lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Weekly Channelled Message |
Discussions on 2012 by Lord Buddha and Archangel Metatron Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 05/12/11 My beloved beings of light I extend my energy and love to you now, I am Lord Buddha, accompanied by the powerful and loving energies of Archangel Metatron. It is a great honour for us to step forward together in this way, Archangel Metatron is sending a large wave of energy into your being and reality while I share consciousness and offer confirmation for you. It is so essential that the angelic energy is anchored into the Earth now and into every being upon the Earth. The angelic energies hold a tremendous balance between love, selflessness and power, it is an energy that will support humanity and Mother Earth through the transition process. The time that you are now existing within has been long awaited by many souls, it has always been known as a time of transition. Such transitions have been made by humanity and the Earth throughout history but it was hoped that humanity would awaken significantly without self destruction in order for a greater transition to occur. The date of 2012 has been known by many souls within their hearts as if it was engraved into reality. For a significant period on the Earth energy vibrated at a slower rate and so humans composure of time also passed at a slower speed. As humanity began to awaken and develop their understanding and connection with their soul and the Creator we saw that not only their own vibration quickened but time also increased in speed. You may feel at the moment that days pass you by so quickly, this is because your own vibration and also the vibration of the Earth has quickened and so this naturally influences your perception of your reality. 2012 is an activation but it could be brought forward or delayed by you. You and many others on the Earth now believe that you are ready for the 2012 activation and so you have allowed your own energy to speed up, bringing the 2012 activation into your present. It is wonderful to think of the control and responsibility that you as an individual and as humanity hold and yet you do not realise this. It is because of your devotion and the dedication of humanity to awakening their energies, minds and hearts to all that is beyond the Earth that has bought you to this point of transition. For this we wish to honour, celebrate and thank you. Please remember that 2012 isn't here because of time or due to months rolling by, it is here because you are now ready to move forward significantly on your spiritual path and begin a new era of energy. 2012 in itself is an activation for your being, if you imagine that you needed a key to open up your spiritual being, soul and sacred abilities, 2012 is the name and form of the key. It is extremely important for many to realise that 2012 has been programmed with many energies, codes, understandings and activation, it is like a crystal that will download information into your being. When we speak of 2012 in this way I am speaking of the word rather than the year. The word 2012 is the label of an energetic period of change, so both the energetic change and the word are linked together as one. By saying to yourself the word 2012 you can begin this activation within your being. When people say to each other, 'Happy 2012 or Happy New Year, have a great 2012,' they are speaking that activation for others, they are bringing the activation into the auric field and attention of others, as well as themselves. Everything has been encoded so that the transition cannot be missed and can be experienced as fully as possible. You can try this for yourself, repeat out loud, 2012, then just observe your energy, it may become more energised with new energies beginning to activate. Many people all over the world will be saying the word 2012 which will cause a tremendous activation within Mother Earth and will mean that you are also supporting each other. Throughout the year people will be saying, seeing and writing 2012 until it is so engrained on their consciousness, this in itself will allow for many activations to occur throughout the year of 2012 individually for humanity and as a community. With this in mind I wish to encourage you to begin to use the word 2012 as an activation for your own energy and soul but also as a positive and healing activation for the Earth. If positive words are placed with the word 2012 and we perceive the word 2012 as an activation or holding the purpose of activation, then any word can be activated from within your being and on the Earth. If we also add the word,' I am,' this can hold a tremendous power of empowering yourself, anchoring and aligning with the Creator. For example, I am 2012 Love, Which will hold the meaning of, I empower within me, I exist as the Creator, I anchor, the activation of love. This affirmation is being achieved for yourself and will also be anchored into the consciousness of humanity. 