lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Let's see s obesityI know he is a little long ... but it sure is worth reading because I will clarify and answer many questions about what we are some @ s going on ... you will feel @ s identify and otr @ s intuireis something, I recommend reading in full ...;)
complete vision of what is happening with our bodies must first be observed through the lens what is happening to the body of planet Earth. And still further, we must understand that all things were created in Unity with an interconnection link between the parties of God and the different levels, from planetary to solar systems , galaxies and universes.
We can not consider the quantum transition is happening on a planet without taking into account the effects and reverberations of the entire creation.
Based on that we should formulate our question in a different way : By God , what is happening with our solar system, with the galaxy and our local universe ? Some years ago a spiritual teacher said " When you pick up a grain of sand are literally changing the molecular structure of the universe . " I realized then that all things are connected, no matter how distant we imagine they are the other dimensions, or how far from us there is life on other planes of existence. We are all connected by golden fibers , visible or not, we connect with the Primordial Source .
During our visions , dreams , meditations , or at times with higher quality of life we have all felt this connection.
Through conscious breathing we can see the web of life breathing through us and feel the connection and the quality of that union. More and more citizens of the Earth know intuitively , despite being unable to prove that the earth does not move alone in a universe , galaxy and solar system with no other manifestation of life on Earth.
What is really happening is that higher light , higher frequencies , new energy codes , (choose the name you like ) are coming to Earth in waves of ascension. On the other hand, citizens of the planet , through focused energy through his meditations , prayers and invocations , have been absorbing this Light and this Love and consciously have been radiating such high energies then passing them to other people and anchoring them in the world same . This really is a co-creation of man, which is bringing heaven to Earth.
Magnetism climb down and frequencies .
The patterns of what Isaiah called "a new heaven and new earth "are settled in an unprecedented way , and many can already feel the profound changes that are happening to the planet and their own bodies. The magnetism is falling simultaneously on the planet and our bodies . Magnetic forces are like the glue that sticks everything together. This decrease in magnetism is a sign that a great change is happening. Scientists acknowledge that the collapse of magnetism in these times has been rapid, and at the same accelerated rate changes occur. On the other hand the frequencies of the Earth is rising. And this significantly affects the bodies of its citizens.
With the fall of magnetism changes occurring mental and emotional level in an individual. It is possible that the programs of mind and emotions, we had recorded , begin to loosen. As resistance falls, it is easier to let go. You do not know why something or someone , once was unnecessary because no matter . And conversely , things or people without much relevance suddenly become important. We may from time to time certain people , places or situations and does not serve one, and must be changed , the body on demand.
Therefore, in the opinion of many , those times seem chaotic. Some people complain that they no longer even know who they are , they suffer an identity crisis .
What is happening to our bodies?
Current humanity walks the earth dressed meat in bodies composed of matter-energy. Worked so far with a certain degree of density, but it is currently being established some condensation . Their physical vehicles are being prepared to be transmuted into Light clothing , much more refined and less dense. The karma is being processed and diluted , the less density and fewer limitations. We are being conditioned to begin to interact with higher consciousness , our biology is open to share with other beings, not only of our terrestrial species, but with inhabitants of other worlds , dimensions or entities from different levels of existence ... What really is happening is what teachers call the " Transfiguration. "
It's happening to our condensed form has entered a process similar to " melt. " The substance of our physical body , that which we are familiar , is transformed into light , the change is that our bodies and dense material step is refined and becomes "Body of Light. " Also, to the extent that we're connecting with the Universal Divine Mind , our intelligence is developed in certain areas of the mind . Come through initiations of Light, and immediately adopted , the effects can be felt in the physical body. We called "Transformation "and that is what has given us !
We are seeing the transmutation work even in the levels of our flesh. When the planet gets higher frequencies of Light, the inhabitants of the Earth enter into a process of change at work in your body at the level of the empty spaces between cells, biochemically these are being relocated. The strength of the active light literally our bodies and mind and body chemistry changes. Expressed in a poetic form "something very ancient , yet again, is hatching . " The outer membrane and isolated holding humanity is tapering and humans are beginning to be able to consciously connect with higher dimensions of Light.
It's like a beautiful flower to preparing the button to open and flourish. Flower button keeps within itself the information that allows you to have the potential to become flower Christ . So our DNA holds the codes that trigger the complete transformation of an individual in the radiant Christ , in the ascended master , integrated, total power. It is the gift of becoming the Christ, to continue our evolution to the realization of our full potential. We are being prepared , and we're starting to move from a molecular density to a new high . This is transformation. The next step in the ladder Divine to humanity is to assume the form of Adam and Eve Kadmon.
