lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Keeper of the Soul Keys by Lady Nada

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

My beloved friends, brothers and sisters of the Creator's light, it is a glorious moment for me to connect with your energies in this way and I send praise to the Creator and your soul for the manifestation of this sacred space that we are now experiencing together. Allow your energies to soften, know that I come with love and the truth of the Creator in my heart as I connect and communicate with your energies.

I am Lady Nada, I am the chohan or overseer of the eighth ray of light known as a sea foam green colour and devoted to cleansing and purification. I am also a member of the Board of Karma assisting in many in resolving their negative actions. I hold the Goddess energy, emanating the Creator's feminine energies to all with the purpose of bringing forth a balance between the feminine and masculine qualities of the Creator especially on the Earth. I have a strong connection with the Christ consciousness and I am the feminine aspect of Master Sananda/ Master Jesus and so assist in the spiritual education of all upon the Earth.

With many aspects and soul influences of the Creator held within my being I have a special ability of viewing the truth of the soul within all. This extends beyond understanding a person's soul or comprehending their truth but allows me to see the origin of their soul, the purest form of the soul before complete integration with the Creator's mighty soul. It is akin to viewing the first extension of an energy or soul from the Creator's soul. This means that I gain a unique perspective of the person or their soul and their true goals, desires and qualities which extend even beyond Monad manifestation. It is because of my ability in recognising the purest source of truth and consciousness within a soul that I have been given the title of 'Keeper of the Soul Keys'. This title implies that I hold the key that will allow you to unlock your soul, while there is some truth within this, I do not have a tool that will allow an instant release of your soul into your reality but hold wisdom, energy and consciousness that will allow a gradually understanding, connection and observation of the soul.

I dearly love to work with individuals to allow an expansion of their soul and to assist in their expression of their soul. Many individuals in the past have fondly called upon my energy to assist them with matters of the soul and so I have accepted a vast understanding of how one can reconnect with their soul and develop a manifestation that evolves from a place of pure purity within them. When a person calls upon my energy to assist them in beginning a connection with their soul then I will draw closely to their energy and channel my light deep into their being. This energy wave will consist of my soul light, the light of the eighth ray to cleanse all stagnant or negative thoughts and energies away, the Christ consciousness to anchor love and the highest vibration of Creator light that is appropriate for the individual. I will bathe the individual in this light for some time as purification and to allow the individual to become accustomed to my energies and presence. In many ways this process activates a deeper self realisation as much clutter is cleared allowing a greater sense of clarity to dawn.

As our energies begin to blend I will observe the very essence and truth of the person's soul and may even communicate with the core energy of the person's soul to understand the will and divine path that the soul wishes to enact on the Earth and on the inner planes. This for me is a sacred moment as it is akin to connecting with the Creator, as every person's soul is an aspect of the Creator in manifestation. It is important for you to realise that even as you sit observing my communication, and you imagine the mighty Creator's soul, you actually hold an aspect or element of the purest form of the Creator's light within you but it is hidden by the distractions of your mind, emotions, personality and physical body. It is in many ways protected or concealed until a time that you are ready to accept the Creator truth that exists within you. Everything that you manifest as, both positive and negative energies, originates from this pure energy of the Creator within your being, so for me it is extremely interesting to connect with your core soul energy and then see the choices, projections and interpretations that have manifested into your reality. This of course is not a true projection of your soul as your previous experiences, the beliefs that you have formed and your surroundings will have influenced the person and energy that you exist as today. One is always able to see the truth or the soul and also the goals that the soul wishes to overcome intertwining as ribbons through the physical reality and personality of an individual on the Earth. When we are able to release the stains of the past and realign with the core energy of our soul then we are able to truly project the truth of our soul as a manifestation of every aspect of our being. Gaining an understanding that there is a source within you that is so pure and sacred and that everything flows and manifests from this source is a powerful realisation. When you then realise that everything that you are aware of, yourself, your personality, emotions, thoughts etc, are also an extension of your soul but have been in some way tainted then you begin to see a separation between your truth and your current existence. This separation is not necessary beneficial but it allows a greater comprehension of your energies and perspective now and all that is your truth. It is through the understanding of your current self that you create a path way of learning, discovery and connection back to your soul.

When I connect with the core energy of your soul I am able to see the path way or lessons that you may need to embark on in order to gain true alignment with your soul and to allow your soul to manifest without being tainted by different active aspects of your being or by those around you. With this understanding I am then able to guide and advise you appropriately in order to share with you the will of your soul.

