lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Tuition for Spiritual Maturity and Advancement By Natalie Glasson...And...Connecting With Your True Purpose By Solara An-Ra...And...Current Powerful Gateway Initiations & Passageways By Lisa Transcend

Tuition for Spiritual Maturity and Advancement by Lord MerlinTuition for Spiritual Maturity and Advancement by Lord Merlin

Channelled through Natalie Glasson  15th June 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

I am Lord Merlin; I am a Master of Magic, a co-creator with Nature and the Elementals and embodiment of Divine Alchemy. I am currently supporting Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda in their role and mission as World Teachers at a Planetary Level. My purpose in supporting the World Teachers is to gift and awaken the ancient knowledge of the Earth, other civilisations, sacred dimensions and the Universe of the Creator, reminding souls of their truth.

My understanding in ancient knowledge and wisdom aids an awakening of each person’s most sacred abilities and skills. This often stems beyond the limitations of the mind. When one lets go of needing to know and understand everything while also holding a pure intention of what they wish to embody, they access a reality, world and energy within them which is beyond the perceptions of their mind. This means that such experiences as magic, miracles, alchemy, instant manifestation and a full experience of unison with all will be explored within the Earth’s reality.

Spiritual Maturity

It is my purpose to awaken ancient knowledge also known as a divine right to exist as limitless. When a soul has reached a level of spiritual maturity, I call them to me, inviting them to co-create with me to aid them in accessing their limitless consciousness. Many perceive themselves as becoming my students as they feel that my knowledge and understanding is far greater than theirs. However, it is my perception that I am co-creating with you an awakening process of the truth of the Creator that exists beyond the constraints and limits of your mind. I wish to share with you what I believe spiritual maturity consists of:

  • Ability to share and receive the love of the Creator abundantly whatever your circumstances,
  • Ability to trust and follow your intuition,
  • Approaching life with an open mind, this means a willingness to let go of fears, judgments and distractions and to perceive from a space of love or peace within,
  • A sense of unity and union with all beings,
  • Ability to either sense, feel, hear, see or acknowledge energy.

It is people who grasp these abilities that I invite to work with me; I do not ask for anything more as it is from these foundations that great inner truth or otherwise labelled Inner Divine Magic can be accessed, experienced and embodied. You may recognise that you already hold these abilities, or you may realise where additional focus is required.

In my opinion, when a person holds these five abilities they can achieve anything they dream of within their physical reality and spiritual evolution. Life becomes your own creation and a constant dance in harmony with the Creator. Whatever you wish to achieve, experience or manifest on the Earth or in your spiritual evolution you have all you require when you have accessed my five guidelines and abilities that denote spiritual maturity to me.

Simple Daily Practices to Accelerate Spiritually

To support your recognition, experience and embodiment of your five natural abilities, I, Lord Merlin, wish to share with you a few gentle and easy practices:


Focus on the love already present within your heart and soul. Recognise the abundant nature of your inner love. Imagine that as you focus within, gates open and more love comes flooding into your heart and soul as if from the deepest and most sacred parts of your being.

When you have experienced this fully, imagine, sense or acknowledge that the Universe of the Creator is so abundant with love. This love directs its attention to you and begins to pour into your being from all directions. Enjoy the process of receiving love. You will reach a point when you feel full and complete, at this stage, begin to focus on emanating love to loved ones, humanity, the Earth and the Universe of the Creator.


‘My intuition is my guiding light for all areas of my existence. I trust and follow my intuition.’

Read this intention to yourself a few times silently and then a few more times out loud until it feels familiar and you are able to recite it without reading it. Then focusing within you imagine what it would be like to have your intuition as your guiding light constantly in your life.

Build the energy and feeling within you of how easy and beautiful it is for you to trust in your intuition. Imagine yourself receiving intuition, how wonderful it feels to follow it and how everything works out magically for you when you do follow your intuition. With the feeling building within you, begin to recite the intention with your eyes closed and channeling the feeling into your words as you say them out loud.

Continue until you feel that you are fully embodying a feeling of following and trusting your intuition. Then exhale three times sending the energy to your Earth Star Chakra to fully ground the energy.

