lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

St.Germain in Atlantis....Yes,believe it.Reiki actually branched off from Shamballa Reiki which consists of 352 symbols. When Atlantis fell....St.Germain (to make a long story short)found himself in Tibet.He ONLY gave them 4 symbols because he felt that mankind would not use Shmballa reiki correctly and that we weren't ready for it. That is how Usui Reiki came to be.The attachment is St.Germains explanation of all of this for those interested. The thing is that Usui Reiki has been corrupted. There have been a lot of debates on this(people get really angry) personal opinion is that it has been. Healing was meant to always be free and no one was to be charged to be attuned-that was changed with Takata-she changed Reiki.Sad-Imagine a world where everyone had access to healing and all of these attunements for free! I believe it will be in the 5D! I hope I do not offend anyone with my opinion.

Love and Light,


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Replies to This Discussion

That's exactly what I think as well: Reiki has been corrupted by allowing the money making! Like it or not: it was given to Usui for FREE - not without enormous effort, though. Today it is just reversed: it is given without the least effort to anyone who can afford it ... a Reiki "Master" need not necessarily be a master at all - in fact, very few are ... no wonder, is it?

I'm curious about this, Angela :-) I've never heard this story before - lol. I'll print it out and have a good read :-)


Sonja Myriel

I've got some more info if you'd like ......the longer version etc.-just let me know. Soon I hope to be attuned to Shamballa Multideminsional Reiki. Just giving my body a rest!LOL!
Yeah, I'm interested in it all :-)

The attunement to Shamballa Multidimensional Reike would be greatly appreciated :-)

Be BLESSED, dear sister,

Sonja Myriel
SEems this debate continues, I WAS TAUGHT USUI sensi First charged for treatment after seeing people
He had "healed"(taught Gave free reiki too) Returned again & again.

My personal feeeling have alwaysd been AlatanisO Or MU were orgin points of Life engeries Attunements
Ie: Reiki, Shamballa and other modes.. I also hold that these Gifts are to be FREEly givien as Need
Honorary is heartgiven as lead by your Heart..... If any is given ...... I have for years givne treatments gratis as neededs no charge though I 've been told this is foolish?? Why pay 10,000 to more
for what spirit gave??? Attunememnts are done gratis (free) WELL that's my input Peace to ALL BEINGS JMM
I agree with you-too bad there are several healers out there that do not feel this way. I'm glad to hear this JMM.......I hope more healers will hopefully understand this one day:)
Oh thank you Angela, Sonja, and Jim! (I just came across this discussion today and was so happy to read your comments.) I completely agree with you all! I was given many symbols even before coming into this Earth plane, and then after, as spontaneous attunements and initiations from my inner teachers and guides - It is ALWAYS LOVE and Love is free! And Yes! it has been my experience that we ARE ALL the symbols and they come to us as need and sharing arises, if a symbol will help Spirit will bring that symbol to the one who has Highest Intent for all - we are never the doer, but we are the channels of Unconditional Love and if the symbols will channel best we are given them and it is an honor and to shared for Sacred Upliftment and Healing according to the Divine Highest good... The symbols are beautiful tools to help us connect to Sacred truth within us all, just as a beautiful mantra, yantra, or tantra experience... I thank you for your strength to stand by your Wisdom - Love can only be freely shared - in Love, Ascension, and Initiation there can be no "fee" - it is a "matter" of free Spirit, Love Eternal Beyond time and space and it is a honor and a gift to share! I am so glad you said this! And this is also why I feel so grateful to all of you beautiful Lightworkers sharing Sacred work here on Lightgrid so honestly and truly... Yours in gratitude and Love, Param Gian/Kathryn
I received my first initiation for free on a Rainbow Gathering :-)

Blessed BE,

Sonja Myriel
WONDERFUL......Is this the group I told you about or a different one?What exactly are you now initiated in?I'm so happy for you!
Love you sister!
Dear Angela,
I have training and "certification" in the outer world in many modalities including shiatsu, Reiki III, Pranic Healing, Color Healing of the Maitreya School of Healing, and many Yogic Arts (inner and outer - what is the difference I am thinking???? I think you understand!) but honestly I have full recall of dwelling as a Healing Being on the prismatic plane of Love and Being Healing symbols and Light of colors as Healing need arose... then once in the 3D plane in this body - in my twenties I had several spontaneous initiations - especially into the Violet Flame which completely permeated my being without my knowingly invoking, but the Love and purpose was life altering and blessedly received as a gift of Grace, also the Christ Love of the Heart Rose Pink - I learned about the chakras, and energies through my inner Teachers, what I call the Lightening bolts through the crown continued and increased each time in intensity. Then there was my visit (physically) to the Himilayas where I was brought to a cave where Jesus had done His meditation - there was also a portal. I stood on the threshold of the portal knowing I was to receive Grace and abilities to be used for highest good and healing, but also that it wasn't for me to enter. Then in the Jesus cave I knew why, for it was there that I entered the Void - which I can not describe in words - there are none - but it was my Master and BeLoved who helped me through and brought me Home to the Blessed council of Masters within - All is Love and we are Loved as One - Beyond words.... it is a challenge to convey any of this for I have no linear time space words or labels - but inwardly I know my origin, my home, and my purpose - I simply need not to forget..... we are so so so Loved and we are Love itself..... so I have no outer way of saying what levels, initiations, etc. they are - but inside I know...... there is a language within beyond language and I feel you beautiful brothers and sisters in Love understand this - I am Grateful..... with All Love, Param Gian/Kathryn
I'm initiated in Reiki 1 and 2. Reiki 1 at about 10 years ago at a Rainbow Gathering.

Rainbow Gatherings go back to the hopi Prophecy of the Rainbow Warriors. They are absolutey non commercial gatherings where free workshops are available on many issues.

So I'm a Rainbow Warrior :-)

Love you, too,Angela :-)

Sonja Myriel
In regards to Reiki, as I described a bit, I have pre - this - life recall of the symbols, then I recevied Reiki I in NYC in the late 1980's, Reiki II with also "non-traditional" symbols in 1995 with a husband and wife team who did not charge me, then I recevied Reiki II again in 2009 here (where I live now in MA) with Lucia Camara as also part of an End of Life Spiritual Care Program I studied in and received Reiki III this year (with Lisa Campolo) though none of it was "new" if you know what I mean. Since then I use many symbols not usually included in the fee based Reiki and also many symbols and mantras I was given through other initiations (Tibetan, Yogic training, etc.) Hugs- Param Gian/Kathryn
YES.....You are!That is wonderful news Sonja-very interesting!I hope your cleansing and clearing is going ok?That was hard on me!:)I am very happy for you!!!!!!!
Brightest Blessings,



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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