Christ Initiation By Master Jesus
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
From a blazing white and golden light I emerge and walk forward to stand before your presence, through my gaze I absorb your beauty, the essence and truth of your being and soul. In honour of you as a beacon of the Creator's light I kneel down before you and take your hands in mine. With love, compassion and truth I gently kiss the back and front of each of your hands and draw your hands to my forehead. I allow the love and peace of my being and mind to embrace you completely now, letting my energy flowand connect with yours. We are one and will remain so eternally.
Allow all inhibitions, doubts, fears or insecurities to fall away, you are held in the arms of the Creator always, you are safe and I am here to guide you to a greater unity with the Creator's soul. There is no greater experience than to experience a complete unity with the Creator, to be and exist as love, bliss, peace, harmony and pure luminous light. If you are prepared for this initiation then I will lead you forth through the gardens of the heavens deep into the heart of the Creator.
You may ask why I have come forth to assist you in achieving an initiation; the answer is true and pure, now is the correct time for energies to be integrated and a new awareness to develop. Now is the time for a greater truth to be accessed and anchored deep into your being not only to aid your own spiritual ascension but the raise in the vibration of love on the Earth. This initiation is simple as are all teachings and insights drawn from the Creator's soul, it is to assist your greater embodiment of the Christ consciousness and to activate the Christ within your being; the pure presence of love.
From my heart I manifest a small golden flame of light, like a jewel it is so beautiful and like the sun it is so vibrant and warming. I hold this golden flame of light within my cupped hands, it is so precious to me, it holds and represents the very truth and purity of the Creator. A vibration that is so fine and quick in speed, it holds the cosmic light of the Creator, the love of the Creator and the very essence of the Creator. Before you is a concentrated energy of the Creator's heart.
Let your glaze become fixed upon this golden flame of light.
Let your body breathe in the golden light so that it embraces you entirely.
Allow your mind to adopt the glowing purity of the golden flame of light.
Allow yourself to become one with the golden flame of light, your body, being and mind is harmonising with this light. You are becoming the golden flame of light as the flame is becoming you. Relax into this existence knowing that you are uniting with a powerful aspect of the Creator's love.
I give to you this precious golden flame of light as a gift from the very depths of my soul. It is the Christ consciousness, the purest form of love from the Creator's soul that I offer to you. The golden light retains a high vibration of love but also encourages you to act, speak, hear, see, move and relax as love on the Earth. Permit love to be your guiding light, your teacher, aspect and soul. Let the golden flame of Christ consciousness light surround you completely. The more you accept the Christ light into your energy the larger the golden flame grows around you, entering into your surroundings and reality.
Hold absolute faith that the Christ consciousness flame of golden light is now working with your body and energy systems, transforming you into a complete beacon of love and the Christ light. A deep healing and shift in your energy is occurring as you accept and breathe in the golden light. Know that this is true and that you are completely deserving of the love and transformation that you are experiencing.
You may wish to affirm:
'I hold faith in the love of the Creator and Master Jesus as a complete healing for me now.'
Let the golden light become concentrated at your heart chakra, feel the light almost as a liquid light molten burning through any barriers and limitations that have been created by you because of your fears of embracing and existing as love. The Creator's embrace can be overwhelming and overpowering when we have not allowed ourselves to be accepting in the past. Now is the time to affirm your acceptance and willingness to accept the loving embrace of the Creator.
You may wish to affirm:
'I open my heart to the loving embrace of the Creator,'
Imagine, sense or acknowledge your heart as a flower head lifting to the sun and basking in the warm and loving light. You may feel some discomfort as light flows both into and from your heart chakra. As you open your heart chakra with the presence of the Christ consciousness around and within your being you are aligning on a new level with the energy of the Christ, with my soul and with the soul of the Creator. Know that this is a release, activation and an alignment.
This may take time and patience but while this integration occurs allow yourself to repeat for an appropriate period of time the affirmation, (ten to fifteen minutes may be appropriate):
'I am Christ.'
As you repeat this in your mind or out loud let the vibration and energy of the words pulsate throughout your entire being, like a wave of active energy surging through and around your being, increasing your vibration and Christ or love quotient. This will be extremely powerful if you allow your focus to be strong and secure. You will be affirming your embodiment and acceptance of the Christ energy, existence and light.
As the energy and alignment builds you may feel golden light showering and shimmering onto your being and your heart chakra blazing with bliss, freedom and love. The energy will begin to flow from the very depths of your being into your current manifestation on the Earth, you are activating your Christ self; the aspect, energy and source of the Christ or Creator love that already and naturally exists within you.
Allow yourself to affirm with power and devotion:
'I embrace and welcome eternally my Christ self, Christ energies and existence as the Christ consciousness on the Earth.'
This is a transition that will take time and development, focus and attention in your daily light. Envisage yourself as the energy of the Christ walking upon the Earth free from ego or superiority, simply embracing and sharing the love of the Creator; the Christ consciousness. You are more than worthy of this existence even as you go about your physical realities and routines on the Earth. Every moment of your life can be sacred, pure and loving if you allow it to be, connected to and aligned with the core heart chakra energy and consciousness of the Creator.
When you are ready I wish for you to send your golden existence and energy deep into the Earth as a symbol of anchoring the Christ energy and your Christ self into your physical reality and presence on the Earth. Only you can decide whether walking your path as the Christ energy is appropriate for you and your soul, but I am here to embrace and guide you always,
I am your friend and brother,
I am Master Jesus
May you walk in the love and light always,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channelled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
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