lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

RADISH: Root strong or radiyeta. The whole plant is used. Is used to treat lung cancer, and the entire respiratory system. The root is grated and mixed with honey, take a teaspoon per day (to prevent) and be affected if taken 3 times per day. For lung problems can be distilled from what remains in the apparatus (the stock last) you can make syrup. For tumors, can be used as a poultice, grated root is mixed with 1 tablespoon flour and 1 tablespoon of salt, let rest for 24 hours and then applied on the affected part.

COMMON LEMON: It removes the rind and the seeds were carried by adding sugar to the blender and blend until a paste is formed, at this time added a cup of previously boiled milk, and still warm. This mixture is placed in a clean jar that can be plugged, and stored in the refrigerator, also can be buried in a hole, half the bottle. Used for ulcers, long time if taken 3 teaspoons per day, or only 1 per day, always away from meals, and before eating. It also serves to gastritis and acidity. This recipe should not ferment. 
CONTINUING WITH stomach or intestinal ulcers, should be taken at bedtime one egg white, unbeaten and two hours after supper. If once was not enough, and can take another after 3 days. The ulcer patient, caring NERVES.

COCU: Excellent for HEPATITIS poorly healed for liver cancer, liver cirrhosis. Use only fresh, never the kitchen. Is prepared as follows: A good deck crushed Cocu very well may be using the blender, and sufficient water is mixed and allowed to stand in the dew of night to another, take a glass before breakfast . Whets the appetite, cleanses the liver poisonings, including the snake bite, cures completely in 3 days.

CUMANDA YVYRAI, in the same way it is prepared, served for liver problems and respiratory problems.

WEEPING WILLOW: It is used in essence, extract, is an excellent antibiotic, and analgesic PODEROSE, OIL can also analgesic.

PENICILLIN: Also known antibiotic properties and has no contraindications, can be essentially distilled syrup. When it drop, do not take more than 10 drops in one day.

FENNEL: strong ally to fight bad breath, sweating. It can be chewed directly. Also reduces appetite. For lung problems, is powerful, is used in essence, distillate, syrup and oil can be heated in the pan, a little fennel, it leaks inside a cloth and applied to the back, on the lung, for one hour.

MINT: for rheumatism, after washing it, cut it into pieces, using as ALL CASES IN HANDS, not the knife to prepare. Liquor can be prepared with 1 liter of pure wine, 1 cup sugar or honey and chopped mint, mixed by shaking and allowed to rest 24 hours. With only a teaspoon daily combat rheumatism, treatment 3 times before a meal may, or may not 1 cup before bedtime. It's great to take before winter arrives. The mint is also used to 

Wormed. Boil the mint with a cup of milk for 10 minutes, add honey or sugar, drinking (fasting is better), can be repeated after 8 days. You can also burn sugar to mix with milk. The essence is better for rheumatism, for pregnant women in the distillate.

GIANT ORTIGA: Also for rheumatism, finite cut and placed in a bottle, 1 cup honey, wine and nettles true. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily.

MIL YSYPO MAN: Allows stop uric acid, high blood pressure to quit (in this case simply by replacing the cigarette for a liana, liane to smoke this.) There are several kinds of liana thousand men, which has a white milk is poisonous. Used in essence and distilled.

SANGRIA SEVEN: Fight HEMMOROIDE, high blood pressure, anxiety, cleanses the blood, purifies, separates the high pressure low, it's great to take it as tea, is essentially road.

PEGA PEGA or Taja Taja: Allows you to hemorrhoid.

TAPE CUE: Also for hemmoroide, has many applications in substance widely used for hemorrhoids.

ORANGE: for fever cut orange fruit, seeds, into thin slices, put the fire, sprinkling with brown sugar or honey, when you release the broth and still warm, spoon is taken up every 5 minutes if necessary, until the fever. You can do the same with tangerine, lemon and even the shell of the pineapple.

