lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Anrita India

Welcome my precious friends and family to The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network. I would like start by thanking you all for your support and Love, which is so very much appreciated.
I recently returned from India and it was indeed a most magical trip. Earlier in the year, around April/May, I felt deeply drawn to go to India and contacted my two facilitators in Bengaluru. We had decided that August was a good month for our service work, and began our planning around this and then I had a sense that August was not the right timing. I let them know I would come; I was just to receive guidance on the perfect timing. And a couple of weeks following this, I received an invitation to be a conference speaker at the Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists being held late September and early October close to Bengaluru.
Part of the global focus of this Light Work was anchoring and activating the Golden Flame of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness as together we experienced the karmic clearing of Bengaluru and the anchoring of the Light grids within India. Interestingly there were several well know Light workers within India during this time, no doubt being drawn to physically anchor the new Light grids. The day of my presentation was also the annual celebration of Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, which brought a further focus to creating pathways of peace and forgiveness for others to follow.
I had the pleasure to connect with Bramarshi Patriji in Cape Town just prior to my trip to India. Patriji is the founder of the Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists, and his simple teachings on breathing and meditation have touched the hearts and minds of thousands of aspirants around the globe. I realized that the simple meditation technique that he teaches would be so wonderful for our children to practice, and I was to see many children at Pyramid Valley, where the conference occurred, practicing these simple meditation techniques. Patriji is also an accomplished flute player and early each morning we were treated to at least a two hour festival of music and meditation with Patriji and his fellow musicians.
Erik Berglund, a well know musician, singer and harp player who passed over a couple of months ago, had been part of the Congress of Spiritual Scientists since its inception six years ago, and his presence and energy was also experienced so tangibly during the conference through his beautiful music and also his energy saying "Here I Am, so much a part of this Beloved Community".
Coming together in community with like minded Souls is the greatest gift we give to one another to amplify our collective Light and also to co-create within the One Reality of All That Is. Often we do this by tuning into the Unity Grid or connecting with the I Am Avatar Consciousness, the Christ Consciousness vibration of Divine Love or through the intuitive flow of our Beloved I Am Presence that guides us to new/old Soul connections, and indeed too, through our social networks. And I was very blessed to experience so many familiar connections in India, and have a deep sense of parallel realities being experienced simultaneously with many of these beautiful Souls.
What I came to understand this last year in particular is that there is a flow that brings to us opportunities when we simply trust and surrender to the Divine. This lesson of complete surrender has been experienced for me through the abduction of my children, now four and six, by my ex-husband in August 2012. I have very little news at this time. We appealed the decision of the family court, which ruled that my ex-husband had the right to take the children, and the appeal was in our favor. This means at some point we will be able to present our case as a Hague case to the family court. I will also be heading to Portugal late December and staying there for an indefinite period of time. I have come to trust very deeply in the guidance that is being given to me, to know that all is Divinely Perfect and that indeed, we are co-creating our reality within the One Reality of All That is. I do not know when I will get the boys back home, only the knowing deep within my heart that this will occur in its own perfect timing.
The focus on the service work for the month of October is on the Sacred Cosmic Fire of Illumination, also the energy that Overlights us in the year 2014, as we step into deeper levels of insight, understanding, compassion and passion. The Beings of Light from On High also tell me that the Cosmic Fire of Illumination, amplified through the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 18th/19th and the New Moon Solar Eclipse on November 3rd/4th further activates the diamond Crystalline Grids within the oceans Overlighted by the Dolphins and Whales. This energy too weaves through the new chakras, in particular the occipital lobe found at the base and back of the head which regulates the flow of information from the higher dimensions and our multidimensional selves. The pineal, pituitary/third eye and crown chakra also activate through the Cosmic Fire of Illumination. I am hoping to host a telewebinar next weekend on Dolphin and Whale Attunements, and will send out more details in due course.
So, as I find the flow of my service work once more, I would like to leave you with the gift of a guided visualization connecting you to Archangel Uriel and Aurora, Archangels of Ministration and Peace. In their beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Light you have the opportunity to come into a deeper level of Divine Justice, of transformation, of empowerment, and of peace within your lives as you simply trust and surrender to the Divine.
Thank you for your magnificence and preciousness. I truly appreciate you all so very much.
From my Heart to Yours, to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
Blessings in Love
Anrita Melchizedek
Illuminations with the Archangels - Archangel Uriel and Aurora
Welcome, sweet ones. In this guided visualization you are going to call upon Archangel Uriel and Aurora, Archangel of Ministration and Peace, and in their beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Light you will come into a deeper level of Divine Justice, of transformation, of empowerment, and of peace, sweet ones.