In the process we are activating and strengthening our ties with the higher self , or body of Christ self , which is connected to our chakras column through the eighth chakra. One thing is knowing that we have this body, and another to anchor and activate it fully . For some time we have been in this process, which for some people is complete. We live in an electro -magnetic , so far with a density electromagnetic characteristic has greatly limited . But we are tuned to higher frequency by the action of energy, the action of the Flame in the electrification of matter our bodies matter-energy.
Why is it important? Because it is a step higher in our evolutionary process , developed step by step to allow the higher self or Christic body involvement in our development. The work already done has prepared some human beings to live with a more advanced type of resonance. That is within the range of upper body capabilities . However, we must clarify that the Ascension is not to discard the physical body, but to bring us another step up the ladder of Jacob. This process is called "mainstream Goddess " (physical body ). It is to feel the changes , and to be aware of them to support them.
A conscious process develops in us wisdom, because that went through the experience of having the experience of the Ascension , or enlightenment . There must be an acceptance agreement allowing you to feel what we feel to reach understanding. This is not to wake up and simply climb is ready. It is important to know this, because it will help in the process of transformation and transmutation. The less you say resistance to change, this will be more harmonious .
I remember Lord Sananda ( Master Jesus ) said that the entry and exit was through the heart . When we learn to love our ascension process , incidentally will remove the fear and we will enjoy the change. The heart knows the ascension process, and the heart is the gateway to the radiant Christ , our potential hidden in the DNA. The control you have over our emotions also helps us to learn to experience life through the Christ consciousness emotions . These noble sentiments release our potential. The Presence I 'm also connected to the triple flame in the heart and the heart knows the ascent.
Perceptions can be altered
What is happening is that the dimensions are overlapping one another. Some four-dimensional frequencies are bombing our frequencies of third dimension, and so is fifth-dimensional frequencies , and some even higher. So our perceptions are also beginning to change, but of course each case is unique. In general, mankind is beginning to see and to perceive a multitude of dimensions and cause disruptions in normal perceptions , in one form or another. We can even find lost objects and then , or not find them ... It's like a Bermuda Triangle at home. Other utility workers report having very vivid dreams . Experienced many visions and dreams where a teacher or an angel warns them that there is a gift that will be arriving at all and that we must open ourselves to new possibilities. There are a lot of guidance that is occurring in dreams and visions , to prepare a subconscious level and interior for the changes that are already happening.
It is as if we were getting ready to return to what that once were, or what we are assuming higher dimensions of evolution. Some utility workers say they sometimes feel the significance , what I call " syndrome wonderland . " Sometimes walking in the street are very high and light as feathers, small and dense . Sometimes they feel as if they were mounted on a spin , or in the eye of a hurricane. This is because the dimensions are being crossed . Other human beings begin to receive much more light and presence of light around them. Of course, if you, are relying on teachers and angels, it is likely that they are there beside him . Also from extraterrestrial brothers Christed dimensions can now closer, and their presence is being felt by many. Some planetary power circuits have been activated and planetary vortices can now be perceived , seen or felt in some way by many individuals. The changes are profound, and will continue to become more dramatic. We have to integrate them into daily life will not disappear because the transformation is a phase that can be canceled .
The divine plan is being developed in perfection , bringing ever more profound changes . This is a new time, and a New Era is coming. If any part of you begins to feel afraid of change it is better to be aware of this fear. Speaks to that part of you that vibrates in fear , control your thoughts and tell your mind that change is real, this is what the Divine Plan, and all is well with you. It is right to make a dialogue with those aspects of your personality that will succumb to fear. There is a collective thought of humanity that refuses to change . At the time of the fall of man there were many changes , but were not for good, and there is something in each one of us who remember.
consciously develop confidence in the opening of the New Golden Age of Peace to come. Keep alive the vision and concept. Talk to that part of you that fear change , say that change is inevitable because everything is energy, and energy, by definition, is constantly changing.
All bodies are mutating structures
In this our physical forms are getting very powerful light waves . The light is absorbed by all structures , like if you think about it if not, the new frequencies of light reaching the planet and affect us all and we are not prepared or previously have asked to receive them. The effects caused by the increase of light are not just physical . emotional level also experienced dramatic changes. We have a system of four bodies that are mutating their structures, and how everyone is connected , if a change is affecting everyone. Sometimes someone says something unimportant and we began to mourn . These are feelings that bring to surface like bubbles stored emotions . Sometimes we feel disconnected from God , sometimes completely connected to God and teachers. Emotionally, the sensitivity has worsened and is likely to live in the instability of a machin - pier fluctuating between extremes. So work is needed constant cleaning, balance the body and anchored .
It happens that you are living a dimensional change in one or more of your body and that makes an impact throughout the system ... The best way to harmonize is through compassion and love for himself. Be patient with your process of transformation .. No one controls the clock or compare yourself to anyone. Every which processes its own changes in different ways and at different rates . People react differently when the polarity structures begin to fade, and they begin to process your own karma. There is no single ideal form, the possibilities are endless .
