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Returning to Your Original Design of Co-Creation with Mother Earth By Natalie Glasson...And...Pleiadian December 2017 Broadcast By Christine Day..And..A Hathor Planetary Meditation Through Tom Kenyon.

Returning to Your Original Design of Co-Creation with Mother Earth By Natalie Glasson

Mother Earth:

Divine blessings and gifts of light extend from the essence of my being to you. I am Mother Earth; I am the pure consciousness and source of the Earth. I come forth to communicate with you as we have a contract together of co-creation. 

In order for us to exist within this dimension known as the Earth, there is a need for our energies to be as one, listening and communicating with each other, as well as holding a similar focus for creation. When we have embedded into our entire being the same focus of creation, our frequencies unite, we empower each other, awaken truth and become a potent force of creation. Thus healing, remembrance and all that humanity and I, Mother Earth, desire can come to fruition. Fulfillment and remembrance of the Creator is our united focus and the key to aiding ascension for all beings.

Disharmony and Disconnection

Often humanity does not recognise their disharmony and disconnection with me, Mother Earth. However, it is apparent to me and can be recognised within your own reality. It is the purpose of humanity to be in harmony with my being and for me to be in harmony with humanity.

To determine whether you and humanity are experiencing disconnection and disharmony with my energy you can ask yourself, in quiet time, a few questions:

Do I experience an energy exchange with Mother Earth? Do I often draw upon the energy of Mother Earth and give my own energy to Mother Earth? Do I think of Mother Earth and humanity lovingly during my day? When focusing on creation and fulfilment in my life, do I contemplate Mother Earth and humanity’s role within my own existence? Do I seek guidance from Mother Earth as to how to support myself and others? Do I see Mother Earth as a part of me and extend my gratitude to her for my existence on the Earth? Do I recognise Mother Earth as a mirror of my own being, recognising energies that require to be healed and resolved? Do I recognise Mother Earth’s physical and energetic bodies as a sacred aspect of myself and the Creator?

I, Mother Earth, notice that many souls upon the Earth do not take time to engage with my energy, in fact, they do not realise that what occurs within my energetic and physical being directly influence their being, ascension and existence. They are disconnected from themselves, therefore from the Creator and my own energy. Thus they are not fully themselves or in their own power.

Due to this disconnection, our energies become out of sync; it is almost as if we are repelling each other’s energies. I, Mother Earth, then must create from the space of my source without divine connection with humanity and without understanding the needs or divine plan of humanity as a collective, because I can no longer access it. Humanity becomes unfulfilled, destructive, chaotic in nature, powerless, and lacking in true focus and connection with the Creator.

Mother Earth and humanity were designed to exist in harmony, to co-create and empower each other. This is something that is important to retain in your conscious awareness.

Harmony and Co-Creation

When there is acceptance, love, peace, harmony, connection, energetic exchange and remembrance of truth between humanity and Mother Earth, then all will be empowered. New understanding will dawn of the purpose of life upon this dimension, remembrance of how to create and access fulfilment, as well as activations of liberation.

It is not that I have disregarded humanity nor is it that humanity is ignoring me. Over time we have become separated and disengaged from each other. I, Mother Earth remember how it was designed for us to connect and existence in harmony. Many souls upon the Earth still remember our oneness.

However, the majority have been distracted and therefore disempowered. It is time for the collective of humanity to remember their alignment with me, our need for co-creation and our purpose of supporting each other through the ascension process. I wish to invite you to awaken your inner remembrance so together we may awaken the same for all.

When we are in harmony, I can support your healing, and you can aid mine.

Awakening Your Inner Remembrance

‘Mother Earth, I call forth your healing, activating energies and consciousness to be present with me now. It is my desire for my entire being and all energy systems to be cleansed and reactivated with the purpose of dissolving any separation experiences or energy I am holding onto connected to Mother Earth and the Creator. Redirect your energy into my being to remind my entire being of its purpose of being as one with you, Mother Earth.