You take a moment to just have a sense of this peace and harmony and balance that this new Golden Age of Light will bring for all Life on this Earth Plane. And as you feel this connection, Archangel Uriel and Aurora surround this Earth, sweet ones, with this beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Light. Allow the radiance of Archangel Uriel and Aurora and their Legions of Light to bring a greater level of peace, harmony, Love, and Divine Justice to this Earth Plane. The way forward in this Golden Age of Light is to know you can meet every challenge with peace, sweet ones, you can transform painful memories with peace and compassion and indeed acceptance ~ acceptance, and knowing it is not for you to change the world, rather to change yourselves. Work on yourselves and amplify your Light and you will change those around you, sweet ones, simply through your magnificence and Light ~ and in your thoughts and actions you will guide those less conscious and less aware, and start to truly co-create this Golden Age of Light , this Heaven on Earth.
You are now taken in Soul consciousness through the grids of Divine Light traveling with your Master Guides and your Guardian Angel into the Spiritual Retreat of Archangel Uriel and Aurora located in the etheric realms over the Tatra Mountains south of Krakow in Poland. As you enter into this Spiritual Retreat of Light you are surrounded now in this beautiful flame of Light. Have a sense, sweet ones, of all these Angelic Leagues of Light, surrounded in this Purple and Gold Flame. As Archangel Uriel and Aurora come to greet you, they take you now into this golden star tetrahedronal shaped Temple of Light. They explain to you that this star tetrahedronal shape exists within each cell in your body starting from your original Divine eight cells, and it is a shape that is familiar to each one of you at a Soul consciousness level for it is the shape that holds the original memories, your original eight cell blueprint. It is this place of knowing that allows you, sweet ones, to trust and surrender to the Divine, to know that you are here of service. For these original memories, this original blueprint does not change, when the cells themselves replicate and transform. And it is the star tetrahedronal shape that furthers activates your Light bodies, your Merkabas, creating an increased field of Light, a vehicle of Light, sweet ones, that in the future will allow you to travel to the higher dimensions through these Portals of Light. Now within this star tetrahedronal shaped Temple of Peace and Divine Justice you are been given an opportunity, sweet ones, to understand that you live personally in a world of safety ~ that in cultivating safety you move out of fear ~ when you know that you are intuitively guided in your everyday life, it allows you to take this level of safety to wherever you go, it helps you to transform your painful memories, to release unforgiveness and resentment, to feel peace and harmony and Love, and above all to feel safe.
Archangel Uriel and Aurora place now within your solar plexus chakra, this beautiful purple and gold infinity symbol and as this purple and gold infinity symbol spirals, it now spirals into waves upon waves of Light, moving out and upwards to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and into all those places that for you personally have created a haven of safety, into the memory and the places on this Earth Plane or other parallel realities, other dimensions of Light, different star systems, other Beings of Light that make you feel safe or that you are familiar with in the Pleiades, or Sirius, or Andromeda, or Orion, the Kingdoms of Light within Orion. These beautiful infinity symbols extend into each one of these places for you, these purple and gold infinity symbols, and you feel this sense of deep safety. You are safe, sweet ones, and when you are safe anything is achievable and attainable. No matter where you are, nothing bad will ever happen to you ~ you are protected by the Legions upon the Legions of Light. You can free yourself from any relationship that you feel is negative or harmful to you.
And you take now the Shield of Light that extends around you and the Diamond Sword of Holy Truth of Archangel Michael, and Overlighted by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light, you now move into connecting to a deeper level with Archangel Uriel and Aurora, to those places that were not safe for you, that you need to navigate now to heal your relationships. You now take those souls, those events, and bring them into those places of safety where you can deal with them lovingly and gently. You have a look at what these events are that may have been traumatizing to you, sweet ones. Because you know that you are this Divine loving being, you know that each one of these relationships that you chose from a karmic perspective, were to take you into a deeper level into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, and now you choose to let go of those relationships that no longer work for you.
You look at these painful memories that may still be coming up for you ~ times in which you were abandoned or hurt or betrayed or unloved or unsafe, not feeling you had a choice, and you take this aspect of yourself, sweet ones, with your Master Guides and Guardian Angel, and Archangel Uriel and Aurora, and bring them into those places that are safe for you. Just love those sub-personalities aspects of yourselves that need this Love, that need this sense of comfort and nurturing and appreciation, you let them know that you are here, you have always been here and it is okay. You will Love them and nurture them, help them until they are strong enough to stand by your side and you will do this peacefully and lovingly. Conflict is not your way, and yet if you need to with your Sword of Holy Truth you cut these old cords, you cut these old ties, if this is the way forward for you ~ and if it is the right thing to do for you in this Now, you again replace the cords with new ones. Otherwise you let go and you let God; and you stay in that place of safety now where you see around you your family and friends of the Light.
As you merge with your Higher Self of Light, all twelve Soul Rays of which you are one, you have a deep sense of this Soul family of the Light, coming in once more. This Soul family of the Light that takes you forward, that says all pathways before you are pathways of Divine Love and that the relationships that you choose now will be loving and gentle and harmonious and joyful. And you will meet soul mates and twin flames and extended family that you have known in many lifetimes, sweet ones, as you merge with your Beloved I AM Presence now, and all one hundred and forty four soul rays of which you are one, you know this extended family is coming too. We are, sweet ones, extended families of Light, and all those connected to you energetically, all those listening to this guided visualization with you ~ they are your soul and star families of the Light and feel this, feel this energetic matrix that grows ever wider, expanding into deeper levels of Love as you come together more, and more and more.
