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Your Inner Compass By Natalie Glasson ... Pleiadian August Broadcast With Christine Days Messages...And...The Five Second Rule - How to Transform Your Life! By Mel Robbins

Your Inner Compass

by the Celestial White Beings


Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Blessings of bliss we awaken from within your being to pulsate into all the levels of your body that create you at this moment. We are the Celestial White Beings from the Multi – Universal and Cosmic Levels of the Creator’s Universe. Our purpose has always been to support humanity in recognising their inner bliss; the aspects of the Creator within which is pure bliss. We wish to assist humanity in engaging with, expressing and experiencing their inner bliss, thus existing as the joy, abundance and ecstasy of the Creator.The Celestial White Beings, are a reflection of the bliss within you and how you can embody it.

Today, we the Celestial White Beings wish to speak with you about your Inner Compass. You are aware of your intuition, its value in your reality and spiritual evolution. You may already have an understanding of your intuition and how it works for you. However, many ask us, what is intuition? How can they access it and why is it important? We wish to share with you our understanding while describing how your intuition is currently linked to the next stage of your ascension.

Comprehending Your Intuition

The purpose of your intuition is to guide you in your current reality and experiences. Your intuition is akin to a constantly pulsating energy born from your soul, soul group and the Creator that moves throughout your being.

Its purpose is not to create challenges for you to grow spiritually, its purpose is to support the creation and experience of the ultimate bliss of your soul and the Creator from within. By following your intuition, you will not only access your inner bliss and a greater sense of fulfilment; you will have unlimited opportunities to create an existence and spiritual evolution born from foundations of bliss with a full embodiment of bliss in all areas of your reality.

Your intuition is not only aligned with the ascension of your being, it is also aligned with the ascension of humanity, planet Earth and the Universe of the Creator. This means that when you receive intuition, sometimes it is to support your own fulfilment as an aspect of the Creator, while other times you are downloading energies, codes and wisdom to serve the ascension of others. Sometimes you may not understand the intuition you receive; this may be because it is not necessarily for you, it is coming through you to serve others.

When you access your intuition, you are downloading templates, wisdom and light to be anchored into the Earth to aid the ascension of all. You are supporting the ascension of all through accessing and following your intuition.

Intuition is a grounding of the divine into your being that creates an embodiment.

Your intuition is not simply a feeling, vision or inner conversation; there is also an energetic download of light, love, wisdom and consciousness. Sometimes you are aware of this because you feel the inspiration brings forth a shift. It is not the inspiration you receive; it is the energy downloaded which creates a deep awakening within you.

Every shift you experience within influences your reality, humanity, the Earth and even the Universe of the Creator. You are connected to all, and therefore energy flows between you and all that is the Creator. Every exchange has and continues to create the ascension you recognise today. It is because of our understanding of intuition that we recognise your intuition as an Inner Compass.

Understanding Your Inner Compass

We recognise your Inner Compass as the energy and essence of your intuition. While for us the term Inner Compass describes the entirety of your intuition, the most evolved, expanded and powerful aspect of your intuition. We truly see within you the energy of your intuition forming as a compass within your heart and soul directing you forward to experience bliss and fulfilment in every moment of your reality.

Take a moment to sit peacefully, placing the focus of your mind and third eye chakra into your heart chakra. Let your focus and attention rest within your heart chakra as you breathe deeply. You may feel a rush of love surrounding you from your heart chakra.

When you feel ready say within, ‘I now engage fully with my soul. I am my soul in manifestation. I now engage fully with my intuition, I embody and encompass my intuition fully now.’

Feel, sense or acknowledge your heart chakra filling with the energy of your soul and intuition. Imagine or simply be aware of your intuition as a compass composed and created by the light of your soul.

Your compass may be ornate or simple. It may appear similar to a physical compass, or it may simply be an arrow. You may not even see your Inner Compass. Instead, you may feel a force working and developing within you. Spend time with your Inner Compass, even if you feel you may be imagining your Inner Compass, simply enjoy engaging with the energy within you in a creative and fun way.

