lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Supporting Transformation Cycles

By Saint Germain and the AndromedansAudio Download

Channelled through Natalie Glasson  28th April 2016 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

It is with a focus upon high frequencies of transformation that we, Saint Germain and the Andromedans, join our energy and consciousness together to be of service to you.

Have you noticed that with your continued focus upon receiving love, embodying love and expressing love that you are experiencing a constant process of transformation? Love transforms your being by encouraging you to let go of all forms of illusion you are holding onto to reveal the greater light, truth and love within your being. While the letting go of illusion through spiritual practices and physical circumstances can be challenging it is often more challenging to allow yourself to realise the truth arising once the illusion has been dissolved. Often it is the process of embodying the realisations within which can create inner resistance. The easiest way to allow processes of love, transformation, the release of illusions and the gathering of truth to take place is through acceptance and surrendering. When you accept that as a being you are constantly transforming and that transformation is a natural pathway for you then you begin to realise that every experience in your reality is to support your transformation. From a seemingly negative experience to a blissful experience, all are arriving in your reality with divine timing to allow your inner transformation and blossoming to take place. This also encourages you to realise there is a purpose for every situation and experience. It is the same for circumstances worldwide, all are opportunities for humanity to transform, to truly begin to embody love. When you have the focus of receiving, embodying and expressing love, even when you are achieving this it is only a focus or an intention. In order for you to truly embody love there is a need to release that which hinders the love labelled transformation and dissolving illusions. Then the truth which already exists within you will manifest thus the desire for embodiment becomes the experiences of embodiment from the truth within.

Acceptance is a powerful tool as is surrendering. In amidst the process of transformation there are several points when surrendering is required. To begin the transformational process there is a need to surrender to it, then there will come a time when the process of transformation climaxes again inviting you to surrender the shift taking place and the new energies flowing into your being. Finally, you are invited to surrender to the truth which is now more evident than before.

It is a wonderful practice at the end of the day to contemplate the processes of transformation small or large you have experienced that day. With your realisation and conscious acceptance so you can at that moment hold an intention of surrendering to the transformations of the day, those you are aware of and those you are not aware of. This creates further shifts of awakening and truth within your being. The practice encourages you to contemplate and understand the transformations that do take place within your being. It could be as simple as a shift in your mood, a realisation of a habit, commitment to positive affirmations, a meditation you experienced, gaining a positive understanding of yourself or your passions, helping another, participating in earth healing, letting go of judgments and many more simple experiences that occur every day. When you recognise that you are transforming many times a day you begin to see yourself and your reality in a new perspective building your confidence and allowing you to trace your spiritual growth.

It is also important as you realise that you are transforming continuously to take time to inhale and exhale once deeply and consciously. The purpose of this is to remind you of your expansive nature and how filled you are with the rich qualities of the Creator. In a single cycle of breathing you can remind and align yourself with an understanding of your expansion and connection to all aspects of the Creator. Realisations that you are never alone and you are greater than your earthly self will dawn. This is nurturing, rejuvenating and fulfilling. Simply inhale filling yourself with the realisation that you are the expansive Creator and you will notice that your exhale is extremely beautiful and enthused with Creator vibrations.

To support your continuous and often unrealised transformation we wish to make you aware that you can call upon us, Saint Germain and the Andromedans, or in fact any being or consciousness you feel connected to, to achieve specific energetic healing treatments with you. Your body and aura are receptive to physical touch and as well as energetic touch, both can create a process of realignment as well as releasing any stress, imbalance or fatigue created by transformation. All that you are is being bombarded with energy from the universe of the Creator, more than ever before, so there are specific healing treatments which can be of service to you and experienced with a simple request.

The energetic healing treatments available are energetic acupressure, energetic acupressure of the feet, hands, face and head, energetic aromatherapy to heal through the senses, energetic realignment of the spine, energetic digestive support, energetic deliverance of herbs, minerals and vitamins needed by the body, energetic cell rejuvenation, energetic emotional healing, energetic positive reprogramming of the subconscious and energetic massage to support the muscles in absorbing greater light. There are many more energetic treatments available and these are just to name a few which may be useful to you. These treatments are more than the process of transferring energy into your being. Those that you call upon to achieve the treatments with you will subtly work with your body and energy systems to create awakenings and shifts within specific areas of your being. These are precise processes and so we encourage you to only experience one at a time.

Note from Saint Germian: I would encourage you to call upon the Andromedan Healing Team to bring forth the energetic treatment that you feel guided to experience or to simply invite them to achieve the appropriate treatment. I encourage you to call upon their energies as their healing is immensely powerful, their frequency very pure and they have advanced abilities in this field.

Please sit in silence or meditation communing with your soul asking for advice as to whether you require one of these energetic treatments.  If so which is the most appropriate to serve you. If you are still unsure as to the energetic treatment of most benefit for you, then simply hold the intention of experiencing the most appropriate treatment to offer the greatest blissful results and healing within your being.

