The Elders July Transmission ~ Activating the Christed Heart Petal of the Joyful and Happy Heart
Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of July as you deepen your journey along the Pathway of Divine Love. You are moving into a deepening flow of Divine unconditional Love through the activation of the Diamond Light Codes spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and through the Galactic Center, and deeper into your Purity and Innocence, your Divinity. And with the additional activation of the Rose Grids through the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose, the sacred dance of Divine Love, and the rebalancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes, draws you closer into this Golden Rose Galaxy, the merging of your Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromedan Galaxy. Additionally, as the Diamond Light Codes of creation continue to activate and actualize through Mother Earth's Light Body and into her leylines, vortices and sacred sites, a re-wiring of your chakras to these Cosmic Diamond Light Codes and higher dimensional frequencies occurs.
Sweet ones, with your ability to hold alignment for longer periods of time into the New Earth Blueprints of Light and the fifth and sixth dimensional templatings, you are able to experience the Christed Timelines without the karmic timelines and reflections of others and their realities, drawing a greater expression of your Divinity into this Now through the ever-present continuum and your Beloved I Am Presence.
With greater levels of Knowing that you are co-creators to the Company of Heaven and your ability to trust and surrender to Life in WHATEVER CIRCUMSTANCES YOU MAY FIND YOURSELVES, you are now able to release much of the sadness and grief and pain of past betrayals and hurts that you volunteered for as these courageous sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
And in this sacred month of July sweet ones, you activate the Christed Heart Petal of the Joyful and Happy Heart through the Overlighting of the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light who bring through the Golden-White Light of expansion and increased levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, as well as a wonderful healing energy through sound and Light and Divine Love. They can assist sweet ones, in releasing rigidity and trauma within the body and energy field allowing the energy of the Joyful and Happy Heart to expand into greater levels of bliss and ecstasy.
Sweet ones, Joy is the Knowing that in trust and surrender to the Divine, All is Well. Joy is the quiet comfort and Knowing that abounding synchronicities are occurring within your everyday lives that align you deeper into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and into the next level of your Soul's blossoming and magnificence. Joy, sweet ones, is the Holy Fire that deepens your service work and heart's dreaming along with its counterpart, Divine Unconditional Love. Joy is freedom sweet ones. Additionally, Joy creates a sense of "bliss" when experienced through the activating of the chakras and nadis, kundalini channels and cerebro-spinal-fluid (CSF), and in particular the pineal gland; and in its highest form can produce the experience of ambrosia, of sweet nectar, sweet ones. For when the amount of CSF gets over a certain threshold, and activates through the pineal gland, some of it drips down on top of the soft palate and/or on to the back of the tongue. The sensation of the pressure release and the dripping is extremely sweet. It has been said sweet ones, that the soul of man physically expresses itself in and around the brain and spinal cord. Thus sweet ones, when the CSF and neuropeptides are flowing optimally, it effects your consciousness in such a way that you become One with the universal consciousness in "everything". Furthermore sweet ones, the bliss or joy that is experienced when CSF flows optimally is related to an increased amount of serotonin circulating in the CSF. Serotonin is a large neuropeptide that is secreted into the CSF and relates to one's sense of well-being and a greater sense of joy and happiness.
So let us set our sacred space as we take you in your Merkaba Vehicles of Light into the Ascension Seat of Andromeda, and into a greater flow of the Petal of the Joyful and Happy Heart.
To start with now, just breath deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breath out. As you come deeper into your own hearts, you visualize your Christed Heart activate within the heart and thymus chakras as you merge now with your Beloved I AM Presence, the highest Light that you are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. Calling in your Master Guides and Guardian Angel and all other Beings of Light your personally acknowledge and that wish to join you now in this sacred space. Grounding now into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth as she sends you her Love back up your grounding cord into your body and energy field. As you ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth you experience too the Diamond Light Codes of Creation and in particular the deepening sense of your innocence and purity. Good sweet ones. And now you connect now into the Unity Grid of Divine Love. This grid of Light within you and around you holding the New Earth Templates through the Light Body of Mother Earth, that connects all like-minded souls into the group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. And now sweet ones, you connect to all the lightworkers and starseeded ones at a Higher Light level, as well as all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High assisting in the ascension of Mother Earth and all her Life, so that all Life may receive these Light frequency codes through the Unity Grid of Divine Love. Wonderful sweet ones.
