lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Channelling to Prepare You and to Aid Your Experience of the
Anchoring Energies

Energy Wave Transitions by Archangel Metatron

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 24/10/11


    An abundance of love extends from the angelic kingdom through my being and heart, we wish
for you to know that we love you unconditionally; we are here for you always and will assist you in
absorbing all the necessary energies to advance your spiritual growth. There are energetic
changes occurring on the Earth but the main focus is upon the spiritual advancement of humanity.
Now is the time for you to progress beyond what you think is possible for yourself, allowing
yourself to move into the truth of your being, energy and reason for existence. The greatest gift
that we wish to see humanity accept as this time is an accelerated spiritual growth, awareness,
understanding and sensitivity; we wish to encourage you to take the next step forward allowing
new spiritual lessons to unfold.  Some of you have been feeling the expansion in your energy for
some time now while others have felt stuck and motionless, as the energies of 11-11-11 enter into
the Earth, each person will receive a wealth of energy which will project them forward along their
spiritual path.

      As with other energy waves that have anchored into the Earth previously, the 11-11-11 energy
wave will hold qualities of light and teachings for you to accept and integrate with to aid a more
complete embodiment of the Creator’s light. Each energy wave holds the purpose of assisting you
in connecting on a deeper level with the Creator, understanding more about the energy of the
Creator while embodying new aspects of the Creator’s light. The Creator draws the attention of
humanity and souls upon the inner planes to certain qualities which are most appropriate to
anchor and will allow all to experience a greater oneness with the Creator. By accepting the
teachings and qualities of each energy wave as they anchor into the Earth we are able to
experience ourselves evolving into an example or aspect of the Creator on the Earth.
The 08-08-08 energy waves spoke of the anchoring of love into the Earth and into the souls’ of
humanity; this was a significant turning point in humanity’s growth. While love had always been a
focus for many, we saw that a greater amount of people opened their hearts to the love of the
Creator and the love that they held within their being. 08-08-08 was a great activation of love as it
truly dawned on so many more people that love was needed in order to heal their beings and the
Earth, while realising that love was the only truth. With a greater amount of people awakening to
focus upon love and with the support of those who had always remembered this truth, we saw that
the 08-08-08 energy wave brought forward the energy of abundance. The teachings were of
accepting the energy of abundance that is held within love, embodying and anchoring abundance
into your reality. The energy of abundance anchored at a time when much financial chaos
occurred on the Earth but this was a tremendous lesson for many to realise that they could create
their own abundance in their realities with the power of embodying the energy and quality of
abundance. Even today many are still striving to accept the energy of abundance because belief
patterns must also be altered in order for the power of abundance to manifest. It is important to
make you aware that the energy of abundance has assisted so many on the Earth, because it has
enhanced and magnified their feelings of love and their spiritual advancement. While the quality of
abundance was focused on developing and empowering your manifestation skills it was also
anchored as a boosting energy which would set a foundation for other energy waves to anchor.
Lessons of feeling worthy and deserving of love and abundance were anchored at this time to
assist humanity in dissolving fears and limitations connected to these qualities, opening
humanities energies so that further qualities and teachings could be experienced.
The energy waves anchored from 08-08-08 are of most importance as they are all linked to the
new cycle of 2012 and beyond, each energy wave has actually been an aspect of 2012’s energy
anchoring into the Earth. It was achieved over a period of time so that humanity could truly learn to
integrate and understand the transition of 2012.

      The energy wave of 09-09-09 saw a higher vibration of love anchoring into the Earth which
enhanced the love vibration held by humanity and encouraged more people to begin to embody
love within every action, reaction, thought or energy that they created. Negative energies and
unneeded habits were encouraged to be dissolved at this time as qualities such as unconditional
love, acceptance and balance were introduced. Humanity was encouraged to develop the
presence of their love, realising that love cannot be given to one and withdrawn from another,
rather love must be given to all abundantly. A focus upon self love was also important at this time
to aid a deeper cleansing process and allow for many judgements and habits to be erased.  Many
were encouraged to accept their own energies, their truth and the Creator as well as accepting the
focus and determination that is needed to achieve ascension. The energy of balance was also
integral and taught that balance and peace must be gained within so that an inner strength
develops, this way whatever chaos or turbulence occurred around and even within your being you
would remain connected to the light of the Creator experiencing love.