Wonderful, sweet ones. Understand too the Divine Perfection of all life ~ within the seemingly imperfection Divine Justice always exists. Truth, Divine Love ~ what guides you, what directs you is your integrity, your heart, your ability to step forward as leaders in this Golden Age of Light ~ your ability to have compassion to forgive and to love no matter what the betrayal, no matter what the pain. That is what leads you forward, sweet ones, that is what separates you, that is what shows you, you truly are the way showers and leaders, sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love leading the way in this Golden Age of Light.
Wonderful. Know, truly, you have this ability to meet every challenge with love, with peace.
As you thank all these Beings of Light now, feeling this alignment to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God, to your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, it activates through the body bringing in these multi-dimensional memories, bringing in an even deeper level of consciousness and Light, of all that you are and have forever been, in your magnificence and Light, sweet ones. You are unique in your vibration, in your magnificence, measurable to others and yet complementary, and in the collective coming together with your unique puzzle pieces you create this tapestry of Divine Love.
As you experience yourselves now in your sacred space, we bring you this invocation to Archangel Uriel and Aurora, and as you say this aloud we suggest that you say this and work with invocation on a regular basis.
Invocation to Archangel Uriel and Aurora
I call upon Archangel Uriel and Aurora
to actualize the Purple and Gold Flame of Divine Justice and Peace,
to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,
to your Spiritual Retreat in the Tatra Mountains in Poland,
to assist me to recognize the great blessings in my perceived disappointments,
to release unforgiveness and resentment,
to free myself from relationships that are negative, stuck or harmful,
and to meet every challenge with peace, forgiveness and Divine Love.
I call forth to Archangel Uriel and Aurora,
to imbue me with the qualities of alchemy, of ministration, of peace and Divine Justice,
so I may know that all is Divinely Perfect,
so that I may feel safe and loved within my daily life,
so I may become peaceful and loving, gentle and wise.
All pathways before me are pathways of Divine Love.
As I trust and surrender to the Divine,
I experience renewal, rejuvenation and rebirth,
in this Golden Age of Light.
I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
I Am a Master Being of Light,
I Am All That I Am.
Wonderful, sweet ones.
You are now ready to receive the Purple and Gold Flame Attunement of Archangel Uriel and Aurora ~ to receiving through Divine Justice the gift of Safety and Peace and the Knowing that all is Divinely Perfect.
You now repeat aloud:
"I, (giving your full name now), give myself permission, and ask Spirit, Archangel Uriel and Aurora, their Legions of Light, and my Beloved I Am Presence, for this Archangelic Safety and Peace attunement. I ask to be attuned to Archangel Uriel and Aurora and their Legions of Light from On High through their beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Divine Justice and Peace."
And you visualize now this Purple and Gold flame coming in around your body and energy field.
You now say:
"I now request that Archangel Uriel and Aurora attune me to the knowing of safety and peace through Divine Justice; to the knowing that all is Divinely Perfect and that Divine Justice and Love will always prevail."
Archangel Uriel now comes forward and places his Seal of Light within your solar plexus chakra, signifying the receiving of this attunement.
Wonderful, sweet ones.
You now affirm:
"I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love and Master Being of Light. As I trust and surrender to the Divine, I experience the Patterns of Perfection and the knowing that all is Divinely Perfect. Surrounded by the beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Uriel and Aurora, I am safe and protected. I am deeply loved and appreciated and experience peace and harmony within my everyday life, within the One Reality of All That Is."
Wonderful, sweet ones. You ground once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, and keep this connection open to the Legions of Light from On High and all the Archangelic Hosts of Light, and in particular in this guided visualization to Archangel Uriel and Aurora. Surround yourself once more in this beautiful Purple and Gold Flame of Light. Just hold this sacred space, this knowing of Divine Justice, of Peace. The knowing truly that you are warriors of Light, sacred Transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Masters Beings of Light leading the way in this Golden Age of Light.
We bless you, sweet ones. We thank you for your service work, and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

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Thank you Steve for this awesome post!

Love and Light,


Dear friends, I  beg you to write in an easier way to read: colors that contrast with the background, otherwise all these beautiful messages are very difficult to get and is very tiring for we with visibility problems.

thank you very much.


Dear One this came in the time I was to have this As I was telling the others I have broke though the 18th Dim.  I am above it and I am to wait to tell you what they want me to say. We will have our on Experience so I am to wait for you Ra and I went first so they could see how the body will react It is doing well as of now. They are working very hard on me because of the body was, I had an  Illness  years ago from a place I worked so It as been a bit hard for me I had to be rebuilt all organs were burned up. It was hard for me to stay alive but they kept Me here. So If I can make it so can You I am becoming Elfso again. As the Photo of me. I been going though miracles great Miracles or I would not be here, As You have said I will be meeting My Twinflame  In two day, I been Uniting with  My Family most of all my Lifetime  as well Thank You for your Love and help in this I send My love to you for You and I are Family as well. I wish You great travels I want to see  all of You here with Me in the 18th dim.   Love I am Elfso 



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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