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2021 Is Yours To Create ! By Natalie Glasson &

Lord Melchizedek

Greetings, I am Lord Melchizedek, I come forth with the collective and loving energy of the Ascended Masters on the inner planes. We wish to share with you insights and ideas to support your growth and understanding in 2021.

The journey of 2020 was confusing and destabilising for many people on the Earth as well as bringing forth clarity, a new vision, and a deepening of self-understanding. While many people are unclear as to why certain situations manifested during 2020, a growing knowingness and eagerness to recognise the truth of the Creator is dawning.

The beginning of 2020 saw the anchoring of the Light Blaze, which is a powerful wave of energy from the Creator to magnify and amplify light throughout the Universe of the Creator and the Earth. The Light Blaze promised to create more light than ever experienced on the Earth before.

Thus, an awakening and release of fear manifested from the Earth releasing stagnant fear and negativity that had been stored for multiple years and even civilisations. The only way to truly release the stagnant fear and negativity was through humanity’s embodiment, healing, and release of the energy. This process continues and many people are dedicating their time and service to support and assist the erasing of fear from Mother Earth.

Ascended Masters, Star Beings and Archangels anchored Light Pillars into the Earth throughout 2020, each representing a purpose and acting as an ashram of wisdom and knowledge for all on the Earth to access. Each Light Pillar is connected creating a powerful shift of vibration for all.

To connect with a Light Pillar simply choose an Ascended Master, Star Being or Archangel you feel guided to connect with, ask or hold the intention of aligning with their Master Light Pillar anchored into the Earth.

The Master Light Pillars created the way forth for the New Earth Ascension Blueprint to anchor during 2020 gifted by the Cosmic Council of 12 to aid humanity in recognising and experiencing new liberating opportunities and possibilities. The Blueprint creates a new beginning allowing your dreams and desires to manifest for your experience in your reality.

Everything and anything are now possible with the presence of the Blueprint. While the Blueprint has anchored into the Earth and all of humanity, it is only truly activated when a person co-creates with the Blueprint, focusing upon manifesting opportunities and possibilities which seemed unobtainable previously.

The Blueprint encourages you to expand your mind, dream big, accept your power, and realise you can powerfully manifest the life you wish to live.

To connect with and activate the New Earth Ascension Blueprint call forth the Cosmic Council of 12 to surround you. Ask them to make you aware of the New Earth Ascension Blueprint already anchored within your being. Then allow yourself to experience the radiating energy, inspiration, guidance, and activations the Blueprint shares.

The Journey of 2021…..

The Journey of 2021 will offer many windows of awakening and deep Creator connections. You will be encouraged by the Creator and the ascension shifts taking place to gaze deeper within your being, with the purpose of bringing the sacred presence within you to action in your life.

You will be invited to examine the areas of your life and creations where the divine flow of the Creator is not present. Drawing the light of the Creator into your life, actions and creations have never been so important as now. The Creator is inviting you to manifest shifts within your reality and to be of service to others from the wisdom, insights, and truth within your being.

The greatest question you can ask yourself throughout 2021 is, ‘How can I co-create with the Creator in my physical reality and what am I guided to create?’

Creation from the truth of your being, rather than from your mind, emotions, perspectives, or beliefs will become a voyage of discovery, a powerful embodiment of mastery and a healing for yourself and the world.

Shifts have already begun to manifest in your reality and the world, this vibration of change will continue. There will be a need to discover methods of grounding that are personal to you to maintain your balance and centre as the world within you shifts and the world around you begins to alter.

Examine and discover the actions, thoughts, people, and situations in your life that support you in feeling anchored into Mother Earth and the truth of your being. As you establish a sense of being grounded and balanced so you will create clarity and peace within your being which will make way for your inner truth to unfold.

Another invitation put to you by the Creator for you to examine and contemplate throughout 2021 is the understanding of your inner truth. You are being encouraged to grasp a deeper understanding of what your inner truth is, how to communicate with your inner truth and the driving force of your inner truth.

By the end of 2021, you will have a greater awareness and experience of the truth of the Creator residing within your being, as well as what it looks like and feels like as action in your reality. This powerful shift within humanity of gazing within will create many shifts within the consciousness of humanity, allowing old cycles and ways of being to fall away, creating new understandings and behaviours.

The light is constantly encouraging change and the emergence of truth, this may create turbulence and feelings of being unsettled. It is immensely important to ask and hold the intention of being aligned with the Divine Flow of the Creator as well as the guidance of your soul.

Video - "Melchizedek Higher Self Meditation" -

Gifts to Aid Ascension in 2021

The inner planes and Master Beings are offering a variety of support as energy and consciousness anchoring into the Earth and humanity to be of service.

• Golden Stream of Awakening

Gifted from the Council of 144, a collection of souls who hold the vibration of infinity and have a powerful connection with the Earth, the Golden Stream of Awakening will be the first to manifest.

