lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
The media reports warning that the risk of nuclear plant accident in Fukushima is at level 7, the full scale . Which means and what consequences can result in accident
Accidents happen on Sunday from the Fukushima nuclear power plant raised the alert of the INES scale, an instrument that is used worldwide to set the information of nuclear events.
Depending on the scale of International Atomic Agency, the nuclear events are classified into seven levels .
The newspaper El Mundo explained that from 1 to 3 are considered "incidents" , while the 4-7 refers to "accidents" and each level rise on the scale indicates the severity of events is approximately ten times higher the previous.
Fukushima is at level 7.
One by one
Level 1. At this level includes the overexposure of a person over the statutory annual radiation levels . Minor problems with safety components. And the loss or theft of radioactive sources.
Level 2. This includes the exposure of a person over 10 millisievert or exposure of a worker above the annual regulatory limits . In addition, level 2 would be established when radiation levels exceeding 50 millisievert when operating in an area, significant pollution within a facility, major security flaws, but no significant effect or inadequate packaging source high radioactivity.
Level 3. Exhibition 10 times higher than the annual levels in a worker , non-lethal effect on health, such as burns, severe pollution in an area not covered, loss or theft of a source of high radioactivity and error handling.
Level 4. Liberation radioactive materials under a death by radiation , fusion fuel or fuel damage causes a release greater than 0.1% of core inventory, and release considerable quantities of radioactive materials within a facility.
Level 5. Limited release of radioactive material that requires the taking of countermeasures, a number of deaths by radiation, severe damage to the reactor core and release of large quantities of radioactive material in an installation as Windscale Pile occurred in Britain in 1957.
Level 6. Significant release of radioactive materials . Occurred in 1957 in the Russian central Kyshtym. This is the level that is now the central Fukushima
Level 7. Liberation serious radioactive materials reaching effects on health and the environment , which requires the application and extension of countermeasures. This is the case of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.
PS: Do you have more messages from Tom Kenyon and do you regularly receive them? It would be great to open a group where to post his messages - I simply LOVE them - they carry HIGH FREQUENCY - LOL!
Very Happy you enjoyed the high frequency energies of the Hathors ~ I resonate highly with them as well. Which is why I have been following Tom Kenyon for about 10 years now.
Yes I do subscribe to his posts/channellings. Also, they are found on his website under the "Hathors" tab in the "Archives." Tom specializes in sound healing, raising our frequencies through Hathor channelled sounds. There are free sample mp3 downloads available as well as the full version for sale on his site:
Check it out ~ there is a lot of other interesting things he does as well.
It would be my Pleasure to post his channellings when they are released, for LightGrid.
Infinite Love & Light to YOU Dear Angel Sister, and to ALL, CrystaLin Joy
O.K., this is not what I thought I was going to be doing today . . . However, since my inner guidance has taken over, I am now to share this.
Years ago a good friend and famous Oracle, Judith Moore, said I was going to discover a way to neutralize radiation from things like Uranium. She said I would be creating and discovering several other things that were completely unrelated. I did not resonate with what she was saying at the time since much of the stuff was not in areas I tend to work with. Bottom line . . . I flat out thought she was wrong.
Fast forward to this morning. I have a million things to do. I'm writing (channeling) several books simultaneously. I have a presentation to give later today. I have emails to answer, phone calls to make, and a son to homeschool. Yet I found myself filing of all things. Filing. Boxes and boxes of loose papers, folders, etc. needing to be put away. (There is a point I promise)
I saw the messages coming in about the Nuclear meltdown and the various things to do for it. Just as I'm reading a bit of that, I came across this page of channeled notes in my box to file. It reads:
The platinum ray harmonizes everything. (That will be very important in a minute).
The turquoise ray is the ray of prosperity and opulence.
The sapphire blue ray is the ray of protection. It is the color of cobalt blue. It is white inside with cobalt blue outside. This is the color of Divine Love.