Letting Go

Open mindedness is a willingness to let go of preconceived ideas, beliefs and thoughts as well as fears, judgments and distractions. This means that you do not hold yourself in one space, thought or belief, instead you adopt a fluid nature where the process of letting go and being at peace within your being become more important for you to experience.

First notice, especially with fears, judgments, hurt and distractions that they are holding you in a single state, this state is a limited state of mind as if you have all the curtains closed in a room with many windows and so you cannot see beyond the room you exist within.

To release the limitations, there is simply a need for a willingness to let go of what you are experiencing as if you are aligning with another state of being which you prefer to experience. When you contemplate letting go of your limited state of mind, you allow yourself to see, sense and acknowledge your experience from another perspective.

This simple shift allows you to access greater understanding, healing and support whether from yourself, other or guides within the Universe of the Creator. The more you practise this simple process, the more natural it will become.

A practice which compliments your willingness to let go is to take the time to imagine your mind and brain charged with light from your soul. A deep and powerful renewal process takes place which allows you to see and perceive yourself and your reality in a new way.

Imagine with your mind, brain and in truth entire being filled with light from your soul that you look at yourself and the world around you. You are seeing and perceiving from a space of peace and love. Take time to recognise any new perceptions and ideas. With practice, you will become accustomed to this space within you and begin to constantly view your reality from this sacred space within you.


Viewing yourself as separate from other, as lonely or alone, is an illusion that causes tremendous pain within. When you perceive yourself as being connected and in unison with all that is the Creator, including people, energies, situations, plants, etc. you feel fulfilled, alive and in the divine flow of the Creator.

Simply imagine the energy within your heart that you feel represents your essence, truth, all that you are. Recognise the colour or colours of the energy and how it feels. Then send the energy from your heart throughout your body and aura like a current of light. Imagine that the light is connecting everything in unison.

Then send the energy further to connect with your surroundings, reality, the world, all beings in the Universe of the Creator and so forth. Enjoy the feeling of connection and oneness. The energy you originally express will act as an intention for your experience of connection.


Through the previous practices, you may have recognised your ability to either see, sense, feel, hear or acknowledge energy moving through and from you. The practice I, Lord Merlin, share with you now is simply about directing energy. Take time to experiment with and focus on discovering the best way for you to direct energy. Is it through your hands, eyes, third eye chakra, thoughts, heart or another way? Experiment until you discover a beautiful way for you to direct the Creator’s energy from your being whether it is to a person, plant, animal, situation, in truth whatever you wish. Practice this often, and you will notice your ability to experience and transmit energy strengthening and developing.

Lord Merlin’s Purpose with You

It is my purpose, Lord Merlin, to then awaken from within you pure intentions born from your soul. To guide you to strengthen and focus Tuition for Spiritual Maturity and Advancement by Lord Merlinyour abilities, to share with you new ideas that continuously expand your awareness and to encourage you to connect deeper with your inner essence and world.

I will do so once you have completed the practices I have shared with you. When you feel ready call upon my energy, Lord Merlin, to co-create an acceleration in your ascension with me. Each time you meditate with me, please repeat the below invocation.

Lord Merlin, I call you forth to join me in my meditation now. With your energy focused upon me and pouring into my being, I now gratefully receive your guidance and assistance.

Please help me to discover my pure intentions born from my soul. Assist me in strengthening my abilities, receiving new ideas and inspiration and connecting deeper into my inner essence and world. I thank you in advance for your assistance.’

Imagine before you a green swirling circle of light; I am present the other side of the circle that exists between us. Receive energy from the green swirling circle of light until you exist within the circle with me.

I, Lord Merlin, will work with your energy supporting the necessary shifts and transformations. You may call me forth in four separate meditations.

In the first, I will awaken within you from your soul pure intentions for yourself and reality that are appropriate for you to acknowledge.

In the second I will support a strengthening and greater focus within and upon your sacred abilities.

In the third, I will share with you new ideas to expand your awareness. In the fourth meditation, I will support you in connecting deeper into your inner essence and world.