Playfully feel the power of your intuition within you as your inner Compass. Remember that your Inner Compass can support you in navigating to experience bliss and fulfilment on the Earth and throughout the entire Universe of the Creator.

Video: "Your Inner Compass by the Celestial White Beings"

Activating Your Inner Compass

Our Purpose is not only to activate your Inner Compass, but to also align your entire being with your Inner Compass.

Within your body you have millions of receptors, every cell of your physical body and so forth is a receptor of energy, light, love, templates and wisdom. Your energetic bodies within your auric field are receptors which means that your entire being is a receptor of all that is the Creator.

Your entire being is ready at any given moment to receive love, light and wisdom from the Creator. Your entire being also has the ability to filter or guide the energy received to wherever it is needed, whether into your physical body, into the Earth, to a person or community of people, or to the Universe of the Creator. Your entire being is ready to receive intuition and distribute it to wherever it is needed. Most of this will occur without your awareness; there is simply a need for you to focus on the initial part of the process, which is recognising and engaging with your intuition or Inner Compass. In order to begin the process, there is a need to connect your inner compass with your entire being as multiple receptors and one receptor.


Begin by connecting with your Inner Compass within your heart chakra, feel, sense or acknowledge its power and presence. You may even imagine it as almost magnetic.

Begin to allow your Inner Compass to generate light, encouraging this light to pulsate outwards into your entire being.

When you feel or acknowledge the energy flow of your Inner Compass, bring your attention to your physical body. Imagine there are millions of receptors, akin to energy points which may not have been activated.

Imagine that you are drawing the light of your Inner Compass into each energy point or receptor in your physical body. Feel each receptor activating and receiving the light of your Inner Compass.

Repeat the same process with the energy bodies within your auric field; you can treat all your energetic bodies as one in this process. Feel each receptor activating and receiving the light of your Inner Compass.

By now your entire body and being should feel alive with energy with a greater flow of light and love moving throughout your being.

Allow yourself to sit peacefully and observe the process. When you feel ready, ask to acknowledge the intuition flowing through your entire being to aid your existence.

Then ask to acknowledge the intuition flowing through your entire being to aid the ascension of all. Simply allow yourself to receive.

With practice, you will begin to recognise when the intuition is a download for humanity, or the Earth, and when it is personally for you. This will allow you to further be of service to humanity and ascension because you will be actively downloading energies that are needed for ascension and the activation of the Earth.

Many souls are speaking now of your intuition and inner power; this is because the energies are most perfect for you to engage more fully with these aspects of your being.

There is a need for you to recognise your power and loving impact upon your reality and the world as you express the Creator through your being. You are being asked to bring forth the truth of the Creator by accessing your intuition and inner power. It is through these qualities and abilities within you that you will bring forth the appropriate energies of the Creator to the Earth to aid ascension.

With blissful blessings,

The Celestial White Beings

Read More from the Celestial White Beings -

Sacred School of OmNa,

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Capsule of Wisdom


Embodying Your Light Conception

for this Lifetime

Reexperiencing your creation and birth with the full presence

of the Creator


 Channelled from Master Jesus

15th August 2017

Master Jesus bring forth a beautiful and unique gift for us all to experience. No matter what your story, who your parents are, what your birth was like, Master Jesus offers you the opportunity to energetically journey through your entire process of conception and birth to experience light conception, a birth surrounded by the Creator and a childhood filled with the light of the Creator. All positive experiences you have gained through your current lifetime will remain, however, energies such as doubt, lack of self-love and limitations will be erased. There are many light activations which take place during your time in the womb, your birth and childhood, now is the time to allow these activations to take place to empower and bring greater light and love to your current existence. Through this process healing can take place, awakening of new abilities and a greater sense of your true self. Let Master Jesus guide you on a journey of your light conception for your current lifetime. 

I do hope you enjoy,

Many blessings,


  Download Now -

Video: "Judy Satori's Trinity Of 8 8 8 Audio Transmissions"

Pleiadian August Broadcast With Christine Days Messages

Christine's Message August 2017

I do hope all of you in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying this glorious summer weather. I am currently home in Grand Marais, being bathed in the incredible beauty of our land and spending time in both the Pleiadian Communication Portals.

