lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Spiritual Metamorphosis by Akina of the Pleiades

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-

Greetings to you souls presently of the Earth civilisation, I wish to introduce myself, I am Akina of the Pleiades. I have been asked to share my wisdom and consciousness with you while connecting you on a deeper level with the Pleiadian energy vibration and truth. It is my purpose to make you aware of an opportunity of transformation dawning for the Earth from the stars and especially the Pleiadian at this time. First allow me to introduce myself.

I, Akina, am a soul who has predominantly existed within the Pleiadian civilisation; I cannot remember any other connections or existences that were not associated with the Pleiadian energy before my current reality. I therefore believe I am a Pleiadian. I am currently acting in a position of communication with other star systems and planets. It is my purpose to scan the universe as if scanning the sky for shifts in energy calculating and accessing how these shifts will influence the universe and all who inhabit the universe. My skills are observation and awareness, as I decipher the alterations in the universe’s energy and how this could assist and aid ascension. In truth I am aware I am observing the Creator and the transmissions that come forth from the Creator, but these transmissions can take many forms, structures and influences as they move through the many dimensions levels of the Creator’s universe. With my discoveries, it is my purpose to connect with those who are receptive sharing the information so they may benefit from the energetic shifts, thus preparing the universe to receive the vibrations of the Creator when they unfold from the source and core energy.

As a civilisation, we the Pleiadians are mastering the balance between technology and the spiritual intuition, using both to gain a stronger understanding of the Creator and the way in which our reality works. We do not say that this is an appropriate way to live but balance of any form is necessary and our technology is born from spiritual expansion and awareness, so has a higher purpose within our civilisation. It is important I share this information with you as your civilisation is and is wishing to move into a state of balance between the importance of technology and the spiritual beingness of intuition.

If you feel as if technology has a high priority within your reality then I ask you to set down your technology if only for a moment and connect into your heart and soul through your breathing. With focus upon your breathing and the love within you, there is an opportunity for you to recognise and realise the power and strength of the divine presence within you, including your sacred abilities. Much of your technology has a purpose which may allow you to move through your reality with greater ease, but most of what you achieve with your technology you can achieve independently with your inner abilities. With the practice of taking time to connect inwardly you can ask yourself and soul to activate and manifest abilities from within your being that would equal the technology you use, remaining aligned with your divine purpose and the will of the Creator. It is an interesting practice because often you will place more trust and faith in the technology and less in your own abilities and insight. This perspective needs to be transformed in order for you to withdraw your power from the technology around you empowering yourself and you could say the technology within you. With time, awareness, observation and empowerment you may realise you do not need some forms of technology any longer. For example, you may not need a phone because you may have developed telepathic transmission or travelling through energetic dimensions.

I encourage you to take time to observe the use and purpose of the technology around you, exploring how you can develop the same skills within you or even just recognising and believing it is possible. The recognition or the simple contemplation of this idea can empower you on many levels of your being.

The energetic shift I wish to speak of with you today is more local to me and is a transmission of light flowing from the Pleiadian core centre essence. The light which has been activated due to a shift in the higher dimensions of the Creator’s universe has influenced and activated a Metamorphosis Light to transmit from our core. This energy has emanated in the past and created a powerful experience of transformation within many where many aspects and levels of their being transformed completely, developing into the next stage of their existence and spiritual awareness. Already it is transforming our reality and civilisation within the Pleiades but as aware beings of light you have the opportunity if you so choose to connect into this transmission of light benefiting from its helpful and powerful vibration of altering, changing and trans forming energies.

The Metamorphosis Light is often transmitted as a deep pink violet light, which can penetrate all forms and manifestations of energy especially solid vibrations. You could imagine it as a powerful cleanser and purifier while also holding the ability of drastically altering, changing and transforming energies moving them into the next stage of their cycle. This can only be achieved with the acceptance and divine will of the Creator as well as the specific intentions of the individual accessing and working with the Metamorphosis Light. The light can assist you in activating or kick starting processes within your being such as regeneration, rejuvenation, altering negativity into positivity, releasing old energetic patterns or setting yourself free from limitations. A strong intention and focus must be place upon that which you wish the Metamorpho sis Light to penetrate and that which you wish it to alter into. The Metamorphosis Light can only be used for energies within your being, such as thoughts, emotions, perspectives, creations, blockages, upgrades or activations.

It is my wish to guide you in a general experience of the Metamorphosis Light for your experience and later exploration.

Allow yourself to sit peacefully and to gain a meditative state through your breathing.

Say out loud, ‘I call upon my guides and angels to be present, supporting and protecting me now. I call upon the special support and protection of Archangel Michael and the assistance of Archangel Metatron to oversee this process. It is my wish to invite the divine will of the Creator as a stream of light to flow into and through my entire being ensuring that all I achieve is aligned with the divine will of the Creator.’

(Allow time for these energies to settle around you, connecting into your energies more fully.)

‘Akina of the Pleiades, I call upon your energies to be present with me as I state my intentions and focus. It is my wish to activate the natural regeneration energy of my being and physical body through dissolving the belief of ageing, withering and decaying of my body. Let my physical body experience vitality and constant life force energy experiencing health, vitality and strength.

It is my wish to transform all negative energies, perspective, blockages, limitations, barriers, suffering and self-sabotage into to high vibrational positive vibrations and experiences of love and light.

It is my intention and affirmation to experience a complete transformation within my entire energetic and physical body systems to become aligned with the Creator more fully, experiencing Creator love, Creator consciousness and Creator light with awareness within my current manifestation. I detach from any attachments of wishing to control the transformation as I know I am overseen by the divine will of the Creator. In this moment I surrender allowing myself to be carried forth to the next stage of my spiritual awakening, remembrance and ascension, completing a cycle and entering into greater enlightenment and illumination. I know that this process and the manifestations of the process will be easy, perfect and divinely appropriate.

With my intention and focus stated I now invoke the Metamorphosis Light to emit from the core of the Pleiades penetrating my entire being with appropriate vibrations and intensity. Gently work with me to bring forth the most appropriate Metamorphosis Light to achieve an uplifting Metamorphosis experience within my being and ascension process. Thank you.’

(Take time to imagine the light beaming down upon you as you inhale it deep into every aspect of your being until it is circulating and weaving throughout your entire being, holding the focus of pure and divine transformation, activation and metamorphosis within your being as you move to be as one with the Creator.)

In every moment of your reality you are akin to an emerging butterfly, there are so many stages to your ascension, each stage is beautiful and magnificent but can also be created through your intentions and acceptance of the splendour of altering, shifting, changing and transforming. Do not be afraid to embrace new stages and states of your reality and ascension because all are equally beautiful. Take joy in the process of observing the transformations occurring within, even in time of darkness or disconnection, all are beautiful stages of acknowledging yourself and the Creator, in unique forms.

There are always stunning energies emanating from the stars, take time to acknowledge this in meditation, asking to connect into the positive, high vibrational and appropriate frequencies, bathing in their beauty as they anchor into your being and instigate a transformation.

In peace always,


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Sonja, Thanks so much for sharing this powerfully uplifting post.

Blessings of Love & Light,




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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