lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Tree Spirit Activation by the Tree Spirits

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 19-09-11

                Extending our energies wide and far we encapsulate the Earth in our loving heart. We are the very essence and consciousness of the trees upon the Earth; we are the spirit of the trees. It is extremely important that we come forward to speak with you today as there is a need for your energy to be of service.

                Changes upon the Earth and most importantly within the soul's and beings of humanity have been occurring for a while on the Earth, but this is accelerating with so much more intensity and power now as we draw closer to 2012 and look beyond this land mark. 2012 is simply a land mark in time, it has been created by humanity, in truth it could have been any date or year but the years around 2012 were seen as a time when humanity would be ready to initiate alterations forthemselves and within themselves. We can say to you that divine timing is now, this is the time for transformation on many energetic levels and you of course will feel the results of this. So please do not necessary believe that the year 2012 is magical, whatever name this alteration in energy is or was given it would not be the name that signified the change. Many realised that if humanity grew at a steady rate then right now would be the period when a new beginning would arise and would be appropriate. This time now is when humanity begins to take control and responsibility in a new way for their existence on the Earth, their spiritual growth path and soul development. It is due to this new level of responsibility laid at the feet of humanity that you will be asked as aware and awake light workers to assist in many activations and alignments that need to take place. You, with the guidance of the divine beings and souls of the inner planes are piecing together the jigsaw puzzle to create a divine, sacred whole and greater unity with the Creator. You will find much guidance will be channelled to inspire you to achieve certain energetic changes upon the Earth while your guides and soul enthuse you to activate new alignments within your being. It is essential at this time to follow the guidance and insights that you receive and feel are appropriate in your reality as you will be working not only to create greater growth within your being but also to transform the consciousness of humanity, therefore allowing much needed changes to occur in the way of life of many on the Earth.

                We, the tree spirits hold our own vibration of consciousness, which could be described as a very aware, patient and observant energy and way of being. Embodying physical trees upon the Earth, we are able to observe the energetic changes and steps forward that humanity takes as a whole and individuals. We understand the cycles that are occurring on the Earth, comprehending your energy as it is now and how it will manifest in the future. We are aware of the divine plan of the Creator which is and will unfold from your soul. We are extremely grateful for our position and role upon the Earth at this time which is to act as beacons of light as well as anchoring and truly grounding new energies. Many energy shifts are anchored through our consciousness then merged with our physical shell which is a tree, this then allows for integration and settling of energy to occur on a physical level completely the manifestation and alignment process. When you touch our physical shells you may feel a surge of energy flow through you, this is the energy that we are directing into the Earth to maintain the level of light that is appropriate to assist the physical manifestation of the Earth. The energy that we are anchoring from the Creator into the Earth has changed from many years ago, we have noticed that the light has quickened and therefore risen in vibration meaning that humanity's energies have altered also. We channel the energies that are appropriate to assist and support humanity as they learn and grow on the Earth. Our role of anchoring and maintaining the appropriate vibration of light upon the Earth means that we are constantly inspired by wisdom as it surges through our energetic beings and shells. For us it is as if we have been reading a book which describes the Creator ever since our first existence upon the Earth.  We, tree spirits, were known in the past for our supportive abilities and so this is why the Creator anchored our energies into the Earth, offering us the physical body or shell in the shape of a tree while you were offered the physical form of a human body. We were not always known as tree spirits we are souls just the same as you coming to the Earth and seeing it as a school to progress our unity with the Creator. We were asked to support the Earth and humanity, in return we would receive a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and understanding from the Creator; this is something that we as a soul group always aspire to access. We wished to be bathed in the rich wisdom and clear understanding of the Creator that allows us to accept our inner truth. While we have existed upon the Earth and through the energies we have anchored we have been exposed to a wealth of knowledge and now to us it is amusing when humans call us wise and knowledgeable souls, it is as though we have achieved our goal, but it wasn't always this way.

