lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Summary of how to do the liver flush.

First of all, I recommend you to buy the book "The liver cleanse and gallbladder "by Andreas Moritz. Ediciones Obelisco and edit it worth 13 €. Any bookstore you ask.

As for the cure, is a breeze, and above all natural. Few people know how to clean the liver! Most of them have filled with sediment to lock your work, without knowing it. We blame the stomach, intestines, etc. ... But at the root of all the diseases is the silent liver. The liver is the most overlooked of medicine! Or the great unknown, because no manifest in the failure analysis can be, "bitter" life.

Compared to the liver, few people have gallstones. But thousands of them go under the knife for surgery of the stones. If you have so many in the gallbladder, imagine how will the liver. However, do not know how to empty them. The remaining gallbladder removed years and quality of life. Total to continue with a liver full of sediment yet, but insufficient if it is after digestion and damaged for life. Bile is no reservoir to accumulate, and its purpose was to get expelled when food enters, so to digest have to settle for the drip which makes the liver, 10 times less concentrated than the gallbladder. Left with impaired digestion forever. And not be abusing anything, fats, etc.. In short, for just living badly maimed.

Beware of the gallbladder surgery, for this cure prevents operation. Know this is priceless. So, please spread it when you're done, because people are in need. Hardly anyone knows that the vast majority of people also develop stones in the liver over life and do not know because nobody has told us, because the medicine extracted only in extreme cases, when they are calcified and can be seen in the scans. If you do not calcify are invisible to the ultrasound they have the same consistency as the liver tissue. Kill pigs but wondering where you will find that you have as some are not worth eating livers are full of dirt as their conduit. Are cholelithiasis. The human liver is about the same pig.

When the bile, for several reasons, dried in the thousands of bile ducts, the stalls and deformed, resulting in stones or stones that undermine their ability to secrete bile juices and thus the decline occurs digestive diseases and later all kind arising from the hepatic (metabolic, intestinal, digestive, lymphatic, cardiac ...). The liver has an impact on everything, he is responsible for making your body! Have clogged with sediment liver equivalent to a car that you have never made the maintenance of the oil filter, air, etc. ... Go to stumbling and consuming. Until it stops, because it can not more. The body is the same or worse, because if the filter is clogged, the blood and lymphatic circulation becomes stuck, deposits build up on all sides that are not filtered (muscle>>> fibromyalgia), producing for example hemorrhoids caused by congestion of blood from portal vein that goes to the liver and whose blood it is unable to absorb, making it stagnate in the form of piles. Moreover, the toxic overload requires more effort to the heart, it forces you to suck more power from the vena cava from the liver, because of being stuck.

The liver acts like a sponge, filtering, receive and give blood, but when it is dirty does not drain well, so the blood does not flow easily through it and the hundreds of liver functions deteriorate progressively. Waste which can not take the liver accumulate in the body, where less disturbed. This causes the jam lymphatic system is like the sewer of the body, ultimately forcing the cells to run out of oxygen so much trash that surrounds them, and their attempt to survive develop this cancer called defensive effort. Cancer is the body's effort to clean, so fight him never heal.

Everything is poisoning, usually due to a liver that does not filter, or too poorly. But as this is not complaining!. Watch your liver, as well as your car, you have to give a cleaning and maintenance. That is precisely the liver flush.
Evidence is now so simple and natural cure and check their effectiveness. Your body will thank you with a better quality of life, and avoid future suffering. Visit my blog to see pictures of people who continue to make it:

Save the stones and show them to your acquaintances or those who want to help you create. I drive 15 size of a bare pipe in my first aid. In the second shot hundreds and white, others such as pipes and larger than a pea. In the third drove out hundreds of them, great many as chickpeas and the fourth the same, if less. In the fifth a few and the sixth and seventh one lot in each. And I'm going for the eighth!
The stones were kept for some time, because it dissolves and musty. They are full of germs and toxins, in addition to cholesterol and bile salts. The photograph before disposal, for the record of what I'm driving. Even I can not believe that out of me. But only the liver produces green sediments are like peas, blacker the more ancient and deep. It is the color of bile and cholesterol are white, if they are hard is because it has calcified. Therefore, you will also improve you metabolism of cholesterol. Read the book, is amazing as all that is involved in silent and unknown body is the liver. No wonder the Mayor Quintanilla made him a monument in Ferrol. It's really amazing how good you feel when you heal yourself and SO EASY!. But you'll understand my enthusiasm when you see your stones in the pot and the energy in your body again!