2012 can be used as an activation of many energies within and around you, it can also be used to empower what you wish and desire for yourself and humanity. With this affirmation you can begin to empower and create the reality that you wish to experience upon the Earth now. 11-11-11 was about creating unity between humanity, with a greater sense of unity this offers a powerful foundation for humanity to activate and create the qualities that they desire to experience in their realities and upon the Earth in 2012 and beyond. Maybe you always wished that the Creator would give you a paint brush and say to you, paint whatever you want and it shall be yours. This is your opportunity to do so, because others around the world will be achieving it therefore multiplying its power of manifestation. Allow yourself to comprise a list of affirmations that reinforce your desires for 2012 for you as an individual and for humanity as a whole. You can read and empower these affirmations daily to allow the energies to activate from within your being, integrate into your reality and into the realities of others. 2012 is destined to be the era of love and of connecting once more with your original source, but it is far more magnificent because although 2012 already holds a purpose you can use the activation energies of 2012 to activate what you wish to manifest or experience. Essentially with focus you can create the reality you wish to experience and you can awaken a tremendous healing process for you and the world. 'I am 2012 Love, I am 2012 Peace, I am 2012 Truth, I am 2012 Joy, I am 2012 Spiritual Freedom, I am 2012 Creator Connections, I am 2012 Abundance, I am 2012 Perfect Health, I am 2012 Abundant Spiritual Abilities, I am 2012 Creator.' Above are examples, know that by simply repeating these you can activate the qualities within your being aligned and supported by the Creator. I hope that you will discover and explore this for yourself and know that now is a very powerful time for manifestation. It is essential for you to know in your mind with clarity what you wish to manifest and anchor into your reality for you and humanity. Please remember that your efforts and devotion will always support all beloved souls upon the Earth in their spiritual alignment. We will continue our discussions of guidance, With love always, Lord Buddha and Archangel Metatron |
Thank you, Angela :-)
Discussions on 2012 by Archangel Metatron and Lord Buddha-Part 3
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 19/12/11
Beautiful beings of light we honour you at this time, we lend you our support and love. We are here to guide you into a new stage of your existence on the Earth, upon a new pathway and in a new direction, everything that has been before has led to this period of your growth, making it a time of great importance. While it is important there is a need for the energy of simplicity, of acceptance and pure clear focus. Do not allow yourself to be washed away or overcome in the enormity of this time. This period is of great importance to humanity and the Earth but you have also been at this stage of growth several times before. We say this with the purest of love and a focus of assisting you in moving forward. Many a time at this stage of accelerated growth or ascension humanity has crumbled under the pressure. They have found the responsibility to much and the transitions too extreme. We wish for you to know that you have grown significantly to make the necessary changes now and in the coming years and we are here to support you in any way we can. In the past such transitions have been sabotaged whether they were hindered by negative intentions or self sabotaged by humanity. It is again that leap of faith that we are asking you to take. None of you really know what will occur in 2012 and many of you are unable to truly understand the transitions that are occurring but rather than allowing fear to override all growth that can be made, we ask that you trust in your own energies. Observe and understand your own being, connect with the Creator, your monad and soul, radiate your original source energy, know and focus upon what you wish to manifest and allow all actions, thoughts and experiences to come from love while manifesting love. You will then be able to observe the transitions free from fear with energetic focus of mind, guiding yourself and the consciousness of humanity through the necessary energetic transitions and changes.
As in most of your journey you have had to take many leaps of faith and will continue to do so, but it is through the journey of the leap that you discover more about yourself and your truth.
We believe that there is a need to ask for all karma and negative energy connected to past periods of transitions to be released, cleansed and healed. There is a need to acknowledge all those times in the past whether you were involved or not when such transitions were sabotaged by fear, ego, confusion or misunderstanding.
In meditation you may speak this out loud,
'I call upon the assistance and energetic support of my guides, the angelic kingdom and ascended masters. Please surround me in your loving energy. I call forth my soul, monad and the Creator to oversee and support this healing process. I ask for healing on behalf of myself and humanity for all karma that was created due to sabotage during pervious transition periods upon the Earth. Let all karma, negativity, pain, fear and regret held by myself and humanity be bathed in a powerful healing light so that it may be dissolved and restored as a supporting loving energy to assist our current period of transition. I release all energies from the past that may influence our current experiences and ask that love is the only experience of all as we move through this sacred transition period. Let all unneeded energies whether they are released from the atmosphere, the consciousness of humanity, the Earth or the bodies of humanity, let all processes of release and healing be easy and guided by the perfection of the Creator. Thank you.'
