lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Ignition Of The Grail Codes Of The Sacred Rose Of Christ Consciousness By Anrita Melchizedek
Welcome precious hearts, this is Anrita Melchizedek, and what I would like to offer you at this time of moving into the Equinox energies, is this really beautiful transmission that you can step into, called the Ignition of the Grail Codes of the Sacred Rose of Christ Consciousness. With the Flame of Divine Love now activated within the hearts of all awakened Souls upon this sacred earth, we are able to deepen into the embrace and love and appreciation of ourselves and others upon this sacred earth. With this, we step into a new flow and balance within our daily lives we Ignite the Grail Codes of the Sacred Rose of Christ Consciousness within our Christed Hearts, and draw to us the Overlighting of the Divine Feminine deities of Creation.
In this transmission, we are invited into Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heartto deepen our journey along the Path of the Rose, the Path of Divine Love, through the Divine Feminine. As we activate the Grail Codes of the Sacred Rose of Christ Consciousnesswe merge with the goddess archetypes through the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose. Mother Mary steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Mother Queen, activating the Red Rose of Love and Beauty and Passion within our Christed Hearts.
Lady Isis steps forward with the archetypal energy of the High Priestess activating the Pink Rose of Appreciation and Gratitude within our Christed Hearts. Mary Magdalene steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Wise Woman activating theWhite Rose of Purity and Innocence within our Christed Hearts. Lastly, Lady Venus steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Lover activating this beautiful Orange Rose of Desire and Enthusiasm within our Christed Hearts.
As we purify our lower mind and lower bodies as these open hearts and sacred Flames of Divinity, we release the vestiges of any perceived levels of separation or blame, unforgiveness or judgment within our hearts, embracing the Pathway of Divine Love,the Path of the Rose. Through a series of Light transmissions, we experience a renewed balance between our Divine Masculine and Feminine spirits, embracing and integrating all aspects of ourselves within our Christed Hearts, within the Sacred Rose of Christ Consciousness.
So let us set up our sacred space as we moved deeper into these beautiful energies of Light, deeper into the Love within our hearts, and deeper into the Love of all creation as we come together as One Unified field of Divine Love. Simply allowing ourselves to connect into this weaving of Light within us and around us, into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, and into this connection to all soul and star family and friends of the Light. Linking in now to all those at a higher light level listening to this beautiful transmission with us, opening ourselves to simply receiving these energies of Divine Love.
And as this Unified Field of Divine Love activates through the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness and into our physical vessels of Light, this is further activated for all Life on this sacred earth so all Life may receive these divine frequencies of Love and the energy of the Sisterhood of the Rose should they so desire. And as we start now, just breathe in Love and breathe out Love. Inhaling through the nose and out the nose or mouth. Breathing in Love and breathing out Love. Deepening into the stillness and Love within ourselves.
As we have this sense of merging and connecting with our soul and star family and friends of the Light and to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High we personally acknowledge, and that are connecting with us in this beautiful transmission of Light, we continue to breathe in Love and breathe out Love. We have a sense now of grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, breathing deeply into the body, and feeling and rooting ourselves into the energy of the Earth Mother.
As we center ourselves now in perfect alignment to the Divine, to the Cosmic Heart of God, and to the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, we have a sense of your own energy fields expanding in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love activated now through the Sisterhood of the Rose and all the beautiful Beings of Light from On High that are working with us as we walk the Path of Divine Love. Bringing a focus once more to this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love around the body and energy field, we invoke the Sisterhood of the Rose. Calling in now Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Lady Isis, Lady Venus, Lady Hathor, Lady Kwan Yin, Lady Pallas Athena, Lady Portia, White Buffalo Woman, and all the other feminine deities you personally acknowledge, having a sense of how your own heart is deepening into the Christ Hearted and the Flame of the Divine Mother.