The energies within the Portals are expanding in readiness for a multidimensional pure form of light to begin anchoring onto our meadow.

There is a lot of inner excitement as Alisa and I begin to prepare for our next step of our journey with a deeper evolution and involvement within the Galactic community. The purpose of this is for us to prepare ourselves, so we can extend an invitation out to all of you who are called to come onto our land. Opening up to you the opportunity to move into a profound transformational journey within the Portals. These deep personal initiations will propel you into an awakening, realigning you into deeper aspects of your own unique destiny of Self and with your family or origin. The Pleiadians will support you in experiencing the vastness of your self as you rejoin and communicate with the Galactic community.

This is a time for so many sacred levels of our selves to be revealed. I do know as we fully utilize another level of the Holy Vine energy this month we are going to be further opened, and given access to another path of our self – revelation. The Pleaidians speak of a further multidimensional anchoring taking place on the planet during August. They keep telling me to ‘let go’ no matter how things appear in the moment.

And I do know that the illusion can be strong and sometimes it can easily maneuver our conscious experience away from Truth. There is a need for a daily realignment to Self. This is achieved by anchoring through your Heart/Home space. This committed action by you is your total devotion to Truth that lies within the vastness of your own Heart. Do not be afraid at this time, fear is only the ego mind’s illusion. Come home to your Heart to feel Truth and peace.

Remember you are not alone and through your Heart you reconnect to that which is unlimited.

Love and blessings,

Message from The Pleiadians August 2017

Beloved ones we greet you,

August is the time for you to begin to channel a frequency of the essence of the Holy Vine energy through your Heart space.

Understanding the Truth that you are a component of the Holy Vine energy, and this energy is going to naturally resonate within each of your Heart cells.

This level of the Holy Vine is designed to work within each individual Heart cell to begin a unique cycle of self-manifestation within your individual world. The action of the Holy Vine energy is first to open a multidimensional transmitter within each cell, then to create the activation of a pure source of light flow, which will move and interact within each physical cell of your body. This process is designed to activate a unique frequency of your creation energy within your Heart space. Enabling you to begin creating from your Heart’s desire.

Know this Truth; you have created all experiences in your life. This is a powerful gift of the moment in owning your creation. You need to fully open to receive all that, which you have created. Take time to experience and process this Truth as you hold your Heart.

At this time in your evolution what is essential is that you begin to claim the creations in your life. This is your next step by taking ownership and responsibility of what you have created. You are not a victim of fate. You are not helpless. You are the creator of your own experiences within your own environment.

As you are willing to claim that which is yours, then and only then can you create another reality experience for your self. As you choose to be responsible for your experiences you realign to and regain your power. This process naturally realigns you to the creation energy within your own Heart and then you can begin to harness the creation power of your Heart’s desire.

The Holy Vine’s purpose is to support you in the reconnection to your power through this self-manifestation essence. As you witness the Markers that are within the sky or within the rising sun, hold your heart and connect. Then let go into the frequency of the Holy Vine Marker’s. Utilize the sound, ZAHM. This will allow you to absorb the manifestation light of the Holy Vine and anchor this within your Heart.

Know that we witness you. We energetically hold you as you choose to birth


The Pleiadians

Infinite Blessings of Love & Abundance to All,
Steven Hutchinson

Video: "Pleiadian Broadcast August 2017" By Christine Day

The Five Second Rule - How to Transform Your Life! By Mel Robbins

"Action is the catalyst for change. Desires, intentions and visualization are the blueprint for something to be birthed into physicality. Thus an idea without action will not only be stifled but will return to its original, intangible form; perhaps never finding a vessel for its expression or actualizing the dawn of a new era."

- Ari Kopel

Mel Robbins, is an author, a public speaker and a Best Selling Author on this subject. 

If you would like to learn how to change your life in 5 seconds, please watch the videos below.

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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