lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love ~ Anrita Melchizedek
One of the most powerful gateway being experienced in this sacred year of 2018 is the 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love. Through this gateway we experience the next level of Light codes pouring forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and in particular, the Light codes of the Divine Mother and Divine Father and the activation of the Diamond Heart of Purity and Innocence.
Seated within the loving hearts of all awakened Souls upon this sacred earth is the Flame of Divine Love and the Light codes of the Divine Mother, which spirals forth initially through the portal of the Divine Mother in Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca and is held within the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, representing the Universal Womb, and the Temples of Divine Love upon this sacred earth through Mother Mary and the Sisterhood of the Rose.
All encompassing, non-individualized, the Light codes of the Divine Mother and the sacred Flame of Divine Love ignites within our loving hearts in each perfect Now moment as we undergo our unique initiations of Light, our perceived challenges and lessons, to know and remember ourselves as Love.
As we come to experience, and then accept and embrace the full range of human emotions, through self-love, self-appreciation and self-acceptance, we release blame and judgment and separate the characters from our unique experiences, thoughts and feelings. Only then is the Soul embodied through and within our loving hearts and the vibration of Home, of hearing and feeling and Being the Divine Holy Light of Mother/Father God and our Beloved I Am Presence, bestowed upon us as we walk this path of Love.
The Flame of Divine Love, a beautiful Pink-Orange Flame, further takes us into a re-union of hearts within ourselves as we merge and rebalance our own Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Spirits. With this, we find a deepening sense of gratitude and appreciation in all that we experience within our lives as well as greater levels of trust and surrender to the Divine.
However, within this sacred dance, we are collectively healing the wounds of karmic mates and karmic relationships through the 3D timelines whilst holding the Flame of Divine Love. This perceived separation is primarily experienced in relationships between men and women and the “war of the sexes” which we are called upon to heal as we heal our own wounds, and as we deepen into the embrace of Love and Unity, Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Shakti and Shiva energies. Only then do these lower timelines dissolve and higher dimensional timelines emerge and merge in Unity, compassion, understanding, wisdom and Love.
The Flame of Divine Love has been held through the hearts of the Divine Feminine and primarily through women as the Goddesses, for the Goddess holds the nurturing energy of creation. Whilst many have experienced contentment within this field of Divine Love, seeking only a deeper re-union of their own hearts, the women now hear a call from the Divine Masculine, expressed through the male energy beckoning them to see them, hear them and appreciate them. With this, they send out an invitation to the Divine Masculine to hold the Flame of Divine Love collectively in this re-union of hearts on the inner and outer planes and through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
For women, we become aware of a desire to reach outside our boundaries, our comfort zones. We seek to ignite the Flame of Divine Love within the hearts of men, knowing this is how we heal the wounds of humanity, the wounds of perceived separation; and it is the men who now step forward to be of service, and to bring into manifestation that which was previously unmanifest ~ a re-union of hearts between men and women and a deepening impulse in releasing the perceived separation between men and women.
In order for men to collectively hold the Flame of Divine Love, like all of us with our own unique missions within the collective, a core group of Souls chose to embody in male form and from a very early age to experience the full range of human emotion through the karmic timelines.
Aware that they were different from a very early age, and unable to fit into traditional roles, many experienced deep challenges, traumas and addictions; all designed to assist the Soul to more rapidly awaken to its Divinity through “seeking” and embracing the energy of the Divine Mother.
These uniquely sensitive Souls in male embodiment now step forward as role models to other men as well as women, letting them know that this bridge of Love is being created through their open hearts. They are here to carry the Flame of Divine Love with the Divine Feminine and to assist in shifting the relationships between men and women through their loving and vulnerable hearts.
Part of this Divine Mission has been to receive the Light codes of the Divine Father for all humanity. These codes are dormant within us all and awaken through the male energy in surrender and trust, empowerment, sovereignty and Love.
Video - "11:11 Gateway Of Divine Love" By Anrita Melchizedek
The Light codes of the Divine Father ignites in a symphony of Light through Shamballa, the etheric Spiritual headquarters of this sacred earth and into the Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness/Christ Consciousness Overlighted by the Ascended Masters and Ray Masters. It touches and awakens the Divine Masculine principles within us all and in particular, the hearts of all conscious men, who are ready to step into the next level of their service work.
Seeded from the consciousness of Light through the Patterns of Perfection, they rise to this invitation of holy matrimony to receive the Light codes of the Divine Mother and in return to offer the Light codes of the Divine Father, whilst simultaneously becoming the pioneers of the New Masculine paradigm.
