Greetings precious Souls,
Anrita Melchizedek:
It has been some time since one of the regular transmissions with my current focus at this time on the new writings, Angel Tools for Parents and Children, which is coming along really nicely.
For the most part I feel our inner plane connection so very strongly and usually communicate telepathically with many of you and we link in as One Unified Cosmic Heart. However, there are times when it is good to connect in person and this is one of them as we take another leap collectively into the next level of our Soul's Forward Evolution.
With the incoming energies, the Full Moon/Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31st, another major portal ignites and activates, bringing in deeper levels of support from On High through the Flames of Divine Love and the Divine Feminine as well as the Diamond Light Code Templates, which carry the frequency of the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light.
From what I understand the last time we had two Full Moons in one month and a full Lunar Eclipse was 150 years ago. If you remember the Solar Eclipse of August 2017, and how this shifted the collective consciousness into the ability to receive the Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness, you can imagine the changes coming through in this Now for many coming Home, as we all deepen into our authentic selves as Flames of Divinity, and as Conscious Co-Creators to the Divine.
For me August 2017 was a huge shift as I came fully into my body as that time, this perceived sense of truly coming Home. From that Now moment, I started to expand my service work into different arenas and ways of conscious co-creation.
Primarily, the shift for many of us has been working from within the body as a Temple of Light, feeling more deeply in each Now moment through our feelings, and expressing this through the Christed Heart.
I find that I am often guided to use breath work these days, and so I offer you these two beautiful transmissions through this passage of time, using breath, sound, color and energy. I have personally been absorbing, upgrading and integrating into these new Diamond Light Codes of greater expressions of our Divinity, joy, passion, empowerment and Divine Love these last few days.
The first transmission is called "Expanding the Flame of Divine Love Within"https://youtu.be/zxi_elM-WLI and is more of an experiential sound transmission Overlighted by Mother Mary and the Sisterhood of the Rose, taking us deeper into our own power, our magnificence and Light, and deeper into our authentic selves.
The second transmission, "The Diamond Light Code Template Activations" was part of a show I did with the wonderful Judy Anderson on Jazz Up Your Life with Judy. If you missed the show, you are welcome to listen to the replay at http://jazzupyourlifewithjudy.com/summit/replay
You are always in my heart and mind, as we move deeper into the Divine.
In so much appreciation of you all my sweet friends and family.
From my heart to yours, to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
Blessings and much Love
Anrita Melchizedek
The Diamond Light Codes Template Activations
Welcome precious hearts, I would like to invite you to listen to this lovely transmission on the Diamond Light Code Templates. Essentially the Diamond Light Code Templates carry the frequency of the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Higher Light of all awakened Souls, as well as the individual energy of our I Am Presence. Through the Diamond Light Codes Templates, we deepen into the New Earth frequencies and Universal Truths of this Golden Age of Light.
Each Diamond Light Code Template ignites a deep sense of knowing and belief and understanding within us as we deepen our purity and innocence, while drawing us closer in frequency to our Beloved I Am Presence and Mother-Father God. Each template brings through its own unique multi-universal quantum frequency, lifting us into the next level of our Soul's forward evolution, our blossoming, magnificence and Light.
Let us start by setting our sacred space, for these Diamond Light Code Template Activations, as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, bringing our awareness and consciousness into our bodies as these Temples of Light. Breathing deep into the body now, expanding the lower abdomen as we breathe in, and contracting the lower abdomen as we breathe out ~ breathing in Love, breathing out Love ~ breathing in through the nose, and out through the nose or mouth ~ breathing in Love, breathing out Love.
And just starting to find a rhythm and balance through the breath, into this deepening sense of Love, as these Flames of Divinity. You have a sense now of all these beautiful Beings of Light from On High joining you, as you connect into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and to your Beloved I AM presence, the highest aspect of your Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God.
Focusing now on the crown chakra, having a sense of the antakarana, this fluorescent tube of Light that activates multi-dimensionally from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, coming down through the crown chakra, down the spine, and out the perineum center into the earth chakra center ~ bringing through now this beautiful energy of the diamond frequency of this Ray of Innocence and Purity, as it wraps around you and moves through the crown chakra, around the pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus and thalamus glands, into the heart chakra, and now into the earth heart chakra.