I look forward to co-creating with you,

Lord Merlin

Read More from Lord Merlin

Video: "Emmanuel Dagher: You Are ! ... And I Am ! ... The Divine Architect Of Your Life" -


Connecting With Your True Purpose By Solara An-Ra


We have chosen the theme of connecting with your true purpose, dear ones – for is it not so that for many of you this is the big question mark – ‘Why am I here at this time?’ You understand already that you are here at this time to be of service – to assist others, assist the Earth Mother – to assist with the transition into expanded consciousness; 5th dimensional vibration, which we call also Christ or Unity Consciousness. For many of you this is as clear as day – that overall, this is your purpose.


But you seek on an individual level also for how this may be achieved – perhaps through becoming a healer, perhaps through using sound, perhaps using channelling gifts of creativity or painting, bringing your love through making food for the rejuvenation of others. And for those of you who do not have occupations which are obviously spiritual, you question if there is another way of being of service for the highest good of yourself, and all others.


And we repeat that there is no way of connecting with your true purpose in this lifetime without being able to experience yourself as light, love and truth embodied. It is when you begin, through your spiritual practice, to feel the expansion which is possible in your own energy and consciousness; to truly have the experience of yourself as light; as organic flowing energy fields – when you begin to access this expanded self; expanded awareness – it from this that your wisdom is accessed. If you experience yourself on an everyday level as only a physical human being, driving yourself only from your will-mind-mind aspect; wishing for your healing only on an emotional level or psychological aspect, you cannot access the true wisdom; the true gifts; the true flow into which you are able to step from an expanded sense of yourself.


Some of you do not need a personal spiritual practise such as meditation or pranayama to experience this – for some of you, simply being quiet in nature or spending time channelling your own creative flow is your practice. But if we tune into the human race as it presently on a consciousness level, we say that it is perhaps one or two percent of you for whom this is true – and that for the others it is necessary to use the gifts that have been given through the masters of pranayam; through the yogis. Use these methods of venturing inwards and stilling the mind, in order to experience that which is not-mind, not-body, not-emotions – this is their purpose.


We wish you for the moment to concentrate in your spiritual practise on experiencing your own energy; your own being – from this reference point is it possible to experience the galactic waves of energy; it is possible to experience outer fields of energy. Even those of you who use the sacred plant medicines, we ask you to use the teacher plants to experience YOUR OWN SELVES, and not to journey into an outer hallucinogenic experience which does not teach you about yourself; which does not assist you in accessing the true wisdom that flows through your Higher Self aspect into your conscious mind and 3-D personality. From this – this experience of your true expanded self – it is ‘easy-peasy’ to access that which is your true purpose.


For in simplistic terms you can consider that your true purpose is simply to raise your energy and increase your frequency field until you are able to speak only truth and wisdom; to feel only unconditional love; to automatically know that which is for your highest purpose and highest good, and therefore the highest good of all. For are you not all in this together? Are you not all energetically connected? The remembering of this is Unity or Christ Consciousness – and it comes from the remembering within your own being of your own expanded, wise, abundant, all-forgiving, all-compassionate, all-joyful self.


When it is spoken that you are a part of God or Source, this is truly so. You are created though the Divine Energy, in the matrix of all-that-is Divine – and it only the contraction in your consciousness that has resulted from the lower energies and lower consciousness of the Piscean Age that has caused you to understand yourself as less than this. You are now in the Aquarian Age; the age of awakening – you are already immersed in the energy of the new dawning; the ‘Golden Age’ – and you must catch up on a consciousness level by experiencing yourself as you truly are – as crystalline, angelic beings of light.


We hope that our words have assisted you, dear ones, for our wisdom flows from your wisdom – we are one with you. We are brothers and sisters in the light. And we are not ‘preaching from a pulpit’ in order to enlighten you – we are simply sowing seeds of remembrance within your consciousness so that you remember the truth as it is.

Call for assistance dear ones, within your personal practise; within your everyday life; within your journey of healing – for we are here, star brothers and sisters in the light, at your beck and call. Namaste.

