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Two From Natalie Glasson: The Process of Your Transformation ... And ... Compassionate Heart by Mary Magdalene

The Process of Your Transformation by Arcturians

Channelled through Natalie Glasson  10th March 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We, the Arcturians, greet you with love and joy. Today we wish to discuss the process of your transformation, highlighting areas for you to contemplate and focus upon. Many of you understand your process of transformation while in existence upon the Earth into the light being that is your truth. We, the Arcturians wish to guide you through this process so you may assist yourself more fully, calling upon the necessary aid so that each transformation you experience is easy, effortless and enjoyable.

When you begin to focus on observing your entire being each day, even if only for a few minutes, you allow yourself to connect into the energy, feelings, sensations, colours and sounds of your entire being, becoming present with yourself. At first, you may not understand or even be able to explain the energy of your entire being. Instead, you may be distracted by emotions, thoughts or areas of your body. Acknowledge anything that rises into your awareness and then continue with your focus and intention of observing your entire being. There is no need to focus on experiencing love or connecting with the Creator, simply observe what your energy feels like to you at that moment. Is there a lot of light pouring into your being? Do you feel heavy and drowsy? Do you sense that you are ungrounded or resisting something? Whatever you observe, acknowledge it first and then let it go, if the same observation keeps returning to you then allow yourself to focus on the energy as it may require your attention. Once you feel you have become familiar with your energy then you may wish to use this innovation:

‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support my constant transformation, healing and ascension. I allow all resistance to dissolve as I receive the necessary light to support me now. Thank you.’

Take a few moments to imagine yourself receiving the necessary light and assistance from the Universe of the Creator. This simple process will not only allow you to release blockages and resistance to your ascension, often without realising, you will also become familiar with the presence of your energy. This means that you will be aware when you are moving through a transformational process and when you are experiencing a rest period where your entire being is recalibrating, and light is settling within your being. The more you achieve this practice, the more you will understand yourself and the ascension process you are moving through. Recognising whether a cold is simply a cold or whether it is helping you release old energies. Whether a pain in your body is due to something you have done physically or a resistance within your being that requires your intuitive attention. You may realise that you feel tired because of the great volumes of light that are anchoring into your being, recognising that you require rest. You may feel low in mood because a past lifetime aspect of yourself is returning to merge with your soul and requires to release all burdens before it can fully surrender to the light of your soul. When you are in tune with your entire being, you are more able to assist yourself in moving through your ascension process with ease and happiness. Thus you become intuitive to your spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and ascension needs.

The process of spiritual transformation within a physical body encourages you to trust your intuitive senses. By developing your intuitive senses to aid your own ascension, you become alert and aware of the transformations and positive transitions into greater light occurring within others and the entire Universe of the Creator. Thus, you become a powerful source of light assisting, supporting and encouraging the ascension of the entire Universe of the Creator.

A process of your transformation which occurs often is that new aspects of your soul download and ground into your being to merge with the aspect of your soul already present within your physical body. This means that the presence and influence of your soul becomes stronger within your being, new tools, skills and abilities develop, new passions and desires materialise leading you upon new pathways in your reality, and new wisdom or understanding dawns offering a clearer understanding of self and the Creator. For some people, new aspects of their soul can download every few weeks or months, for others, it can be every few years, depending on the mission of the soul and the focus or acceptance of the personality.

When a new aspect of your soul anchors, this often creates a shift or change in your being or reality which encourages you to let go of an aspect of yourself you are familiar with such as a perspective, habit or understanding. Frequently in order for the new aspect of your soul to enter a transition must take place where you let go of a perception of your identity which no longer serves you. This can be a challenging process especially if the physical body, personality or mind is resisting, unwilling to change or let go. Sometimes we are asked to let go of perceptions, ideas and aspects of ourselves that seem so familiar, which seem to describe who we are and are very much a beloved part of our existence. This can even manifest in your physical reality such as a beloved friend leaving, having to leave a home, job or area which you have enjoyed immensely, losing a precious object or even a part of your body. Often these transitions are so subtle that many people do not notice them and simply perceive them as a natural part of life. However, a perception, idea and understanding of yourself is lost, released and let go of to make space for the new aspect of your soul which will bring forth greater fulfilment and new perspectives. A grieving period may even take place which will allow for a deep cleansing to be experienced, a purging of the old to allow for a new perception, idea and understanding of self to dawn which is when you connect with and accept the new aspect of your soul. With the connection of the new aspect of your soul that was waiting to download you will experience a healing and renewal process allowing you to feel as if you are soaring high. This entire experience is a process of transformation, becoming more of the Creator’s light, love and wisdom upon the Earth.

If you are asked in your life to let go of something or someone, realise that not only new energy are entering into your life, a new aspect and level of your soul is grounding and awakening within you, ready to share all its insights, love and skills with you.