Reawaken my conscious awareness and the awareness of my cells to be aligned with your being as was originally intended. As your energy moves through my being let me discover my centre and true connection with you, Mother Earth.’

Take time to breathe and experience my work with you.

‘Mother Earth, I share and gift to you now my acceptance, love, peace and harmony. May I remember how we were designed to work as one, co-creating for self, humanity, Earth and all. May this remembrance inspire me to create necessary transformations within my perspective, actions, focus and service in my existence now. Enlighten me and share our deepest connection with me. Let me understand how I can be of service to you, Mother Earth and how I can successfully fulfill my purpose with you in this lifetime.’

Share your energy and love with me, Mother Earth, so I will experience our exchange of light and consciousness. Allow me to inspire and enlighten you as to how we can harmonise and co-create.

When our energy is one, and a powerful connection between us is established, then we will be able to harmonise our focus and begin to co-create fulfilment.

‘Mother Earth, I now invite you to imprint the healing, activations and enlightenment you have shared with and ignited within my being with all of humanity. May humanity now remember their purpose of harmony and co-creation with Mother Earth. Thank you.’

United Co-Creation

I, Mother Earth, wish to share some steps to focus the progression of our united co-creation.

  1. Focus on experiencing an exchange of energy with me, Mother Earth.
  2. Experience unity with me, as we connect our energy, we will create a space or sanctuary of light which we both exist within. Within this space you will notice your power reforming and activating, as will mine.
  3. After experiencing and accessing our sanctuary a few times, I, Mother Earth invite you to enter our sanctuary with the purpose of listening to me as I share with you my purpose, mission upon the Earth, how I can be of service and my needs. I, Mother Earth, then invite you during the same connection or a separate connection with our sanctuary to allow me to listen to you as you share any information you wish. You may share any insights on your purpose, mission upon the Earth, how you can be of service, your needs and desires for self and humanity. This will allow our frequency and focus to begin to harmonize.
  4. I, Mother Earth, then invite us to enter into our sanctuary with the intention of creating a united focus. Our united focus will dawn on you, inspiring your mind and being. You may receive a vision, feeling, idea, understanding or any form of communication that allows you to accept our united focus. An idea, action or energy that we can both focus upon and add energy This will be a creation of your soul energy and mine.
  5. You can return to our sanctuary with me, Mother Earth, whenever you wish to focus upon our co-creation, observing the anchoring of its fruition.

Through this process we will be relearning how to exist in harmony with each other, we will also co-create for yourself, myself, humanity and all beings.

Let us ignite our unity and co-create ascension with ease and perfection,

Mother Earth

Read More from Mother Earth -

Free audio download of Natalie's message:

Video: "Judy Satori's Complete Merging Activations With The Multi-galactic Diamond"

Pleiadian December 2017 Broadcast By Christine Day

Join Christine Day for the latest channeling and teachings from the Pleiadians.

We, on Earth are going to launch into a different realm of conscious reconnection through a sacred design that will be activated at the time of New Year. This design is set to activate the creation of movement, through the repositioning of the Sun in direct relationship to Earth. This movement will take place at the time of New Year.

This repositioning will create a shifting of intensity within the light rays of the Sun that come to the Earth. With this repositioning of the Sun, the Sun’s rays will be carrying a more expanded dimensional frequency of light to Earth. These rays will carry a pure frequency, holding emanations of God. This divine light will interact within our Heart cells, and they will bring renewal to each one of us who choose to consciously interact with these expanded rays.

Through these open rays we will be individually realigned to our multidimensional selves. We will be reopened to meet our ‘New Dawning’ potential of reconnection to clarity, truth and a remembering as our own essence unfolds.

The Pleiadians are asking for you to bring your focus into your heart. This will lead into you developing another level of conscious connection in preparation to receive these higher light vibrations from the Sun. They say our Hearts are designed to be the main receptacle for holding our own sacred multidimensionality.

