lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

I Am The Embodiment Of My Divine Self By Natalie Glasson ... And ... Entering the New Reality By Solara An-Ra...And...Let Those Feelings Flow By Ann Albers

I Am The Embodiment Of My Divine Self By Natalie Glasson

As we are now becoming accustomed to the new and higher vibration of the Earth and our beings, Archangel Metatron encourages us to further our process of oneness with ourselves, our Soul and all that is the Creator.

So Archangel Metatron invites you to call upon Him & allow yourself to merge & become at one with his energy expression and consciousness as he pours his Love and Light into your being.

Just follow your breathing...taking slow deep breaths as you breathe in this Divine Love & Light that is helping you now feel deep inner peace...that is helping you now connect in Oneness with AA Metatron & the angelic realm...and that is helping you now connect in Oneness with all that is the Creator in you.

Archangel Metatron helps us open now to our Divine Plan for this new phase of ascension, assisting all in understanding how the angelic realm can be of service to ascension with its many
beautiful levels. He wishes to share the purpose of ascension and
how it differs from before, illuminating areas where greater focus is required.

As Archangel Metatron shares about the new phase of ascension that we are on, he assists us in recalibrating our energies so that we are completely prepared to create, manifest and experience all that is necessary now in our realities to further our spiritual ascension. Alignment, attunement, connection, these are all areas that require our focus as we recalibrate with ourselves and our truth.

It is Archangel Metatron's mission to energize and amplify our
spiritual pathway and ascension process when called upon. Rejuvenating, restoring & developing your perspective, energies, alignment, sensitivity & awareness is essential at this time.

AA Metatron also assists us in how to deal with the new energies. We are led in meditation to our sacred space inside us, the core & essence of our Being that is grounded in the heart of Gaia. From this Sacred Core of our Being, we allow ourselves to be energized & attuned more fully to our 3rd eye chakra & telepathic center to discover for ourselves what we require and need in this new phase to serve your further growth and expansion.

The shift in energy vibration has made it necessary for
many of us to alter the way in which we perceive ourselves and our realities, and let go of many of our beliefs & attachments. When called upon, Archangel Metatron will share with you consciousness, love and wisdom to serve your further illumination & to propel you forward upon your spiritual path.

Archangel Metatron wishes you to know that you are connected now with each other & our Mother Earth (Gaia) more than ever before, and when called upon, will guide you in
experiencing this more fully in each and every present moment of your reality.

When you are in a deep state of peace & tranquility, place your middle finger on your 3rd eye chakra & affirm out loud, "I now understand myself fully on all levels of my Being. I am now ready to accept myself fully on all levels of my Being."

Lower your hands now & focus now on your breath flowing in & out of your heart chakra. Feel the Divine Energy now expand now with your in-breath & flow up your spine to your 3rd eye chakra, and with your out-breath flow back to your heart chakra...continuing this for a few moments, for you are building a bridge of Love between your 3rd eye & heart chakra so you can come to see with clarity

Now this time as you inhale through your heart chakra, direct the Divine Energy all the way up through your crown chakra to the Creator...& with your exhalation, feel the Divine Energy coming down from the Creator thru your crown to your heart. Practice this for a few moments, becoming conscious of your Divine Breath with your intimate connection with the Creator.

Now direct your in-breath from your heart down thru your root chakra to the heart of Gaia, & your out-breath back from Gaia to your heart allowing yourself to become attuned with Gaia & your Divine connection to Gaia .

Meditation led by Natalie Glasson

Enjoy the rest of this meditation in the video with Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light every time you meditate with it,