WONDERFUL SHEET: For kidney stones, taken if the sheet is large (2 sheets), if it is small (4 leaves), put in blender with: 2 tablespoons honey, 1 cup water or white cane. Take fasting and after dinner (a spoon). This plant has a negative ripple power of the stone, however large grit makes. It also serves to gallstones. You can also take pregnant women.

ALOE VERA: Although there is much variety, they're all the same family and have healing power. How to proceed to collect the aloe leaf:

Before or after coming out the sun. 
When it does not rain for at least 4 days. 
Start with your hands

How to prepare: 
Leaves are collected until 1 meter adds 1 kg. honey and 2 tablespoons white cane, go into the blender and store in a tightly covered jar, and is ready for use. 
To fight cancer takes 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. 
To avoid the cancer is prepared twice during the year, and take 1 tablespoon per day to finish in the event that the cancer fight to retake the dose followed one another and continue to give the patient. 

BALSAMO or Bitter Melon: To combat cataracts, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, eye live leak (a drop on each side) or the affected side. Caring for your hands and leaves very clean. 

For FLASH IN THE EAR, heat the leaf in a little warm water and drip into the ear, but the drop of the leaf, but is tibiecita. Well mashed, mixed with sugar cane and is used to combat 

BRONCHITIS. You can do essence and oil. Oil is internal and external use, internal use is for BELLY SECO, take a spoon of oil on an empty stomach. 

To pluck or sunburn is applied to the skin.

WALNUT: Great blood purifier, is prepared in the still, fights diabetes (care in food - taking the distillate can ELIMINATE DIABETES.)


BAD DIGESTION: Boldo (very little), anise, star weed, koku, typycha Karatu, dill, jaguarete ka'a, doc, marcela.

DIABETES: plantain, avocado leaves, dandelion, pea shells, nettle root, feverfew, pata de vaca, ñuati'una.

LUNG BRONCHIAL =: Amba'y, borage, doradilla, Kambara, kumanda ybyra'i, chamomile, peppermint, fennel, rosemary, mallow, horsetail, plantain, eucalyptus, pari parov, elderberry, chicory, sage, culandrillo.


INJURY TO KNOCK (OINTMENT WONDERFUL) Tape cue, plantain, antibiotic, squash, rose petals, horsetail, jaguarté Ca'a, aloe, penicillin, cat's ear, mint, cedrillo, eucalyptus, leaf wonderful typycha ju Sailing remains, used cooking oil or lard, beeswax.

Preparation of natural syrups

In one liter of water add a handful of alfalfa leaf, lemon verbena, menta'i, grouse, rosemary, lemon balm, mburukuja, orange leaf, Aras, (all this should be boiled for 15 minutes, until syrup point), then strain and add "kg. sugar and boil 30 minutes. The dosage is 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

AGAINST DIARRHEA In "liter of water add avocado seed, pomegranate rind, anise and simmer 5 minutes. Take the time.

AGAINST WORM papaya seeds, mint and heart ka'aré, 25 seeds of pumpkin or squash. All in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes then strain and add honey. Take on an empty stomach.

Fortifying, Debugger, SYRUP Anchico, ANTIBIOTICS, expectorant, HEALING. Served in cases of anemia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, lung efizema, herpes and cancer, is an anesthetic and lubricant. A liter of water, add a handful of bark strips cut (branches and leaves can be as well.) Boil 10 minutes, then add "additional liter of water, boil 30 minutes. The first liter should take 1 tablespoon every hour, the second liter 3 tablespoons every 3 hours, the third liter, 6 tablespoons every 6 hours.

VITAMIN SYRUP Blend a handful of sage, a handful of rosemary, 25 grams of cinnamon in a glass of fine wine, then add a quart of honey and the rest (one liter) of wine. Let stand 52 hours and then strain. Take two tablespoons per day.

MEAT VITAMIN A kilo of lean ground beef, 1 liter honey, 25 grams cinnamon, anise 25 grams, a grated nutmeg; grinding all, cover and let out all the jogo it contains, then strain it with a cloth and that jogo cast add honey and remaining ingredients, boil 10 to 12 minutes, when it forms a white foam, that's it. Take one tablespoon per day for adults, or one teaspoon for children.

