lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
The Cycle of Crucifixion by Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 2nd January 2015-
In this new cycle, which is long awaited as are all cycles of this time, we enter into a space promoting the energy of freedom. The vibration, frequency and consciousness of freedom is awakening from the very depths of your soul, like a candle newly lit casting greater light where there once was not. The dawning and awakening of the vibration and consciousness of freedom within your soul is born due to your continued acceptance of the Era of Love, it is akin to a new aspect of your soul readily available to be fully born into your embodiment. Freedom is such a powerful vibration, it fills all the senses with the questions, answers and experience of life beyond the physical reality, life which is the life force energy of the Creator, the source of the Creator. Freedom speaks of a time where the soul and spirit is free from limitation and yet still exists within a physical reality. How can this be? It is a process of being and it is the true reality of humanity upon the Earth. Remember that unlike previous Ascended Masters, your goal is not to ascend beyond the Earth; it is to ascend with your feet firmly planted within the soil of Mother Earth thus acting as an accelerating boost for all upon the Earth.
As the vibration of freedom awakens within you it is immensely important that you more fully ground yourself into the love of your being and the manifestation of the Era of Love upon the Earth. This will ensure your energy of freedom which is a true acceptance of the infinite Creator holds a power and wields a power within you which builds bonds of love and communication rather than pain and destruction. Some who are not willing to embed their energies in love may be distracted by the ego’s grasp upon their awakening freedom feeling as if they can achieve anything and everything without concerning themselves of the wellbeing of others. Be aware of these souls as they cross your pathway and give to them only your love, compassion and forgiveness for they have yet to see the true value of this sacred time of evolution upon the Earth.
The vibration of freedom awakening from within your soul as the most precious jewel of the Creator is an energy which will yield and create new pathways for each of you to walk, achieve and experience upon the Earth. We ask you to let go of what is, can be and was possible in the past, this consciousness is no longer needed and requires to be erased. You may call me forth, Archangel Michael, asking me to work with you to erase the possibilities of the past which have become embedded in your consciousness now existing as beliefs. I will support you, please ask as often as you can and use the affirmation I share with you as a reminder that the possibilities of the past are immensely different to the possibilities of your present.
‘Freedom of my Soul awakens new celestial pathways of Love for my experience.’
Love is your pathway now and it is a greater pathway than anything you have previously experienced. As a soul, as your higher aspect and Ascended Master self you understand love. Now we are all moving through and into New Dimensions of Love which have not been previously experienced. This is a great honour. As a being in a physical body you have been bestowed with the greatest honour as you are able to truly FEEL these New Dimensions of Love as a physical and spiritual being, meaning that if you choose to awaken to the possibility all dimensions of love are available for your experience and embodiment, this will be your reality. Think on this for a few moments. Even the energies you perceive as beyond your reach are available to you because your soul and energy aspects on the inner planes are also working to embody the new dimensions of love. As you connect more fully with your soul, embodying your soul consciously, which means with awareness, you allow yourself conscious access to all dimensions of love your soul has embodied and so forth, meaning you are in connection with all vibrations of love. You are love incarnate on the Earth.
Many planets are achieving the same and there will come a time when these planets such as Earth reach a percentage of love which allows them to connect together beginning a process of integration consciously. This will first manifest as heightened waves of love consciousness, understanding and wisdom flowing into your entire being, akin to being continuously recharged with love vibrations. Some vibrations will be new to you allowing further embodiment and unification of and with the Creator. These are the greater possibilities of the Era of Love; you may see why we say you are only just beginning your journey with and as the Era of Love.
Returning to the vibration of freedom awakening from your soul, which in truth is minuscule and yet is powerfully impacting your entire being and will continue to do so, the vibration of freedom is causing a new cycle and the completion of an old cycle. The time of Crucifixion is upon us. Master Jesus has demonstrated the process of Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension on the Earth. I say this without reference to any religious ideas, Master Jesus is a soul the same as yourself, many have moved through the process of Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension and yet the journey of Master Jesus is most noted. In the past individuals choose to move through Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension, now is the time for all of humanity to engage in this process bringing the cycle to an end thus changing the process and experience of Ascension upon the Earth. And so I remind you of the affi rmation: ‘Freedom of my Soul awakens new celestial pathways of Love for my experience.’ With the vibration of freedom so the process of Crucifixion is activated from within you, an energy that moves through you and your life asking you to let go of that which no longer supports you and the sacred growth of your soul in embodiment. Crucifixion can manifest in numerous ways, I can reassure you it will not be as the harsh conditions of Master Jesus. You may experience Crucifixion in your mental or emotional being, the releasing of energies to allow a new rising of your soul within your being. Please realise Crucifixion is not a punishment, it is a healing process brought forth as the part and aspect of the journey and pathway of love. Nor should my words create the belief of negative experiences in your reality, this is not the case. Crucifixion is a positive healing and empowerment. It could be likened to sacrifice, please know the Creator would not ask you to sacr ifice yourself, however you may find yourself holding up energies to the light you do not wish to let go of. In these times to make your journey easy there is a need to ask yourself, ‘What is the truth of love?’ If love is born from need then it is not the true love of the Creator and simply an attachment. The Crucifixion is a process of dissolving attachment. For those willing to let go, remain in love, peacefully accept freedom from unneeded reactions while creating from within all they wish to experience, the process of Crucifixion may not be noticed. For those not wishing to let go, wishing to react and fight the process of release and healing creating drama and chaos then the time of Crucifixion may be turbulent and painful. Your experiences and reactions to your reality are your choosing. Allowing yourself to remain in and as love as much as possible will cause you to accelerate through many processes of ascension in the blink of your eye.