 For much time now the Creator has been inspiring us to share the wisdom that we have accepted and discovered with humanity and souls upon the Earth in order to develop unity and to awaken the essence within many. This has developed into our new purpose upon the Earth. It is a purpose that we feel very passionate about. Connection is also a mission that has been offered to us at this time. We, the tree spirits are know and have always been known for our ability of connecting our energies together as one to form a concentrated soul source. Our connection with the Earth and inner planes is unquestionable but the connection between humanity and the trees is very poor. We see this each and every day, understanding that it is our mission to reach out to humanity, allowing a greater oneness to occur. This is one of the reasons that we are speaking with you now. If you feel in your soul that you wish to gain a deeper connection with the soul group known as the tree spirits then hold this intention and desire, ask the Creator to let this be so and open your heart to us. Our hearts are open and ready to embrace you now. Wherever you are sitting upon the Earth, right now you can call the tree spirits to embrace you in their love and allow your heart to open to accept love. We are not asking for your love we are asking only to share our love, the love of the Creator that we holdwith you.  If you allow this to occur you will automatically redefine the connection and energetic interaction between humans and trees upon the Earth for all. Even with this simple acknowledgement and acceptance you are recoding the energy unity and integration of the Creator upon the Earth. Just imagine upon the Earth if the soul's inexistence as humanity and the soul's in existence as trees created a new network of flowing energy and unity, this would strengthen the light of your being and the Earth tremendously. It would increase the light of the Earth to magnificence radiance. This is an activation and alignment in itself as we are two aspects of the Creator, two truths holding different purposes on the Earth fusing together, therefore accepting new parts of ourselves which allows us to manifest as a greater aspect of the Creator on the Earth.

                Humanity is often told from the Ascended Masters that they must work to bring a greater unity between their energy and the energy of the Creator, this actually simply means a greater awareness of self. Maybe humanity is slightly misinterpreting this instruction, by feeling that they have to reach to the heavens to gain a greater unity with the Creator. It could be that the guidance is encouraging soul aspects upon the Earth to achieve a greater unity, such as the human souls and the tree souls, the human souls and the animal souls and so forth. We can see that there are so many categories of souls upon the Earth, not just human; maybe these were created to appear different because the qualities and vibrations that they hold are different, different aspects of the Creator. It could be that one of the purposes of Earth was that all these categories of souls respect and honour each other, opening their hearts and energies to each other and allowing for a merge of their energy and consciousness. Could you imagine having the consciousness of every living being and soul on the Earth merged with your current consciousness, this would expand your awareness tremendously and you would feel a greater connection with the Creator because it is natural to do so the more truth you accept.

                We would be delighted if you contemplated our words as already we have shared with you two activations that you can place effort and energy into in order to aid positive transformation upon the Earth. The first activationis to open your heart to accept our love; the second is to understand the purpose of unity upon the Earth.

                We have a third activation and alignment that we wish for you to participate in if you feel it is appropriate. It is to ask and hold the intention for the new energies that need to be anchored from the Creator's soul to be anchored through the trees and into the Earth.  The trees will act as a tool of connection with the Creator for the Earth as a general energy and will assist in anchoring and grounding the energy into the Earth at many levels but most importantly a physical level. Not only does this allow us to rise to a new level of spiritual growth and understanding but it helps our physical bodies to move with the energetic shifts that are occurring on the Earth. It is a form of heightening the energies of the Earth, allowing everything to achieve a greater unity and move together to a new phase of awareness. The trees have a unique way of grounding energy, we can send energy deep into the core of the Earth even at a physical level and so it accelerates the manifestation of a new phase of energy. We can of course achieve this without your effort but we believe it will strengthen the energy that is anchored and encourage a greater flow of light into the Earth. We believe that with humanity's attention it will allow for the consciousness of humanity and the trees to merge together even if it is only for a few moments.

                We ask that you simply sit in meditation or quiet thought and ask your guides to surround and support you.

Then call upon the loving tree spirits to embrace you in their light and imagine that you are opening your heart to their energy, breathing their light into your being.

Then imagine the trees all over the world; send your respect and love to their existence on the Earth.

Call upon the energies, consciousness and wisdom of the Creator that is needed now upon the Earth to be anchored through each and every tree upon the Earth.

Imagine the trees holding this light and acting as beacons of light, radiating light far and wide.

Then imagine the trees sending the light down through their roots and an energetic network to anchor all energies into the Earth.

See, imagine, sense or acknowledge that the Earth is being filled with this newenergy and that it is touching the hearts of many.

You can imagine the light drawing up through your feet and into your entire being.

Please practice this whenever you feel guided to do so, we would be extremely grateful for your efforts and energy.

We wish for you to know that we are here to love, support and assist you at this time of tremendous growth.

The Tree Spirits

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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