In these times with your intuitive senses, you will be able to comprehend that you require support and assistance.

‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support me in letting go and releasing all that is no longer necessary, so I may accept a new aspect of my soul to merge with my physical being, becoming fully present with me now. I am ready to transform with ease and happiness. I invite my soul and soul group to support me now. Thank you.’

It is important to remember that your ascension process can be found in the subtle actions and reactions of your entire being, from your thoughts to your emotions. Even experiences within your physical reality or within your being which do not feel remotely connected to your ascension such as worry, exclusion, fear or anxiety, are keys that encourage you to continue forth, transforming and shifting into the light of the Creator, into your ascension.

The Process of Your Transformation by Arcturians

Take notice of all that you are; the Creator is speaking to you, through you, guiding you to recognise and remember yourself once more as the light, truth and love of the Creator, and All That Is.

We the Arcturians are supporting the transformation of all upon the Earth. We are aiding you in understanding, experiencing, moving through and accepting each process of your transformation. We are sharing skills, wisdom and tools to encourage, enthuse and support all. Please call upon us for assistance, and we will come forth to share our energy, wisdom and understanding of transformation, as well as offering insights into your own transformation.

‘Arcturians, I call forth your loving, supportive energy to surround me completely. Assist me in gaining new understanding and wisdom concerning transformation and my own transformation process now. Surround me with your healing and inspirational light, love and consciousness as I inhale and accept all you wish to share with me. Thank you.’

In loving transformation,

The Arcturians

Read More from the Arcturians

Video: "A Meditation To Help You Experience Happiness & Divine Freedom"

Compassionate Heart by Mary Magdalene

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

Mary MagdaleneBeloved bright light beings on the Earth, I am Mary Magdalene; I am here to support you, to hold you in the energy of ascension, enlightenment and the blissful peace of the Creator at this very moment. I am here to love you, to be present with you, for we are old friends. I have connected with each of you before either on the Earth or the inner planes. There is a love between us that is so pure and truthful for we have opened our hearts to each other sharing the blissful grace of our hearts which is the very essence of the Creator. You are all divinely connected with the energy of Master Jesus and have worked alongside both of us at some time because we are all one. It is appropriate that you may have been taught by both of us, either on the Earth or the inner planes while you or an aspect of your soul group may have been a disciple, one of the 144 disciples that supported our mission on the earth. Master Jesus and I have worked extensively with many souls to aid and support the ascension process that is occurring at this very moment.

Do not wait my dear ones, for ascension, it is already here. We are present with you now to assist you in feeling, sensing and acknowledging your connection with the ascension process that is occurring on the Earth. Now is the time to truly link into the energies that are being anchored onto the Earth but more importantly the energies which are flowing from the Creator into your soul and through your heart chakra. The energies that are pouring from your heart now are truly blissful because they are present to support your own transformation and to support the growth and awakening of all on the earth. You are each bringing forward bliss from your heart to collect on the Earth enthusing the Earth with a higher vibration and perspective than has previously been experienced. Your heart chakra is the gateway through which the divine can enter and embody or be within your being. It is because of this that each person needs to focus upon awakening, healing, expanding and strengthening the heart chakra.

I am aware that many of you have been focusing upon your heart chakras for many years of dedication and devotion to the expression of love, but at this moment it has never been more important because your focus combined with the energies being anchored onto the Earth and through your soul will allow for a profound love activation within your being, awakening love in all its essence and strength within your being. The Era of Love is upon us and it can be manifested through your compassionate heart as a gateway for the divine to enter through, supporting your transition and the ascension of the entire planet. The compassionate heart that I speak of is only a tool, an existence or focus of your heart; it is the wealth of love which exists within your being that is of immense importance. Many masters and myself have spoken about radiating your love but now is the time to devote yourself to this practice for you will see the expansion and divinity within you come the time of climaxing and intense ascension energies anchoring upon the Earth.

Allow yourself to view your compassionate heart as a gateway to the divinity within your being, let the love that is already in abundance within your being swell and radiate expansively, drawing the energies of love of the Creator into your being and through your compassionate heart with greater intensity.

At this time when many people may be experiencing challenges or are being guided to release all that is no longer needed from their realities, minds, emotions and entire being it is the compassionate heart that will offer you a space of centring, balance and strength because there is a need to share your compassionate heart and every flowing love with yourself.