And as you hold this space energetically you have a sense now of activating your own diamond octahedron within your sacred space. Visualizing initially this beautiful diamond octahedron activating within the heart chakra, spinning it in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction respectively. This diamond octahedron has eight faces of equilateral triangles which form two four sided pyramids. And as you hold this within the soul matrix you have a sense now of drawing upon these Diamond Light Codes, linking in to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and from here into the Galactic Center. And now sweet ones, you merge into the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun within your hearts, the Sun, the Central Sun, and now the Great Central Sun ~ aligning through all dimensions of Light as these multi-dimensional Light Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. Wonderful.
You now experience the activation of the 12 petals of your Christed Heart, activating now, your Peaceful Heart, your Loving Heart, your Healing Heart, your Joyful and Happy Heart, your Innocent and Open Heart, your Powerful Heart, your Knowing Heart, your Passionate Heart, your Overflowing and Prosperous Heart, your Trusting Heart, your Heart of Integrity and Truth, and now your Intimate Heart.
As you bring a focus back to your Joyful and Happy Heart, it is now amplified through the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. Wonderful sweet ones.
The Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light now come forward, surrounding you in beautiful Golden-White Flame of Light. They invite you into the Ascension Seat of Andromeda, to deepen your experience of joy and bliss. You now find yourselves traveling in your Merkaba Vehicles of Light into the Ascension Seat of Andromeda. As you enter into this Ascension Seat, you are welcomed and greeted by your Andromedan Master Guide and/or Andromedan Multidimensional Self, and taken now into a central icosohedronal shaped Temple of Light.
Wonderful sweet ones. You are now placed within a Joyful and Happy Heart Chamber of Light.This multidimensional multi-colored rectangular grid of Light coming in around your body and energy field initially dissolves rigidity and inflexibility created through the traumas, hurts and betrayals which you have experienced through the karmic timelines sweet ones. To assist in this process, gently move your body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of the nervous system, meridians and chakras. Good.
And now, sweet ones, to facilitate this process into a deeper rhythm of the Joyful and Happy Heart, as the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings assist with your Beloved I Am Presence and Master Guides in releasing any further blockages within the physical body and within the lower bodies, you will focus on a series of breathing exercises while holding the focus on your Joyful and Happy Heart.
Initially now, breath in through the nostrils and out the mouth ~ good ~ and now you will place the hands on each one of the chakras, starting from the base chakra and moving through all the chakras, with one in-breath and out-breath at each chakra.
For women, place your left hand over your right on each chakra, and for men, place your right hand over the left on each chakra ~ good. Now breathe through the nostrils and out the mouth moving through the chakras sequentially from the base chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and now the crown chakra ~ wonderful sweet ones.
And now, sweet ones, you will do this same exercise breathing in and out the mouth, with the tongue on the top palette just behind the teeth, as you continue with your deep rhythmic breaths and the focus on the Petal of your Joyful and Happy Heart. Expand the lower abdomen as you breathe in, and contract the lower abdomen as you breathe out. And now breathe in and out the mouth as you move the hands from chakra to chakra; from the base chakra, now into the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and now the crown chakra. Wonderful sweet ones. And now bring your focus back to the heart and thymus chakras as you experience a deeper activation of the Joyful and Happy Heart.
Good sweet ones. You now experience the activation of the kundalini and tantric channels.
Good. And now, sweet ones, let us take you into the experience of the possible activation of the pineal gland and the secretion of amrita, the nectar of Life.
Breathing deep into the body now, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, and contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out, while keeping the tongue positioned just behind the top front teeth, focus on the third eye. As the Christed Petal of the Joyful and Happy Heart opens now into a greater experience of bliss, bring a focus to the third eye in a radiant Golden-White Flame of Light ~ and now have a sense of the pineal gland being activated in these streams of Divine Light through the language of Light.