What happens to the physical body:
Our body based on the carbon cycle is becoming a body of Light based on silicon. Some light workers bring a contract or agreement, to anchor the Light of the density of specific parts of their physical bodies. Some bring light into their hearts , other bones, other activated brain function , and others bring to the nervous system. Sometimes this happens without us noticing , but sometimes makes us uncomfortable. Depends on the degree of sensitivity of each body. In the days to come each of us will be very different , and situations of our lives will be very different to the extent that the frequencies increase. We have all felt and as the time factor has been altered , and each time goes faster. The concept of time is being dismantled. The heart of Mother Earth is accelerated to the extent that their frequencies go up, and we are all trying to keep up. This is not you feel the time pass more quickly because you're older. Try to understand that you are increasing your vibrational frequency because you live in a world that is accelerating its own. The electromagnetic fields that accelerate their business, sometimes may even producirte dizziness. Sound familiar ?
What is happening affects the nature of space and time. It affects your relationships with energy and with the body. Even the subatomic level of our bodies have to line up again with the Light and this affects us , we can feel it. We leave behind the global spectrum that were used and move to a higher vibrational frequency , with a low level of magnetism . Of course we're feeling different. But no matter what your experience Dale welcome change ! We are mutating. And in the process of changing each one of us will be closer to his own divinity. Face it, to the extent that the resistance drops and the density vanishes, old programs no longer work. But there is nothing to fear, God will provide.
We're getting a new pair of glasses, a new consciousness and a new body to live in it . The truth is that you asked for it before incarnating on Earth, and it is happening . The biological basis of matter is changing. We are being pitched to new electro - magnetic networks are changing our patterns. Our blood is becoming more transparent, because hemoglobin is moving from a molecular density to another. Our biological rhythms are being altered .
Magnetic fields of the brain are working with more light , and the strength of that light to which we are adjusting . We are being refined and improved with a higher source of creation. This new coding is literally reviving dormant parts of us. The electro -magnetic frequencies , which reach the surface, they are aligning the body and brain so that we can adapt to the next phase of the Divine plan for humanity.
More changes in the physical body
The head is increasing in size. The blood is changing. The relationship of spaces in the subatomic levels of the body are being altered and realigned to have correspondence with universal frequency and multi -dimensional. The speed of all particles is changing, the magnetic fields of the body, each chakra and the cells themselves is being realigned. It is a process perhaps uncomfortable, and some body parts suffer more than others. Is likely to feel a current running through your body through the center of the pranic tube. Light waves are called " Metatron column . "
This column of light is used by teachers to reprogram your body electro - magnetically. sometimes you feel the heat when it acts , a warmth that feels to come from within. There may be periods when you feel very tired. This is perfectly normal. When the biological basis for you start , you'll feel it. He thinks that God , teachers , and your presence I am are literally transforming your body. They are using bio -molecular engineering to circuits of your brain. The light is coming to all circuits of the body to restructure the molecules and accelerate your bio- rhythms. New skills are becoming affordable to our brains . Changes are also occurring in the skin. This is nothing less than the beginning of the biological transmutation of our form.
Description of changes in the body:
• You may feel heat that originates within the body.
• Your nervous system is simultaneously being destroyed and re- built . With the changes you may feel pain and discomfort. For the nervous system changes are particularly intense.
• From your bones radiates a different vibration current . Sometimes you feel pain in the bone marrow to the extent that current is being changed . The skeletal structure will change more and more, because its current shape is not able to absorb energies that come with increasingly higher frequencies . With the changes is given the opportunity to accommodate processing. You will need to adapt to more rapid speeds . The bones of the body are the fossils that are our memories. By changing the bones are also given a jolt to our personal history. So it is possible that where most feel the change is in the bones.
• You can sometimes feel very tired, and this fatigue can appear suddenly ... Our reality , as we have known , is being stretched and changed , and this is an activity, even when they perceive, the body tired . But it is God working in us. If you feel fatigued yourself permission to relax , time for a nap.
• Headaches and disorientation. The throbbing pain is felt in the back of the head ( brain stem ?) , where the head joins the neck. Could it be that the circuit Urim (which is spoken in "The Keys of Enoch ) is being installed in the brain? . This is our eighth circuit connected with the seventh chakra . This connection enables our area to receive and then be superior intelligence. Are we being stimulated in our memory center , behind the head, to remember our experiences in other levels of being? Are we being reconfigured step by step in order to receive and decode light , color and sound in a new way? I think so !