As these Diamond Light Codes start to ignite now through the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, you come deeper into your own Christed Heart, your heart chakra, into a deepening sense of these multi-dimensional realities of One Unity Consciousness and Divine Love, knowing that all is unfolding perfectly as you walk the Path of Divine Love. Taking a moment now to place your hands upon your hearts energetically, or physically as you say to yourself, "I love you (giving your full name now), I love you, I love you".
Having a sense now of connecting deeper into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, into the Light Body of Mother Earth, as you visualize a grounding cord any color of your choosing, coming from your sacral chakra and taking this into the energy of the earth as Mother Earth sends you her Love back up your grounding cord, into your body and energy field.
You now see this beautiful Diamond Grid of Light around the sacred Earth, within the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love, amplified through these Diamond Light Codes of Crystalline Consciousness. Feeling and sensing now this beautiful Diamond Octahedron that activates around the Light Body of Mother Earth, and that activates around your Light Body and energy field. And as you hold this focus, as you focus on this Diamond Octahedron, it starts to spin in a clockwise direction and then counter-clockwise direction within the body, around the body, and within each sub-atomic particle.
This Diamond Octahedron with eight faces of equilateral triangles forming two four-sided pyramids. As you come deeper within the soul matrix, within the Christed Heart, you have a knowing that these Diamond Light Codes, the energy of the creational forces from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, are taking you deeper along the Diamond Path, to deepen your service work and your heart's dreaming and joy; to amplifying your unique gifts as you appreciate and celebrate yourselves as these Flames of Divinity, as you appreciate and celebrate all souls on this sacred Earth.
Continuing this deep rhythmic breath, breathing in Love, and breathing out Love. You now find yourself surrounded in a beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Light, ready to experience these Diamond Templatings in your own unique way as we take you through the following invocation:
"Wrapped in this beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Light I activate the Diamond Light Code Template of One Unity Consciousness through my Christed Heart. As I connect to this Template, I see the Divinity within myself and others, knowing that we are all One ~ I am One with God, I Am One with my emotions, I Am One with All Life.
As this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of One Unity Consciousness ignites within my Christed Heart, it further activates through each one of my chakras and now into all the sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth, and now into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth choosing the Path of Divine Love.
I am joined in hearts and minds to all life on this sacred Earth through the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective higher Light of all awakened souls.
I AM an open heart in this Golden Age of Light creating the Diamond Path for myself and others.
I breathe in Unity, I hold my breath for as long as I can, and then I breathe out separation and fear.
I breathe in Unity, I hold my breath, I breathe out separation and fear.
I am now wrapped in a beautiful Platinum Flame of Light as the Diamond Light Code Template of Grace now activates within my Christed Heart. I am appreciative and gracious in each Now moment regardless of what it is that I am experiencing, regardless of what it is that I am still processing.
I understand that the reflections around me are not necessarily a reflection of where I am but a reflection of where the other person or people are and I do not take this personally.
I come from a place of grace regardless of the situation, regardless of the event or activity. I remain an open heart and embrace whatever it is that is coming up for me as much as I embrace disharmony within my Christed Heart. I celebrate this, as I celebrate the full range of my emotions.
I step into a new flow, into the New Earth Templates in grace, insight and understanding.
This beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of Grace now activates through each one of my chakras.
And now, through Mother Earth's sacred sites and vortices and into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred earth choosing the Path of Divine Love.
I breathe in Grace. I hold my breath. I breathe out disharmony and unease.
I breathe in Grace. I hold my breath. I breathe out disharmony and unease.
Breathing in through my mouth or nose, breathing out through my mouth, or nose.
I am now wrapped in a beautiful Pearlescent Flame of Light, as the Diamond Light Code Templates of Divine Love now activate within my Christed Heart.
I embrace all shadow aspects, all sub-personalities aspects and all aspects of myself needing my Love, needing my compassion, needing to be heard and seen and simply loved. As I bring in a deeper sense of the knowing of what I am still working with personally, I embrace this within my Christed Heart, as I expand the Template of Divine Love from within my Christed Heart, loving and appreciating myself, as this now moves into each one of my chakras.
And now this Template of Divine Love ignites into the sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth and into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth choosing the Path of Divine Love.
I breathe in Love. I hold my breath. I breathe out disharmony and grief.
I breathe in Love. I hold my breath. I breathe out disharmony and grief.
I am now wrapped in a beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Lightas the Diamond Light Code Template of Faith activates within my Christed Heart.