We move deeper into this sacred state of beingness, of Divine Love in a series of invocations and affirmations as you get yourselves comfortably relaxed, sweet ones, whether you are lying down or sitting up, just know that you are indeed walking this Pathway of Divine Love greatly celebrated, appreciated, supported and deeply Loved as you balance the polarity into the knowing that all is Love, all is Love. Placing your hands energetically or physically upon your heart as you say to yourselves: "I Love you, (giving your name), I Love you, I Love you."
Archangel Michael Affirmation - From Angel Tools for Parents and Children
Good. Let us begin. I call upon the Overlighting of Mother Father God and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge as I now merge with my Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of God. Through the Overlighting of the Sisterhood of the Rose I am wrapped in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love as I anchor the sacred Flame of Divine Love within my Christed Heart, my heart chakra, and now, within every sub-atomic particle of my Beingness.
I now find myself traveling with soul and star family and all awakened souls into Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heart within the New Earth templates of Light. As I enter into this Temple of Divine Love, I start to feel this deep level of self-love through my Christed Heart as I start to see around me now the Divine Feminine deities of creation as they take me into this beautiful central octahedronal shape Temple of Divine Love. Within this Temple is this magnificent Pink Flame of Divine Love. As I enter into this Temple and into this Pink Flame of Divine Love, I release, recalibrate, realign and experience the Divinity that I Am in my magnificence and Light, in my innocence and purity, amplified a thousand fold a thousand times through every good deed that I have ever done upon this sacred earth in this lifetime and every other.
I am ready now to move completely onto the Path of Divine Love, the Path of the Rose, no longer needing to experience these unique third dimensional realities of conflict or blame or unforgiveness, or resentment. I recognize too that often what others reflect are simply where they are in their levels of conscious awareness, and I am come deeper into the Love within my Christed heart, choosing to activate and ignite this Flame of Divine Love within my heart, I experience this compassion and Love for all Life upon this sacred earth.
Mother Mary now steps forward holding the energy of the Divine Mother and activating this beautiful Red Rose of Love and Beauty and Passion within my Christed Heart. Mother Mary, Ma Rei, illuminates the energy of the Love that I have within myself. I experience this by simply releasing judgment as I walk this Pathway of Divine Love, passionately and lovingly, coming deeper into my heart's dreaming and into my hearts joy and into the deepest level of self-love that I am able to experience at this time.
I know that I have experienced many challenges and initiations of Light to reach this sacred Now moment. But I am ready to BE Love, to remember I am Love, and to release and let go of all the aspects of myself that have forgotten they are Love, as they find their way home, into my sacred heart, into my kingdom of Love.
In this safe and sacred space I choose to Love and honor and appreciate and celebrate the full range of my emotions. When the wounded soul aspects come up I embrace these aspects within my Love, giving them a voice to be heard and seen.
Each time I experience something that makes me into feeling unloved or unappreciated, I bring my focus to my loving heart and to this beautiful Red Rose within my Christed heart of Love and Beauty and Passion. I now breathe in Love, hold my breath for as long as I can and breathe out judgment of self and others. I breathe in Love, I hold my breath, and breathe out judgment of self and others.  
As I call upon my Beloved I AM Presence to activate the purest vibration of this Divine Love into my heart and through each one of my chakras I experience a deeper sense of this Flame of Light moving through each one of my chakras. I am coming deeper into the understanding of the Love, of how I am able to flow in Love, and to be kind and compassionate and generous to others.
And how all these many gifts I have given to others are now amplified and reflected back to me now once more, a thousand fold a thousand times. As I bring a focus now to my loving heart I promise to recognize my Beloved I AM Presence always as my guiding Light to God and to constantly hold the Flame of Divine Love within my heart, within each unique experience I may choose. I allow myself to embrace and Love and accept and appreciate every experience I am having, in remembering and knowing that I AM Love, I AM Love, I AM Love.
I ask to move into the complete surrender of the Will of God. I ask that I may be able to remove the veils of Illusion. I ask that I may step deeper onto the Path of the Rose. I ask that I may remember who I Am always and eternally, as this Flame of Divinity and as a Master Being of Light. And so it is. 