Moving through the process of Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension will allow for you to complete a cycle you began long ago, thus the process of ascension through pain will fall away, allowing you to enjoy the continuous process of Resurrection and Ascension on the Earth. This is a journey for all of humanity, there cannot be a time placed on the completion of this journey for all will dissolve the cycle with divine timing. If you allow yourself to consciously let go of thoughts, emotions and all you feel is not an expression of your soul, love or the Creator this will decrease dramatically their manifestation into your physical reality.
We give you our Love, Truth and Support,
We are One,
Archangel Michael
The Purpose of the Crucifixion Period by Master Djwhal Khul
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 9th January 2015-
The energetic crucifixion period humanity is moving through now is a process born from the presence of the Era of Love, thus resulting in resurrection and rebirth of new and old vibrations of energy, especially frequencies of love appropriate for this position of ascension on the Earth. The process of energetic crucifixion is nothing to be feared, you have moved through numerous processes of cleansing and this is simply another stage of purification, most importantly at an energetic, emotional and mental level which will influence your physical reality.
It is time to dissolve the memory of the crucifixion of Master Jesus, whether you choose to believe it or not in this life time, in other lifetimes you may have believed wholeheartedly. The belief of others in the crucifixion of Master Jesus and similar experiences which have occurred on the Earth allows for it to be present in the consciousness of humanity and even at a cellular level. This is the same for all energies, ideas and beliefs. When I say it is time to dissolve the memory of the crucifixion of Master Jesus, there is no need to forget, it is simply to dissolve any fear held within your being connected to the crucifixion, to death and other forms of fears. You may feel that you do not have a connection with the crucifixion or you may feel you have overcome fears of death or any other energy. It is time to look inside your being asking t o see what activates from within you. It is important to remember you are connected to all beings and souls so the memories and experiences of others are to some extent also your own. Such a physical experience as the crucifixion will not cross your pathway, instead an internal healing, cleansing and purification will take place with your acceptance and permission activating a deeper space of love for your experience and creating a balance within your energy and existence on the Earth.
The energy wave known as the crucifixion energy coming forth to humanity is a completion of a cycle began by Master Jesus and his many disciples long ago. The purpose of this energy wave is to bring balance where there is imbalance. You are being asked to view yourself and your reality as if you are an observer or a spectator, which means even if it is only for a few moments you are free from attachment to yourself and reality to give yourself time to breath and register where imbalances may be manifesting in your reality and the source of imbalance. It is akin to realising that some of your energy is tied up like a rope knotted and tangled. You now have the opportunity to untangle your energy, your rope, to allow balance and all channels or pathways of light flowing from you to be expressed freely and easily. Imagine if you have carried a rope filled with knots within you all your life and finally you have a chance to sit with the rope and gradually detangle it so it is free and you are free. The knots and tangles in the rope symbolise areas of imbalance in your being which is manifesting in your reality. When all energies akin the knots are released then balance will be restored by you for yourself. A knot symbolises a belief which no longer serves you or energies/ memories you are holding onto which are no longer needed causing anguish and imbalance within your being. You may notice that certain areas of your reality flow with ease, balance and perfection. Maybe you easily experience abundance and yet your health is not complete, or you easily experience loving relationships and yet suffer with lack of financial security. It is important to recognise the patterns you have created in your reality as this will indicate to you where the energy of the Creator flows through you manifesting in balance and where you do not allow the Creator to flow through you therefore imbalances, lack and inequality is experienced. The aim of the energy of crucifixion is to bring equality and balance to all areas of your being so you experience the Creator through your being, emotions, beliefs and entire reality more fully and harmoniously. The Twelve Days of Perfection experienced in December 2014 had a purpose of heightening the balance and areas of perfection or unity with the Creator in your being and reality, thus allowing you to more easily acknowledge areas where balance is not.
You may wish to state this affirmation as your intention at this time:
‘I restore and create balance and harmony in all areas of my being which positively and lovingly reflects into my reality for experience.’
