My precious friends and family,
I am delighted to let you know that I have recently completed my new project, Angel Tools for Parents and Children ~ Affirmations and Invocations. I am very excited about this project and wanted to share with you how you can use these Angel Tools, what it is really all about and how you can get involved in using these tools with your children.
I have been blessed in this life time to be a conduit for the Company of Heaven. As a Spiritual facilitator, I have spent the last twenty plus years creating frequency activation ascension programs taking us deeper into the knowing of ourselves as these Flames of Divinity and Co-Creators to the Divine. With the transmitted teachings from the Archangels and Light Beings, I have had the privilege to travel to many countries, host large workshop gatherings, and meet many incredible people, friends and family from around the globe. For many years I offered monthly telewebinar sessions and transmissions, personal sessions, videos and Mp3 downloads and this Light work has been focused on both personal and planetary levels.
I am also the mother for two beautiful boys, Caelin and Ben, now 8 and 10 respectively and the Angel Tools for Parents and Children writings actually came together through the work I have been doing with my own children.
Like many families we went through a lot of upheaval in our lives, and in my story, the boys and I were also separated for three years when they were three and five respectively. Upon our re-union, I found myself as a single parent needing a way to communicate and connect more deeply with my children as well as finding ways that we could express our feelings and create clear boundaries in our relationship.
I had been working with the Archangels for many years, and they came forward asking me to put together this beautiful program that could be of value to all of us and particularly our children. They stated that this is the time for our children, whether we call these new earth children the crystal children, rainbow children, golden children, or diamond children, or whether we label them as Autistic, or as having Asperger's Syndrome (AS) to ADHD and all those in-between frequencies, our children are pure love, here in many instances to show us the way through the power of love.
It is from this place of love, delving into our feelings and emotions in conscious communication, that I offer you the Angel Tools for Parents and Children, a series of energetic transmissions through invocations and affirmations to deepen our connection to God and the Angels as sons and daughters of God.
We start with an introduction to conscious communication with what I have labeled "repeat after me" or "I now state out aloud." What I found in my relationship with my children, and particularly in our first year coming back together, as we tried to find our way together, while being able to hear and see and appreciate one another, was that I went through exploring and using every conceivable type and style of discipline ~ eventually coming to the point of moving into the first person and the present tense with the boys in communication and tone, as an affirmational tool and also to make a particular point. This technique allows them to relate to their emotions and put words to their feelings, as well as giving them direction as to what actions may be appropriate or not, and ways to handle particular situations. Additionally it is a great way for them to imagine or hear the words within their own minds, as though they were saying it for themselves.
I started connecting the boys to the Archangels, primarily in the evenings, as we spent time together. For instance, when we said our good night prayers, Archangel Michael might come in with his Blue Flame of Protection if one of the boys felt scared or had had a nightmare or bad dream. Archangel Raphael with his Green Flame of Healing if we had hurt ourselves, or Archangel Chamuel and his Pink Heart of Love, placing his Pink Heart within our loving hearts, allowing us to feel a deeper sense of love for ourselves, and sending our love to friends and family. This daily connection to the Archangels included many of the common issues we and our children face in our everyday lives, and found their way into the Angel Invocations. Whether these are issues such a bullying, parents going through a divorce, feeling unworthy, death in the family, facing up to the consequences of our actions, taking responsibility for our actions, learning to be polite and kind, forgiving, letting go of blame, being helpful, doing our chores and so on, the focus through all these events is usually on our feelings and what we need to communicate, embrace, accept and understand within ourselves.
The Angel Invocations give us the tools we need to feel valued and loved and to navigate through whatever arises expressing what we are feeling. In these Angel Invocations, we are further taken on magical journeys with Golden Dragons, we ride unicorns, head into Castles of Love, float on peaceful pink clouds, place balloons of good feelings within our loving hearts, and face our fears as we give a voice to our fears and the full range of our emotions. Furthermore we are taught particular breathing techniques to work with our emotions and help us to ground and center more quickly.
There are additionally eight Angel Affirmations with each invocation, in total 64 affirmations, which you can work with, either on its own, or together with the invocations. The recorded Angel Affirmations are around 12 minutes each. Alternatively, you can choose an Angel Affirmation Card, chat about this and then start with the Angel Affirmations. I have found for myself and the boys that it is quite wonderful to start the evening "Angel session" with choosing an Angel Affirmation Card. The boys greatly enjoy reading their own energetic transmission given by the related Archangel, and then saying their affirmation aloud. It has also lead into different areas of discussion as well as more interest in the Archangels generally and more desire to listen to the Angel Invocations.
The 64 Angel Affirmation Cards carry the wonderful artwork of Yola Quinn, and are unique in that they offer both an energetic transmission, like the invocations, as well as an affirmation. The easiest way to work with the Archangel Affirmation Cards is for you and your children to choose your own affirmation card daily and then state the affirmation aloud. For younger children, they can just repeat the last sentence of each affirmation. There are further beautiful line drawings of the Archangels to color in, a wonderful meditative process on its own. Whether you and your children color in these images, or just your children as they listen to the related Angel Invocation or Angel Affirmations, it is a really peaceful and relaxing way to deepen the connection to the Archangels.
The Archangels have described these invocations as multilayered. They say that for all of us, parents and children, we will each experience and gain what we need too from each invocation, transmitted through the frequency of each Archangel as well as through the voice and music. The music has been created specifically for the Angel Tools for Parents and Children in the 432 Hz band, nature's frequency, by a wonderful musician called Frits Evelein. The 432 Hz frequency further creates intervals and tones that have harmonic healing effects on our consciousness and energy bodies.
I have really enjoyed co-creating these beautiful Angel Tools for Parents and Children, and it is my great hope that you will experience your own wonderful Angelic connection for yourself and your whole family.
Our experience of the Angel Tools for Parents and Children, and by extension, these energy transmissions, will be completely unique and different for each one of us. Some of us may see or sense the energy of the Archangels, others may hear high frequency sounds or humming in their ears or even Angel voices, and yet others will see colors and images very vividly. Ultimately though, we need simply trust in this connection. What I have further found is that most of our children, and indeed many of us, are already deeply connected, feeling and sensing energy and simply need to be given permission to acknowledge these feelings and connections which are so often ignored or overlooked in a sleeping society. Essentially we are expanding our consciousness through the various wavelengths and oscillating frequencies of the full range of our emotions, different expressions of the One Consciousness, and unifying this within our loving hearts. Integrating polarity to a point of balance and stillness, as we love all that arises, while additionally being provided with many practical tools for everyday use.
There are further some wonderful videos that have been produced to give you an idea of these wonderful Angelic transmissions and can be viewed on our You Tube channel
For more information on the Angel Tools for Parents and Children series as well as the range of products and special offers available, please click this link ~
Blessings and much Love
Anrita Melchizedek