And now it is Lady Isis who steps forward holding the archetypal energy of the High Priestess activating now this Pink Rose of Appreciation and Gratitude within my Christed Heart, and now through each one of my chakras. Lady Isis holds the energy of the power of the Divine Feminine, and of the ability to truly greater levels of appreciation and gratitude in every circumstance and situation. I know that many of these challenges have been re-experienced in different timelines; I know that pre-birth agreements I made to experience the karmic dance of the victim and persecutor consciousness in every lifetime was to lift the consciousness of all humanity and all I need to do is to know myself as Love and to remember that the hidden aspects of myself are truly Love. I call upon Lady to bring in her energies to restore, replenish and rejuvenate the soul aspects of my consciousness that are tired, that have experienced disillusionment, or perceived separation; that are not sure that they can rise above the challenges that are presented to them. I know within the deepest levels of my beingness that each challenge is an initiation of Light and I need simply surrender to experience appreciation and gratitude in each Now moment.
I now experience the temple teachings of Light, of hieroglyphics, sacred geometries, immortal key codes and the key codes of rejuvenation and regeneration amplify through my body as this beautiful Pink Rose activates through each one of my chakras. I now breathe in appreciation and gratitude. I hold my breath and I breathe out disillusionment and perceived separation. I breathe in appreciation and gratitude,I hold my breath and breathe out disillusionment and perceived separation.  
Mary Magdalene now steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Wise Woman activating this now with this White Rose of Purity and Innocence within my Christed Heart and now through each one of my chakras. I recognize the wisdom that I have and hold. I let go of the aspects of my consciousness that are touched by the lesser-than and better-than consciousness or the victim or persecutor consciousness comparing myself to others or the aspects of myself that consider themselves a fraud, for this is a common false belief that has been experienced by many Lightworkers through the increased sensitivities on the sacred Earth and the increase of the empathetic nature in particular ~ there is a sense of not being good enough.
I release this along with any issues of being unwanted, unappreciated, unheard or unseen, or the aspects of the wounded soul that do not feel they have the knowing and wisdom of God. I ignite deeper into the Light of Creation in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love, into the blissful Divine creative energy of the wisdom and knowing, illumination and enlightenment that I have and hold within my heart, deepening into the purity and innocence of myself, as a Flame of Divinity, as a Child of God. I breathe in purity and innocence. I hold my breath and I breathe out victim and persecutor consciousness. I breathe in purity and innocence. I hold my breath and I breathe out victim and persecutor consciousness.
Mary Magdalene now dissolves all misaligned energies within my body and energy field into the highest Light stream of the Consciousness of Creation that is able to be experienced at this time. As I nurture and Love myself I experience the regeneration and regeneration of my selves into the innocence and purity that I Am. All That I Am.
Lastly now, Lady Venus steps forward, with the archetypal energy of the Lover, activating this beautiful Orange Rose of Desire and Enthusiasm. Lady Venus amplifies this archetypal energy of the Lover as I find myself now experiencing this beautiful Orange Rose of Desire and Enthusiasm anchor and active within my Christed Heart, and now through each one of my chakras. I come into a greater level of desire and enthusiasm for my Life as well as a deeper level of supporting my physical and energy bodies as a Flame of Divinity, as a child of God.
I now find myself as the Lover of life, embraced in enthusiasm and desire, and if I choose this at a soul level, the embrace of partnership of my soulmate/twin flame energy. I experience this dance through the Lover archetype into the soulmate/twin flame energy, calling in or upon my Beloved. I am ready to experience a deeper level of the Lover archetype through the Overlighting of Lady Venus, inviting another into my body, into my heart, into my soul, and into my mind.