The method is simple and natural, as well as effective, the good thing about all this!. Peo is best to check yourself.

To make cleaning is needed:

-1 Bottle of Epsom salts, which are bought at any herbal, mark "El Granero Integral
-Half cup of extra virgin olive oil and two large grapefruits
-Six liters of apple juice or malic acid capsules for those who do not tolerate it (bought from herbalists, best brand, as this is what I know best and guaranteed)
Adult-rubber pear to bowel enema
-A small tub and belly to gather stones
A colander or a fork-old to take the stones.


-Take over meals for 6 days 1 liter of apple juice every day, or more if you can. Vale of the commercial, and eating normally, but trying to bring a clean diet. Better not eat much meat, fried and dairy those 6 days, and if lots of vegetables and soft things. Do not take cold things that week, then cool the liver, but take all hot. With the malic acid of apples get soften the gall stones (which have them), which may be expelled by the contractions of the gallbladder without lacerate the walls and producirte typical gallbladder colic. Become malleable as clay with apple juice, and take the form of the bile duct and out without pain! Thus, soft, will be expelled in one night only! The same with the stones of the liver, which are unknown, but almost all have, especially those with gastric problems. CLAY become as green.

"The last day, 6, is when you take the oil, it better be a Saturday as we will need to be home all day Sunday, spewing rocks. You have to take two cups of Epson salts (at 18 and 20 hours), which are laxatives and dilate the bile ducts. As the book Dissolve 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts in three glasses of water to a pitcher. After make 4 fractions of the water to drink 4 glasses-that is, filled in ¾ - at intervals. At 22 h. you will take half a glass of oil mixed with ¾ cup of grapefruit juice. The oil serves to lubricate and accelerate the draining hepatic stones, previously softened by the malic acid from apple juice. Grapefruit juice to take away the taste of oil has increased bile reaction. Must be the extra virgin. Just after taking it you go to bed, wait to be out of place in years, without leaving it there until the next day. Maybe try sleeping Refer for release notes as the liver and gallbladder stones twists calculations pushing out at night.

"It should do a colon cleanse before the oil (at 21 pm on Saturday) and two days after the treatment, but as is common around here (in America itself), it is best to get some enemas a rubber bulb purchased at the pharmacy. Look for it in several as not all have it, let alone the modern pharmacy. Be it for adults. The tip lubricated with Vaseline, warm water and breathe you wear two or three times, evacuating as many times. So do not clean the colon, but that empty stool and evacuate all remaining the same, which is important for the next day when stones go, then just go diarrhea accompanied with water (instead of going with fecal). Within two days it is advisable to get other stones enema because it can lodge in the colon and stay there with their toxins. In any case, after a cure please enemas, better coffee a day or two after the treatment, to remove the stones that remain in the colon, from being reabsorbed into the bloodstream. This re-wash the colon is important.
He who will not or is unwilling to get enemas can take a glass of Epsom salts in the morning on Saturday (1 tablespoon in a glass of warm water) and so aligeraré her womb that day and another glass the day after the cure to evacuate those remaining in the colon. But it is better to get enemas to verify that expel stones.
The ideal is integral not eat rice on Saturday before 14h. to not be very hungry this day and pass it to force the liver to make bile. In the afternoon drinking only water, and pretty. Do not eat anything after 14 h. or we risk not take anything!
Causing diarrhea Epson salts is not painful or too bothersome, but gives some mild cramping. So you have to be on Sunday at home all morning at least. Epsom salts are magnesium and is a mild laxative, which many people use regularly to be constipated, but have the great virtue of delay channels of the liver and bile duct, which facilitate the release of stones. The salts are safe and are given to pregnant women. They are also only two vessels on Saturday and two on Sunday.
The oil must be extra virgin, and besides being a lubricant for the expulsion, bilious and causes a reaction of the whole segregating much bile and making the entire liver to react to the massive intake of it. Drink a glass of oil is an ancient remedy for the calculations that perhaps some you know, he was taking to relieve colic caused by a stone. But the novelty of the cleanup, is the fact with apple juice soften and dilate the channels with Epson salts. That is the key to its effectiveness and lack of pain. In any case, for any colic, liver or kidney is to be applied hot compresses to dilate the duct and facilitate their removal, but this is not going to hurt because the author says it does not hurt and healed many people with large calculations . Of the 30 I know that we have done, no one had problems, and only one vomited the oil. My sister had a gallbladder full of stones with occasional cramping, and hardly hurt him expelled! Imagine the face of the doctor when he repeated the ultrasound and there was nothing in the gallbladder. They said it was a misdiagnosis! But then he showed the photograph of the first ultrasound! ...
Empachoso The only thing is to take the oil and gives a bit of nausea. The author of the book suffered from lifelong stones until he managed to discover this method. At the end of the book tells his story. Grapefruit juice is to neutralize the taste of oil.