It is my mission also to protect you and your soul as you follow a path of clearing, discovery and alignment. Protection, support and creating an environment of love is essential when wishing to connect with the sacred soul or Creator aspect within. These are key energies that I will assist you in gaining and manifesting in order to create a balance and harmony that allows the core soul energy to be noticed, respected and recognised by you as you exist in your reality.

I will also assist in allowing you to develop an understanding of the feeling and consciousness of your soul aiding the embodiment of your soul and the guidance of your soul.

When an individual calls upon my energies to help them with their alignment with their soul then I will work with them for a lengthy period of time as this practice is not something that can be grasped instantly and needs dedication and acceptance over time. Very often I will appear at different times in your spiritual growth to direct you along a certain path which will increase your alignment with your soul.

If you feel a connection with my energy then you may wish to use the following invocation to assist in our connection and to allow me to channel appropriate energy waves into your being over the coming week. In next week's communication I will then assist you in calling on my energies to aid a further alignment and understanding of your soul as I have described in my communication.

'Lady Nada, I feel a strong desire within me to gain a deeper connection with my soul and the aspect of the Creator that is so pure and divine existing within my being. From the purity of my heart I ask you to assist and guide me in this process of clearing, realisation, awakening, discovery and alignment with my soul.

To begin this process of connection and alignment with my soul please channel your soul light, the eighth ray light, the Christ consciousness light and the Creator's light deep into my being to raise my energy vibration, to increase the volume of light that I hold and to clear all unneeded energies from my entire being, thus manifesting a pure and clear outlook that promotes the presence of clarity within me. Allow me to experience your light pouring through my being now, when I affirm this invocation, when I sleep and at appropriate times throughout my day. I understand that the energy I receive will assist in my connection with you and prepare for my greater connection with my soul and sacred Creator aspect within me. Thank you and let it be. '

Let us embark on a journey of soul alignment together and as one,

I am Lady Nada

Natalie Glasson, Sacred School of Om Na,

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Keeper of the Soul Keys by Lady Nada

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

With sacred Christed blessings I extend my arms of love to you now to cradle you and your soul in a pure blissful light that flows directly through me from the soul of the Creator. I come forward once more emanating love to continue my communication from the weekly message of last week where I spoke of my abilities of activating an individual's soul and assisting them in realising the truth that exists naturally within them. I reminded you that you are more than you currently realise and imagine; that you hold a wealth of Creator power, love and enlightenment within you which is waiting to be aligned to and expressed. With the title of Keeper of the Soul Keys bestowed on me I feel a great need to express myself to all and make myself available to be of assistance to each of you beautiful light beings in existence on the Earth, in order to aid your alignment and integration with the Creator's soul.

In my previous communication I offered you an invocation that allowed you to connect with my energies and to become receptive to a cleansing and purification in preparation for further soul discovery. Now I wish to continue this process of soul acceptance and share with you a simple but special meditation that will guide you in aligning on a deeper level with your soul.


Please gain a relaxed state of body and mind, allowing your breathing to become your predominant focus to assist in the manifestation of peace within and around you.

Please say,

'Lady Nada please channel your soul light, the eighth ray light, the Christ consciousness light and the Creator's light deep into my being to raise my energy vibration, to increase the volume of light that I hold and to clear all unneeded energies from my entire being, thus manifesting a pure and clear outlook that promotes the presence of clarity within me. Allow me to experience your light pouring through my being now as I sit in a state of peace.'

I, Lady Nada will step forward and stand before you, placing my energy hands over your heart chakra to assist in my light penetrating your heart chakra.

Imagine, sense or acknowledge your heart chakra being filled with light, this light then flows throughout your being.

The light holds the intention of connecting your soul with your heart chakra to allow a pure and sacred expression of your soul. Imagine your soul flowing from the depths of your being to connect with your heart chakra.

Let your mind or focus rest within the energy of your heart chakra and your building soul energy, your mind is experiencing a deep alignment with your soul and heart chakra.

Let us sit together, I will sit before you and let us simply observe the magnificence, peace, beauty, purity and enlightenment of your soul. Retain your focus on your heart chakra and soul; simply be open to feelings, experiences, ideas and insights flowing into your mind from your soul.

You may also wish to say,

'I accept the essence of my soul.'

Take time to experience this fully, it may take practice, faith and dedication.

I, Lady Nada, will now send my consciousness deep into your soul's energy and core to gain a greater understanding of your soul, its goals and will. As I achieve this I ask that you imagine that our heart chakras are connected as one, that there is a beam of light that binds our heart chakras together. This allows me to access a greater depth of your soul but it also allows me to relay to you any information that your soul and I believe is appropriate for you to comprehend in your currently reality. While I achieve this please retain your focus on observing the essence of your soul.

