lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Lighting Up Your Life by Solar Logos Helios and Vesta

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-09-09-11

Luminous light vibrations shower onto your path and into your being, we wish to fill your reality with light so that you may feel the joy of holding light and using it in your daily reality. Light is essential to your entire existence on the Earth, you are composed of light, your body needs light to survive, even your happiness can depend on the volume of light that you hold. Light is actually the result of continuous connection with the Creator. When your life is filled with light it signifies that your life and being is immersed in the energy of the Creator and you are constantly focusing upon your divine and sacred connection with the universe and source of the Creator. Light can bring active energy to your being allowing you to jump with joy achieving more things in your reality. It is essential for your life to be filled with light now because it will allow for all stagnant energies to be dissolved, meaning that old energies are let go of. With the presence of greater light you are naturally protected and any form of darkness that enters into your reality or is created by you is dissolved instantly. With all the transitions that are occurring on the Earth and within your being you are using up much energy and therefore must replace it more often with the presence of light. Some people are feeling sluggish and lethargic at this time of ascension because of the numerous energy shifts but we wish to fill you with light so that you enhance and empower your being, with the ability to achieve and do all that you wish and feel guided to do at this sacred time.

 It is also our mission to dissolve limitations, allowing you to be an expansive being of light; we will achieve this by dissolving many fears that are hindering you from radiating your light brightly and powerfully. We see you as a magnificent light bulb but you are using your dimmer switch when you should be allowing your light to exist at its natural state of radiance. We wish to work with you to allow your light to shine brightly, your energy vibration to increase and your trust in the power of your light to develop.

We are Helios and Vesta, we are the Solar Logos which means we over see the Earth and its evolvement from a solar level while encouraging and tutoring solar masters and those who work within our solar system. The Earth and its humanity are all connected to the solar level of the Creators universe but this doesnt mean that they are fully integrated or have mastered the teachings of the solar level.  In the Earths history we see that many civilisations worshiped the sun, those beings were working to integrate with their solar level energies and manifestation of themselves. Their praise and honour of the sun was simply a result of the transitions that were occurring within. They were worshipping the sun because they knew that the sun held profound wisdom from the solar level and so it was their way of accepting the wisdom and integrating with the solar level light. You can also gain wisdom from the sun in order to aid your spiritual path through a simple intention of connection and acceptance. We use the sun as our symbol because it is so very bright, at the solar level it is our mission to increase your luminosity, assisting you in expressing your light as well as comprehending light.

We, Helios and Vesta exist as the masculine and feminine energy of our soul; you could say that we are twins, two aspects of the same soul. We exist in this way to demonstrate that the two powerful energies of the Creator are equal and can shift from being one to separate at will. Many of the solar level teachings concern exploring the masculine and feminine energies, understanding them and in which energy one should place their focus, we therefore exist as examples of the feminine and masculine vibrations of the Creators soul at a solar level. We wish to share with you that both aspects, feminine and masculine, are love and are loved, that both hold tremendous power and light. We almost hold a mirror up to each aspect of the Creator, the feminine and masculine, to bring unity, seeing each aspect as the same in essence. When one is becoming a solar master they must delve into their feminine and masculine aspects with incredible depth to gain a greater understanding of themselves and their truth. When we, Helios and Vesta, exist at higher vibrations of the Creators universe, studying or developing our own growth we are seen as one soul of magnificence luminosity.

The solar level holds the symbolic light colours of a copper gold colour this is to demonstrate the solar levels integration with the universal levels and beyond as well as the presence of the Christ consciousness. Luminosity is the main purpose of the solar level as well as aiding activations and energising or enhancing growth or experiences. After you have become a planetary master whether on the Earth or the inner planes it is a wonderful process to then connect more fully with the solar light and to allow your energies and light vibration to soar and expand beyond limitations. It gives the soul a great sense of freedom in which to grow naturally. When we teach students of the solar level we speak much about focus rather than practices because we know that when they simply use the power of their focus alone they can achieve much, enabling them to begin a wonderful journey of discovery.

The anchoring of light or acceptance of light is extremely important because it enables a tremendous healing process. If one is in a physical body then they can bring great vitality, activeness, and life to their physical body and its abilities. We so wish for you to understand that even on the Earth the teachings of the solar level are extremely important, if you can fill yourself with light, anchor so much light into your being then you would gradually free yourself from pain or illness, dissolve all negative things in your life, decrease all negative and unneeded habits that you hold and gain a positive, bubbly, focused and aware outlook on your reality and being. Essentially the more light you fill your being and reality with the more aware, connected and at one with the Creator you will become. We do encourage students to connect with the Creator in order to absorb light but we also believe that by absorbing light from guides or the solar level one actually finds the source of the Creator and the truth that the Creator holds naturally as the influence of the light is alignment, balance and awakening. Our teachings are extremely simpleafter the challenges of the Earth and the planetary level but this is natural as the more you integrate with the Creators light the simpler your focus becomes. We also believe that self exploration and Creator exploration can only truly be guided by the individuals soul so too much guidance can restrict the freedom that the soul needs in order to develop and shine as brightly as the sun. This may sound impossible but it can be achieved with ease.

