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Shifts in the Consciousness of Humanity by Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel Through Natalie Glasson ... And... The Power of Balance and Balancing Power By Shanta Gabriel

Shifts in the Consciousness of Humanity by Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel Through Natalie Glasson ... And... The Power of Balance and Balancing Power By Shanta Gabriel

Shifts in the Consciousness of Humanity

by Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel

Channeled through Natalie Glasson

We, Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel share our love with you which cascades as beautiful bubbles of love over and through your being. We come forth with the gentleness, grace and compassion of our energy gifting this to you now so you may gift the same to yourself and others. We ask you to accept us with an open heart as we accept you into the depths of our beings knowing our oneness and eternal connection with you.

In this time of powerful ascension shifts and awakening, many beings of light upon the inner planes are sharing, downloading and gifting their energy to those upon the Earth, to encourage all to move through ascension with ease and perfection. There are times in the ascension journey when it becomes immensely powerful, impactful and transformational while other times simply offer gentle shifts which continue a calm awakening of your Creator awareness.

We are now entering into and existing in the period of powerful transformation which signifies there is a need for your mind, thoughts and intentions to be profoundly clear as this will allow you to navigate your ascension transformation with ease and perfection. A wonderful statement to affirm is:

‘My mind is clear, filled with clarity and a deep understanding of my ascension process. My intentions remain pure and aligned with my truth in every moment.

Video: " Shifts in the Consciousness of Humanity by Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel" -

We, Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel, are present to offer our support and assistance to all. However we also wish to focus on the children of this ascension period. Souls born upon the Earth in 2017 will be born without numerous illusions which have previously been embedded into their consciousness from the consciousness of humanity.

Many souls will choose to be born with a new perspective of clarity and understanding of the truth of the Creator. This will remain with them throughout their lifetime supporting them in creating and instigating powerful changes upon the Earth which many have been waiting to experience.

As many upon the Earth now prepare to adopt a new perspective of truth through the process of their soul and physical aspect or personality merging, those born in 2017 will naturally already embody this new perspective. This is not because the beings born 2017 and beyond are more evolved spiritually, it is due to the transformation of the consciousness of humanity.

When you were born upon the Earth, you anchored as if from a well or source a download of information which was created by previous generations and had been stored within the energy field of all of humanity. Powerful spiritual information was downloaded into your being as well as negative, limiting and fear creating programming.

As humanity evolves and generations move beyond fear recognising the Creator more fully as a truth within their being, the consciousness of humanity evolves transforming, and the information imparted to newly born souls upon the Earth changes as well. Therefore, souls are able to enter into a physical body without adopting shrouds of illusion, which means that generations can develop an understanding of the truth of the Creator enhancing peace, love and divine wisdom within all. It is the dedication of previous generations and lifetimes, each individuals focus, which shifts the consciousness of humanity from illusion into love and allows souls to be born with a greater sense of freedom to explore the Creator within and around them.

In the coming months and as we move into 2017 you will adopt a greater perspective of your soul. This will mean you will be able to see, sense and acknowledge yourself, your life and others in new and inspiring ways with a deep-seated sense of knowingness.

As you accept your new conscious awareness and deliver the high vibrations of your soul into your being and reality, you will be synthesizing the same with the consciousness of humanity. As more people achieve this all over the world, each person’s soul energy will become more physically present. Then each person’s soul energy will begin to merge within the consciousness of humanity.

This source or well which holds and retains energy and information will transform from holding illusions to holding the purpose, light, wisdom and truth of each soul. Souls will be able to merge within the consciousness of humanity, grounding and anchoring the consciousness of soul groups due to the synthesis of souls.

Great power and light will flow into the consciousness of humanity filtering into the energetic fields or auras of humans and into those newly born upon the Earth. This will instigate experiences of deep oneness, unity and connection between people.

Focus on separation will gradually dissolve allowing many to feel aligned with the Creator, being of service and moving through spiritual evolution with greater awareness and ease. This shift in the consciousness of humanity will make it so much easier for souls upon the Earth to achieve their goals, accelerate their ascension, embody their purpose and recognise their peace within because each person will be supported by and able to access the divine wisdom of all souls through the consciousness of humanity. Souls will be able to work together with perfection to manifest necessary divine experiences; there will be an advanced experience of synchronicity which will expand your awareness and develop further evolved perspectives born from truth.

Everything that you are, experience, achieve, the way you act and react, think and even feel will manifest with a greater percentage from your soul into all that you are and your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind will gradually shift to hold the beliefs of your soul, your conscious mind will be influenced by the wisdom of your soul, and so you will experience yourself as a greater embodiment of your soul.