PAIN IN THE FEET Chewing mint and mint.

MINT For rheumatism: Essence: Chebar hand a handful of mint (well washed) put in a liter of cane and a cup of sugar. Take from the next day.

Liquor: Bring a pot one cup of sugar (or honey), mint and a pint of pure wine. Take a spoonful before meals or a drink at night.

To deworm (solitary) Burning sugar (or honey) with mint and add a cup of milk, boil ten minutes. Take the preparation and can be repeated after one week.

For rheumatism: Put in a big cut bottle finimente nettle, a cup of honey and wine or beer. Take one tablespoon three times daily. Pregnant women should take and never distilled liquor or extract or essence.

YSYPO MILOMBRE: The poison has milk.

Anchico: Oil anchico ('s lubricant) Put in a glass jar and peel oil anchico. For the good functioning of the gut, take one tablespoon per day. Also good for burns, infections and as a sunscreen.

Cleansing of the blood (TB) Mix a tablespoon of cream (Kambyrova kue) with a tablespoon of honey, to be mixed with cream and hot milk ¾. Have a cup in the morning and finish the day that preparation. May be repeated three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), 1st. week, 2nd. week 2 times, third week once.

BURRITO: For lung and liver problems.

Cana Brava: For kidney problems.

EUCALIPTUS: For flu, sore throat. You can prepare ointments.

URABANO (cream, horseradish, Radiyeta) To cure lung cancer or internal broqio; Take honey with strong roots. For lung problems can be distilled. Root scratch and take a teaspoon per day. Cancer if taken 3 times per day.


Paraguay lemon (lemon common thin shell), sugar, 1 cup pre-boiled milk.
The lemon peel and get the seed, cut finite and put into the blender along with sugar. Blend until a paste and add the warm milk. 
Place in a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator, can be buried in a hole in the middle of the bottle. 
Take one or two tablespoons per day, if the ulcer is advanced taking three tablespoons a day, away from meals or before eating, for cases of heartburn taking a teaspoon. 
If fermentation should not be taken.

Another recipe for ulcer (stomach or intestine) Two hours after dinner, at bedtime, take an egg white (unbeaten). Place in a glass and squeeze the nose. Once is enough, or, again three days later. The ulcer is caused by poorly chewed food and nerves. 

KOKU (eye of a dove) El koku cure to cancer of liver (cirrhosis). Blend koku, to dawn mist and take a glass before breakfast. Koku purifies the blood, cleanses the liver and appetite. Used to snakebites, poisoning. Use green or if dry soak.

Penicillin is the antibiotic, has no contraindications. Essence: in a jar white cane leaves to penicillin. Take five to ten drops per day. Fits any infection.

Fennel for bad breath, menstrual cramps, sore feet and hands. Decreases appetite chewing fennel leaves. For lung problems (pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma): Heat oil in a pan of fennel (one tablespoon) along with atroveran (purchased from the store), put inside a cloth and applying for an hour on the lung. Syrup (use brown sugar, not honey). In a saucepan boil for ten minutes ¾ liters of milk, a handful of fennel, two cups of sugar. Serves to expel the infection. Take one tablespoon two or three times a day, baby, one teaspoon three times daily.

DISTILLED TO NERVES AND HEART Poleo, passion, always live, Melissa, Mitai, teju ka'a, lime, sour orange leaf, suttee lime leaf, lemon verbena and stick Kapi'i, Paraguay jasmine, carnation, Paraguay. All this is put into the water distiller.

SPECIAL SOUP FOR BLADDER 100 gr. lettuce, 100 gr. onion, 100 gr. carrot, 100 gr. apple and some celery. Blend all in 3 cups water, boil 10 minutes and drink 3 cups a day. A study done 30 days.