The Solar level light holds an element of fiery determination which can offer courage and confidence as one focuses upon discovering many new truths. The element of fiery determination extends from a source of warming tender love which is held at the very source of the solar level of the Creators universe. You can ask to be connected to the solar core energy to experience this tremendous loving energy.

We are here as bright loving beacons of light to assist you in manifesting into the same, your unique and magnificent perfection.

We encourage you to energise your reality, spiritual path, being and soul by anchoring as much light as feel appropriate into your being throughout the day. Fill your life with light and you will notice the tremendous difference in your feelings, mood, actions, reactions and spiritual practices. Now is a time on the Earth when we must be so aware of our own energies and our spiritual journey. It is important that you maintain a high level of light within your being so that you have enough energy and power to achieve all that you need to, remaining balanced and aligned at all times. By calling upon the solar level light to anchor and flow throughout your being during meditation you will rapidly increase your light quotient and allow yourself to move closer to the soul of the Creator in numerous ways. Holding light will allow for your journey forward to be one of greater ease.

We are here to be of assistance,

Solar Logos Helios and Vesta

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Thank you, for this post SOnja.


Was guided last week to go into our sun, in meditation. Following this, the sun was orange (like a peach); many commented on the different color. For 2-3 days following, the sun was different hues, now having settled on white, while rising.


Placing self, crystals and water, in the sun seems to transfer solar light energy, of exponential amounts lately.


The heat here, in Texas US, is in the hundreds and our state is having tremendous amounts of fires (thousands have lost homes). Praying for meaning it comes and your post, speaks directly to solar (and heat) purpose. 


The film you posted, about the many (drastic) coming changes and how we are/will be learning to accept what is, rather than attempt to change or escape, from circumstances, gave me great insight and strength, as well, w/ regard to our local Earth changes.


Love to all Galactic Light energies, changing as/with Humanity. Loving Light to all of Humanity, changing~


May love, grace and harmony flow through our moments, as we become, as Divinely intended.


Thank you SOnja~




Oh, forgot to mention, discovered in meditation today, that Thoth (voice and heart of Ra~Egyptian sun God) is a major guide, for me.


(((Sending humanity my heart's light~love~)))

Interesting! What do you associate with the infinity symbol, AyAnna? Maybe it would be worth while for you to take it into your meditations ... I have had some intense experiences in connection with Thoth and this symbol!


I was not aware of the fact that you are living in Texas - I will from now on!


The sun's energy is decreasing here in  Austria already. We have had some sunny days lately - but not so hot anymore, and today the rain has come ... I guess that yesterday I had my last swim for this year ;-.)


I will take TEXAS and its inhabitants into my prayers and meditations,


Sonja Myriel


Thank you, so much for your lighted-love and spiritual support.


I'm so proud of our city and recent (pull together) history. Texans are resilient...we received the most people from New Orleans, many in private homes (many now Houstonians), during hurricane Katrina~thousands of souls crossed over. Our city, Houston, shutdown a week later (hurricane Rita)~lost many souls in the (exodus like) evacuation, tornados and floods. So many stories of loss and triumph of human spirit.

Our spirits {and backs ;-), are strong}. Love's the way...there's always more room, more food, more love and heart for all  :-) .  Austria sounds nice...maybe the rain and mention of a swim, are refreshing my spirit...he he; feels like a cool, delicious summer beverage.


The infinity symbol (my favorite, for's...okay:


My imagery of Source, is the elliptical void. As source crosses itself, there's a double-sided torus

(3-D figure 8) with polarity~Divine mother and father. From within the black/white whole (double torus), there is concurrent spinning, with genesis~creation.


Yin/Yang, DNA spirals, Phi ratios, sacred vortex, energy rotation and patterning...all directly related with the infinite/infinity symbol. Often viewed by humans as polarity...because of our  dualistic (changing) perspective. There's so much's amazing!


Perhaps your experiences are broadening your vantage point, that you are discovering the nature of existence. It seems as we tune inward, our revelations take on a 3-5D resolution. Thoth was the Egyptian bridge (through Ra~Sun god) for Imhotep and their pyramidal (vortex) geometry, information base.


My favorite Sacred Forms site:


This week, I'm seeing the correlation between absolutely everything (human patterns, time, biology, technology, cosmology, spirituality, psychology, geology, etc.) Am praying for clarity and the best ways to convey what I'm seeing...perhaps a Light Worker collaboration, eventually, on the Wholeness of everything.


When you get time, checkout the film in Sacred Forms: "The Black Whole"...AWESOME.


All is, I'm so grateful, for all and every...


Have a wonder~full week Sonja~it's soooooo great that so many of us are in symphonic energy resonance~Ah~loving it  :-))) .


Namaste Sister~Love you~












Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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