Summary Saturday:
Breakfast and lunch before 14h. Best regular rice or basmati. From 14h can only drink water. He who is unable or unwilling to get enemas to empty the colon to take a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of Epsom salts at 11 am.
18h. A glass of Epsom salts
20 h. second cup of Epson salts.
21-21:30 h. Enemas to empty the bowel is clean of feces.

22h. take half a glass of oil, mixed with more than half a glass of grapefruit juice and the bed or couch without moving at least half an hour. Get better on the right side with legs drawn to penetrate further into the gallbladder. Sleep with two pillows, or the oil can flow back to the stomach and sicken. This is worse than the cure, but most feel no discomfort. Good things come the next day.


The next day-Sunday-pick the results. Take it off. It is the only day you'll be unable to leave home much, it is better not to leave, especially if you have many stones as the driving going to go on each trip to the toilet. Especially in the morning and at noon. In the afternoon maybe less.
Today we take another two cups of Epson salts (to dilate the channels but the liver and intestines move also producing a slight diarrhea), at 7 and 9 in the morning. You will spend Sunday going to the toilet 5-6-7 times and in each I go driving green stones white as the green soft clay, hard white, floating in the toilet. I use a tub to put in it and pick it diarrheal water where the stones float. I the old pickup with a fork so you do not you miss even one, although some are calcified in the background and use a strainer is the only way to catch them. The deposit in toilet paper to dry and then store them in a pot as I did, to teach unbelievers, and that the same perplexed look and see all the suffering that you're saving by the cure. All this is a bit disgusting, but well worth health.

Summary Sunday:
7h: 3rd glass of Epson salts
9h. 4 th cup of Epson salts.
11h. and you can eat fruit and juices
14h. And you can eat normal, but better soft foods. At 24 hours or several days you will notice a big improvement.

Next Tuesday: put a few enemas to cleanse the bowel again since but we run the risk of house in the small stones that keep coming. If there is any discomfort or troublesome symptoms, continue taking apple juice several days. This may be because the stones are halfway through the ducts and obstruct the flow of bile again. With the juice and the fluidized bed becomes more clear every day. After a few weeks (4), estimates the fund will go ahead and be sufficient to make the next round of cleaning and subsequent Rhodes until no more and take back our entire digestive capacity. This happens from 6 generally clean, but it depends on what you are charged. 08.06.1912 After months we will be like new! But the improvement was noticeable from the first!
You have gone well for SURGERY WITHOUT SCALPEL! They can leave hundreds or just a few. But people EJECT MILES! See pictures of the book or here. In subsequent cleanings will more and more. The results will not wait at all levels. Spread it to help more people is what I do, because many people suffer needlessly.
In fact only 6 nights of effort and the reward is priceless. Then we can make a cure for maintenance once or twice a year is sufficient. Read the book thoroughly and know better the implications of this.
PASS. Spread it all you can! There are many people suffering needlessly! When you do, you'll see how easy it is and health it brings. Then you will know your family and your acquaintances who hesitate until they see your stones, as you also doubted. If you do not have acute or important can make all the chronically ill.
Regards and good luck! Visit my blog to see the pictures!

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Dear Maria ~ you are wonderful! to provide so much helpful information to share!  thank you dear sister of great heart! ~ in All Love ~ Param Gian ~ kathryn



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