      With the entrance of the 10-10-10 energy wave came the qualities of connection,
communication, simplicity, love and loving mindfulness as well as a focus upon the nature
kingdom. Humanity was being asked to develop these qualities from within their being and enact
them within their realities. There was and  still is a need to understand accept and build your ability
of connecting with and communicating with your soul, your guides, the Creator and numerous
appropriate aspects of the Creator. Focus upon cleansing ones reality and thoughts was
encouraged by the quality of simplicity. The Creator was asking you to simplify your life, to focus
upon only what is needed and to discard experiences or energies that drew you away from your
truth and path. With the presence of simplicity a deep cleansing occurred and this allowed people
to take more time to focus upon their spiritual development realising that not everything needs
focus or attention. The quality of love anchoring once more as the foundation of the energy wave
offered a higher vibration of love to anchor, activate from within and be embodied. Whereas in the
09-09-09 energy wave humanities’ love was asked to be unconditional, in the 10-10-10 energy
wave the focus was on the mind encouraging an adoption of loving mindfulness. This is to be alert,
aware and watchful of your mind to ensure that only thoughts of love and from love are created.
Loving mindfulness is to be giving of love and forgiveness to your mind, understanding that the
negative thoughts that it produces are only habits but the true purpose of the mind is to be a
projection tool of your loving soul. We see that even now upon the Earth as the energy wave of 11-
11-11 draws close to the Earth, people are still being asked to cleanse their minds to create a
loving mindfulness, to connect and communicate with the many aspect of the Creator including
their soul. Even the planetary teachings brought forward from Lord Buddha which offer keys to
assist humanity at this time of growth speak of a conscious connection, a complete connection at
all times.  A concentration upon listening to the Earth, nature and Mother Nature was also brought
forward with this energy wave, as in order to anchor greater love into the Earth, to experience a
deeper oneness with the spirit world and dimensions of the Creator’s universe, humanity must
work alongside the Earth listening to the ancient wisdom it has to share. Even now there is a need
to work with the nature kingdoms, to share your love and respect. We have seen the tree kingdom
come forward to remind us that they are working alongside us and wish to be of service but that
we must acknowledge their presence. Lord Buddha also spoke about the deep connection
between the planetary level and the animal kingdom, how each animal held wisdom for humanity to
absorb. The nature kingdom and Earth are speaking ancient words of wisdom to you now and will
continue to do so to guide you forward. It is important that you open yourself up to the energetic
shifts, activations and anchoring that is occurring on the Earth, by simply holding the intention of
being open, sensitive and aware.

      Over the last few years leading up to 2012 we have anchored and discovered many energies
from the source of the Creator; the qualities of love, unconditional love, loving mindfulness,
abundance, acceptance, balance, connection, communication, simplicity, respect and wisdom of
the nature kingdom. These are only a few of the qualities, lessons and inspiration that has been
anchored as each individual has understood and accepted what they needed from each energy
wave. We can see that the Creator has led us through a journey of growth which allows us to be
prepared for the shifts in energy and consciousness that will occur within our beings. The qualities
and teachings were anchored on these dates because the patterns of numbers hold and
symbolise a greater magnification of energy, they also attract humanities attention so that they
can be more open and aware of what is occurring energetically. Many people ask why we use
these dates as activations for humanity, some believe that it is simply humanities wish for these
dates to be special, to have meaning, but this is not the case. The date patterns such as 09-09-
09, 10-10-10 and 11-11-11  have been placed in your energy and within your soul long ago as
keys of activation. Even repeating the numbers to yourself over again like a mantra will allow for
the necessary activations to take place within your being, like a key that unlocks a new aspect of
your energy and consciousness that is appropriate for the current stage of your growth. It is very
powerful, even when you mention the date to a friend you are allowing a natural activation from
within both of you to occur. It is akin to an unconscious activation, but now that you are aware of
this it will become a conscious activation, so the activation can occur before the date because of
your focus but will be enhanced around the date because of the intense energies flowing into the
Earth.  There is always a need for the activation to occur within you first, then it is energised and
magnified by the energy wave that anchors, this is the way it has always been.

