lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Being Present with the Creator
by Mother Mary
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 5th February 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, I am the consciousness of Mother Mary, I come forth to share my Creator expression and insights with you. My mission is to support you in integrating your spiritual wisdom, knowledge and insights with your physical reality and every day experiences.
The Earth is such a beautiful distraction from the divine Creator which exists within your being, or so it seems. The way dramas, situations and experiences unfold whether you deem them as positive or negative is extremely beautiful and magnificent. Your experiences and situations literally pour from your being for you to feel, see and acknowledge, this is such a wonderful process. However, to you it can seem as if the Earthly reality is constantly distracting you from your truth, creating obstacles and disruptions which lead you away from your spiritual practices and existing in a spiritual way. Some people may be angry with the Earthly reality because it leaves little time for communion with the Creator. To cast all interaction with and responsibilities within the physical reality away, to exist as a detached individual who is completely devoted to connecting with the Creator, may s eem like the most appropriate pathway at this time, to heal all pains and fulfil the passion within you to be as one with the Creator. However, to do so is to completely misjudge the purpose of the Earth and your presence upon her.
The Earth is not distracting you with its responsibilities, work and the desires of others, it is you who are creating and participating in these distractions. The first reason is because of an inner resistance to surrender to be as one with the Creator. The second is because you have forgotten how to be present with the Creator. The Earth is a space for you to commune with the Creator within you as well as the Creator aspects within other people, this is the truth although it has been forgotten. In its place the belief of the Earth being a hard, painful and an all-consuming place to live has been accepted and manifested by you and others. When you accept as a belief that the Earth is a space to commune with the Creator in every present moment then you begin to allow yourself the space to experience such a reality.
The Earth allows for your inner most desires, dreams, feelings and thoughts to manifest into physical form before you. If that which you hold within you is fear, pain, suffering and disconnection with the Creator you will manifest this beautifully for you to experience. If you recognise within you the powers of the Earth and allow yourself to remember how to be present with the Creator then you will notice a different reality manifesting where the Creator is eternally present within you and around you, creating a continuous growth in your relationship with the Creator. Your everyday experiences would then alter and shift presenting freedom, love, happiness and bliss in every moment. It wouldn’t be that you are seeking the Creator or making time for the Creator in your busy schedule, more so it would be that the Creator becomes your recognised companion. The Earth would become a reality of communion with the Creator in every moment, especially those moments which to you feel at this time demanding or life less.
When you allow yourself to remember how to be present with the Creator then you realise the eternal presence of the Creator within you. All forms of seeking, desiring or focused connection with the Creator dissolve as you recognise the Creator within and around you.
The process you are experiencing upon the Earth with your feelings of wishing to become more connected to the Creator and observing all of the distractions in your reality is the journey to becoming present with the Creator.
What does it mean to remember how to be present with the Creator? To be present is to recognise, acknowledge, receive and express the Creator in every moment. This is not a practice nor an effort, it is simply an outcome of remembering the Creator. Many people passionately wish to remember the Creator, however hard they try to do so no inspiration or remembrance flows. Therefore, to remember how to be present with the Creator seems impossible, even though the Earth has been created for this simple experience as well as enjoying communion with the Creator. Often your natural inner existence can be accessed with a practice which leads to a habit and then the awakening of your inner truth. The two areas which require your focus in order to remember how to be present with the Creator are self-love and self-acceptance. These pathways lead you to remembering the presence of the Creator with in you. When you love yourself unconditionally you flood yourself with light and Creator consciousness which opens your energies, dissolves limitations and allows for the Creator to flow through all aspects of your being. When you accept yourself as you are now you encourage yourself to grasp the concept that everything you wish to be is within you and can be accessed immediately. Again an openness is created allowing all self-imposed blockages, fears and hindrance to fall away. When you are able to see and accept yourself truthfully as well as express yourself honestly then you offer yourself the freedom to see, sense and acknowledge the presence of the Creator within you. Thus you begin to recognise the beauty of the Earth, that there is space and time for the Creator because the Creator is eternally present within all.