Please first call upon your guides and angelic team to support and protect you. Please also invite your soul to emanate from your heart chakra to oversee the process.

‘Andromedan Healing Team I invite you to come forth to be present with me emanating your pure unconditional love into every aspect of my being, awakening the unconditional love and truth of my own being. Andromedan Healing Team I call you forth to achieve (treatment……or the most appropriate energetic healing treatment) on my being to support the transformation taking place within all aspects of my being. I am open to receive your support, assistance and guidance now. Please begin the treatment and support me throughout. Thank you.’

Please lay down to receive. Please know you may or may not feel the energetic treatment shared with you by the Andromedan Healing Team. If you are unaware of the process occurring this does not mean that it is not occurring. Please know that you can stop the treatment at any time through a simple request.Supporting Transformation Cycles by Saint Germain and the Andromedans

We, Saint Germain and the Andromedans are overseeing the transformation of humanity as are many light beings at this time due to the accelerated rate of each person’s transformation process. While your soul and soul group understand the purpose and mission of your transformation it is also a good practice to visualise yourself surrounded in supreme light observing the transformations taking place within you. Visualise or imagine what you wish yourself to transform into, the qualities, abilities, skills and consciousness you wish to emanate from your being. Rather than having specific desires for your transformation each time you visualise let yourself freely explore the different shifts your inner transformation could create. Let yourself be creative and free. The more you participate in this practice with a sense of freedom the more you will be influenced by visions and understanding of the transformation taking place within you. No longer will it be you exploring your desires, it will be you realising the shifts of truth taking place within you.

We, Saint Germain and the Andromedans are present to support your transitions of ascension.

In eternal love,

Saint Germain and the Andromedans

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 Missed the Webinar Series for April 2016?

Awakening the Truth of Mother Earth –

Venus, Pleiades and the Andromedans

with the Fairy Consciousness

Part 1- Catch Up Now

Part 2 - Catch Up Now

Part 3 - Catch Up Now

Venus’ current alignment of magnificent love with the Earth throughout 2016 symbolises a year of tremendous inner nourishment. Venus is preparing to become a planet of bliss therefore supporting the Earth in becoming a planet of love. The love of Venus is filling each person and all aspects of Mother Earth creating powerful shifts and new alignment for all.

The Pleiades and Andromedans are also being invited to be of service to the Earth and her humanity. The Andromedans are supporting the transition of lower consciousness to love consciousness while the Pleiades are supporting the energy networks and structures upon the Earth in their current healing and love alignment process. It is the Beings from Venus who are delivering the nourishment of supreme Creator love through their essence and expression however they are also supporting the transformation of each soul’s physical body upon the Earth. With the support of these three star civilisations the Earth and her humanity is being given tremendous assistance in embodying and becoming love.

How at this stage of ascension are the fairies supporting transitions of love? The fairies have witnessed so many civilisations upon the Earth, they have also evolved through numerous stages of ascension, understand the energetic and physical shifts the Earth and her humanity are currently and are required to move through. They have a voice, wisdom, enlightened consciousness and guidance that they wish to share with you to further awaken the truth of your being and the truth of Mother Earth.

They wish to encourage and share how you can be of service working with the fairy kingdom. How the fairy kingdom enables you to connect on a deeper level with the Earth. The fairies wish to support your communion and connection with Mother Earth, as well as supporting you in visiting the star civilisations of Venus, Pleiades and Andromeda to benefit from the energy and the wisdom they are sharing, further anchoring it into the Earth. It’s time to align the fairy energetic networks of the Earth with Venus to allow the consciousness of the fairies and Venus merge, benefiting in this showering of blessings. They wish to support you in creating beautiful planetary shifts which will influence the Earth presently and in the future. The fairies’ magic, wisdom and healing freq uencies are waiting to commune, connect and lead you forth, being of service and experiencing transformation.

Open yourself to receive the wisdom of the Fairies!


 Catch Up Online Now!

Capsule of Wisdom

No 116

Andromedan Light Technology

and Activations

Resonating as the perfection of the Creator

Channelled from the Andromedans


19th April 2016

The Andromedans come forth in Capsule of Wisdom No 116 with a very specific purpose to allow you to experience their light technology and activations to further aid your ascension. Their main purpose is to raise your energy and light vibration and to dissolve lower consciousness held within your being. They wish for you to experience their energy, becoming familiar with their frequency while understanding how they can assist you. The Andromedans guide you to their healing chamber with the purpose of magnifying balance and love within your being, detoxifying your being, removing deep rooted energies which no longer serve you especially those programmed into your being from the consciousness of humanity. They encourage you to experience renewal, the knowledge of eternity while also encouraging your resonance with the perfection of the Creator. Allow yourself to be guided by the Andromed an Healing Team, Transformation Team and Divine Knowledge team.

 I do hope you enjoy,

Many blessings,


  Download Now


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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