I choose to trust and surrender to Life, to trust and surrender to God.
I choose to have this knowing of Faith and Wisdom, I take this leap of Faith to put into action my heart's dreaming and joy.
I take this leap of faith as I release the vestiges of disillusionment, hopelessness or lack of trust.
As I move deeper into my soul's dreaming, into my soul's heart of joy and passion I experience a deeper level of activation and integration of this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of Faith, as this template now activates through each one of my chakras and now into all the sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth and now into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred earth.
I have a sense of how my energy is activating, how these Diamond Light Code frequencies are rebalancing and realigning each one of my chakras, and taking me deeper into my service work, and into my authentic self, as I connect into the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light.
I breathe in Faith and Trust. I hold my breath. I breathe out disillusionment and lack of trust.
I breathe in Faith and Trust. I hold my breath. I breathe out disillusionment and lack of trust.
I am now wrapped in a beautiful Silver Flame of Lightas the Diamond Light Code of Non-Judgment activates within my Christed Heart.
I have a sense now of experiencing my purity and innocence, of coming home, as I release judgment of self and judgment of others, as I release better-than and lesser-than consciousness.
I find that I am moving deeper into the multidimensional Christed timelines looking through my Master eyes at all of life around me. As I observe and Love and deepen into non-judgment, I am no longer attached to people or places or events that hold karmic frequency.
The balance of polarity that comes to me now shows me that I can be soft and gentle when others are loud or shouting, that I can be loving when others are angry, that I can be joyful, that I can control my emotions as I experience the knowing of my unique magnificence, immeasurable in my Light.
I now experience this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of Non-Judgment activate through my chakras, and now through the sacred sites, Mother Earth's Light Body, through the Diamond and Rose Grids and Unity Grid, as well as through the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth.
The new flow that activates for me is one of Love and I am finding that I am stepping deeper and deeper into the joy of my heart.
I breathe in Non-judgment and Acceptance. I hold my breath. I breathe out judgment and anger.
I breathe in Non-judgment and Acceptance. I hold my breath. I breathe out judgment and anger.
I am now wrapped in a beautiful Rose-Gold Flame of Light as the Diamond Light Code Template of Perfection activates within my Christed Heart.
As I experience this Diamond Light Code Template of Perfection I embrace my wounded soul aspect of unworthiness, as I move into greater levels of innocence and purity.
I recognize and see the God-Self in myself and the God-Self in others. No matter what I experience, I know that all is a gift and a blessing, as I Love all that arises, taking me deeper into my Soul's Light, my magnificence, my purity, my innocence.
As these Diamond Light Code Templates activate in geometric frequencies within my heart chakra and now into each one of my chakras I find myself aligning deeper with the multi-universal frequency of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness, in the knowing of myself as a Flame of Divinity.
I Am All That I Am.
And now, this Diamond Light Code Template of Perfection activates into all the sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth and into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth.
I breathe in Perfection. I hold my breath. I breathe out unworthiness and non-acceptance.
I breathe in Perfection. I hold my breath. I breathe out unworthiness and non-acceptance.
I am now wrapped in a beautifulViolet Silver Flame of Light as the Diamond Light Code Template of Justice activates within and through my Christed Heart. I am a spiritual Warrior of Light wielding the sword of Holy Truth.
I understand that there are times when I need to stand up in Divine Justice and move forward as the Warrior of Light. In Divine Flow I know when to step forward in dynamic right action and when to step back in love and wisdom, and I know that Divine Justice will always prevail, the highest outcome will always prevail. In this I trust, as I trust and surrender to life.
As this beautiful template activates through my heart chakra, and now through each one of my chakras, and now through the hearts and minds of all awakened souls and into the vortices and sacred sites of Mother Earth, I release any level of perceived injustice within my life, and upon this sacred Earth, as I work with this beautiful templating of Light Overlighted by Mother-Father God.
I breathe in Justice, holding my breath, breathing out injustice and disempowerment.
I breathe in Justice, holding my breath, breathing out injustice and disempowerment.
I am now wrapped in this beautiful Diamond Flameas this Diamond Light Code Template of Miracles and Synchronicities activates through my Christed Heart. Asthe Diamond Light Code Template of Miracles and Synchronicities activates I come deeper into the knowing that there is a Divine Plan and all I need to do is listen to the Universe.