I am putting out a call to all of you, that we bring our consciousness together, forging a union at the time of New Year. That we, those of us on the path, commit to honoring humanity at that moment of transition. Together we can create a form of unity of love and purity for our planet.

I send love and blessings to each one of you, Christine

Let yourself enjoy Christine powerful new transmission as you receive Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all of you,
Steven Hutchinson

Video: "Broadcast December 2017" By Christine Day -

A Hathor Planetary Meditation Through Tom Kenyon - Spatial Cognizance

If you make authentic contact with Spatial Cognizance and meet the changing realities of your world in this state of Mind, you will forge a transcendent transformational power that will benefit you in innumerable ways.

The Nature of Spatial Cognizance
The ground of consciousness, (i.e., Spatial Cognizance) is the deepest space within you and transcends all phenomena including the world you perceive through your senses.
By its very nature Spatial Cognizance is imbued with the qualities of contentment, happiness and bliss. These are inherent and exist independently regardless of what might be happening in the sensory and/or mental/emotional realms of your existence. In other words, while you may be angry, sad or mired in other “negative” thoughts, emotions or situations, the ground of consciousness is unaffected by these. This is one reason Spatial Cognizancecan be such an invaluable aid to you as you deal with the accelerating pace of change in your world.
It is also spacious in nature (meaning it is infinite and unbounded like space itself), and it is self-aware. It is what might be called pure awareness—awareness being aware of itself.
When you have fully entered into Spatial Cognizance, you are at peace and have a clear sense of being unbounded or unfettered by the situations around you. This is another invaluable quality of Spatial Cognizance (i.e., the ground of consciousness).
For human beings, the most efficient way to enter Spatial Cognizance is through the spatial abilities of the right cerebral hemisphere. This part of your neurophysiology is a master of spatial perception and by leaning on this innate ability you will more easily enter into a direct experience of Spatial Cognizance.

The Sound Meditation 
The Basic Spatial Cognizance Sound Meditation is 5:56 minutes in length. You can, as you wish, listen to it back-to-back multiple times especially as you more deeply explore its potentials.
It is best to listen to this with stereo headphones or ear buds so that the sound patterns are your primary sensory input. Due to the fact that you are directing your attention to inner space during the meditation, do not listen to it in situations requiring alertness. The meditation should be the sole focus of your attention.
Upon the first striking of the bowl, recall the feeling of a large space. It doesn’t matter what the space is so long as it feels large and spacious to you. It could be the top of a mountain, a large open area or any spacious environment of your choosing. The type of space you choose to work with is immaterial. What is important is that it feels large.
As you continue to listen to the sounds, make sure you are feeling the sense of space. You are not visualizing space or thinking about it. You are re-creating the felt sense of being surrounded by a very large space. Visualizing or thinking about space will not activate the parts of your brain/mind that generate a direct experience of Spatial Cognizance. Only the felt sense of being surrounded by a large space will activate the neural pathways that will allow you to experience your own spacious nature.
After you have generated the felt-sense of being surrounded by a large space, become aware of yourself being aware of the sense of spaciousness. This simple act of being aware that you are aware of spaciousness is the seed of immense insight and mastery. Do not be deceived by its everyday simplicity.
Once you hold the felt sense of spaciousness while being aware that you are aware of space, you have entered the foyer, so to speak, into the vast mansion of Spatial Cognizance. 
There is one final yet crucial to step to this process—the addition of a highly coherent emotion such as appreciation or gratitude. Adding these emotional qualities will insure that you enter a higher dimension of Spatial Cognizance.
In fact, appreciation or gratitude are the benchmarks of all higher dimensional realities that are benevolent in nature.
For those of you who may have difficulty generating appreciation or gratitude spontaneously, consider this: your ability to be self-aware is one of the greatest gifts you possess. This seed of self-awareness travels with you when you die and allows you to experience the non-corporeal worlds. Regardless of what world you reincarnate in or even if you incarnate as an energy or sprit-being, your innate capacity to be self-aware travels with you. Thus, cultivating self-awareness and mastering it is a tremendous and indispensable boon to your self-realization.