Love love love
Solara An-Ra
Magic Weaver for Gaia


Video: "Opening To The New You By Judy Satori" -

Current Powerful Gateway Initiations & Passageways By Lisa Transcendence Brown

Vibrational Transcendence, Quantum Shifting Realities, Changing Matrixes

These BEYOND POWERFUL upgrades and NEW LIGHT ENCODED FREQUENCIES continue to amp up, continue to increase, continue to move us all into a much higher frequency and lighter density plane. More love, more peace, more unity .... what does this mean?

This means that anywhere inside of us (cellularly) not fully PURE DIVINE LOVE is activated to emerge for a conscious release. Earth's ascension means nothing can be suppressed within any Earthly body that does not align with vibrational frequency of our 5th+ Dimensional NEW Earth.

Over our entire human existence, there was much compromise and suppression that we were unaware of. Just BEing in the old Matrix System (Soul's choice) was suppression/oppression. We all agreed to incarnate/walk-in here to transcend every bit of this fully from within. The RE-AWAKENING of all on Earth is a POWERFUL EXPERIENCE that transitions all from a deep sleep state of amnesia (slumber) into a continual waking one.

This CONTINUAL waking one brings all into a multi-dimensional experience, instead of just "one" linear experience with fixed mentality realities full of constraints, limits and compression, "I want" and "should". 

Unconscious suppression creates distortions, creates separation, creates discord and dis-harmony which play out in our physical body and outer reality world. The way to resolve these distortions is to SEE them and CHOOSE to dismantle/dis-engage them, choose to dissolve them, choose to untangle them and replace them with LOVE. These distortions hold ENERGY and this energy must be dissipated, exercised and released. Transmuting, transforming and collapsing the structures completely can be done from inside with greater ease. 

There are geometric structures and mathematical equations for all realities that are invisible to our human's eyes. As we all open up to our own infinite higher intelligence, our abilities to see/understand are fully RETURNED. Our gifts, abilities and infinite abundance and the knowledge of all of CREATION returns too. All of this comes forth naturally as we open our own HEARTS FULLY and choose to ALLOW ourselves to EXPERIENCE these abundance of GIFTS from inside....

At first, exiting the unconscious Matrix System is beyond challenging, especially for all who were deeply embedded (like me and many others). It triggers every fear, every lack, every doubt (suppressed energy)... and the foundation of our whole reality WE BUILT through the blood, sweat and tears of hard, dedicated work. The entire process of Exiting that Matrix is a transitional one that requires our participation through our hearts..... It's dis-en-heart-ening at first, disconcerting and beyond confusing as to how/why.... and for many TRUST is completely gone. We have to re-build all new realities from a new trust and faith inside through re-establishing a connection that may have been visibly gone. This is beyond challenging for awhile. It goes against everything we thought we knew. If we cannot hold it in our hands or physically see it with our eyes, we don't believe it.... and believing in INVISIBLE REALITIES (Energetic) ones, doesn't make once ounce of logical sense at all... Our heart has to be open fully for us to even start to understand. 


As humans, we don't have a choice. We have to wake up. Many of us did this kicking & creaming and holding on with every ounce of energy we had. This evolutionary process is occurring and continually increasing vibrationally, whether we want to believe it or not. Our REALities are re-structuring for all to "leave old earth", vibrationally, in order to "arrive" on NEW Earth to return to an existence of UNITY and LOVE. Our heads don't believe, but our hearts do. Opening our hearts to believe and re-establish "lost trust" is accomplished through intentional processes, tests, initiations and applying new practices that we would not have even considered before.

Bringing those walls of protection down, opening our hearts to be seen, vulnerable and exposed, scares the living hell out of us strong ones and JUDGMENT enters in.... what will "others think or say", what will "I look like". New realizations bring us to a state of "who cares?!" We come to realize we are not to hold ourselves to the small-minded judgments of "others", as they only reflect back what we "think" inside... so when we go inside and realize that WE LOVE AND ACCEPT OURSELVES just as we ARE.... then it doesn't matter what "outside says" (and we get to embrace our CRAZY, be FREE and have some fun!). 

We feel FREE from the INVISIBLE CONSTRAINTS and we REALize that we can BELIEVE anything we DESIRE. Freedom, happy, joy and peace HOLD MORE REALNESS than unhappy constraints of our own insistent and imposing minds.... 

