lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Awakening Your Soul Star Chakra

by the Beings from Venus

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 22nd January 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

With the Earth’s alignment with Venus in order to support Mother Earth in manifesting as a planet of love great volumes of love are flowing to you at this time. The flow of love from our consciousness is immense signifying that you have the opportunity to accept love in abundance, allowing all areas of your being and reality to be abundant in love. Your soul is equalling the love you are receiving from our consciousness and delivering to you the same volume of love from the truth of your being. The love of your soul is flowing and returning to your being through your soul star chakra, above your head. Your soul star chakra is becoming immensely powerful, expansive and active as it processes, delivers and filters great volumes of love from your soul into your current reality.

Our purpose is not to give you love that you do not have, it is to activate your being in a very profound and beautiful way to allow your soul to deliver the beauty of your love into your current existence. Such an experience would create a wonderful sense of peace within your entire being which unconsciously you have been waiting for as it will create feelings of completion, acceptance and security in your current mission upon the Earth. Our love is a gift to all of humanity however it is not our energy which is creating shifts within your being, it is your process of opening up to receive, to recognise yourself as worthy and to view yourself/ truth in a new expansive way. More important than our energy is the awakening which takes place within your being as well as your reaction to the gift we share unconditionally with you.

There will not come a time in our united future where we will demand of the Earth and humanity a service due to the process of awakening we are achieving with you currently. Our service is unconditional, our vibrations and consciousness given in love and due to our love and appreciation of you. As you are encouraging yourself to open to the love we are sharing, you are awakening your entire being to your soul, soul group, the universe and the Creator. Such an awakening will alter your perspective and the way you exist upon the Earth therefore guiding the Earth and humanity upon a new pathway of Ascension; Love Ascension.

Many planets and star systems in the universe of the Creator are ascending and awakening to new aspects of the Creator. Each are accessing an ascension or evolution which allows them to further exist as an aspect of the Creator. To explain this, we can share that our civilisation and planet Venus is known as the planet of love, love is a beautiful aspect, energy and expression of the Creator. However, the next stage of ascension for Venus is to become a planet of bliss. There is already a civilisation of bliss known as the Celestial White Beings, these beings are working to aid their evolution to become a civilisation of unity. We could say that Earth will take on the role of Venus, Venus will take on the role of the Celestial White Beings, and Celestial White Beings will take on the role of Andromedans or if they wish to merge with the Creator. Each planet and star system are raising their energetic vibration to move to the next stage of their Creator awareness and embodiment, thus major shifts are occurring and will occur within the Universe of the Creator. Earth will have an important role of expressing the love of the Creator to all aspects of the Creator. It also determines that although humanity will always be changing, in the way that souls leave the Earth and enter into the Earth’s cycle, the consciousness of humanity will always be present, thus there are qualities within humanity which serve the presence of love. These qualities are selflessness, kindness, caring, joy, freedom and peace. You may feel that some of these qualities are lacking within your being or maybe within the consciousness of humanity, however they are the keys which has allowed the Earth to be chosen to ascend into the planet of love. Selflessness, kindness, caring, joy, freedom and peace are present within every person upon the Earth and will be nurtured by the awaken ing of love within many at this time.  Focus on these qualities, know their power and presence within your being and they will manifest worldwide.

With an understanding of the purpose of the Earth in the Ascension of all aspects of the Creator, we wish to return to the importance of your soul star chakra. Your soul star chakra is filling with love both from your soul and our transmission, this means there is a need for you to consciously and with awareness allow the love to filter into your entire being and reality at least once a day. Thus you will further gain the benefits of this unique time. As you focus upon allowing the love flowing into your soul star chakra to almost empty into your being and reality you will encourage your soul star chakra to receive more love of higher and quicker frequencies to shower upon your being and influence your current reality. You will also be receiving greater aspects of your soul allowing powerful soul merges to take place with your simple conscious awareness aiding your spiritual evolution and unity with the Creator.

The process of consciously allowing your soul star chakra to filter or release the love it is collecting into your being will encourage an expansion within this chakra signifying that you will be able to receive and distribute throughout your being greater volumes of love, consciousness and light. Imagine a large piece of paper above your head with a small hole which allows the sun to blaze upon you. If the hole is made larger then the sun can penetrate your being with greater force allowing you to reap the benefits.  More love flowing into your being will nurture you on all levels allowing you to further embody the Creator. Practicing allowing the love moving into your soul star chakra to filter throughout your being consciously will dissolve any resistance within your being to love and to accepting the Creator.