This may take time and patience.

With a greater understanding of the essence and will of your soul I now wish to work to assist you in accepting a new aspect of your soul, this must be achieved by dissolving any limitations, boundaries or barriers that may exist around your soul, hindering its expression. Barriers are often placed by an individual around their soul as a protection but these must be dissolved in order to allow a greater expression of the soul and Creator presence within.

Please use this invocation,

'Beloved Lady Nada I ask that you create a ball of pure cleansing, rejuvenating and activating light that is appropriate for me now and will assist in the dissolving of any blockages, boundaries, limitations, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, experiences and judgement that may hinder my expression of and connection with my soul. Please place this ball of cleansing light into my heart chakra and soul now to begin this sacred process that encourages my soul to expand and develop more fully into your physical being, mind, emotions, personality, surroundings and reality. Please oversee this process of deep cleansing and ensure my protection on all levels of my being at all times. Thank you and let it be.'

Simply sit and allow or acknowledge my light melting and merging with your heart chakra, allow yourself to accept the colour and vibration of light that I have placed to encapsulate your soul.

Hold faith that the appropriate barriers will be dissolved with time. This may bring forth lessons for you to overcome or realisation about yourself and your energies for you to accept.

Please know that I am here to guide and assist you always and you may call on my energy or inspiration whenever you wish by repeating my name, Lady Nada, in your mind.

When you wish to complete the meditation simply ask for your community of guides to surround and protect you, balancing and settling your energy while grounding and centring your being back into the Earth and your physical reality.

I believe that it would be beneficial for you to practice this meditation each day for the next week and then I wish to return to complete the meditation and journey with you.

With sacred Christed blessings,

I am Lady Nada

Natalie Glasson, Sacred School of Om Na,
Keeper of the Soul Keys by Lady Nada- Part 3

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

By linking your mind with your heart chakra and soul and allowing your focus to remain upon the purity and essence of your soul, you will discover the ability to observe your soul's light, vibration, guidance and wisdom. With observation comes realisation of yourself, of your truth and your pathway forward. When we simply hold the intention of aligning with or connecting with our soul or the Creator presence within us, this can open our energies further, allowing us to become aware of many insights and understandings which had been beyond our imagination or which we had been completely ignoring due to fear or emotional issues. Many perceive that a connection with their soul or Creator aspect is a difficult task to achieve and requires many years of spiritual development and devotion but the soul will align with your entire being and be expressed with divine timing. By holding a focus or desire of connection you begin to prepare yourself for this alignment. Your soul is a truthful and pure expression of yourself, it is unique and so the way that you express your soul will also be personal and distinctive to you. If you realise your soul as an all knowing and powerful beacon of love that is capable of steering you through your reality and life lessons on the Earth with ease, then you will understand the importance of learning to express your soul. When you express your soul in a way that is personal and comfortable to you then you will build a deeper bond with your soul, allowing a greater unity and integration to manifest. Expression of your soul can be an empowering experience that brings feelings of bliss, understanding and contentment, but your expression will be far more intense and free if you have first taken time to clear away blockages and barriers and observe the essence and energy of your soul. I believe that in my previous two weekly messages I have assisted you in cleansing your being in preparation for soul expansion and encouraged you to observe and link into the consciousness of your soul. It is now my mission and purpose to aid you in expressing your soul and anchoring its energy and consciousness into your reality.

Expression of your soul is to manifest, communicate, transmit or transfer your energies, consciousness, light and vibration from the source or well of energy within you into your physical form and current reality. When we view our soul, we can sometimes feel or imagine that the soul is separate from our personality because we are not constantly aware of the soul and so can be easily distracted from its presence. Connecting with the soul for the first time can feel like a new experience, as if we are discovering a new aspect of our being that we had never realised, but this is simply an illusion as our soul is always present, we are merely learning to work in tune or alignment with its energies and consciousness. Expression can be achieved in numerous ways when the mind is focused upon radiance, one can use the act of physical movement, the voice, creative or artistic techniques, writing, meditation, visualisation and breathing, to state a few.

When you practice the act of observing your soul then you will discover or realise the way in which you are able to express or radiate your soul naturally and with ease. Discovering your own expression of your soul is vitally important as it involves placing trust and faith in the guidance and insights that you receive, building a bond of devotion to your soul that is unbreakable and continually strengthening, as well as creating a channel for the permanent flow of your soul into your reality.