Video: "I Am The Embodiment Of My Divine Self" -


Entering the New Reality By Solara An-Ra
Light Tribe of Terra, the star nations gather around you to bring forth this message – a message which will greatly encourage and uplift you! For the time window in which you find yourselves immersed is one of great joy, one of great hope! And indeed it is a shifting point out of the matrix in which you have been trapped, and into a new reality which births as you hear these words.
The first 3 months of 2017 have been an opportunity for many of you to reassess your priorities. There has been a portal open, allowing a frequency of radiation higher than ever possible before to reach your planet. And because of the level of frequency at which you are now vibrating, you have been able to accept and partially integrate the light precipitation offered to your planet from the star nations working through the higher dimensions; down-stepping light-encoded sacred geometry frequency through your KA templates at the top of the back of your heads , and into your circuitry.
The time has come for blueprint activation – for your original blueprints to be felt, experienced and truly activated within your multi-dimensional Light-body and within all layers of your beings, so that at last you truly understand and experience yourselves as multi-dimensional masters, entirely in charge of your realities.
And so, dear ones, as you have accepted these frequencies, you come to the turning point which is marked by your March equinox, where you truly begin to see through the deceptions easily. Discernment becomes much much easier for you, and you are less confused about the information disseminated now through the media – not only the hard-core media of your governments, but through all layers of media, some of which puts itself forward as spiritual, and which is not. You are able to read or listen to information and simply wave away that which does not resonate with you - because your ability to feel, hear and see truth, integrity and words of wisdom is activating right now within your third eyes.
For some time now we have given you ‘guided meditations’, and within these you have been directed to breathe in certain ways; to stay aware of your breath, sometimes controlling it in a particular manner. You have been encouraged to visualise light rising or the light within each chakric wheel within your light body system. You have been encouraged to call light towards yourself; to call your energy back; to open your heart and to connect yourself fully with the Earth Mother. You have been encouraged to feel your angelic wings expanding from the space between your shoulder blades; to activate your prana tube, connecting yourself with all-that-is-above and all-that-is-below.
These are but a few of the methods which we have been using to initiate you into being able to see light; being able to feel yourselves as Angelic Light- beings; being able to sense the crystalline nature of the more refined aspects of yourself.  And so your extra-sensory perception has been accelerated or activated, and it has become more normal for you enter into the INNER VISION – the inner perception of yourself and the way in which your energy interacts with the world around you. And it has become more normal for you to associate your inner centre-point as your heart – to truly feel the world and experience it from that inner chamber which has its own intelligence.
And we say to you now that as you reach this turning point in the most momentous year thus far in the dawning of the NEW AGE on your planet, that you will be able to feel the truth behind certain phrases which might have become platitudes. Consider now that you are able to live your joy; that you are able to choose to be happy, letting go of the old model in which circumstances need to be manifesting themselves in a certain way before you are able to feel happy. Close your eyes, connect yourselves in now with your breath, and with your that centre-point, your heart – smiling and allowing yourselves to dip into the heart energy and to feel the expansion which comes from it. As you open into the heart energies, becoming more bliss-ful now, you understand on a completely new level what it means to choose to be happy, regardless of circumstances presenting in your life in this moment. You are always able to choose to be happy – to choose happiness or joy; to choose balance; to look to wards the light, regardless of what is presenting.
Breathe in deeply now … and let go through your mouth, sinking into that still-point at the end of the exhalation – and notice howone deep breath is able to change your frequency and bring more balance and peace. Become aware of how our lessons on the breath; breathing consciously, truly feeling how tuning into the still-point that comes at the top of the inhalation and the bottom of the exhalation is a method of transformation – how we are training you to feel the interface between your breath and your energy – between your  physical breath and the light or energy of which you are made. These spiritual concepts and skills become easy now,  in 2017 – easier than ever before to access, to comprehend, to truly master.
It is necessary, dear ones, to take time out from the usual matrix of everyday life, and to dip into an experience of yourselves as flowing light and energy, focussing on your breath – learning how to use your breath as an interface between the physical and the energy worlds, so that you comprehend internally, through your own experience, the true nature of your being.   
I choose to be happy.
I choose joy over suffering.
I choose integrity over deception.
I choose light over dark.
I choose expansion over contraction.
I am the master of my reality.
I am a multi-dimensional being of light, angelic in nature and here on this planet to serve.
These affirmations of your true being; your nature and your purpose are easily comprehended now, in the shifting energies that come. And you observe that as you re-train yourselves into this way of thinking and being, you become magnetic to that which brings more joy; more abundance, more opportunity for service, more love and acceptance, more Light Tribe and Soul Family into your reality.
And So It Is, dear ones. We are here to assist always. Namaste.
Video: "Entering the New Reality: EQUINOX 2017" -

Let Those Feelings Flow By Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

It is a time of great change upon your planet earth. For years, many existed in stagnation or apathy. Now there is great movement! Almost everyone is bringing their hearts to the surface. More and more people are sharing their opinions - some beautifully and lovingly and some not as kindly. Those who try to avoid their feelings are becoming a bit psychotic, for the energy is so strong that to resist one’s own feelings is painful.

Many of you are experiencing sudden chaos in life, unnamed anxiety, and even strange physical conditions. At the same time, many of you are experiencing a greater sense of peace, freedom, and clarity.

It is important in these exciting and intense energies to allow yourselves to feel the full range of your feelings. It is important not to push them aside, avoid them by engaging in addictive behaviors, or pretend to be someone you are not.

Imagine a mighty force of water is trying to push itself through a pipe. If the pipe were to “stuff its feelings” it would become clogged. The water pressure would build up until the pipe was ready to burst. So took, if you don’t let your feelings flow in a healthy way, the energy coursing through you might just cause you to burst – in outbursts of anger, tears, or strange, or physical conditions.

Even stuffed emotions from your past are coming to the surface, so if you find yourself with an emotion you don’t understand just let it flow through you in a healthy way, without judgment or over-analysis.