I am also ready to deepen my service work through the Flame of the Sisterhood of the Rose in the willingness of desire and enthusiasm to experience the radiance of my physical body as a Temple of Light, loving and appreciating myself. I choose to nurture myself. I eat the foods that support my body. I find time to balance my energies energetically through my own routines of meditation, creative endeavors and my loving heart, loving and appreciating myself and my gifts and my passions in Life. I further release any old planetary contracts or pre-birth agreements that I still need to play out old karmic mates to know myself as Love.
Wrapped in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love as this Orange Rose of Desire and Enthusiasm continues to activate through my Christed Heart and into each one of my chakras, I know that I have the power as this unlimited Flame of Divinity to magnetize, to manifest and to co-create in any way that I choose as I walk the Path of the Rose.
I am this abundant, manifesting co-creator, and I co-create with the soul and star family and friends of the Light as we all experience a deeper sense of this Flame of Divine Love ignite within our Christed Hearts, as and we experience this renewed balance of our divine masculine and feminine spirits. The last remnants of any misaligned energies and false beliefs regarding men or women now release through each one of the chakras and through the subatomic particles of my Beingness. And So It Is, So It Is, So It Is. 
I am free now to nurture myself; to deepen the energy of self-love, to fill my mind with the Light of God as I walk the Path of the Rose as the Lover of Life in desire, enthusiasm, abundance and expansion of my own energy, magnificence and Light. I breathe in desire and enthusiasm. I hold my breath and I breathe out lack of passion and lack of self-love. I breathe in desire and enthusiasm. I hold my breath and I breathe out lack of passion and lack of self-love. 
I now have a sense of activating a Pillar of Fire. This beautiful Pillar of Fire amplifies this Pink Flame of Divine Love from within the Heart of Mother/Father God onto this sacred Earth within and through Mother's Mary Temple of Immaculate Heart, amplified by the Sisterhood of the Rose, and from here is experienced at deeper levels through the hearts of all life upon this sacred Earth. As the Rose Grids amplify through the Unity Grid of Divine Love we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, walking the Path of the Rose. It is Mother Mary that comes forth Now and places upon my head a crown of roses.
This crown of roses carries the energy of the Sisterhood of the Rose and these beautiful Roses of Creation. When I am ready and in my own time have a sense of simply activating this Pillar, this Flame of Divine Love called the Fire of Love. And as I ignite within my Christed Heart the Pink Flame of Divine Love, the Flame of the Divine Mother, and into each subatomic particle of my Beingness, I place this beautiful crown of roses upon my head and ask for the frequencies of the Sisterhood of the Rose that would serve me best to activate and amplify in this Now as I walk the Path of the Rose, the Path of Divine Love. 
I know that I am indeed stepping into a greater level of my magnificence and blossoming and Light and this experience for me now is coming deeper into the self-love within my heart. I walk this Pathway of Light, knowing all is well, all is well, all is well. I now breathe deeply and out my mouth as though sucking in through a straw and then blowing out. This deep sucking and exhaling breath aligns me deeper to the Divine and the Cosmic Heart of God, while releasing the remnants of false beliefs and judgments that have come up for me at this time.
I now thank all of the Illumined Beings, the Sisterhood of the Rose and Mother Mary as I find myself moving back into my sacred space, grounded and centered, and firmly in my body. Within my sacred space, I see this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love expand from around my body, expand now around my house, through my neighborhood, through my state, county or province, and now through my country and connect to all these other beautiful Pink Flames of Divine Love around the globe.
I connect energetically now to the soul and star family and friends of the Light that I will deepen my journey with as this Flame of Divinity walking the path of Divine Love. I am ready to move deeper into my heart's dreaming and joy and as a co-creator to heaven on earth in this sacred journey of the heart as I walk the Path of the Rose. And so it is.
In my own time now I ground once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth while keeping this connection open to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High and my Beloved I Am Presence. I gently open my eyes, being fully present, looking through my master eyes at all of Life around me, knowing how much I am celebrated, appreciated and deeply loved. I take this time once more to place my hands, physically or energetically upon my Christed Heart in the center of my chest, as I say to myself or out aloud: "I Love You (giving my full name now). I Love You. I Love You."

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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