Star Councils Diamond Light Code Template Activations through the Petals of the Christed Heart
Solstice Activation
One and a half hour tele/webinar conference session with Anrita Melchizedek
Saturday June 18th 2016
7pm GMT, 12pm PDT, 1pm MDT, 2pm CDT, 3pm EDT
London/Lisbon 8pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 12pm, New York 3pm, Sydney 5am (June 19th)
Precious hearts, I invite you to consider joining this powerful transmission of Light as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart over the Solstice through our numerous Planetary Activities of Light.
The 12 Star Councils of Light step forward to activate the Diamond Light Code Templates through the Petals of the Christed Heart. The Christed Heart frequencies align us into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God as we walk the Pathway of Divine Love, the Diamond Path, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And thru the Diamond Light codes, interwoven geometrical complexities Overlighted by the 12 Star Councils, we connect in to energetic matrices of different realities and dimensions, drawing up the New Earth Templates and Universal Truths of this Golden Age of Light. Each Diamond Light Code Template takes us deeper into our purity and innocence, while drawing us closer in frequency to our Beloved I Am Presence and the Star Councils of Light. Each Diamond Light Code brings through its own unique multi-universal quantum frequency amplified through the Galactic Center, the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, lifting us into the next level of our Soul's forward evolution, our blossoming, magnificence and Light.
Through the Diamond Light Code Template Activations the multidimensional realities and timelines of Golden Ages of Light merge into this Now, amplifying our unique ESP gifts and Soul's joy. We have a sense of being rooted deeper in the infinite eternal Now moment, connecting to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation as we experience the time-space Continuum. This brings with it the ability to be draw upon the timelines most suited to each Now moment and/or the ability to move into all times and places of our choosing simultaneously. We find a new level of communication activate within the cells through Solar Crystallinne Consciousness, in our ability to lovingly connect to each sub-personality aspect of ourselves. Additionally we experience a greater level of cellular regeneration and rejuvenation through these new multi-universal DNA encodings of Light. We further experience a deeper level of telepathic connection to all Life ~ from plants, animals, people, and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High. We have a deep sense of knowing how Divinely supported and deeply loved we are as we walk the Diamond Path in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life.
We will further activate the Diamond Light Code Templates of the Christed Heart through the primary vortices and sacred sites of Mother Earth joined by all awakened Souls, the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High and well as the Sisterhood of the Rose. Additionally we will be gifted with 12 Diamond Light Code Holographic Crystalline Geometry Templates designed by Rick Ruggles. These Diamond Light Templates also assist in soothing, recalibrating and rebalancing many of the increased ascension symptoms which we are all experiencing in this Golden Age of Light.
In this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template activation we experience:
The Intimate Heart, Overlighted by the Sirian Star Council. Surrounded in a beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Light the Diamond Light Code Template of One Unity Consciousnessactivates. This Template additionally soothes and recalibrates the ascension symptoms of headaches and blurred vision.
The Peaceful Heart, Overlighted by the Orion Star Council. Surrounded in a beautifulPlatinum Flame, the Diamond Light Code Template of Grace activates. This Template additionally soothes and recalibrates the ascension symptoms of anxiety, and disharmony through the central nervous system.
The Loving Heart, Overlighted by the Vegan Star Council. Surrounded in a beautifulPearlescent Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Divine Love activates. This Template additionally soothes and recalibrations heart palpitations and pain.
The Trusting Heart, Overlighted by the Meldekian Star Council. Surrounded in a beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Faith activates. This Template additionally releases the perceived sense of disillusionment or disheartenment.
The Joyful and Happy Heart, Overlighted by the Pleiadian Star Council. Surrounded in a Silver Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Non-judgment activates.This Template further assists in releasing a sense of depression, judgment and lack of joy.
The Innocent and Open Heart, Overlighted by the Nuburian Star Council. Wrapped in a beautiful Rose-Gold Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Perfection activates. This Template additionally relieves pain and aches throughout the body as well as neck, shoulder and back pain.
The Powerful Heart, Overlighted by the Arcturian Star Council. Wrapped in a beautifulViolet Silver Flame, through the Powerful Heart, the Diamond Light Code Template ofJustice activates. This Template further assists in the releasing, clearing and understanding negative mental images and bad dreams.
The Knowing Heart, Overlighted by the Brotherhood of the Light. Surrounded in the Diamond Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Miracles and Synchronicities activates. This Template additionally assists with temporary memory loss.
The Passionate Heart, Overlighted by the Andromeda Star Council. Wrapped in a beautiful Golden White Flame of Light, through the Passionate Heart, the Diamond Light Code Template of Divine Flow activates. This Template further assists with physical or energetic displacement or disorientation.
The Overflowing and Prosperous Heart, Overlighted by the Alpha Centaurian Star Council. Surrounded in a beautiful Magenta and Violet colored Flame, the Diamond Light Code Template of Abundance activates. This Template further assists with lack of focus or direction and/or inertia and lethargy.
The Healing Heart, Overlighted by the Venusian Star Council. Surrounded in a beautiful Pink and Purple Flame of Light, through the Healing Heart, the Diamond Light Code Template ofForgiveness activates. This Template additionally assists in overcoming a sense of overwhelm, grief, isolation, anger and other oscillating emotions.
The Heart of Integrity and Truth, Overlighted by the Antarian Star Council. Wrapped in aPink and Emerald Green Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Intuition activates. This Template additionally assists in releasing intolerance and lack of compassion for self.
Come join us in this beautiful Solstice ceremony through these wonderful Diamond Light Code Template activations as we deepen our journey along the Diamond Path in the knowing of ourselves as Love.
This transmission will be experienced with invocations, affirmations, Light language chants,Diamond Light Code Holographic Crystalline Geometry Templates and the energy of the many wonderful Illumined Beings of Light from On High. As we come together as the I Am Avatar Race, we are ready to experience the next level of our Soul's blossoming, wisdom and magnificence, co-creating Heaven on Earth. And so it is.