Wonderful. And now, focus on amrita, this sacred nectar of immortality potentially being produced from within the pineal gland and bringing a deeper sense of bliss and joy into the body, from a sub-atomic particle level, through the chakras, through the meridians, through the spinal column, and now into the heart as you simply experience yourself as Divine Love, in Joy, in Happiness, and in Bliss. And now sweet ones, have a sense of focusing this elixir of Life into the bridge between the pineal and pituitary glands, known as the Crystal Palace. Good sweet ones.
Have a sense of taking this energetic liquid frequency of bliss into the lower abdomen as you place your hands upon the hara center, also known as the lower dan tien center, just below the navel, centering you at the seat of the soul, sweet ones. Wonderful. And now have a sense of breathing this sweet nectar into the bone marrow through deep rhythmic breaths, while keeping your hands on the hara center.
The kundalini is now activating through the chakras in this double helix patterning of Divine Unconditional Love and Joy in this safe and sacred space. Breathing deeply through the body, feel this connection to all Life in One Unity Consciousness as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love, moving the kundalini energy through the primary kundalini channels and now the secondary kundalini channels within the body. Wonderful sweet ones. And now as the kundalini energy moves through the third eye and out the crown chakra, feel the sense of connecting into the multi-universe as One Heart, One Mind, One Divine Embodiment of Unconditional Love.
And lastly now, have a sense of the immortal chromosomes being activated, the two etheric chromosomes within the physical/etheric body, with the Knowing of your own ability to experience physical immortality as an Initiate of Light, to rejuvenate, to regenerate and to experience your body as the perfect Temple of Light.
Wonderful sweet ones. Now direct this beautiful Golden-White Flame onto and within the Unity Grid of Divine Love, touching the Hearts and Minds of all Life on this sacred earth through the Petals of the Christed Heart, and in particular, the Petal of the Joyful and Happy Heart, clearing grief and sadness and pain within the hearts of all humanity.
Lastly sweet ones, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light now activated the Star Ki Codes, and in particular, the Unveiling of Hidden Knowledge and the Re-union with your Multi-dimensional Selves. This is further activated through your original Divine eight cell blueprint, and now the Three Ring Chakra above your Crown Chakra.
As you walk the path of Divine Love through the Christed Heart, through the joy and the bliss of the Knowing that all is well, sweet ones, in the abounding synchronicities that are occurring within your everyday lives, you unveil the hidden knowledge that takes you into the next level of your service work. Into your heart's dreaming, your heart's joy, and your heart's passion, while linking you deeper into the ever-present continuum and the Golden Ages of Light, bringing into this Now the increased extra-sensory perception gifts and skills that you have to take your service work into the next level of your soul's magnificence, blossoming and Light.
We honor you for your courage sweet ones; we know that many of you have chosen extremely challenging situations along the karmic timelines to know yourselves as Love. In the Knowing that you are Love there is no need to continue to perpetuate the victim and persecutor consciousness, and as you step off the karmic timelines and onto the Christed Timelines in the Knowing that you are Love, you move deeper into the Christed Heart, into forgiveness, into Love. And indeed sweet ones, through the Love of Mother/Father God and all the Illumined Beings and in this Now with the assistance of the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, your tears of sadness are washed away, your grief is embraced in joy and your pain is embraced within the Love of the Cosmic Heart of God. All is well, sweet ones. Take a leap of faith ~ trust and surrender to life. Trust in the unfolding of the Divine Plan and all it brings into this Now through the Patterns of Perfection, even in the moments of great uncomfortability welcome this experience. For sweet ones, you have volunteered for every experience upon this sacred Earth. And as you balance the planes of polarity as you walk the Path of Divine Love for yourself and others you come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart.
And now sweet ones, as you thank the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light you find yourselves now coming back into your sacred space. Grounding and centering once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, and the Diamond Light Codes of Creation, while keeping this connection open to all Illumined Beings of Light from On High, to your Beloved I Am Presence and to Mother/Father God. In your own time, grounded and centered, open your eyes, looking around you through your Master Eyes, experiencing this deep level of joy and happiness.
We thank you for your service work sweet ones. We bless you and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
Artwork by Rick Ruggles