Mother Mary is here also, she wishes to work with you, cradling you, loving you, healing you, at this very moment, for her energy, her motherly compassionate energy, is here for you. You may or may not feel as if you are experiencing Mother Mary’s energy or her presence, but trust with certainty that she is with you. Mother Mary wishes to place her hands onto your back to support you throughout each and every day as we ride together the wave of ascension.
Mother Mary wishes to work with you now because she loves you unconditionally, but there is a greater purpose, it is due to your light being so bright, she wishes to enhance your light so that you may radiate your light with expansive bliss in order to support others. Mother Mary sees the magnificence of your being and so wishes to give to you her energy of compassion which she channels from the divine mother and divine father energies of the Creator. Mother Mary understands that it is the quality and energy of compassion that is needed at this time of ascension.

It is appropriate for you and extremely important that you bring and give to yourself compassion, allow yourself to be compassionate to yourself in all your actions, your thoughts, your experiences because you are achieving so much at this time and so there is a need to honour yourself with compassion. It is important to realise that every person on the Earth is experiencing the shifts and challenges of ascension so there is a need for you to be compassionate to every person on the earth. This isn’t to give your power away, but it is to give your love, to be in the divine flow of love where you have and receive an abundance of love for yourself. Allow this love to flow through you, to flow in all directions, because you know that there is an ever-flowing vibration of love, and so there is no need for you to hold onto this love that is given to you because you know that you will always receive more. The moment you allow this love to flow from your being as compassion is the moment you receive a higher, more intense vibration of love for yourself.

So please be aware that Mother Mary is working with you. This may trigger some emotions within you throughout the day or the coming days, because, in order for you to be compassionate to yourself, you have to love yourself. In order for you to love yourself, you have to see yourself as your truth, and this means that boundaries, blockages, walls that you have put up against love, need to come tumbling down more than ever. And as these walls you have put up against love come tumbling down, you will feel more exposed than you have ever felt in your life or your reality. It is from this feeling of being exposed, which you may interpret as being weak or vulnerability, that your strength will rise, a strength of pure Creator energies. It is from this feeling of being unprotected by illusions, boundaries, limitations or fears that you will see your truth. With the acknowledgement of your truth, you will allow yourself to simply exist as your truth. You simply be.

Even sometimes when you meditate, release energies or cleanse your being, you are still protecting yourself, guarding yourself, controlling the energies, not allowing yourself to acknowledge the very essence of your being, how you are feeling on all levels of your being but also what your essence is speaking to you. If you allow yourself to give compassion to yourself, if you allow yourself to be exposed and free from boundaries or limitations then there is nothing to distract you from the beautiful essence within your being. You know at that moment that there is nothing that is hindering you, because you are simply being. Then there is simply a need for you to merge your energies with the Creator, and you will be like a flame that rises high, shines brightly and glows even in the darkest of corners. Through your focus upon your compassionate heart and the expression of compassion it is your strength that is being activated, as a lightworker there is a need for you to be strong. To be strong is to be centred. You do not always have to be strong. But you will find that even at a sad moment, even when you feel exposed there is core strength within your being which holds you up, carries you forward and maintains the energy of peace, it is this which is being built right now.

Mother Mary asks you to simply let go of all unneeded energies, thoughts, worries and doubts, for she is a heavenly mother who will support and cradle you, activating the energy of compassion from within your being, steering and guiding you forward so that you may adopt this tool, this ability, this existence, in order to be a divine light being and of service on the earth. This is something that Mother Mary guided me in experiencing as well, as Mary Magdalene on the earth, to be compassionate to myself and to give compassion. To exist in the flow of love. To realise that it is abundant, it is always present. It was because of my own personal experience with Mother Mary that I wished to bring forward this communication to you, sharing with you the powers and abilities of Mother Mary and how they can be of service to you at this most special and sacred time on the Earth.

Please call upon Mother Mary to be with you, to place your hands on the front and the back of your heart chakra, embracing and surrounding you deeply in compassionate love as a supreme healing for your heart. Mother Mary’s compassionate energy will allow for all fears, pain and suffering to be dissolved and for your heart to be free to exist as a compassionate heart and gateway to the divine essence of the Creator. Offer space and time to Mother Mary to work with you for as long as needs be as you sit in meditation or relax deeply. You may notice especially if your focus is upon your heart chakra that it begins to open more expansively, breathing love generously with immense freedom. Your experience with Mother Mary only needs to be simple as you just allow her the space to work with your energy as you exist in full acceptance of your presence with you.

At the time of activating my compassionate heart, Mother Mary gave to me an affirmation which I will share with you now. You may use it whenever you wish or during your healing with Mother Mary.
‘Compassionate heart, I am,’
You may find that you only need to call upon Mother Mary to work with you once or you may wish her to work with you on a continuous basis, it is important for you to follow the intuition within you at this time. Please know that I am here for you always and love you unconditionally, thank you for allowing me to bring forward to you an experience which has always been treasured by my heart.
From my compassionate heart, I love you unconditionally,

I am Mary Magdalene

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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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