It is my wish that you first gain a meditative state that is appropriate for you by focusing on your breathing and relaxing your body. Simply take the attention of your mind to your heart chakra and affirm or remind yourself of the connection between your soul and your heart chakra, as a way of ensuring that you always express the loving essence of your soul. Allow your mind to rest in the energy and light of your heart chakra and soul; it is almost as if your mind is drinking in the light and consciousness of your soul and so you may become aware of the presence or insights of your soul within your thoughts. Practicing this simple process for as long as you feel is essential will strengthen your trust in your soul's presence and allow you to realise how to express your soul effortlessly. Even if you choose to practice this for some days or weeks, you will understand when you are ready to move forward. I wish to share an invocation that assists you in discovering the most appropriate way for you to express your soul at this stage of your growth.

'Beloved Lady Nada, Keeper of the Soul Keys, I invoke your presence and energy to draw close to me, connecting with my soul and entire being. Please ensure my protection at all times and help me to be aware of your guidance and inspiration as you assist and oversee this process of expression that I am now ready to experience.

Lady Nada I ask that you assist me in connecting with my soul on a deeper level than I have previously experienced. Allow me to feel as if I am bathed within my soul's energy and are able to sense its vibration within and around me. With the attention of my mind anchored into my soul, I now allow the inspiration of my soul to melt into my thoughts sharing with me the most appropriate way for me to express my soul each day, in order to remain aligned with my soul and to build the flow of my soul light manifesting into my reality. If this is not appropriate then I ask that my soul naturally begins to express itself into my body, thoughts and reality with ease. I understand that I will become aware of this expression and learn to activate and experience it myself. I am open and receptive to any inspiration, words or practices that my soul wishes to share with me now. I understand that to express my soul is to integrate with my soul and to accept its energy on a new level. With deep appreciate to Lady Nada and my soul.'

Allow yourself to sit in peace and stillness, aware of your thoughts and any sensation on your body, you may gain the simplest way of expressing your soul, and it may even be a word that you can repeat, an image of yourself as beacon of your soul or a practice that you can achieve each day. Remember that this is personal to you and so there is no correct or incorrect way, have faith in the insights that you gain.

Once you have realised the natural way for you to express your soul then you can practice this each day or throughout the day when you feel guided to. It is always important once you have practiced expressing your soul that you always hold the intention of anchoring the energies you have radiated into your physical reality, as this will encourage your soul to come forth in its entirety to embody your physical body and entire being. Below is an affirmation that you may wish to use to achieve the anchoring of your soul's radiance into your physical reality.

'My soul is divinely aligned with the Creator; I am a true and pure expression of my soul. With every energy particle, light vibration and consciousness that I express from my soul, I am a greater manifestation of my soul. My soul has now anchored into my physical body, being and reality acting as a pure guiding light and source of inspiration.'

This will assist in drawing forth the energy of your soul so that it becomes a strong presence within your reality. I hope that you have found my communication to be of benefit to you. I wish to bring forth the final section to my communication in next week's Weekly Message; this will be concerning recognising the soul's influence and learning to accept the next stage of growth that your soul wishes you to achieve. Allow your focus to remain on observing, expressing and anchoring your soul into your reality throughout the coming week.

With sacred Christed blessings,

I am Lady Nada

Natalie Glasson, Sacred School of Om Na,
Lady Nada: Keeper of the Soul Keys - Part 4
Channelled through Natalie Glasson

With a focus on expression and anchoring of your soul’s energy and consciousness into your reality so you begin to realise and acknowledge the presence of your soul and its influence within your reality. Your soul naturally instigates lessons of growth and attracts to you people, situations and experiences to aid or develop your understanding of yourself and connection with the Creator. Your soul is naturally and constantly at work within your reality guiding and leading you forward, it achieves this on a smaller scale when you are not in acknowledgement of your soul, but your thoughts and emotions can sometimes distract you for realising this. When you allow yourself to focus upon your soul then its influence will be more dominate, you may see its golden ribbons weaving through your life and reality to guide you forward. When you hold the ability to recognise your soul and its influence within your everyday life then you begin to realise the immense power that it holds, how it is in greater manifestation within your life than you realised and that by through your acknowledgement of your soul’s influence you are drawing it deeper into embodiment.

Expressing your soul as described in my previous communication, symbolises that you are surrendering to your soul, awakening to its energy and allowing it the freedom to be of impact within every aspect of your manifestation on the Earth. Being appreciative or thankful for the creations of your soul within your reality will assist in manifesting a greater oneness between your soul and your physical aspect or personality. It will build your faith and trust in your soul as you comprehend that you are always supported and guided by the will of your soul and the Creator. When you recognise and acknowledge the presence of your soul then you are becoming acquainted with yourself and your truth which is immensely important to aid your alignment with the Creator.

