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Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light

Weekly Channelled Message


The Balance of Devotion by Master Jesus

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-31/01/11                                                 

My beloved brothers and sisters I extend my love to you now and honour the sacred existence that is your truth and natural being. Let us take a moment to attune to the love of the Creator and bathe in the sacred vibrations, energy and wisdom that is the Creator. Let us feel this love embracing us now from the outside as well as the inside of our beings.

I have been graciously allowed to come forward to share a teaching with you once more through Natalie, which is a great honour. Time and a space to share ones thoughts is so sacred especially when I know that many ears and hearts are listening, to you I send my thanks.

I come to you today my beloved brothers and sisters with a story which I hope will bring enlightenment and insight to your own spiritual growth. The story is to assist in understanding the energy of devotion and to acknowledge where balance is needed.

To begin my story let us imagine a woman of great spiritual potential and connections, a woman with a pure heart and a great desire to return to the truth of her being. This woman was on the Earth many years ago living a simple life within a small community living off of the land. An understanding of the Creator was evident within the community and many would take time to pray and attune to the energies of the Creator and the Earth, understanding this as a way of moving forward with their reality and ensuring their protection. The woman who we shall not name was due to be married and to begin a family life with a man that she felt fondly for, but her spiritual practices and dedication to the Creator were of greater intensity than any other within the community. She felt a compelling desire to be at one with the Creator, to mediate and link with her own truth, energies and essence. This desire and drive enhanced each day and gradually she became so attuned to the Creator that nothing else in her realty seemed to have meaning or purpose. She was aware of herself disconnecting with community life and wanting only to be at one with the Creator. Understanding more of the truths of the Creator she removed herself from the community and her future partner and travelled to a mountainous area in seek of solitude, peace and spiritual refuge.

As a much loved member of the community, the woman was missed greatly; their inability to understand her move away from them stirred both sadness and anger. It was the community's belief that through connection and communication with each other they would discover the truth of the Creator.

The woman was happy in solitude; it was what she needed in order to explore her energies and to discover the energy of the Creator within her. After many years the woman became lonely, she missed the touch of another person, the interaction between people and the caring nature of another. She had explored the energies of the Creator and felt truly connected and at one with the Creator. With the goal achieved she decided that she must return to the community to integrate into life once more and continue from where she left. Unfortunately the reception that she received was far from welcoming, the community had grown and evolved in their own way, her once future partner had married another and her friends felt suffering and pain from the rejection they had felt from the woman leaving without explanation. The woman tried to clarify to the community all the wonderful experiences and insights she had gained and her wish to teach them to become one with the Creator. She was not prepared for the suffering and pain that the community had experienced due to her loss nor was she prepared for the abuse that followed as they tried to portray her as being of evil intent in order to justify their fears.

The woman retreated back to the solitude of the mountains, she realised that her devotion to the Creator and the solitude experienced had been needed and was an essential aspect of her spiritual growth. The lesson that was prominent was that she should have remained connected with the Earth, realising that life and to experience life was a great gift from the Creator. The woman now saw that through a mixture of solitude, an eternal connection to the Creator and acknowledging the Creator within all other humans and beings of life, she would have created a complete life and spiritual development for herself that would have allowed for a true experience of the Creator's love. Her devotion to the Creator had been so strong that she had neglected the other aspects and gifts of the Creator.

With this realisation come tremendous pain, anger and fear which consumed the woman. She began to blame herself so strongly. No longer could she see the essence of the Creator within her, it was her own hate, darkness and despair that was evident now. The woman suffered in this way from many years, she couldn't find a way out of the suffering that her ego was causing her. She was reverting into a victim and pushing away all the blessings she had gained from the Creator because of the loneliness that she felt. The Creator and her guides never left her side, they loved her constantly but she became blind to her truth, her eyes focused only on suffering and pain. The woman didn't realise that the Creator was offering to her the greatest test yet, it was a lesson to finally be rid of her ego and to love those who didn't understand her, knowing love to be the greatest healing and the most powerful energy of connection. If she had remained in a state of love and connection with the Creator the attitudes of the community would have altered and forgiveness would have flown through the community. The woman did begin to connect once more with the Creator but her despair remained close to her heart.

