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Workshop Lithuania
Saturday 18th June
Dissolving the Ego and Discovering the God Within with Lord Melchizedek
Sunday 19th June
Love Initiation with Mother Mary and Master Jesus
Lithuania, Palanga ,street Vanagupes 15, rest -house "Zvorune",
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The workshops will be in English and Lithuanian
Saturday 18th June 2011
Dissolving the Ego and Discovering the God Within with Lord Melchizedek
Channelled Workshop through Natalie Glasson
Lord Melchizedek is the Universal Logos and overseer of the Earth from a universal level. His energies are extremely pure, powerful, wise and loving, holding the Christ light he devotes his energy and love to assisting and guiding others.In this one day workshop Lord Melchizedek wishes to guide you to examine your thoughts, beliefs and the process of your mind in order to become familiar with and to recognise your ego. He wishes to aid youin understanding your ego, how it is assisting you and how it is hindering your spiritual growth. The ego can be of negative influence and distraction when
one is seeking to discover their truth and unity once more with the Creator. Lord Melchizedek wishes to assist you in surrendering the negative habits, patterns and suffering of the ego to the Creator. To slay our ego is our greatest personal challenge, to do so is to master your mind, to live as a fearless being of light with a focused and clear mind. When the mind is in order, illusions are dissolved and the ego is returned to a state of love, the soul or God self is then able to emerge and all links with the Creator are formed once more.
This can be an intense workshop as Lord Melchizedek encourages you to look at your thoughts in the most appropriate way, discover your beliefs, eradicate fears and forgive yourself and ego. A separation between your true self and your ego is indicated in order to gain a greater understanding within and of your mind, bringing freedom and liberation to your being, soul and spirit. Emphasis will be place on practices and meditations to discipline and train the mind as well as to bring healing and love to the ego.
The second stage of the workshop will encourage you to experience the freedom that is given by the Creator and is your natural existence when the ego is eliminated or let go of. Lord Melchizedek will assist you in finding or focusing upon the God within you, aiding it to emerge, integrate and connect with your current self, supporting the occurrence of a transformation.
Learn to understand your mind and ego to allow the truth within you to unfold.
All energy and light vibrations, wisdom and meditations will be channelled through Natalie who is noted for her ability to channel a variety of light beings and guides in order to aid the growth of humanity. Natalie channels personal communications and acts as a spiritual mentor to numerous clients worldwide. The focus of her work and life is to assist others in awakening to the light of the Creator, sharing wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body and the Creator's universe.
The content of the workshop may vary slightly due to the workshop being channelled.
Sunday 19th June 2011
Love Initiation with Mother Mary and Master Jesus
Channelled Workshop through Natalie Glasson
This is a wonderful opportunity to experience and bathe in the love of the Creator guided by Mother Mary and Master Jesus. This one day workshop will allow you to feel the unique bond and devotion between Mother Mary and Master Jesus as well as their unconditional love for all. Mother Mary and Master Jesus wish to welcome you with open arms and hearts, cradling you in love and allowing you to heal, awaken and recognise the love of the Creator within and around you. Mother Mary is seen as the loving Mother of Humanity while Master Jesus is acknowledged as an example of the Christ
light, a pure vibration of love from the heart of the Creator. Both divine beings now wish to work with you to help you understand the true meaning and purpose of spiritual Creator love on the Earth and the inner planes, how it influences your being and reality and how you can draw it deeper into your Earth experience.
As we draw near to 2012, it is love that is the key and will be the most essential energy to hold, ensuring that you grasp the enlightenment that is needed to guide you perfectly and remain balanced at all times. With the power of love activated and emanating from within your being you will be open and receptive to the new energy vibrations anchoring into the Earth now and beyond 2012. You do not have to wait until 2012 but can experience a new reality of love now. You are on the Earth currently to experience the love of the Creator and accept it wholeheartedly into your being, manifesting love as
your truth and reality.
Mother Mary and Master Jesus wish to assist you in understanding the energy, meaning and purpose of love, activating the energy of love from within you, using the love vibration of the Creator in your reality, learning how to love yourself unconditionally, guide you in releasing all karmic issues connected to lack of love as well as assisting you in becoming a love vibrational initiate on the Earth devoting yourself to be of service to humanity through the power of love.
Natalie will channel Mother Mary and Master Jesus who will guide you through the workshop offering thoughts of inspiration and enlightenment, meditations and practices for growth and awakening. This sacred day will allow the truth of your being and the Creator to prevail, connecting you on a deeper level with Master Jesus, Mother Mary, your Soul and the Creator.
All energy and light vibrations, wisdom and meditations will be channelled through Natalie who is noted for her ability to channel a variety of light beings and guides in order to aid the growth of humanity. Natalie channels personal communications and acts as a spiritual mentor to numerous clients worldwide. The focus of her work and life is to assist others in awakening to the light of the Creator, sharing wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body and the Creator's universe.
The content of the workshop may vary slightly due to the workshop being channelled.
For More Information Please Contact
Rita Ramanauskiene Tel- +370 652 22531
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