Refinement and Use of the Sound Meditation
For those of you who are familiar with the art of psycho-navigation you can enhance your experience of spaciousness in this manner: imagine that you are not only surrounded by a large space but there is no boundary between your inner space and the outer space around you. In other words, the boundary setting mechanisms of your consciousness are temporarily suspended, allowing your awareness to expand into and identify with a much larger space than you are normally used to. This will activate the deeper potentials of your right hemisphere and its spatial capabilities.
In a more advanced application of this principle you expand your sense of space to include the entire universe and all the worlds, as well as all the multitudinous dimensional realities that comprise your cosmos. Merging into spaciousness in this manner will, for most people, create the most profound shift in spatial perception.
If you engage these expanded methods of accessing spaciousness it is important to return to your normal sense of identity after the meditation is complete. This is most easily accomplished by simply opening your eyes and engaging your peripheral nervous system. Gently rub your ear lobes, as the major meridians of of your body’s organ systems can be found within your ears as well as your feet. If you find it difficult to return to 3D reality after a deep exploration of spacious awareness, you could also rub your legs, arms and torso, which will stimulate your brain/mind complex to process external stimuli and return you to normal sensory reality.
The sound meditation itself is designed to support your right hemisphere, to shift your focus of attention into a feeling of expanded space. In its simplest application you would simply sit with this meditation engaging the steps we have described so that it culminates in your being aware that you are aware of spaciousness conjoined with a sense of appreciation or gratitude.
You could then, if you wish, work with it as solely as a sound meditation that you return to from time to time as a means to loosen your perception and begin the process of perceiving the ground of consciousness that transcends your sensory experience of the world.
The ultimate purpose of this sound meditation is, however, to train your brain/mind to enter Spatial Cognizance at will. And then in your day-to-day life enter Spatial Cognizance without the use of the sound meditation. This simple act will eventually train your brain/mind to attend to two realities simultaneously—the reality of Spatial Cognizance (and the freedom of spacious awarenessthat it brings) along with the act of dealing with the realities of your 3-D existence.
This will eventually give you greater mastery over the situations you confront in your life because you will not identify with the web of sensory-based reality. You will instead, identify with your ultimate nature (i.e. transcendent awareness). Your sense of Self will have expanded far beyond the confines of your personal identity to include the infinite spaciousness of the ground consciousness. This type of Spatial Cognizance both transcends and yet paradoxically includes your personal identity. With this greater range of self-awareness. you will better be able to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. And, at the moment of your death, you will more likely have developed the ability to decide where you wind up next—meaning what lifetime or what dimensional existence you reside in.
This is one of the greatest gifts of the Aethos, and it is being offered to you as your world enters a most perilous passage. Regardless of what you sense occurring around you we encourage you to make contact with your own Spatial Cognizance, for it is a great ally, a transformer of destiny and brings with it a cornucopia of non-ordinary abilities that will benefit both you and your changing world.
The Hathors
November 12, 2017

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
Two things struck me about this particular Hathor message. 
The first was their view regarding Earth’s current turmoil. They have alluded to increased planetary difficulties in several past messages, but this one has the strongest language yet. I am referring specifically to a paragraph that reads:
“From one perspective what you are experiencing in your world is catastrophic in nature. From another perspective it is a highly potent evolutionary catalyst. In other words, the metamorphosis of your world could destroy you or propel you into higher states of consciousness. The choice, at an individual level, between personal destruction or an ascent into a higher dimensional reality is yours.”
I think this idea of destruction versus an ascent into higher dimensional realities is the actual nexus or vital point of this message.
The Hathors are, in my opinion, calling a spade a spade. And they are saying that all life forms on Earth are in peril.
As a resource to counter this perilous passage, they are imparting an unusual resource they call Spatial Cognizance, and they say when the method is joined with the sound meditation of that name, you can directly experience the spacious (i.e., infinite) nature of your own consciousness.
This ability to experience yourself as spacious awareness will, they say, allow you to navigate the massive changes we all face with greater mastery because you won’t feel the pressure of sensory-based reality as you normally do. There is a type of grace that arises when we experience situations from a larger internal space that is self-aware.
The Hathors also say that in the more advanced phases of Spatial Cognizance, you will “see” through the illusion of this world as a solid reality. You will perceive, instead, that all things are actually transitory displays of holographic light and that all multi-verses are magical in nature.  