It can be difficult to distinguish in your reality the experiences that have been projected from your mind and thoughts and those that have been projected from your soul and truth. When you become accustomed to your soul’s energy then you may feel a similar sensation at certain times throughout your day, making you aware that what you are experiencing is a creation of your soul. You can then contemplate the situation to discover what your soul wishes you to learn or achieve and how to move through the experience. Through this practice you will begin to realise patterns or a path that your soul is leading you along and may even begin to understand the lessons that you must gain even before your soul presents them to you. If this can be developed more fully then the soul has no need to create lessons of growth within your physical reality as you will be able to understand and accept them with ease within your being. You will be grasping the lesson or insight, integrating or overcoming it before it is projected into your reality, therefore your reality will remain peaceful, joyous and pure allowing you to experience and discover the expansiveness, beauty and love of your soul within your reality, rather than the negative influence of your thoughts and emotions. This is a contrast to how many live now on the Earth; although growth and alignment with the Creator occurs within your being, mind and emotions, all realisations usually develop within you from circumstances within your reality. It is as if your reality is a large television screen before you which is directing you to realise new insights about yourself. There will come a time when this is not needed and so because of your oneness with your soul and ability to overcome issues or growth process within you, your reality will manifest into a heaven for you to exist within, with all that you desire and need to remain healthy and happy. This is a wonderful thought that can be your reality on the Earth if you allow yourself to acknowledge and encourage the influence of your soul within your reality.

It is my wish to share with you an invocation that allows you to begin the process of becoming aware of the influence of your soul in your reality. This invocation helps you to hold the intention of recognising your soul’s influence. By holding this intention you will allow yourself to manifest the reality where you are completely aware of the influence of your soul and the guidance that it constantly shares with you.

‘I invoke the beloved presence of Lady Nada, my community of guides and the Creator to lend me your energies in order to create a loving, supportive and protective energy for me to exist within now. As I breathe in your light I activate my soul and align on a deeper level with the light, love, consciousness and vibration of my soul. I allow my soul to radiate with freedom, expansively into my entire being and surroundings. I anchor the consciousness and light of my soul into my reality and now ask to become aware of my soul’s divine influence and guidance within my daily life. Assist me in becoming sensitive to the presence of my soul and alert to the guidance of my soul. I am ready to realise how my soul works positively within my reality to lead me forward, to create the reality that I desire and to aid my spiritual development and alignment with the Creator. I now notice with ease the presence, influence and guidance of my soul within my reality. I am one with my soul. Thank you.’

Stating this invocation each day will assist you in manifesting the intention of becoming aware of your soul’s presence in numerous aspects of your physical and spiritual reality. It is important to realise that this is an ongoing process of discovery and realisation for you as you journey to discover the key energies and qualities of your soul and become a keeper of your own soul’s keys.

It is always important to communicate with your soul as this will encourage embodiment of your soul. Speaking to your soul during meditation each day will allow you the space and time to ask your soul to guide you as to the next step in your physical reality. This is essential as it will assist you in walking along the spiritual path that your soul has created for you. Asking your soul if there is anything that you need to achieve on each new day will give focus to your reality and allow your soul to act as your spiritual teacher. You may also speak with your soul asking whether your soul has manifested certain experiences in your reality or whether these have been projected from your mind. This is a wonderful way of bringing clarity to your mind and reality and instigating mastery of your being. Again this is a practice that will develop with divine timing but when you hold the intention of achieve any practice it will always manifest at an accelerated rate, according to the divine will of the Creator.

I hope that you have gained some illumination and inspiration from my communications encouraging you to discover and explore your soul. Please remember that you can always call upon my energy to assist and guide you. I will always share my support and guidance with you openly.

With sacred Christed blessings,
I am Lady Nada

May you walk in the love and light always,


Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channelled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
What a beautiful gift. I have not been doing the meditations the way you suggested. I am going 1,2,3,4 and now am going back to 1. I couldn't wait to see the effects of them in my life.
I loooove Lady Nada. I had her on my desktop and will get her back on there, soon.
Just wanted to say how powerful this is in my life. Particularly under the circumstances.
Thank you, again.
You are so very much welcome :-)

Lady Nada is one of my favourites as well and I love the Aquqmarine quality of her essence :-) Maybe you would like to check out the group on the 12 rays. There are several messages and a lot of information on the Aquamarine Ray which is under Lady Nada's guidance ;-)

Love and Light and HEALING,

Sonja Myriel



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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