LEUKEMIA, CANCER AND LUNG PROBLEMS Boil 20 cm. pear root and sprouted in tacuara in a liter of wine, then add ½ pound of sugar or honey and boil for 7 minutes more. Cool and store in glass jar, take a spoonful 5 times a day.

Gallbladder ½ cup of raw milk, ½ cup lemon juice, olive oil ½. Blend everything. Place in glass jar. Take a teaspoon, then 1 tablespoon, three on three for 10 days.

VARICES Chop 10 pieces of avocado, 2 stick of camphor, place in glass jar with alcohol, let stand for 5 days in the dark. Then do massage on varicose veins, being careful not better, it's always better to do at night before bed.

Duodenal ulcer (caused by gastritis) in one-liter bottle, put ½ kg. 100 gr minced onion. groups, complete with wine. Shake well, let stand for 9 days. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times per day.

PRESSURE STABILIZER Place in a glass from 7 to 8 Marsela flowers, cover with water and leave covered overnight. Take up to stabilize the pressure.

SCIATIC NERVE Take 10 drops of essence of anchico in ½ cup water 4 times a day. Also take anchico syrup and blood purifier.

Poor circulation in one liter of red wine add 1 handful of cinnamon leaf, 1 cup honey or sugar, let stand for 6 days, then add 1 bit of nutmeg. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

Inflammation of the kidneys make a tea break stones and angel hair. Take 3 times daily.

IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD Make a tea with nuts and salsaparilla. Drink a cup 3 times daily

Inflammation of the stomach. Bad breath, belching sour, pesacez stomach, coated tongue and indigestion. The water from the shells of the potato drink 3 cups a day without sugar. Take chamomile tea, lemon verbena, lemon balm, Muna, and / or mint. Avoid irritating spices, soda and snuff.

Stomach Take a glass of raw potato juice before meals. They are also good raw garlic, chop and swallow with fresh milk. Stand.

Take LIVER artichokes in water or chewing his blade. Add lemon juice to the potato water and drink three cups a day. Avoid pepper, avocado, egg, pork and milk.

CONSTIPATION retention of excretions. Take orange juice. If the problem persists soaked figs and a spoonful of flaxseed. Also gives good results warm milk with honey.

DIARRHEA pomegranate peel is minced and boiled 4 tablespoons in a quart of water and drink several cups a day. Also good is the avocado pit, cook in 2 liters of water taken for avoiding any food cups.

Make hemorrhoids sitz bath with a ponytail and shades and mauve for 20 minutes. Drink mate with a ponytail and flaxseed. Avoid garlic, peppers, pepper, tea and alcohol.

Kidney: small, dark urine, sweat and smelly feet, backache (waist). Take potato skins 4 cups a day. Also diuretic plant, corn hair, ponytail, flax, grass, barley. Sleep on hard bed and avoid salt, alcohol, hot spices and the use of high heels.

Take WORMS WORMS = mint juice, after two hours take a laxative to expel the worms and the dead. Scratching often the anus, apply a garlic enema with milk before bed. Boil the bedding.

Take INTESTINAL GAS infusion of mint, anise, fennel, chamomile or rosemary, but without sugar, 3 or 4 cups a day.

NERVES Exseciva emotional, headaches, migraines, neuraftenia, etc. Take infusion of orange blossoms (orange), lime or chamomile, or a decoction of valerian, 3 times daily. (Use one teaspoon per cup of water).

INSOMNIA Can not sleep normally spend sleepless night. As has several causes, treat them properly. Help hot baths before bed, place a bouquet of chamomile flowers under the pillow case. Avoid coffee and food before bedtime.

HIGH PRESSURE Eat raw garlic in salads with celery, parsley, etc. Add crushed by the stock or take pieces with water horsetail, yarrow, or hawthorn. Avoid alcohol, snuff and salt.

HEART Make a tea with a spoonful of the carnation flower per cup of water, can be mixed with honey, drink three cups a day.


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Thank you, Maria. Your post has a lot of information, we may continually reference~it has been featured, so that we may~

Thank you




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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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