Having worked with both the sound meditation and the method they described, I can attest that they work to create a greater sense of internal space that is self-aware. And this does allow me to be more resourceful when, and the operative word is—when—I engage Spatial Cognizance in my day-to-day life. In other words, if I don’t consciously engage this resource I can easily get caught up in the stresses of my own sensory, mental/emotional creations as well as the pressures of an accelerating timeline.
The second thing that struck me about this message is that Spatial Cognizance is essentially an unusual way to enter a yogic trance, a non-ordinary state of mental perception called Samadhi (or inner directed awareness), In its deeper states, Samadhi (i.e., Spatial Cognizance) reveals an infinite and spacious state of consciousness that is blissful and self-aware.
While the method and context of Spatial Cognizance is certainly unique, it unquestionably shares some of the philosophical territory discussed in the yogas of ancient India that trace their roots back to the Upanishads and also to Dzogchen, or The Great Perfection, that reached its zenith in Tibet.

 Final Thoughts 
Spatial Cognizance—both the sound meditation and the method for working with this state of spacious awareness—is certainly not for everyone.  If you don’t feel a resonance with the sound meditation or the method, just move on. 
If you do feel a connection with this approach, it is perhaps due to a Dimensional Tendency. The Hathors mentioned, in passing, Dimensional Tendencies in one of their previous messages. When I asked them what they meant by this term in more detail, they said that Dimensional Tendencies are vibrational bandwidths of subtle energy that affect consciousness.
These patterns of subtle energy arise from personalizing experiences, especially powerful ones. These patterns could have originated in previous life experiences, incarnations or in other non-physical dimensions of consciousness. The net result of these subtle energies is that they affect how we respond to our experience of the world and how we act in the world.
If you feel drawn to the concept and method of Spatial Cognizance as presented by the Hathors, it is perhaps due to the possibility that you may have explored the illusory nature of “sensory reality” in previous lifetimes and/or in other dimensions of consciousness. In other words, you created a Dimensional Tendency that would propel you to explore this kind of esoteric knowledge in future lifetimes.
Making the effort to master Spatial Cognizance is, in my opinion, well worth the effort. And if you choose to explore this remarkable state of Mind, I wish you great serendipity in your explorations.
Finally, may the many attainments you will have earned from mastering Spatial Cognizance be of benefit to you, to all your relations and to all sentient beings.  
Click here to listen to and/or download the Spatial Cognizance Sound Meditation  (Note: When you click on the link, you will be taken to the agreement page of the Listening section. After you agree to the terms, you will have immediate access to sound meditations, excerpts of lectures, an entire workshop on sound healing as well as audio and video interviews. All of this content is offered free of charge for your own personal use.)
Information Not Directly Related To This Message
In addition to the Spatial Cognizance sound meditation, there are two more additions to the listening section.
These include:
Passage into the Womb of Nut, an excerpt from a talk Tom gave during a three-day workshop called The Art of Egyptian High Alchemy. In this 34:59 min discussion, Tom explores the ancient Egyptian myth of the Goddess Nut and explores the myth from the perspectives of neuropsychology, neurophysiology and the intersection of mythic realities and in-depth human psychology.

The Myth of Jason and Orpheus

In this excerpt from a talk Tom gave during a Sound Healing Training, he explores how the ancient Greek myth of Jason and Orpheus expresses various truths about the nature of sound and the journey of consciousness.  (31:38 min)

Video: "Tuning Into Cosmic Christ Light By Melanie Beckler"

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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