Holding the Christ Consciousness vibration of love as an infinite manifestation, the Golden Stream of Awakening supports the growing presence of love from within your being and the manifestation of love within all creations at a physical level.

You may align with the Golden Stream of Awakening to release and blossom your self love, align all that you are and do with love, discover the purest vibration of love and align your entire being, as well as understanding the power of love especially in your manifestations. The Golden Stream of Awakening will feel like a warm, supportive, and loving embracing enabling a gentle cleansing within your being to bring for awakening, clarity and insights.

• The Law of Oneness

Mahatma, the Cosmic Logos, will gift a sacred multidimensional template holding the energy and consciousness of the Law of Oneness. This template will hold the Law of Oneness of the purest vibration from the Creator with the purpose of activating the same within your being.

The Law of Oneness allows you to remember your unity with all beings of the Creator, encouraging you to use the vibration of oneness to serve your creations and service on the Earth.

The template holds a great power of illumination and enlightenment while also creating a purpose of healing false or old ideas of oneness and separation. A belief in separation creates blockages and a distancing with the Creator, while oneness allows you to expand your mind and being to embrace the presence of the Creator within.

Take time to contemplate the presence and power of oneness within your being, and when you are ready Mahatma will come forth to share and activate the Law of Oneness within your being.

• The Truth of the Earth

Many civilisations ago the truth of the Earth was accessed and harnessed allowing souls to co-create in harmony with Mother Earth. This manifested the natural equilibrium and balance of the Earth and humanity.

This information and these codes are now starting to be released once more into the consciousness of humanity after being buried within the Earth. This offers an opportunity to understand the purpose of the Earth, why souls incarnate on the Earth, and how to move forth harmoniously in ascension.

Mother Earth may call you forth to receive aspects of the Truth of the Earth, if she does, I, Lord Melchizedek, encourage you to follow your calling as great powerful and awakening insights await.

• Awakening and Shifting False Perspectives

The dilemma and belief in right and wrong, good, and bad, and false and true, will require your contemplation and attention as these beliefs become fragmented and washed away in order to build new beliefs born from oneness, truth and peace.

Humanity will be encouraged to discover forgiveness, acting without judgment, the ability to be and remain open-minded and the ability to love another while retaining their inner power. An awakening and shift in perspectives will manifest a softening and opening in the hearts of many and a coming together to co-create new beliefs and a new reality for the generations to come. Take time to observe your judgments, perspective, beliefs, and the stories you create about yourself, life, and others.

• The Continuation of a New Beginning

The New Earth Ascension Blueprint will continue to unfold and influence the lives of many throughout 2021. During 2020 you were encouraged to think beyond the boundaries and limitations you created for yourself, to expand your mind and complete what will make you happy, joyous, and fulfilled.

The same is essential in 2021, for it is a time of mind expansion to co-create what you truly wish to experience on the Earth. It is a new beginning.

When you allow yourself to connect with the truth, power, and wisdom within you, you will find yourself being carried forth maybe in a new direction. The creation and experience of fulfilment is the key.

To fully embody and experience this momentum building of the experience of fulfilment for all, there is a need to first know and believe you are deserving of fulfilment in all areas of your life. Take time to contemplate what fulfilment would look like, feel like and how it would influence your experience. Thus, you begin to access the energy of fulfilment, aligning to it and understanding what is possible for you.

• The Power of Truth

In 2021 the power of truth will dawn; this will be supported by a tremendous surge of the Creator’s power flowing into the Earth and all beings. Many people may feel a battle of controlling power and pure Creator power bubbling from within them. This will be a very powerful cleansing to release the fear of power that many people hold within.

While the result will be a greater ability to access the pure power of the Creator within, using it in your reality, it may create friction on the Earth in scenarios and situations as people move through the cleansing process to reconnect themselves with the pure power of the Creator within.

Take notice of the different expressions of power you create and that are present in the world. Contemplate and direct your focus to the pure power of the Creator within your being and be observant of a battle of power emerging from within others.

The Creator will send a pure surge of power with divine timing, you will know when it is anchoring as it will discover your attention like a magnet scans your power and the power of others seeking the truth.

My greatest message to you is that 2021 is yours to create whatever you wish to create. The entire Universe of the Creator is present to support you in doing so.

With eternal love,

Lord Melchizedek

More Lord Melchizedek -

To watch the video of Natalie's message, or get a free audio download of her message, just click on this link:

Infinite Blessings with the Highest Energies of your Soul's Love, Enlightenment, Healing, Violet Flame Blessings, & Blessings of your Soul's Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are All Divinely Perfect for Each of You Every Day ! Steven Hutchinson

Video - "Sacred Tetrahedron Geometry Healing By Lords Melchizedek & Maitreya"


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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