      My purpose of coming forward to you today was to remind you of the previous energy waves
which have been anchored, at this time there is a need for you to realign with these energies in a
process of completing the lessons and teachings that they have shared so that you may then
move forward with ease. It will assist in creating a more complete embodiment in preparation for
the 11-11-11 activation. This activation will be the most powerful yet and so there is a need for
your energies to be strong and to make sure that you have received all the necessary wisdom
from the past energy waves. I feel that each energy wave still has wisdom to share with each of
you. You have grown so much over the years and so the teachings that they will share with you
may be different or of a greater more expansive understanding. It is true that some of the qualities
still need to be integrated deeper into your reality to achieve a more complete embodiment.
I wish to share with you an invocation which can be used to achieve this integration effectively.
‘Beloved Archangel Metatron, I understand that you are leader of ascension at this time so I draw
your energies, consciousness and soul closer to me now to assist, support and aid my ascension
process on the Earth. Please surround me in your loving high vibrational energies.

      (Breathe in Archangel Metatron’s light)

      I ask that you send your light throughout my entire being so that I may be cleansed of negative
energies, fears, stagnant energy, unneeded habits and belief systems to prepare my being for
accepting light.

      (Sit and allow this to occur)

      Archangel Metatron, I wish to connect with only the needed and essential energies from each
energy wave that will benefit and enhance my current spiritual growth process. Please draw
forward the 08-08-08 energy wave and anchor the most appropriate energies of the highest
vibration into my being. Let me experience the love and abundant energies of this energy wave,
with the teachings and consciousness that is appropriate for me to accept.

      (Sit and imagine the energy wave connecting with your crown chakra at the top of your head
and flowing through your chakra column and into the Earth, focus on collecting the energy within
your heart chakra)

      I ask Archangel Metatron and the 08-08-08 energy wave to demonstrate to me the wisdom or
insights I need to understand now. I know that the energies are integrating with my being and if
this is all that is needed at this time then this is perfect also.

      (Sit in acceptance)

Archangel Metatron I call upon you to anchor the most appropriate energies, qualities and wisdom
of the highest vibration from the 09-09-09 energy wave into my being now. Let it flow down my
chakra column and into the Earth as I focus on collecting the energy within my heart chakra.

      (Sit and experience)

      I ask Archangel Metatron and the 09-09-09 energy wave to share with me now the necessary
wisdom and insights that I need to enhance my spiritual advancement on the Earth.

      (Sit in acceptance)

      Archangel Metatron I call upon you to anchor the most appropriate energies, qualities and
wisdom of the highest vibration from the 10-10-10 energy wave into my being now. Let it flow down
my chakra column and into the Earth as I focus on collecting the energy within my heart chakra.

      (Sit and experience)

      I ask Archangel Metatron and the 10-10-10 energy wave to share with me now the necessary
wisdom and insights that I need to enhance my spiritual advancement on the Earth.

      (Sit in acceptance)

Archangel Metatron please let these energy waves merge as one energy within my being
awakening and activating new wisdom and consciousness from my soul.

      (Allow yourself to simply focus upon your heart chakra and soul allowing the integration and
activation to occur)
There is much wisdom and insights to be gained from this process; you may feel the energies and
inspiration unfolding over the few days after the meditation. This meditation can be practiced as
often as you feel necessary before 11-11-11 and beyond if it feels appropriate.

      With much love at this special time,

      Archangel Metatron



Listen to the Channelled Guided Meditation Audio by Archangel Metat...


I highly recommend you listen to this free audio meditation which helps enormously to integrate the energies of 8-8-8, 9-9-9, and 10-10-10 before we move into the 11-11-11 activation!


Thank you Natalie - Thank you AA Metatron!


Sonja Myriel Aouine


The Magic Of This Time by Lord Merlin

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 17-10-11


      The world that you currently acknowledge as your reality is alight with magic, the very air that
you breathe into your body is filled with the presence of magic and your body is preparing to act out
the energy of magic in your daily life.