Let us agree that this story has notes of sadness but there are many lessons to be grasped from my story. Firstly as a being awakening on the Earth there is a need for you to spend time alone, being at one and happy in your own energy and attuning to the energy of the Creator. To make time for your spiritual practices is essential as you must learn to feel and understand your own energies and the Creator's presence within and around you.

Secondly there is a need to appreciate everything that you have in your life and reality, your life is your creation, it is the Creator's creation as you are the Creator. Whether your reality holds good or bad aspects appreciate that you have been given free will, the right to live a life as you choose and to think as you wish. Your life is essentially the foundation for your connection to the Creator; it is precious and must be valued. To love life is to love yourself and the Creator as all are intertwined and are one. Your life on the Earth is so important every moment will bring you closer to the Creator every second will help you learn and overcome spiritual lessons. This doesn't mean that you must go crazy in your life and experience everything; it indicates that you treasure everything that your soul guides you to achieve on the Earth and you value your connection with others. It is through our relationships with others that we can link on a deeper level with the Creator. Value all that you have in your reality as it was created by the Creator through you and your thoughts. The woman isolated herself from everyday life and missed the opportunity to watch the light of the Creator grow in others, to be a healing and inspirational support to others. She was unable to experience living as the Creator in a physical life which is the greatest gift. To be aware, loving, compassionate, healing, understanding, supportive, at peace with the ability to anchor and express the Creator's light and love is a wonderful experience.

The woman's life indicates to all that when we are following a spiritual path balance must be obtained between our focus of being on the Earth and connecting with the Creator, but balance goes beyond this, it is to remain balanced or aligned to the Creator while you experience life on the Earth, this is such an amazing experience as you see the truth of the Creator all around you. In the past it may have been appropriate for individuals wishing to connect with the Creator to isolate themselves from society to focus and devote themselves but now the challenge is to accept and experience all that you would if you were to enter into solitude while conducting a life that allows you to integrate with others. Solitude for a period of time may be appropriate but being of service and sharing your light and growth is also important.

Thirdly there is a need to train your mind to think that everything in your reality is a lesson of growth and greater unity with the Creator. There are no mistakes, there is also no pain or suffering. If you can see everything as a lesson from which you can gain understanding about yourself, maybe habits that need to be dissolved or a realisation to remove boundaries aiding your connection with the Creator, then you will never miss golden opportunities. When you are suffering or are in pain, say to yourself,

'There is no need for me to suffer, I am attuned to the Creator, there is a lesson here that I must learn from.'

Then ask yourself what the lesson is, what you must gain from the experience. When you can understand the lesson, you can then release the suffering and pain knowing that it is only a reaction to an experience or thought; it is not true nor is it essential in your reality now. The truth behind the suffering is the real enlightenment that the Creator wishes you to discover.

The purpose of my story and communication was to assist you in understanding that-

Solitude and connection with the Creator is needed for spiritual development in a way that is appropriate for you and your growth.

Appreciation of life and all that you have is an essential way of honouring yourself and the Creator, ensuring that you remain grounded into your reality and centred within your being.

Being fully present and aware within your reality allows you to acknowledge growth that needs to be made or understood by you, as well as assisting you in being of service to others in a humble and loving way.

Balance must be gained between the physical and spiritual realities but balance must also be obtained by the person remaining attuned to the Creator at all times.

You can gain understanding, attunement and enlightenment within every moment of your reality.

Suffering and pain are simply reactions to an experience or thought; they mask the true meaning and purpose of the experience. Look beyond your suffering to see the truth and the lesson that must be grasped. A person will never suffer without a reason; there is always a higher purpose for everything.

These are simply a process of thought and understanding that I wished to alert you to.

I hope that you have found my words of benefit to you,

You are sacred light and love on the Earth and I bless you,

Your brother and friend,

Master Jesus



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Thank you for posting, dear SohiniBen :-)



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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