The desire for this inner plane alchemical marriage is Divinely Orchestrated through the Company of Heaven in this Now to touch the hearts of all humanity and in particular to create a new flow of trust and forgiveness between men and women, as we heal our wounds of perceived separation, abuse and mis-use of power, victim and persecutor consciousness and the cosmic karmic patterns of violence, victimhood, hatred, addiction, shame, prejudice and arrogance.
Additionally, in this re-union of hearts, the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence spirals forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, into the vortex of the Divine Father within Shamballa, into the vortex of the Divine Mother within Bolvia and from here, into the Temples of Divine Love and into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and then into our loving hearts, dissolving many of the cosmic karmic patterns into the Patterns of Perfection.
In this telewebinar transmission, we are invited into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, as the Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God travels through the Great Central Sun, the Central Sun and Sun, bathing all the planets in this Solar System in purity and innocence. With this Divinely Orchestrated event through the 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love, the cosmic karmic patterns dissolve into higher dimensional timelines and the Diamond Heart of Mother/Father God ignites within our loving hearts as we receive the Light codes of the Divine Mother and the Light codes of the Divine Father.
Bathed in the Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love, and Overlighted by Mother Mary, and the Sisterhood of the Rose, as the Divine Feminine, we offer the Light codes of the Divine Mother to the Divine Masculine. As the Divine Masculine, wrapped in the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness and Overlighted by the Ascended Masters, we offer the Light codes of the Divine Father to the Divine Feminine. Additionally we assist in activating the Diamond Bridge, the Rainbow Bridge of Light back into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, commencing the release of all perceived separation between men and women.
As we get ready to receive this gift of Heavenly Love and the Diamond Heart of Mother/Father God, as the Divine Feminine and Goddess archetype we hear the call of the Divine Masculine, the male energy, the God archetype, and as the women invite the men into fully embodying the Flame of Divine Love. We await the response to our invitation in this Cosmic In-Breath, knowing the importance of this re-union of hearts in this re-balancing of our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits and the healing of our own wounds and the collective wounds of Humanity.
The Call of the Divine Masculine
Beloved women, we bow to your magnificence and Light. We know what it is to experience heartache and pain and separation too. We know what it is like to be unseen, unheard and unappreciated. We know what it is like to be told how we should act, behave and be; how we should conquer and make money and be ruthless, dominating and controlling.
We do not fit into these old patterns, expectations and unnatural ways of being emulated by our forefathers. We seek the solace and peace and love within from this cacophony of voices telling us what a man should be. We seek communion with the Divine and the inner alchemical marriage of our own Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Spirits. We seek Love.
We invite the Flame of Divine Love into our loving hearts, and we invite you into our loving hearts. We seek to be re-initiated into the temples of the Divine Feminine. We seek to heal our wounds and to heal the wounds of all humanity. We offer to you the Light codes of the Divine Father, knowing the strength and power and Love within this gift. We invite you into our hearts as One Love, One Heart, One Unified Field of Light. We see you, we Love you.
The Invitation of the Divine Feminine
Beloved men, how we have waited to hear your calling for so very long. There is so much work for us to do and as the true warriors of Divine Love, we invite you to hold and embody the Flame of Divine Love with us, so together we can heal our wounds and the perceived separation between men and women.
We invite you into new levels of intimacy and Love; of showing up and of stepping up. This is the time for authenticity and living our truth in unity and Love. We invite you into the sacred temple of our loving hearts to remember that we are One, that we are Love.
We ask only that you be conscious of what your role is in meeting our awakened Shakti power. Surrender to the Flame of Divine Love beloveds, let it be your guiding Light. Do not hid or run away. For it is our combined sacred energies that ignite the Skakti/Shavi energies and the sacred flow of kundalini energy. We respond to your call to open your hearts, as we surrender our softness and Love. As we feel your power, your strength, your wisdom and Light.
Let us witness the next birthing of New Earth in balance and equilibrium, in Love and Unity. Come beloved. Come Home. Into the Diamond Heart of Purity and Innocence we go, hand in hand, side by side. One Heart, One Love, One Unified Field of Light. We see you, we Love you. We are One.
Two hour telewebinar transmission with Anrita Melchizedek and Miguel Dean
Hosted by Lauren Galey of Acoustic Health
$33(Approximately €29.50/ £26/R400)
Saturday November 10th - 7pm GMT, 11am PST, 12pm MST, 1pm CST, 2pm EST
London/Lisbon 7pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 11am, New York 2pm, Sydney 6am (November 11th), Auckland 8am (November 11th)
Video - "November Broadcast 2018" By Christine Day -
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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