Thus, everything around you will be perceived by you with a new awareness and understanding. You will be able to see beyond the earthly habits, emotions and limiting thoughts which support numerous creations upon the Earth and in your own reality. Souls entering the Earth as newborn babies will already experience the synthesis of their soul with their human being, actions and reactions, therefore, they will be able to bring new wisdom, love and insights forth grounding new energy into the consciousness of humanity for all to benefit from.

It is for this reason that there is a need to honour souls being born upon the Earth because it is as if they are bringing missing puzzle pieces of the divine to humanity for all to benefit from. It does not mean that souls being born in 2017 will be spiritually evolved and act in this way in their realities.

Their simple birth allows them to impart sacred and necessary wisdom, codes and light which need to synthesis with energies already present within the consciousness of humanity, thus creating a merging of the Creator to bring forth heightened states of awareness.

This is also why some souls are choosing to be born into the earthly reality but pass over after a short time or even in the womb. They were simply going through the process as much as was necessary so that energy, light, love, codes and wisdom could be grounded from their soul into the consciousness of humanity and will, therefore, exist within the energetic fields of humanity as a whole and individuals.

We, Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel, are supporting souls being born into the Earth in delivering their light to the consciousness of humanity while also receiving the high vibrations and wisdom beyond illusion which is already anchored into the consciousness of humanity. We are supporting the synthesis of souls within the consciousness of humanity and even the downloading of essential soul group energy to aid further transformation.

We are supporting, as are many, those already upon the Earth whatever age they may be, in accessing a new perspective born from their soul, living with greater embodiment as their soul upon the Earth. We are creating powerful and beautiful bubbles of love for each person to exist within which will almost act as incubators enhancing the love you have already downloaded from your soul and the Creator into your being while surrounding you in supreme love so the love of your soul is drawn into your entire being to allow a new perspective to dawn. Please accept our bubbles of love created from our love as guided by the Creator.

Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel, I accept with an open heart, mind and being your love bubbles as guided by the Creator. I allow myself to exist within your love bubble as if I am surrounded in a cocoon or incubator that nurtures and nourishes my soul and love. May your bubble of love enhance and magnify the profound and deep love I already recognise within my being as my truth and essence. May your bubble of love support me in creating a safe, beautiful and loving space to draw and download my soul into every aspect of my being, synthesising with my current embodiment to aid the dawning of a new perspective which is harmoniously aligned with the truth-grounding from the current ascension energies.

Thank you, Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel, please be with me supporting me in becoming the truth of my being and the Creator so I may live this upon the Earth. Please support all upon the Earth especially new born babies and children by surrounding them in your bubbles of love. Please continue your sacred work with the consciousness of humanity. Let me feel the benefits of the positive and enlightening shifts occurring within the consciousness of humanity now. Alert me to any service I can provide to aid the ascension pathway which is unfolding now for all to see and understand. I am one with you, we are one with the Creator, this is my reality now. Thank you.’

In eternal love and support,

Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel

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Read More Channeled Messages from Mother Mary

Read More Channeled Messages from Archangel Gabriel


The Power of Balance and Balancing Power By Shanta Gabriel

Every year the Equinox is a time when all of Nature expresses the perfect balance of light and dark. When we tune into the power of this natural order within all things, we are able to reset the energy systems within our own bodies. From that place of Balance within, we can use the powerful frequencies of Divine Light to bring more Balance into the world.

Through my class series Walking with the Archangels Through Life, I have been blessed by new messages that carry the transmissions of the Archangels whose resonance is within the seven main chakras of our subtle bodies. The message from Archangel Metatron carries so much power and blessing energy that I wanted to share it with you.

The first line of his message is intriguing and includes some angelic humor. My interpretation is that when we allow the illumined consciousness of the Archangels to work through us, we experience an expansion that stretches us into new territory. We never go back to being the same after that level of expansion.

My experience has shown me truly that the teachings of the Archangels enlighten each of us with a powerful connection to the Divine Source of Light. This expansion has been significant for my life, and I am sure many will agree. Whatever vehicle of enlightenment we use blesses the world through us.

All in Balance, Shanta

A Message from Archangel Metatron

Illumination is mine, expansion is thine. Through these teachings, your Earth plane becomes enlightened with the pure Source energy.

The fields of Transcendent Thought are a reality that can bring new levels of Harmony and Joy into your life. As you access new fields of high-frequency connection, your evolution as Source Energy Ever Expanding into the New Dimensions of Earth increases.

Through your personal work in aligning the chakras, you have been growing more deeply connected to the spiritual core of your being. This then allows you to use this focus on the chakras as a meditation tool to bring more alignment into every area of your life.

When you open yourself to the currents of Divine Light from Source energy through your Crown chakra in meditation, you prepare your body to receive greater frequencies without damage or upheaval to your nervous system. In fact, meditation with Light is one of the most soothing general tonics you can use for an overstimulated nervous system, which so many of you energetically sensitive souls are experiencing.

