "connecting life, linking you to what you call God, to one another, and to the earth. Golden strands of the Net of Light bisect your body and carry light to your organs and energy systems. Some of them are large while some are small, and they transverse the world inside you and outside you. Right now you are aware of this golden flow but what you don't realize is, because you are held within the Net of Light, this gold is always present. You are gold," they said.
"Each time you take your place on the Net of Light, you broadcast and receive a blessing from the Net. This calms your mind and fills your body with healing. The thoughts you send out at such times are golden," they said, "bringing love and joy to everyone. Connecting in this way is the greatest service anyone can perform.
"Simply think of the Net/Grid/ Web of Light that covers the earth and once you have, let yourself be held in it. Take the time to feel the connection in your body," they said, "then think of it moving through your heart and linking you with everyone, everywhere. This is the true way to relate to yourself and others," they said, "connecting in light. All else is false. Other ways of relating may mimic connection, but unless they are anchored in love, they do not support life. Only what is heart-centered, can bless the earth.
"We have come to bring you a joy you cannot begin to imagine," they said, "and what we have come to give is simple and true. The power of the Net of Light that holds the earth must be amplified now and because only human beings can do this, we are asking you to step forward and amplify it. Step into beauty, love, and good feeling," the Grandmothers said. "Take your place on the Net of Light and hold this golden light steady. As you do, you yourself will heal and you will heal your beloved planet. This work will make you glow from the inside, out," they said, smiling; "glow so much that others will respond to the light within you. Watch for it," they said. "Your candle will light many."
Note from Sharon I am struck by the power of this lesson--the alchemy of working with the Net of Light. Here is the real gold that human beings have been searching for, for eons. Not the stuff we wear on our fingers, hang around our necks or horde in bank vaults, but the real thing. Now we can turn the base metals of fear, grief, jealousy, rage, envy, etc. into the true gold--love. The Net of Light is the transformer. Imagine what this alchemical transformation will do for life on earth! The Grandmothers have given us the actual philosopher's stone, in the Net of Light so let's get to work and amplify the Net!
To learn more about working with the Net of Light, go to the last chapter in A Call to Power: the Grandmothers Speak or Our Love Is Our Power: Working With the Net of Light that Holds the Earth.
http://grandmothersspeak.com/online-store2/ (http://r20.rs6.net/tn....