Here is an invocation which may serve you:
‘I invite My Guides, Master Djwhal Khul, the Era of Love, the Energy Wave of Crucifixion, the Archangels of Ascension and Love as well as My Soul to support me in becoming more fully aware and conscious of the imbalances within my being, belief systems, emotions, creations and even memories. With an easy awareness within my being and your loving support I now choose to draw upon the balance energy of the Creator within my being to activate and pulsate through my entire body and auric field dissolving imbalances and creating a strong loving balance. My purpose is to open all my energetic pathways so the Creator may flow fully through me. My purpose is to experience the love, abundance, bliss, truth, peace, harmony and balance of the Creator in all areas of my being and reality. I understand that in doing so I align myself and more fully embody my truth; the s ource and truth of the Creator. The purpose of the crucifixion energy is to dissolve the process of enlightenment through suffering; I now fully accept I can evolve spiritually into my true enlightened self through the practice of love. Thank you and blessings be.’
The process I recommend is very simple, it involves observing in which part of your reality there is lack or suffering of small or large proportions, taking time to bathe these areas in the love which flows and can be accessed from your soul. Imagine yourself sending love from your heart to this area of your being and reality. Allow yourself to notice if programmed beliefs are the cause of the lack of Creator vibrations, if this is the case, which is most often as the mental body as well as the emotional body are powerful influences upon manifestation, then create new beliefs, new thoughts and affirmations that state you are a free flowing being of the Creator’s light, love and consciousness. Therefore your opportunities and experiences are limitless and endless, always positive and loving. Begin for yourself a deep healing process which encourages a deeper experi ence of the Creator within your being and reality. The energy of crucifixion will cocoon you as if in a sanctuary of healing. You are most deserving and it is your divine right to experience the Creator in all areas of your reality, thus experiencing bliss, love, harmony and peace in magnificent volumes. I, Master Djwhal Khul, am here to assist and support you in this process; you may call upon my assistance and reassurance. You may notice that balance begins to be restored within your being and thus within your creations without much effort, a simple intention can create a beautiful healing activation within your being.
The same process is occurring collectively for all of humanity upon the Earth. The vibration of love has activated the vibration of crucifixion, a deep cleansing, which in turn has posed the question of creating balance. Every situation within your reality, humanity and the Earth is a process and journey of obtaining balance. Some are experiencing a balance now which has been forged from days, months or years ago. Others are seeking to create balance in certain areas of their being, this can sometimes manifest as chaos, turmoil or confusion as old restrictions are set free. It can manifest on grand scales such as between counties, communities, and families or on a smaller scale in your personal reality, all manifest from within each soul living a physical reality upon the Earth. The phase reminds us all that to create balance, harmony and peace whether inside or outside of ourselves there is a need to first observe within and heal within. This is a very powerful time which will impact your reality and the humanity’s collective reality immensely. It is a time for change, healing and further spiritual awakening with the greater presence of love, when love is present everything flows with ease and is dissolved with ease. This change is instigated by you.
I wish for you to know and be aware that the Violet Flame is anchoring its energy further and further into the Earth and humanity, more than ever before. This is due to the energetic wave of crucifixion and also because of the deepening presence of love. The Violet Flame wishes to ease and bring perfection to all transitions and transformations occurring within your being and humanity, thus allowing New Dimensions of Love to be accessed. The Violet Flame is more aligned to your needs at this moment of ascension than previously and so it is a wonderful valuable tool to call upon to support and assist you. The Violet Flame energy currently appears as a flame in the shape of an ascending butterfly, symbolising its purpose of aiding ease in transformation.
In perfect harmony, balance and love,
Master Djwhal Khul
Thank you so much Sonja for posting this, since it is an important follow-up to Natalie's last message for us on the crucifixion's the link to this message in Natalie's group here: The Purpose of the Crucifixion Period by Master Djwhal Khul -....and I also love the last part of Natalie's new message:
"I wish for you to know and be aware that the Violet Flame is anchoring its energy further and further into the Earth and humanity, more than ever before. This is due to the energetic wave of crucifixion and also because of the deepening presence of love. The Violet Flame wishes to ease and bring perfection to all transitions and transformations occurring within your being and humanity, thus allowing New Dimensions of Love to be accessed. The Violet Flame is more aligned to your needs at this moment of ascension than previously and so it is a wonderful valuable tool to call upon to support and assist you. The Violet Flame energy currently appears as a flame in the shape of an ascending butterfly, symbolising its purpose of aiding ease in transformation."
In perfect harmony, balance and love,
Master Djwhal Khul
Indeed, this is truly a message of HOPE :-)
Steve, when there are messages with part 1 and 2, please add them as I did here and then share the entire message rather than just one part, ok? Especially when part 1 wasn't shared either.
Love Light Blessings,
Sonja Myriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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