If you feel overwhelmed with feeling, sit and talk to your angels. Tell us your problems Allow us to help you. It has been said that you must “be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Children allow themselves to feel. They ask for help.

Dear ones, do not fear your feelings. They are helping you. They show you where you need to be kinder to yourself, where you need to change, act differently, think differently, or initiate changes in your life. They show you where your thoughts are not quite in alignment with your goals and dreams. They are gifts. Let them flow. Let them go. Then once again you will be able to focus with clarity and certainty on that which you want to create.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

Message from Ann

A few weeks ago I enjoyed a glorious 8-mile hike. I didn't quite stay on the path! A few days later, a perfectly heart-shaped patch of poison oak rash appeared on my leg. It was a blessing in disguise.

Of course, I didn’t see it as a blessing immediately! Instead, I started to berate myself. "Why can’t you pay more attention when you get happy! You know you’ve been going through a detox. You should have been more careful…” On and on I went until I caught myself in an uncharacteristic litany of self-criticism and started laughing. Enough!

I shifted my thinking immediately. “It's really not that big. Most of my skin is nice and clear. This too shall pass. And look, it’s cute! What are the odds it looks like a heart? Ok, God, I want a miracle healing. I don’t want to itch and suffer for three weeks, and I want to know what to do right now!” I allowed myself my feelings, shifted my thoughts, and awaited guidance.

A phrase popped into my head and I googled it. Lo and behold, I found a natural remedy I had forgotten all about. Within a day the itching stopped and within three days the rash was almost gone. Here's the blessing part. While googling the cure for the poison oak, I ran across an ad for liver pills. I had never heard of and had no reason to pay attention. Nonetheless, something made me take note.

Feeling better I started to celebrate and reaffirm my intentions, “I have pure and clear skin. Every new cell that grows in my body grows with the imprint of Divine perfection.” A day later I went into an extreme allergic reaction. I wanted to cry. “Enough God! I know I’m detoxing, but really? Fix me. Now. What do I need to do?” I started to sit and breathe and receive my angels’ love…

Suddenly those liver pills popped into my head. That was my answer! I was having all these reactions because my body was clearing old frequencies from this and past lives, and it was more than my little liver could handle. That explained why I had suddenly lost my taste for meat a few days prior and was craving only clean vegetarian food. The universe wanted to make sure I got the message. Within seconds an email came in from a dear client with “more” and “liver” in her name!

I got the supplements, gave my body what it wanted and the allergy was gone in a day. I feel amazing. It was a miraculous shift. That little heart-shaped patch of poison oak was indeed a blessing in disguise! And now, every new cell is indeed growing in Divine Perfection!

Here are a few pointers to help you feel your feelings and then shift to better...

1. Don’t stuff your feelings

At least once a day, take the time to check in with yourself and note what you are feeling. If you need to, you can share your feelings with your angels in private, in a journal, or out loud. You can sit in quiet contemplation before bed. Simply acknowledge, “I am joyous. I am anxious. I am sad. I am upset.” Your feelings won’t kill you and you will experience far greater relief if you can face them, rather than stuffing them or avoiding them in anxious or addictive behaviors.

If you have a sudden burst of emotion due to an event, condition, or someone’s behavior, try not to take it out on anyone else! Instead talk to the angels, journal, or take a brisk walk. Move the energy in a healthy… don’t aim it!

2. Focus on what is already good and beautiful in your life

Problem situations are often like splinters. They may be small compared to all the good in our lives, but they feel like one huge irritation. See if you can focus back on all that is good. This puts things in perspective.

When I got poison oak I focused on the rest of my skin that was clear! When the allergy hit, I thanked God for bringing the need to eat clean and take supplements to my attention to support my overall well-being. Even clients who have had huge lawsuits have conquered their thoughts by focusing on their beautiful homes, family, and quality of life. Suddenly what was once an all-consuming irritation was put in perspective… and in this new vibration… they won.

3. Figure out what you want next… pray for it & focus your intention

Now you can pray. “Dear God thank you for my beautiful life!” “Dear God, fill my mind with your peace and comfort.” “Dear God, bring me inspiration and help me find joy once again.” “Dear God I’m so angry I don’t know what to do. Show me where I need to make changes in my thoughts or behaviors.” By simply admitting your feelings to yourself, you will know what your heart authentically wants. By finding your heart, you’ll know what positive things you are seeking. This is an act of self-love, and it will help to shift your vibration.

Then, do your part by focusing on what you want to create more than what you don’t!

By keeping the energy moving in such a fashion, you will weather your challenges with grace. You will purge the emotions that no longer serve you and through your prayers, start to think more loving thoughts, and then be guided to make changes so your life becomes more joyful.

Love you all!


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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