      Magic is a label for the life force energy, the essence and truth of the Creator, it is an active
energy. Magic is the process of intentions and energy that create miracles, possibilities and
potentials. There is so much magic on the Earth now as the attention of all aspects of the Creator’s
universe is upon you and the humanity of the Earth. Everyone is watching the miracle which is the
Earth at this very moment. Even your soul, the essence energy within your physical body is watching
you, observing the Earth and looking for the beauty of magic as it manifests. With so much attention
being placed upon the Earth there are vast quantities of energy, intentions and light being focused
into your reality. This truly is a blessing; you are being supported by the entire universe of all
aspects of the Creator. The energy that is being anchored acts as a magnifier to develop your
intentions and encourage all your truth to blossom.

      It is not only the Earth that is attracting attention, all aspects, stars and civilisations within the
Creator’s universe are looking to each other, waiting, wondering and feeling the support that they
send each other. They like you are acknowledging the lift in vibration, the increase in light,
sensitivity and awareness as well as respecting the wisdom within them which indicates that positive
change is on the horizon.

      Those who are not aware or sensitive to energy may not be aware of the great magic that is
occurring, but there is excitement, anticipation and hope building in the energy of many, creating a
tremendous power of magic where anything is possible, where dreams can truly manifest. Many of
you have longed to be on the Earth at this time, you have waited patiently for this time to come and
it is here, so there is a need to continue to awaken your being as much as possible and allow your
soul to guide you forward.  Your soul in itself is a form of magic; it is the only energy that can truly
guide you through the transitions that are occurring now. So much light is being anchored onto the
Earth, it is throwing sunshine into all dark corners and so the energy of negativity is being shed by
all. The heaviness of the Earth is being altered into a higher vibration, it is impossible to hide from
the power that the light currently holds and this light is naturally igniting as well as magnifying the
light within your being. It is appropriate to realise that you can no longer hide the light within you,
who you truly are, what you believe in and how you wish to exist on the Earth. If you continue to hide
your truth even a small amount you will find that your experiences thrust you forward to awaken and
ignite your light further.

      You may wonder why you have been waiting for this time on the Earth, 2012 is simply a
prophecy, a prediction from long ago, you may ask how can it have any meaning or purpose in your
life? 2012 is not a prophecy nor is a date chosen by someone years ago as the time of change. The
energy stored in even the word, two thousand and twelve, is an activation. For a long time you have
held the knowledge of 2012 within your DNA and soul keys as a reminder. It is almost like a sign
post that tells you it is time to awaken.