I draw upon the timelines of my Highest Potential, and deepen into the abounding synchronicities of life, Overlighted by my Beloved I AM Presence and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.
As this Diamond Light Code Template of Miracles and Synchronicities activates now through each one of my chakras and on to this sacred Earth, I find myself experiencing the merging timelines of Golden Ages of Light.
I experience not only the timelines of Golden Ages on this sacred Earth but through all dimensions of Light, merging with my multi-dimensional selves, wherever they may be on these different planets and stars, and drawing to me my soul and star family and friends of the Light that I connect with energetically and physically as I walk the Path of Divine Love.
I breathe in the Miracles of Life, in Trust and Surrender to the Universe. I hold my breath. I breathe out misalignment and disbelief.
I breathe in the Miracles of Life, in Trust and Surrender to the Universe. I hold my breath. I breathe out misalignment and disbelief.
I am now wrapped in a beautiful Magenta and Violet Colored Flameas the Diamond Light Code Template of Abundance activates through and within my Christed Heart.
As this abundance activates, I bring into my life all that I need to experience within my Overflowing and Prosperous Heart.
I have a look at my relationships. I have look at how I energetically connect with others. I have a look at the mental images that may have created any lack in any area of my life. I bless my money, I bless my food, I bless my energy and all that I have, and no matter how much I have, I choose to live humbly in alignment to the Divine, sharing with others, knowing that through my compassion and loving heart everyone is my brother and my sister. I am able to give unconditionally and receive unconditionally as this Open Heart in this Golden Age of Light.
As this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of Abundance now activates through each one of my chakras, I see how I am co-creating with the Company of Heaven and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High. I see how I am drawing to me great levels of abundance and I let go of worry and stress particularly around the energy of money.
I know I have enough. I am blessed, I have enough, I have enough.
I am free as this Open Heart, giving and receiving, in gratitude, in humility, in Divine Love. I experience the abundance of God's universe as this Diamond Light Code Template of Abundance now activates through the hearts and minds of all awakened souls and into the vortices and sacred sites of Mother Earth.
I breathe in Abundance and Prosperity Consciousness. I hold my breath. I breathe out lack of abundance, fear and false beliefs of not having enough.
I breathe in Abundance and Prosperity Consciousness. I hold my breath. I breathe out lack of abundance, fear and false beliefs of not having enough.
Lastly now, I am now wrapped in a beautiful Pink and Purple Flame of Lightas the Diamond Light Code Template of Forgiveness activates through and within my Christed Heart. As the Diamond Light Code Template of Forgiveness activates I release blame or unforgiveness or victim or persecutor consciousness.
I understand my challenges as my gifts and blessings, and I am able to forgive and love myself and each soul in creation that I have walked the karmic timelines with to know myself as Love, as I bring each one of these souls within my Christed Heart. I let them know "I love you, and I forgive you, as I love and forgive myself. I love you, and I forgive you, as I love and forgive myself."
And as this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template of Forgiveness activates through each one of my chakras and now through Mother Earth's Light Body and in to her vortices and sacred sites and into the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, I am seeing and experiencing the loving hearts of all humanity, I am seeing and experiencing the God-Self within all life.
All is well, all is well.
I breathe in Forgiveness and Love. I hold my breath. I breathe out unforgiveness, blame and anger.
Breathing in through my nose or mouth, I hold my breath as long as I can, breathing out through my nose or mouth.
I breathe in Forgiveness and Love. I hold my breath. I breathe out unforgiveness, blame and anger.
And lastly now I breathe in and out as though sucking in through a straw, and blowing out releasing everything that has been activated, integrated, embraced, and surrender to the Divine, as I align to Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
I now come back in to my sacred space, grounded and centered and firmly in my body. Grounding once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, in to the Diamond Light Codes within the New Earth Templates, whilst keeping this connection open to Mother/Father God and my Beloved I Am Presence.
I now see this beautiful Diamond Octahedron activate for each awakened soul on this sacred Earth and now this beautiful Diamond Octahedron activate within the Light Body of Mother Earth, knowing that We Are Home, We Are Home, We Are Home.
Wonderful, sweet ones, you are centered and relaxed and firmly in your body, experiencing these beautiful frequencies of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness through your Christed Heart. And just allow yourselves to relax now into this safe and sacred space as we thank you for your service work, as we bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.