Imagine that from your heart chakra and from the heart chakras of all loving beings who surround and are supporting you, love waves flow forward to encapsulate the Earth and humanity to aid complete and absolute healing. You may practice sending love from your heart for as long as you wish, it is also a practice of anchoring more love through your being into the Earth. So many times humanity has sabotaged their own growth process, now these days are behind us and humanity is strong and aware enough to guide themselves with power into a new stage of their reality. All are ready to take a leap of faith but of course you know that as you take the first step of the leap we will then carry you all the way. This was a powerful and appropriate process of healing at this time.
At this stage of transition it is essential to remind you of the 11-11-11 energy wave and the qualities of, love from truth, openness, unity, happiness, empowerment, embodiment, sensitivity and liberation. These qualities are still flowing from the Creator's soul and are being pointed out to you each and every day by the vibration of the Creator that you accept. You are being encouraged to embody these qualities in preparation for the 2012 activation of love. Each quality when experienced allows you to connect on a deeper level with the energy of love within your being and within the Creator. We believe that by adopting the activation explanation of Lord Buddha and placing the words, 'I am 2012,' before each quality and repeating these qualities to yourself throughout the day you will ignite the energies from within you and attract then in higher vibrations from the Creator's soul. This will bring the qualities into the present and current energy, allowing for you to accept the appropriate vibrations of each.
'I am 2012 Love from Truth, I am 2012 Openness, I am 2012 Unity, I am 2012 Happiness, I am 2012 Empowerment, I am 2012 Embodiment, I am 2012 Sensitivity, I am 2012 Liberation.'
Let the energies then pour into your being as you sit in acceptance.
2012 is a time when each person will experience an activation within them of greater love. This activation will originate from many aspects of your being and while it will be a joyous experience , the loving energy holds the purpose of recoding all energetic patterns into energetic patterns of love. This recoding will begin first in your own energetic systems and bodies. It is already beginning to alter. Then your physical aspect will be recoded by love into energetic codes and patterns of love. This will mean that there is a shift in your DNA. With this transition we may see many people being freed of illness or pain as the energetic patterns of illness are recreated into energetic patterns of love, thus bringing forth prefect health. Later we will see that the atmosphere, consciousness and energy of the Earth will be recoded into codes of love. it is essentially akin to painting the world pink, it will take time but will be most beautiful.
With this in mind we wish to prepare you for this process and recoding of your own energy. The angelic vibration of love is very similar to the vibration of love that will manifest so we wish for you to call upon the angelic vibration of love to pour into your being on a physical and spiritual level. Call upon the angelic vibration of love to flow into the Earth and all of humanity at the same time. Washing all of humanity and the Earth with love and anchoring the vibration of love to support and create a foundation for the transition of love. The angels will work with your energies to fill you with love and to ensure that as the activation occurs you are able to recode your energetic pattern with love easily and automatically. Let the angels work with you to remove all lower negative vibrational energies from your being, surroundings and auric field so that you can heighten your vibration from this moment each and every day.
Increasing your energy vibration now with the power of love will assist you tremendously in recoding your energetic patterns into patterns of love, therefore assisting in anchoring the Era of Love on the Earth.
'Angels of love, I call upon your presence and energy to surround me. Please pour into my being the angelic vibration of love to heal and cleanse my entire energy. Increase my energy vibration with each and every day and support me in holding a greater volume of love as I activate a pure love from within my being. Thank you.'
We love you unconditionally, we and all aspects of the Creators soul love you unconditionally.
Archangel Metatron and Lord Buddha
I Love this message!Lots of work for us all to be doing!
Thank-you for such as wonderful tool for our evolution.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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