Where there is pure peace and love inside, then this is what we experience in our own world. This is what we desire, create, allow and we NOTICE when something does not align with this. Where there is anything less, it will become visible through feeling and experience.

Moving into a higher vibration doesn't mean pretending to be happy or "trying" to be happy, it means realizing when we are not, being totally honest with ourselves and then intentionally SHIFTING THE ENERGY INTENTIONALLY so that unhappy energy is allowed to "go" in order to be replaced with happy energy, once our cells release and our body's template clears and re calibrates itself to tune our physical body to a higher frequency. WE do this.... 

When you surround yourself with nature and peaceful things, when you surround yourself with that which feeds your spirit/soul, with that which inspires and creates MORE LOVE, more inspiration, more commUNITY, more peace, more exquisiteness, then you CHANGE THE STRUCTURE of your reality, mathematically/geometrically.... you activate your higher consciousness DNA and deactivate your unconscious DNA programming that was previously prominent, which gives you the power to shift vibrationally with your whole body, in order to experience all new timelines and realities that support your highest existence here.

That energy has to go somewhere... We can allow it to dissolve, dissipate and clear our cellular body consciously if we are present and fully conscious when we start to feel it emerge inside....


Transcending all things through love from within. The moment our heart fully opens, our minds lose the ability to maintain control. Sitting with your heart fully open you can observe like never before. You can SEE what you could not see, new realizations that bring you awarenesses and a new power too. Inner COURAGE becomes POWER, is profound and it's birthed as we FACE the things we didn't want to see before, with NEW EYES and NEW EXPANDED PERSPECTIVES, when we release the battle and duality inside, the fight, the "against" energy. In UNITY ONENESS LOVE there is no "against" anymore... all Duality dissolves and new awarenesses give us the POWER to shift vibrationally into a SPACE of love, acceptance of all that has already occurred and is viewed through our own lens of reality.... Shift the view, shift the perspective. Look at it from every perspective. Keep expanding until you can SEE multiple perspectives, purposes and what you gained from that/what it taught you, what was really going on (instead of what you "thought) and how that applies to RIGHT NOW.... how does it dictate your current MOMENT NOW... WHERE the TRUTH ABOUT THAT is the STORY you now tell yourself according to the version of the way you look at it..... 


This is a natural ability that we all have access to when we expand our own consciousness and tune into the ENERGY OF ALL from within. This allows us to shift vibrational timelines easily and instantly here. Quantum is non-linear, has no cords, no boundaries and can do anything it desires. When you shift into your MULTI-DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM STATE, then you are no longer bound by the limits or constructs of unconscious programs or realities anymore. When you realize that you can make up a NEW STORY about "that", one that FREES YOU COMPLETELY (and all others too), you not only have the POWER to dissipate the energy that held that in place, you can shift timelines and EFFECT your FUTURE... and converge all into this SPACE and re-shape it however you desire to create a whole new reality by activating one that you DO DESIRE to start to materialize when you achieve that vibration fully from inside and with your ENTIRE BEING. Your Higher Mind is beyond POWERFUL, as it gives you the ability to bend, stretch and completely re-shape all. Presence with your whole BEing, every cell vibrating at this highest frequency, gives you the POWER to activate higher timelines to materialize into physical form. As YOUR HIGHEST SELF, your abilities are not infinite. Your heart, mind and whole body must synchronize to this highest vibration for you to achieve this MASTERY SKILL that allows you to AFFECT matter and Materialize it into form. Basically all you are doing is access the other dimensions & timelines where this has already occurred. Your human mind cannot do this. It doesn't have access. Your higher-heart-universal mind does.

Once you have achieved this natural gift then your access as an Intentional Creator will return. ♥

Everyone has these abilities when their heart is fully open again. To our human it's a Super Power. To us it's just how all works naturally here. BEing a UNIFIED LIGHT BEING, returns all of your amazing super powers and gifts. Why would you ever want to be a limited human ever again?