It is your awareness to your resistance to love which begins your beautiful process of encouraging yourself to be and receive love from your soul. We can acknowledge resistance as an alarm to specify where love is required.

Those that may be experiencing unhappiness, negative thoughts, hopelessness or fear at this time as natural reactions to the love we are delivering to the Earth may recognise these experiences with hope, knowing that your entire being is preparing to receive love. Consciously filtering the love held within your soul star chakra may assist in bringing you back to your centre and truth with a perspective of love. Your soul star chakra is always naturally and automatically filtering energy from the universe of the Creator and your soul into your entire being. We are encouraging you to consciously practice this due to the great volumes of energy and love building within your soul star chakra which requires to be released into your body and utilised within your reality. Otherwise the excess energy could cause imbalances within your being.

It is a beautiful process that we ask of you, to allow yourself to be more consciously connected to your divine source experiencing the divinity of your truth flowing throughout your being, as well as recognising its positive influence within your being.

Simply bring the attention of your mind to your soul star chakra, imagine, sense or acknowledge a brilliant source or cup of light above your head which is constantly being filled with deliciously nurturing and nourishing light. The light is the consciousness of love from your soul present in response to our love surrounding you completely and absolutely.

‘I activate my soul star chakra and release the love of my soul into my entire being.’ Say this in your mind once as you inhale deeply with your focus still above your head.

As you exhale deeply and expansively imagine, sense or acknowledge the love consciousness flowing into your crown chakra, down throughout your entire chakra column and merging with your entire being.

As you inhale once more bring the attention of your mind to your earth star chakra below your feet which is connected to your soul star chakra. Imagine your earth star chakra absorbing the love consciousness as you inhale.

As you exhale, imagine the love consciousness flowing in all directions from your earth star chakra below your feet.

This is one cycle, to begin again inhale returning your attention to your soul star chakra as you say the affirmation in your mind.

This will support the easing of many ascension symptoms which some people may be experiencing, while allowing you to be embody love and your soul further.

With deep unconditional love,

Beings from Venus

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you so much for posting this Sonja... and to download a free audio of Natalie's channeled message - just click on this link:

Blessings of Unbounded Love & Light to all,


Dear Steve,

Thanks for this video....

Giving Joy, freedom & Peace with awakening of the Love Vibrations ....

Earth is Happy to receive such loving vibrations from Venus....

Sending you Love & Blessings with Light of Love...

Thanks for activation of My Soul Star Chakra...

Thank you for this information about Cosmic Ascension. I found this most interesting:

We could say that Earth will take on the role of Venus, Venus will take on the role of the Celestial White Beings, and Celestial White Beings will take on the role of Andromedans or if they wish to merge with the Creator. Each planet and star system are raising their energetic vibration to move to the next stage of their Creator awareness and embodiment, thus major shifts are occurring and will occur within the Universe of the Creator.

Blessings of Light and Love,


Yes, indeed, we are ALL moving on!!! I had this flash of a vision last weekend ... the full moon was powerfully impacting my emotional, mental and physical world ... and all of a sudden I simply KNEW how BIG this is ... everything we are doing! And that I came here for a purpose which goes far beyond what I can achieve here in this world ... everything is connected, and this, my body here, is my outpost in a 3D world which is about to follow the flow, finally, so ALL can move on!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE - LOVE ETERNAL, dearest Ishema,

Sonja MYriel

Very encouraging to know humanity on mother Earth is already on way to be with Creator.  Thanks Sonja for sharing this interesting information.  Thanks Natalie.


Dear Sonja, 

Thanks for such a good posting...

Awakening of this Soul Star Chakra is very important with the Earth alignment....

Thanks for this flow of love to experience from our being only...

I listen to the video posted by Steve also and activation become easy...

Thanks again....for such acceptance & Given security...

Dear Sonja,

I always love Natalie's Messages....

I am a member for her site and getting all from her Spirit Of Om Na...

Thanks a lot for every thing...

She is a real Master for all of us...

Mastery ... it abounds in NATURE if only we are free to see ... I took this picture among many last Friday, in preparation of the Full Moon ... what a magical morning this was!

LOVE eteranl,

Sonja Myriel

Dear Sonja,

You were lucky to enjoy such a beautiful Morning !!!

Nature is also have some preparation for natural events...

Namaste, dear SohiniBen!

Dear Sonja,



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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