• Pain may occur in all bodies. On an emotional level all the emotions stored , the fears and negativity begin to appear to be cleaned. Anger show your face and then disappear. These changes in the four bodies can occur very quickly. Keep in mind that the key to transformation is in the contact and connection that we achieve our Christic body . Christic body is the pinnacle of the pyramid of our bodies and must be integrated , anchored and activated before the new creation is complete.
• Changes are also happening to our senses , especially sight and hearing. When changes in the ear begin sometimes you may feel dizzy and balance can be affected. You can also hear a beep characteristic and annoying. The view is also altered , sometimes suddenly may have blurred vision. This causes momentary awkward movements . All this is uncomfortable, but remember that much is being expanded within you. The veil of the inner vision was run by an entire era, and now is opening for you. We are in transition , walking between worlds, simultaneously changing our consciousness , our bodies and our reality. Give yourself time to practice meditation regularly practiced . This puts you in touch with yourself and help greatly in the process.
• Our brain is going through immense changes . Many of their functions are lost when the fall occurred , and the human body condensed into a lower frequency . pineal gland is now being activated and is growing , as the pituitary gland. And both are being connected to the etheric level to induce higher states of consciousness . The pineal gland is returning to its alignment with our divine nature. Because this process can also be pain in the center of the head . The inter- cellular spaces also perceive pain when they are made in the new frequencies of Light. Is developing bio- restructuring of the circuits that provide capacity to the brain. Messages of Light and Love are not only thoughts are higher impulses that are re- ordering of Light living systems of the brain. The image of God is being re- defined by us. And everything changes with this new order. The brain needs to go through several levels of acceleration to come to terms with evolutionary knowledge and understanding . The computer 's brain has to be re- structured and re-configured to acquire the ability to command transmission and new forms of creation.
The severe pain
The matter is being electrified us with the fire of spirit and are being transformed into a new physical form of energy carrier more sophisticated. But the pain that accompanies this process can be intense for some of us . Teachers say that this is a very small price to pay for a transcendent and divine gift . However many do not feel ready to support the extent of the pain may experience . We need to feel the intensity of pain to develop compassion even for ourselves, not to repeat the dance over again density . So change inevitably includes some pain. There are specific tender points on the body, which correspond to the focal points for energy assimilation .
If you feel pain thought:
I am turning me into a crystal heart
I am a glass brain
I am a transmitter of angels
Indulge in the hands of God and gratefully receive this gift you asked !
Humanity is undergoing a physiological emergency , and each of us will feel the change cell by cell, because each cell is a hologram reflecting the whole body . We are in the process of cleaning and deleting the contents of our files, that is, genetic information, karmic patterns , ancestral beliefs , thought patterns and limitations of the past. But our cells and our DNA also contains information of the dove of peace. When you let go of the previous coding change our physiology . If every cell changes, we change . To the extent that this happens our body becomes more and more clear and bright. It may be that there is war , confusion or struggle between cells or parts of ourselves before reaching acceptance of the new. For example , we should probably eat less because we have less and less need for food, and that's not easy to accept. If you're in the midst of this struggle between what you believe and what you know , call in your presence helps I Am. Then ask for help to Deva of your DNA and your cells ... Work with your subconscious mind, you think each of your cells has an angel who loves you. All of this is work of integration, integration of the Goddess cellular levels .
Ie integrating heaven to Earth. Cry by the vibration of truth in every cell and watch them as they become ! . Talk with respect, because they are smart and will work in your favor. When a single cell changes , the information transmitted pulses , which are infinitesimal geometries , charged with vitality to carry your other cells or to transmit it to others. Cooperation is the secret to integrate the Goddess. You have to be in charge of your own transformation. Maintaining a balance of your four bodies at this time is our most important task . You have to see what kind of energy we put into our thoughts and feelings , our words and actions. What type of energy we put into what we cook and eat. We will not achieve the quantum leap of a transformation carrying the baggage of our old values. Discard the fear and expects that the change will be the only reality that can not be avoided. Dale then welcome ! All we need do is be open to receive, and ready to where we are asked .
Not judging others
There is a myth that has great strength in the movement of " New Era ". It says " Each one creates its own reality. " If you feel pain, you created it yourself , or you are resisting something or holding on to some attachment. These theories have applications in certain other circumstances. But what happens here is something completely different. No one knows in advance that we are living experiences , so it is best not to assume anything, because it can not be true. Some of us are very sensitive bodies , and are thus a purpose. Other evolutionary paths are opening for a whole group or several groups. Others have to live consciously the ascension process , with all its details and then be able to help and teach the groups that come back, or to write the Book of Knowledge Ascending Planet . We serve the Light in a better way when we learn not to judge , not to explain things from the past outdated criteria , applying them to what is happening now that is totally new.
Let us be humble ...
I hope you have served to better understand what is happening to us ...
A hug of heart herman @ s, that the Christ consciousness enlighten your angelic body ...
Hala ken .
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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