Self-love and self-acceptance are the same, although they encourage you to recognise yourself in different ways the outcome will always be a resonance with the Creator presence within you. Your journey of self-love and self-acceptance is a journey that will lead you to remembrance of the Creator, however it is also a journey which can be experienced and perfected in every moment of your Earthly reality. Even when you feel that negative energies consume you or another person is expressing negativity or limitations to you, your purpose is to love and accept yourself unconditionally as a pathway to remembering the Creator. It is your ability to accept and love yourself which is the bridge between your seemingly mundane Earthly reality and your inspirational spiritual practices, drawing the reality of your spiritual practices into your everyday life. Even through words of love and accepta nce to yourself you are recalling your remembrance of the Creator. Your remembrance of the Creator is your pure consciousness of the Creator in action within your being. When you engage with and as your pure Creator consciousness the reality around you and within you alters revealing the exquisiteness and splendour of the Earth that is available to you.
It is not that your reality must alter so that you create the time you desire to connect with and develop your relationship with the Creator, it is the perspectives within your mind which require to shift into self-love, self-acceptance and the belief of the presence of the Creator within you. True communion with the Creator comes from your acceptance and love of yourself as you are now rather than the divine being you believe yourself to be.
With the energy of love anchoring into the Earth and your being from Venus, the presence of the Creator within you is being revealed, your alignment to love and the presence of the Creator signifies that shifts within all parts of your being are needed and essential. Shifting your mind and thoughts to self-love and self-acceptance is the stepping stone that the beings from Venus are asking of you so that they may further heal your being and anchor greater volumes of supreme love within your being and the Earth. You may invite my energies, Mother Mary and the energy of Beings from Venus to support you in your focus of remembering the presence of the Creator. Invite us to amplify and magnify a thousand times your actions, thoughts and feelings of self-love and self-acceptance as this will accelerate your acceptance of the pure consciousness of the Creator within your being.
‘Mother Mary and Beings from Venus, support me in accepting and loving myself as I am now in my Earthly reality. Help me to recognise the power of myself love and acceptance. Let me recognise the magnificent influence of love and acceptance upon my being in revealing the truth within me, so I and all may see it with ease and perfection. Please magnify and amplify every loving and accepting thought and feeling I create so that I may fully experience the impression upon my being. I am ready to be present with the Creator; I am ready to remember my pure Creator consciousness. I am ready to be the love of the Creator and be of service through my manifestation of Earth as a planet of love. And so I am. Thank you.’
Everything that hinders and blocks you in your current reality is your gateway to self-acceptance, self-love and your remembrance of how to be present with the Creator.
With divine love,
Mother Mary
Root Chakra Healing
Embodiment of Love and Accessing Your Soul’s Power
Channelled from Saint Germain
3rd February 2016
In Capsule of Wisdom No 111, Saint Germain explains the purpose of your Root Chakra. He shares the ways in which your Root Chakra is hindering your spiritual growth and embodiment of love as well as the positive energies held within your Root Chakra which can promote soul and Creator integration. Saint Germain clarifies how the energy of Venus love flowing into the Earth is working with your Root Chakra, encouraging you to healing and further awaken your Root Chakra. The Master guides you in a powerful meditation to dissolve negativity held within the chakra, working with the Beings of Venus to create healing while also empowering the chakra to serve your ascension.
This Capsule of Wisdom is essential at this time when love is our conscious focus as it allows unconscious thoughts, energies and attention to be healed and erased. With so much love anchoring into the Earth it is time for us to accept our inner power, to learn to trust in love and to becoming fully grounded into our truth. For me this Capsule of Wisdom came at the most appropriate time to further explore my unconscious self and conscious self guided by the wise clarity of Saint Germain.
I do hope you enjoy,
Many blessings,
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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