NEW Earth has a Crystalline Matrix that is intricate, beyond intelligent and operates through/from PURE SOURCE LIGHT. This PURE SOURCE LIGHT is activated in each one of us each time our hearts open and we REVERSE ENGINEER all unconsciousness to bring all into FULL CONSCIOUSNESS again. 

Old Earth was a Matrix that was binding, limited and oppressed. It was birthed through unconsciousness and an programming that maintained a state of AMNESIA, keeping all bound by realities that only had a limited view. The complete dissolving of this Matrix system (in 2015), means that all realities built upon those unconscious foundations/structures are now being re-structured for all. These immense advanced light encodements deliver NEW EXQUISITENESS for everyone ready to EMBRACE this fully from within.

NEW Earth's Crystalline Matrix operates very differently so it takes much getting use to "the opposite" of what we once knew. Realities constantly change & shift. All new ways, all new processes, all new everything... we have to learn everything all over again. As our old everything "dies" and passes over to cross the RAINBOW BRIDGE of NEW EARTH, our new selves are birthed/reborn (continually, forego the expanding bodies). Christed Consciousness activates our personal Crystalline Structures and new functioning systems to start to evolve, shape, form.... this activates our StarGate System to activate as we EXIST as the UNIFIED FIELD of Purity and Love. This Pure Divine Love that we ARE activates our encoded DNA, activates new codes and sequences in our own Field of Super Consciousness to begin a continual re-coding/re-calibration process that constantly improves upon itself. It's a beyond INTELLIGENT SYSTEM that only needs us to be fully conscious and to function from this place all of the time. Our ability to MAINTAIN FULL CONSCIOUSNESS means that we have it easier, it's simple and there's no more suffering or lack anymore. The new foundation is ENERGETIC. It's comprised of PURE love, deep sacred everything... respect, honor, integrity, kindness, compassion, contribution, sharing, support, harmony, serenity, joy, peace, creation, inspiration, freedom, abundance and equality... all emanating out from within. BEing these alchemic energies gives each the Quantum Ability to re-create realities in accordance with the codes and sequences of each's soul. 


Physical/Earthly Bodies = Density of particle matter taking physical form

These ultra high frequency light waves move through our body structures and create a re-structuring process on a sub-atomic level.

The higher the dimensional plane of existence, the lighter the density, the more expansive, the more space inside (and the bigger our bodies get to hold/process this amount of light).

Weight and density are very different thing. Size is not indicative. How packed ones cells are into a physical space with the ability/inability to move freely will dictate this. Every part of the body is a part of this and has a different role/function in one's ability to become fully multi-dimensional again. 

As our Bodies awaken, this density begins to change. Encoded Photonic Light works through our bodies and activates our Higher Consciousness DNA to start a physical body re-configuration process that takes years (and has actually been occurring since we entered human/Earthly bodies here). 2012 blew the lid off of this process to move us all into continual expediting processes. Out of linear and into non-linear processes that occur continually to raise our physical vibration of our molecular bodies. These encodements activate our atomic/molecular body to constantly change geometrics within each individual cell. Our bodies continue to come alive as our PURE SOUL integrates fully. Our Soul is Pure Source Light Consciousness. Everything else we experience is separation/unconscious programming held deep within. The activation of this light activates a cellular cleanse. 

FEELING all of the mental/emotional/physical (ego) suppression as our Physical BODIES COME ALIVE/wake up/come online through the expansion of CONSCIOUSNESS on a cellular level through the formation of NEW Earth Gridwork within our own physical body systems is a natural part of this evolutionary process as well. WE didn't want to FEEL before, we wanted to avoid, hide, ignore, pretend and this embedded in our physical bodies and as our bodies start to awaken, they start to FEEL everything fully. Our synapses and neural networks carry massive amounts of highly charged electromagnetic frequency energy that produces Quantum Energy (and Plasma Energy) to activate our Crystalline LightBody to constantly integrate these immense light codes that increase substantially 24/7 now. Pain is the body feeling and a release. It's the human body opening up on a cellular level, awakening and attempting to repair itself naturally and organically and through the infusion of highly intelligent light. Pain is a response to what we held deep inside and it's the body coming alive again. If we honor this, understand this, assist this, support this through natural ways, our bodies can do what they need easier. If we listen to our bodies, honor our bodies, get plenty of sleep to integrate the heavy/foggy/groggy photonic light, get out in nature, relax and focus on assisting our bodies in raising it's frequency through conscious release, then our bodies can tune energetically themselves. 