The gifts you receive from this ancient and angelic form of meditation are far greater than they appear in the moment. You are tapping into levels of Divine Grace that you have never experienced.

Far more transcendent awareness becomes available when you allow yourself time to sit in these beautiful fields of Golden Light. It is the realm of the Angels working in your life to bring Divinity into your daily practice and uplift your life on all levels.

This daily immersion into Light through your meditation will bring new dimensions of Grace into your life. It is important to remember to call forth Divine Grace into your world so you can live in a field of Grace and Ease at all times.

Know that the River of All Creation flows through you in mighty currents and provides all the energy you need. With this awareness you can access greater levels of Love and Intelligence through the power of Divine Light as it flows into your energy system, greatly enhancing your life. Not only is this empowering for you, but through this activity you become a blessing to the world.

Even though you are seeking Illuminated Consciousness from the Source, we also want to take you back to your roots. We mean this literally, because accessing the wisdom of Infinite Intelligence requires a Grounding System that allows you to bring it into conscious awareness. The grandeur of Exalted Consciousness is too expansive to become a permanent fixture in your earthly life without the momentum and anchor of a root system that assists you to bring these exalted states back to human awareness.

You can live in wholeness when you keep a rooted system of connection to the Earth that allows you to stay clear and to live in greater Harmony with all aspects of your self. The provisions you have been making to open the channels through your chakra system ignite the frequencies necessary to spark inspired action in your life.

Creation of new life requires accessing your Divine Potential and Expansive Insight. Using the pure descending current of consciousness through your physical form anchors these higher frequencies on the Earth. This descending current is what allows your light body to develop. Through your conscious awareness of Divine Light, you are creating the power of Divine Development. Accessing the wisdom of Infinite Consciousness is a goal many are seeking outside of themselves, when in truth this attunement is only possible within the refined current of your being.

The melding of Divine Consciousness with human awareness is an inside job. The pressure you feel to achieve these states is only the Infinite Presence working in you, spurring you on to greater heights of understanding so you can create ordinary ways of life that are sparked with Divinity on all levels. We say ordinary because that is how you think, but from our perspective, there is nothing ordinary about human life on Earth. Your life is an extraordinary adventure. It would help you if you only would believe this were true, because from our perspective it is.

Allow Divinity to pour through you from the highest Source energy bringing Divine Light through every aspect of your life. Whenever two or more are gathered, as it is said, an opportunity to bless all of humanity and Earth with the high frequencies of Creative Solutions and over-arching grandeur takes precedence. We are partnering with you to bless all of life.

Use this opportunity to change the world and bring Heaven to Earth. Spread heavenly Grace and Divine Love throughout all humanity. Uplift the frequencies of your life so all humanity may know they also have the gifts they need to thrive in greater ways than they imagine possible. Use the power of your blessing to impulse a new wave of consciousness that can bring forth all that is required for Harmony within all beings and throughout all life. Loving care of the Earth is only a blessing away.

Your ability to access these higher states of consciousness creates the responsibility to bring them to Earth so all may thrive in awakening of new more conscious way of life.

We have said that all humanity now has a chance to awaken in ways that were only possible for a few in other generations. Whenever new life is required on Earth, new openings into the gateways of Heaven occur. This is that time.

Access the Portal of All Possibility through your focus of awareness and bless the Earth with an exalted Breath of Life. You are the masters of this new time, and it is through your blessings that a new Golden Age on Earth is born. It is why you chose to be here now — to usher in a new age from the realms of chaos. You are here to establish a foundation that empowers the proverbial Phoenix to rise out of the ashes of the old paradigm and creates Light Fields that allow Harmony, Well-Being and Peace to prevail on the Earth.

And most of all, you are here to anchor the Divine Love that you are on an Earth that is parched, and needing to be fed and nourished by what only your Love can give. New life awaits your blessing. Give it freely and you will receive in ways you have never known.

Using the Microcosmic Current of the breath, you are connected to the Manifestation and Liberation Currents of the body. This breath technique is said to be the most powerful technique in Qigong for elevating spiritual awareness. Regular practice increases strength, intelligence and vitality, according to Taoist systems.

Creation of new life requires accessing your Divine Potential and Expansive Insight, with the pure descending current of consciousness through your physical form to anchor these higher frequencies on the Earth. This descending current is what allows your light body to develop. Through your conscious awareness of Divine Light you are creating the power of Divine Development. Accessing the wisdom of Infinite Consciousness is a goal many are seeking outside of themselves, when in truth this attunement is only possible within the refined current of your being.
Above all remember that all is well and so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Metatron
September 15, 2016

Video: "Ascension Activations For You" -

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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