      There was a debate in the past that time should be made longer or slower because humanity
wouldn’t be ready to achieve and receive this activation and awakening upon the energy entrance
of 2012.  However many light beings became aware of this in their souls beginning to bravely and
courageously put themselves forward to awaken the light within humanity so that many would be
ready to receive the necessary transformation upon arrival at the sign post of 2012. Their and your
efforts have been breathtaking and we are seeing that many are ready for transition, a change of
energy and intention. For some this transformation will continue into and beyond 2012 as energy
and growth is always flowing, while others will experience a tremendous lift in consciousness,
vibration and awareness.
          Many may ask what 2012 will activate; it will activate what is appropriate for you, your path
and purpose on the Earth to accelerate you forward. 2012 has been programmed to share the
energy patterns and codes of love from the Creator and from your heart. This may be the most
important understanding, as we enter into 2012 from within your being, energy patterns and codes
of love will activate for you to express. As many people achieve this expression it will recode the
energy of the Earth to manifest a greater source and era of love. For some the energy patterns of
love activated will flow gradually over a period of time into the reality and consciousness of humanity
but others may feel it as an abundant wave of love extending from their being connecting with all. 
As the energy patterns of love activates from within your being, you will find that you must first
embody the love before you can begin to express it. Some may simply express their love activation
energy through every breath that they inhale while others will feel the tremendous power flowing
through them. This will contribute tremendously to the manifestation of the Era of Love. As the
energy of love activates from your DNA and from your soul it will change your programming, the way
in which you think, the way in which you perceive the world and your reality. As many people
experience this they will naturally alter the reality of the Earth into a reality of love which is the dream
of every soul on the Earth; to exist as and in love at all times. This process to me is like magic, you
couldn’t ask for a greater magic as the activation and the expression will be totally blissful for many.
Some may not even realise the transition that is occurring, but will naturally change their mindset to
hold and express greater love. With the presence of love will come greater unity, respect, honour
and truth between people but this may take time to be perceived and manifested.
        The date of 11-11-11 is also programmed within your DNA and soul as an activation process; it
is to create a shift in consciousness that will prepare for the activation of and around 2012. I must
say that the date of 2012 is only a vague landmark many will experience an awakening in the
months or days before or after this date as time is personal to the individual. 11-11-11 will bring
forward a shift in consciousness as many are encouraged to align with the Creator’s light and
source as well as the Creator’s numerous aspects in order to encourage a greater awareness,
understanding and perception of what is occurring. I think of the activation of 11-11-11 as creating a
greater sensitivity to your soul and your spiritual being. You therefore experience a shift from
physical thinking and perceptions to spiritual soul understandings and expression. The shift in
consciousness is also to incorporate a greater unity between humanity, as every soul unites their
energies to create what they truly desire and feel inspired to manifest on the Earth. Each of you is
missing parts of your consciousness, your wisdom and understanding. This is because you haven’t
recognised them yet. With the uniting of humanity’s consciousness, aspects and parts of your
consciousness and wisdom will be restored as you will show to each other the information that you
need to acknowledge. Not only will this make humanity stronger as a united energy but it will allow
for a true blossoming of the understanding that humanity holds. This action in itself will pave the way
forward for a greater embodiment and manifestation of love.
       We will see that 11-11-11 also represents a powerful activation which rarely occurs upon the
Earth in such a number of people. This time will activate a feeling of power and leadership from the
soul. It is almost as if the souls of humanity are presented with a tool or a certificate that offers them
the permission to become leaders in their own reality. This is not to allow the personality or ego to
lead as it has done before but to allow your soul to take a greater role of leadership in your reality.
11-11-11 signifies a shift in consciousness where leadership is moved from the personality and ego
to the soul and essence of a person’s being. This will only occur when the individual is ready and
has achieved a level of acknowledgement of the soul, but 11-11-11 acts as a landmark to allow this
shift to begin and then take place with divine timing. For those who already feel a strong connection
with their soul, then this will be magnified as new experiences and understandings of their soul and
soul group will manifest.
         Through my communication today, it is my wish that you grasp the magic and the wonderful
experiences that are manifesting into your reality. There is a need to acknowledge and appreciate
the time that you exist in and how you have placed yourself in the very centre of this experience for
a reason, this reason is for you to experience and enjoy the transitions fully. Many of you feel as if
you do not know what you must be achieving now, the spiritual practices that you need to integrate
into your reality but I would say to you at this special time.
Acknowledge the magic, the beauty within everything and everyone including yourself.
Focus on embodying love as this will mean that when the patterns of love are activated your
experience will be greater.

      Constantly align your energies to the Creator and ask to accept the consciousness that is most
appropriate for you.

      Send love to the consciousness of humanity.

      Bring your attention to your soul, listen to and radiate the light of your soul in preparation for the
greater role it will play in your reality.

      Remember the magic within your being, remember the magic within your reality and remember
the magic of this time.

      With love always,

      I am Lord Merlin


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It is like air, fresh and full of the infinite~


Thank you Sonja~








One, with all, Light




love abounds and connects our sacred hearts now and forever more.  i center myself physically in the presence of this blessed channeling and remember that this physical form is a kindness and is graced to me in this moment of transformation.  i cannot express how wonderful it is for me to remember now and to experience this shift in consciousness as a complete energy.  i take a deep breath and open up all that i am to our connection.  blessing us all as one.  in gratitude to merlin and natalie for their words and love. 



Hi Sonja~


Enjoying the 888, 999, 101010 energy enfolding, from the meditation~


Thank you~


Blessings and Love~





Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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