For many of us we held out until things with our bodies were critical and returning our bodies to vibrancy was an huge process within itself. We were stubborn, deep asleep and we didn't understand. We didn't love or respect our bodies/ourselves. The "damage" we did was huge. We had to let go of the judgment and focus our energy on supporting our bodies by listening to what they told us they needed. Love, sleep, respect, nature, natural support and lots of nurturing, kindness and care. For some of us "the brink of death" was necessary (often repeatedly) to dissolve our own insistence, ignorance, refusal and fight against a process that didn't make logical sense. Luckily, our Soul can take over and repair our bodies for us if we will surrender our human's fight to maintain control by holding on to our old ways out of fear. The moment we truly CARE ENOUGH TO OPEN UP FULLY is the moment everything begins to shift. 

This is a purification and unification process of all of your existences. All converge and culminate here. This is why so many are still going through deep karmic cleansings. Every dimensional timeline must be fully cleared. Galactic, Akashic Records, Relationship, Earth, LeMUrian, Atlantean, all of them.... this existence is where they all have converged. This moment, this space... this is where you UNIFY all BACK INTO THE PURITY OF LOVE again. 


... is necessary for all to understand and release the resistance and fight from within. We have to actually CARE ENOUGH about the world we live in, those around us and ourselves. We have to Care enough to step-up to BE THE ONE doing what is necessary to make a difference, to support each other, to share the knowledge and resources that TRANSFORM and UNITES all of HUmanity here. WE have to be willing to let the separation inside go, to dissolve our own ego, resistance to LOVE and be willing to exit the old matrix system and choose to not live from fear and survival modes still. We have to stop making excuses, complaining (lack of inner power), blaming and putting our hope and trust in "that outside" to change/save us. We have to be willing to do the work, come together and take responsibility for every action and the energy that creates. We have to BE THE ONE that does it and shows all others the Way, we have to open up to share our hearts fully and exist from a place of deep gratitude and appreciation for all that we do have so that we can call forth more. We have to be the kind ones, the generous ones, the ones who don't sit around waiting before we act. We are the ones that dictate realities vibrationally.... for every reality returns vibrationally exactly what we transmit out..... 

As humans we are not aware of what programs are in our cellular bodies. When we observe with an open heart & mind, we get to see this... We must elevate and expand our consciousness beyond the current dimension/reality in order to truly see. As we open our hearts we TUNE IN VIBRATIONALLY to the sounds, the smells, the feeling of everything. Our senses are enhanced through the UNIFIED FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS and these vibrations can be heard/seen/felt with our EXTRA-SENSORY GIFTS..... Things are only confusing when we disconnect ourselves from this. 

This huge passageway is beyond powerful. The blasting frequencies that we've waited for to move us all into much higher dimensional timelines are here. Since 2012, we've been expediting and this continues to amplify every day/moment/month that we go. This August's Convergence after the 8/8/8 Lion's Gateway is a mega-shift for us all. Individually and collectively. This Solstice is just one passageway. We continually have many concurrently running at the same time. Take your pick. It never stops. Our "job" is to integrate and anchor it in our physical as Intentional Gridkeepers and Gatekeepers here. 

We all signed on for this and at times it can be beyond challenging for our human aspect that's trying to keep up, trying to manage, trying to handle it all. It's not meant to be easy for our human, it's meant to be easy as a Soul. The more we all Embody, the easier this gets, until all of the struggle and fight is gone. No more pain, no more sick, no more doing without or lack. No more suffering. That was created by our unconscious states. Being fully conscious eliminates all of that. ♥

Unite through Love... Intentionally dissolve all separation from within. Come together and realize that this starts with you/each one of us. Remember the bigger picture.... 

I love you! ♦

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Video: "Oneness Meditation - Experience The Light Of Oneness & Love With Annette Carlstrom" -

Views: 157


Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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