A few days ago I told Sonja Myriel that I had a meditation to assist channels in cooling down their body when they channeled and that I didn't know where to post it. Now I understand why. I am to explain it here and then alter it to a group meditation done to cool down and harmonize the reactors at the nuclear facilities. Let's all pray that Judith did in fact know what she was talking about so long ago.
Using the Platinum Ray to heal the friction caused when high frequency (whatever you are channeling ~ energy or information) comes into contact with lower frequency (the frequency of your body and this earth plane).
I always see the person seated (not sure why).
Imagine a drop of liquid platinum (sort of like liquid mercury, but definitely not that vibration, a mixture of gold and silver in color) being placed on top of their head right at the crown. Imagine it melting down into their body. It coats the entire brain, then travels down the spinal column, and out every nerve all the way to the tiniest tips of the nerves. You are coating inside and outside each of the nerves.
Friction causes heat, which causes inflammation, which causes tiredness, and speeds up the aging process. The person is literally being fried from the inside out as the high frequency energy and information comes through their body.
The vessel itself ~ the human body ~ must be purified and cleansed internally and externally. The nutrients it receives should be coming from blessed life food sources along with plenty of pure water. And I also highly recommend mineral supplements. (I use a particular kind if anyone is interested). Minerals burn up quickly when you are channeling energy and information.
This purification assists in not only allowing the body to be more in resonance with the higher frequencies, it also allows the information to be received with less distortion.
But it is not enough. Once the nerves have begun to "heat up" from the high frequencies being received, additional steps are required to cool it down and keep it cooled down. That is the purpose of the liquid platinum visualization above.
If you have platinum jewelry, wear it. I'm wearing my wedding band (for the diamonds and platinum energy frequencies) even though I am no longer married. I just decided I was now married to my Light work and the ring is a reminder of that.
I have also created an essence I call the "Platinum Principle" to go along with the next book by the same name in the series I'm working on. Anyway, I get that it will greatly assist channels in dealing with all this.
Back to the visualization. The liquid platinum not only cools down nerves that are already being irritated from the friction, it coats them like a lubricant. In an engine, if you don't keep the various parts well lubricated, you get friction, which causes heat, which eventually causes irreparable damage. Let the liquid platinum act as the necessary lubricant creating complete harmony between whatever frequency you are and the frequency of the information you are bringing in.
On to bigger things:
Cooling Down the Nuclear Facilities:
Just like the human body and dealing with frequencies, that is exactly what is happening inside the nuclear plants. Very high and fast frequencies are causing great irritation with the surrounding vessel ~ building in this case.
See the entire facility and surrounding area in a giant sphere of platinum light. Ask the dolphins to come and surround the sphere weaving their magic, sending the frequencies necessary to neutralize and heal everything.
Then see a giant drop of liquid platinum at the top of the sphere and then watch it melt down into the sphere and the facility and the surrounding area coating everything in liquid platinum ~ cooling, healing, neutralizing everything in it's path. Let not even a molecule go uncoated.
Do this as a group and repeat at least every 12 hours.
In Love and Light,
Please share as you feel guided!
Thank you so much, beloved sister! I can already feel the cooling energies of thhe platinum drop helping me to cool down - feels great :-)
The first part of your description of how to cool down the nuclear reactor corresponds exactly to what I have been doing all along!
I also like your desctiption of the cobalt blue ray and will use this picture you give to replace the simple blue cloak of protection which I have been holding for each and every person concerned. I see each person now in a cobalt blue cloak of protection - cobalt blue outside - white inside - and inside of it pink magenta LOVE serves as yet another protective energy, which helps people to see what is needed at a certain time to help themselves and others by staing in the high vibrations of LOVE.
I will immediately post this in our group "Help for Mother Earth and Her Beings" and share the discussion with all the members of lightgrid.
Arctorus also posted a discussion on how to cool the reactors: and it contains this picture wich I find most helpful to better visualize and understand how a reactor works:
This is the link
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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